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A few questions

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by 308 Haverhill, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. 308 Haverhill

    308 Haverhill New Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    I am new to the Baptists. Need help with a few issues.

    1- Why do so many baptist women have short hair when the Bible says long hair is the womans glory and her covering?
    2- Why do so many baptist women were pearls and gold when the Bible says not to do this?
    3- Why do so many baptist women have hair styles and clothing styles which relfect worldly fashions when the bible teaches non conformity and condems friendship with the world? this applies to many baptist men as well
    Not trying to stir up a debat, just wondering why bible believing people can ignore certain scriptures which are very plain and difficult to misunderstand.
  2. Tom Bryant

    Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    welcome to the BB... so you're not trying to stir up debate?

    would hate to see when you are trying to
  3. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Scripture isn't referring to the length of hair itself.
    Scripture does not forbid the wearing of jewelry.
    Scripture does not condemn the wearing of clothing that is consistent with the fashion of the day, simply because it's consistent with the fashion of the day.
  4. kyredneck

    kyredneck Well-Known Member
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    Jul 28, 2009
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    .......heheh..........really! :)
  5. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Because true salvation is by grace alone, and not the legalistic traditions of the 1950s...

    Do you wear a robe to church? If not, then you better if you are going to copy the first century church...

    Chances are you have adopted the western Europe look that was passed on to us Americans through our ancestors....

    Why are you even on a computer? Sinners and Publicans use them too!...

    They are of the devil I say, OF THE DEVIL!
    Repent, and stay away from the keyboard!
  6. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    I'll try to help you out here.

    1- Why do so many baptist women have short hair when the Bible says long hair is the womans glory and her covering?

    What is long? I personally don't like very short hair on women but culturally will decide what is long IMO. Since the Scriptures didn't tell us how long is long, I think longer than a man's hair is good. Me? I have hair to about mid-back or a little shorter than that. :)

    2- Why do so many baptist women were pearls and gold when the Bible says not to do this?

    The Bible doesn't say to not wear pearls and gold but to not count on that to adorn us. Instead it should be in the inside that makes us beautiful. Of course the Bible speaks favorably towards jewelry and gold, so when we take the whole of Scripture, we can see the truth of the matter. I don't wear a lot of jewelry because it's just bothersome. I wear my wedding and engagement rings as a sign of my marriage. I wear another small "anniversary style" ring on my other hand because my husband gave it to me. Finally, I wear earrings because I think they are pretty and my husband likes them. I'm also lazy and have been wearing the exact same earrings for about 6 or 7 years, only taking them out when I get dressed up which is about twice a year but they go right back in when I get home.

    3- Why do so many baptist women have hair styles and clothing styles which relfect worldly fashions when the bible teaches non conformity and condems friendship with the world? this applies to many baptist men as well.

    Well, we are told to not be OF the world - certainly we need to be in the world. Do you think it is a great testimony to be walking around in first century robes? Even Jesus wore what was contemporary to Him. I do think we need to be careful that our clothing does not distract from our witness and that it is covering enough to leave something to the imagination but other than that, Scripture doesn't give us a formula of what to wear so that is a matter of culture and modesty. I tend to wear pants although not tight pants at all since I hate tight clothing. Right now I'm about to head to the barn to take care of the horses and ride and it's about 30 degrees outside. I have on long johns, lined jeans, a turtleneck, sweater and fleece socks. It's what's needed for the culture I'm heading towards. Riding in a skirt today would be very dangerous since it's windy and my horse hasn't been ridden since before Christmas. It's going to be enough for me to keep him calm without the additional flapping fabric on his back.

    Now, can I ask you a question? Why are you concerned with the outward appearance of women? Isn't it the heart that we should be concerned with? Do you have the Holy Spirit within you? Do Baptist women? Then if the Spirit is in them, do you think the Spirit has the ability to convict them of their wrong-doing if in fact it WERE wrong-doing?
  7. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    Oh this goes back much further than the 1950s.

    Earlier I posted a snippet from the Narrative of the 1689 Baptist Assembly:
    They further resolved:
    PS: Yes, these are the same early Baptists whose 1689 Confession is still "adhered" to by some on this board.
  8. preachinjesus

    preachinjesus Well-Known Member
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    Feb 9, 2004
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    Yet you seem awfully familiar with these very minor peripherial issues...:smilewinkgrin:
  9. Tom Butler

    Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    308, we'd like to get to know you better. Why don't you go up to the very first thread on the menu, "Welcome to the Baptist Board," and tell us a little bit about yourself. Your profile tells a little bit, but we're interested in the juicy details and all the skeletons in your closet. Tell us about your family, about your church.

