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if you had to choose?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by nodak, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. nodak

    nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    My husband and I were talking this morning about when people move and need to find a new church. (Thankfully we do not need to do a search.)

    But we were talking about times when you do have to choose. For him, finding a church where the worship service is a good fit is key. The music and the preaching are paramount to him. If the Sunday School/Bible study/small group time isn't great, he can handle it if the music and preaching are good.

    Me, I would choose a good SS/Bible study/small group even if it meant lousy music or so-so preaching.

    Neither of us is right or wrong, just personal response.

    Got me wondering how many on here would choose, were there no church in their area strong on all points, a good worship service/poor Bible study or good Bible study/poor worship service?

    What think ye?
  2. Berean

    Berean Member
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    Jan 18, 2006
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    First and Foremost find a Church where the word is preached. If you do this all the other things will fall into the right place. Everything else is merely support of the Gospel. The WORD is superior to all things
  3. nodak

    nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    No question the Word is paramount.

    However, the question is about which delivery system works best for each individual.
  4. HeDied4U

    HeDied4U Well-Known Member
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    May 6, 2001
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    The preaching / teaching of the Word would be paramount to me.

    Next would be good Bible study, either at the church on Sunday, or thru small groups during the week.

    Music would be last on my list of importance.
  5. Berean

    Berean Member
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    Jan 18, 2006
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    Most emphasis should be placed on youth music It is rare to see a good youth program W/O a good music program. As an older (real old) adult I enjoy most music and can endure all of it if the lyrics are S.criptural.
  6. agedman

    agedman Well-Known Member
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    Nov 4, 2011
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    Music is not benign.

    People need to understand it isn't the lyrics that make a difference, but the elements of the music that communicate far sooner than the intellect engages.

    That aside, the most important matter in any assembly is the teaching.

    Be it in the small group or the whole assembly, the people are to learn and learn very well the principles of the Scripture.

    Paul states that it is the purpose of the leadership to literally work their way out of a job - teach until the learners have no more need of being taught.

    Unless an assembly is learning to this end, there is really no reason for the church to assemble - the rest is peripheral and as music very much can be a distraction.
  7. Thousand Hills

    Thousand Hills Active Member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    I agree with this feller right here :thumbs:

    I might also add that it is important for me to see how all generations interact with each other, if they do at all, are children encouraged to sing, are youth encouraged to serve in some way, to me that says a lot about the church as well.
  8. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    In the past I would have said preaching - but if you mean so-so but Word of God preaching...I'd choose one with active small groups (definitely if this were a large church).

    (by so so preaching I mean the skill of the preacher and not the message)

    But then again, true preaching should produce conviction and generate good fellowship, small groups, outreach, etc.
    #8 JonC, Nov 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2013
  9. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Yes the Word is number one. Usually the Sunday School program will follow in quality. I have an extra question related to this. If this is a married couple seeking a new church, and lets say the husband likes Baptist Church A for its sermons, and the wife likes Baptist church B for its Bible studies and fellowship, is it more important that they join a church they will be more at home, or, is the idea of going to church together more important while not being in a church of one's dreams for the sake of going together? Or maybe the solution is to seek out Baptist Church C. Any thoughts?
  10. Thousand Hills

    Thousand Hills Active Member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    In the scenario you have given, I would the think the quality of pot luck should be the deciding factor, if no clear choice can then be made proceed to seek out Church C.
  11. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    None of the above.

    I would try to find the leading of God to a church where I could make a difference for the Kingdom. The church is just something that happens organically where there are Christians seeking for and building the Kingdom. I think we should not go to a church to have our needs met as much as go to a church to meet needs. God will see to it that our needs are met in some way. If a church needs someone to preach, I'll preach. If they need someone to lead music, I'll do the best I can (I have done this). If they need help in the Bible study/Sunday School, I'll pitch in there. If they need help in the discipleship ministry of the church, I'm delighted to be a part. If they need help to minister to the community, the poor and ignored, I'm going to be there.

    We meet Jesus in those activities and the fellowship of the church occurs naturally around groups of Christians working together for common cause. The "quality" of the elements of the church should only pointers to places where we should consider exercising our gifts instead of being served by "professional" programs.
  12. nodak

    nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    I'm going to respectfully disagree. Sounds like seeking the worst church in the area with the idea of shaping them up.

    As a woman, I'm not about to preach. I'm not that good at music. I help out but believe me, a good way to kill a church is too much of me doing the music.:laugh:

    What I was asking is which is more important to you when it comes to a church: the worship service or the small group Bible study.

    My husband sits and soaks better under preaching, then lives it out. I learn better in a small group with give and take, then live it out.
  13. glazer1972

    glazer1972 Member

    Dec 25, 2010
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    The preaching and teaching of the word is most important. I left the only church I had ever been a member of over poor preaching and poor pastoring.
  14. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    As I said before, I would seek God's guidance. At the same time, I go to a church to serve, not be served.

    If I go to a church, I don't go to "shape them up," but to help them fulfill their calling. That's a very different attitude.

    Everyone should use the gifts they have.

    Doesn't matter to me.
  15. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    The church MUST teach sound doctrines and practices, have worship and love for the bethren, and be active in Evangelizing/witnessing, and have a children/youth teaching area...

    That is what my wife and I used to decide when moving away from Charasmatic circles!
  16. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    We, as Christians, do not have the option to not serve in a local assemebly. Going to church is not nearly as much about getting something from God as it is giving our worship to Him.
  17. nodak

    nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    RevMitchell--agreed folks should be part of a local assembly, assuming they live where there is one preaching the truth.

    We are old time Baptist in thought, meaning we don't go to church to "worship." That is an intimate moment between each of us and the Lord, and the purpose of church (IOHO) is not to engender that. Rather, we believe church is a voluntary association for the propagation of the gospel.

    Now, if you are blessed to live where there is more than one church doing that effectively, of course you will probably pick a church based somewhat on your affinity for the music, or the preaching, or the teaching, or the location, or some such thing.

    So my question was not would you choose an ineffective church to help it, or an effective church to be blessed.

    My question was, if you had to choose between a church with an ineffective small group but good preaching or one with ineffective preaching but a good small group, which would you choose?

    Both provide ample opportunity to serve. There would be no hint of "what's in it for me" in having to make such a selection.

    The simple truth is many of us don't have much to choose from geographically. We don't all live in Arkansas where you can't go 3 miles without finding another good Baptist church. So if you are in the position of having to select from those two options, assuming both churches are doctrinally sound and good folks, which would you choose?
  18. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    No where does scripture suggest that worship is a private and intimate moment. Worship is anything we do that gives God glory. That can be singing preaching, witnessing, or even cleaning the toilets.

    What we do in the church is for the purpose of getting us ready to serve God (worship) outside of the church. I do not go to church to discover what I can get out of it or from God. I go to worship and that means what I can give God. That is old school Baptists. That is biblical. That is worship.

    I would never make such a choice based on your criteria.
  19. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    Would choose a church with solid teaching, but hopefully, thaey will also put into application those truths, as we seem to have many saints that know a ole lot more than they apply!
  20. nodak

    nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    RevMitchell--I think we agree more than disagree. By private and intimate moment I meant this: it does not require a church service to be in contact with and worshipping God. Some are into Catholic worship even in Baptist churches in that they don't think they can contact God without a human mediator. And some Baptists are very Pentecostal, looking for the service to lift them to some sort of emotional contact with God.

    My husband and I believe the purpose of a Baptist church service is to preach, teach, sing, and pray the truth of Christ as taught in His Word.

    If it happens to lead to an emotional moment, that isn't wrong. If your pastor happens to lead you to a close encounter of the God kind, that isn't wrong.

    But neither of them is the purpose of the service. The service is to proclaim the gospel.