    You said you were new to Baptists. I'd like to know more about that. What were you before? Why did you become a Baptist? Do you know what Baptists believe and practice?

    Just curious. Welcome to the Baptist Board, by the way.
  10. ReformedBaptist

    ReformedBaptist Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Thos were great Christians. Sounds like they had pretty good judgment on the matter.
  11. Thinkingstuff

    Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Each baptist church is independent of the other. Where you see this occuring you should ask the pastor.
  12. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Tiny, how dare you talk about computers, with you having a bead!!! :smilewinkgrin:
  13. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    the bible does not define what is long or short when it comes to hair lengths, tradition and culture do that, which what you have done right here in your first post. defined hair length by traditon and culture, not scripture.
    I don't know any women, christian or not who wear pearls.
    the bible as ann said, does not forbid it, it tells us not to count on them for our beauty, which is to be an inner beauty.

    the bible does not forbid wearing fashionable clothing, which does not have to be costly.
    if your complianing about being part of the world, you've demonstrated it well, your on the computer, like all the unsaved of the world. seems you have confored to the world.
    bet you have a refrigerator, a stove, probably a microwave (although some do not), how about a car, tv, radio? then you've conformed to the world in your standards you set forth.
    anyone find it strange we've had 2 people in the last, what 2 days, join here and post #1 is controversal topics.
  14. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    We are being taken over by liberal Amish!!!!
  15. 308 Haverhill

    308 Haverhill New Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    Thanks for the input. Here are a few of my thoughts in regards to your responses

    1-I am honestly not here to start trouble, just wanting some answers. I thoght it would be better to ask these questions on line than to ask them in a bible class and offend those in the class

    2- Lets not confuse obedience with legalism. Using that term is an easy way to brush aside an issue we dont' want to deal with or justify our position.

    3- 1 Tim 2:9 seems to prohibit wearing gold, peals and costly attire. At the very least, there is a principle which should be taken seriously.

    4- The inward condition of the heart is often expressed on the outside. We easily itentify rebillion in the appearance of a teenager, the same is true of pride or a worldly heart in appearance of a Christian.

    5- Is immodesty and worldliness a peripherial issue? That is a matter of opinon.

    6- Just because we are saved by grace does not mean we do not try to please God with our lives. Just because we are saved by grace does not mean we violate biblical mandates or principles

    7- Comparing wordly fashions, jewelry and worldy hair styles with the use of modern technology is not a valid comarison. We can use technology; computers, refrigerators, ect. as tools. Jewelry, immodest clothing, ect. has no practical application. Worldliness has nothing to do with using modern advancements.

    8- Roamans 12:2 tells us to not be conformed to the world. Does that not apply to outward appearance?

    9- "Avoid the very appearance of evil". If a woman has the hair style, makeup, jewelary, clothes and hair style of a 1920s flapper, is she not sending a confusing messgage?

    10- Who gets the glory from fashionable clothes and jewelry? Have you ever said "Praise the Lord, look at that necklace".

    Just my opinons.
  16. rbell

    rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Wow. Guess I have a new set of rules to add to my list.

    Oh, and while I'm rambling...I thought a "1920's flapper" was an early 20th-century toilet part.
  17. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    This is the history of your question. Back when Tammy Fay Baker was one of the hosts of "Praise the Lord" all the Baptist women were in awe and started to imitate her. The reason it has toned down is that one day, Tammy went to the doctor with an infection of the facial skin. They had to chip off the makeup, and when they did, they found Jimmy Hoffa.
  18. 308 Haverhill

    308 Haverhill New Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    Some of the responses have been sarcastic, attempts at being humorous, but not real serious Bible based answers. This is why I don't bring these questions up a church. It is easy to belittle people and their positions on the computer, it is more difficult to explanin in person why you ignore or disobey clear Bible commandments. I thought I could get some serious answers here. By the way, a few of you have attempted to answer my questions at least with a Christ like attitude. Some of the responses, in addition to not have a scriptural basis, are not at all showing Christian maturity or kindness. I look forward to a biblical answers and discussion, not responses which dodge the questions and do not provide any answers.
    I think because so many Christians are so much like the world in so many ways, we are not taken seriously.
  19. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    308 Haverhill - Can I ask you what is the context of the passage? Where is Paul speaking of in this passage?
  20. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    In the future, we will all strive to meet your standards of Christian maturity. Ridiculous questions get ridiculous answers. Your definition of "so much like the world" is in the nature of legalism and not grace. Any lost person can wear long hair and no jewelry.

    Your opinion of what the Bible says does not make your statement "it is more difficult to explain in person why your ignore or disobey clear Bible commandments" Biblical truth.

    Most of the posters here give serious answers to serious questions. If half or over of your responses are humorous in nature, maybe you should rethink your questions.