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Anbody NOT KJV but attend KJV IFB

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Emily, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. Emily

    Emily New Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    sorry for all the acronyms but I didnt think it would fit.

    So.. does anyone here go to a KJV only church but doesnt buy into KJV onlyism?

    The reason I ask, is because the church that I feel the most at home and the most Godly, is a KJV only church.. but Im definately NOT KJV.. My husband is also having a problem with this.. Last night, we tried to do our devotion with the KJV and he was extremely frustrated, and I was extremely frustrated trying to explain it to him.. so.. we are not KJV..

    The Pastor of this church and I have had a conversation about this. He truly believes that the KJV is the word of God based on the fact that there were no other versions coming out for 300 years..

    to me? that doesnt say much except for after 300 years, it got harder to understand and then someone decided to do something about that.

    anyways.. Pastor told me that he is not like a Ruckman or a Riplinger, and he just believes that the KJV is truly the best translation..

    I am going to ask this Pastor if it would be an issue if my husband and I were to become members, but I was wondering if any of you have run into this.
  2. Forever settled in heaven

    Jul 29, 2000
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    i wldn't feel too comfy w such a church/pastor--it's only a matter of time when the nonsense ripens ... what, no Bible version for the last 300 yrs? (most KJBOs wld argue the other way!)

    may the Lord continue to guide u to a good Bible-believing church w a pastor that keeps his heart tuned n his eyes open! [​IMG]

    alternatively, if that pastor's mind is open, u shd continue to share the FACTS w him (n perhaps even encourage him to join this forum). wldn't it be wonderful to have won over a brother (n a pastor)? biblical separation shd be applied strictly to blatantly disobedient brothers n not to the weak/confused brothers. i'd say to give ur pastor an opportunity first!
  3. Emily

    Emily New Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Thanks forever

    It is so hard to find a good bible believing church nowadays.. it seems like everyone is comprimising..

    Finally we thought, we found a great bible believing church that we feel at home at.. We love the Pastor and he has been given such a gift at preaching I tell ya.. You cant sleep in one of his sermons. He also balances so much as far as speaking the truth in love but standing firm in preaching against sin..

    its a shame he is KJV only.

    but, perhaps his mind is open, as he came away from a baptist brider church..
  4. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jul 31, 2000
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    I attend other churches whenever I can, in order to hear as many views on Scripture as possible. To me, the MESSAGE, rather than the BV used is important.
  5. Forever settled in heaven

    Jul 29, 2000
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    ideally so.

    'cept in many KJBO churches, the BV routinely BECOMES the Message!

  6. Keith M

    Keith M New Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    Hi, Emily!

    My wife and I also attend a church where the Holy Spirit is always welcome, but where the pastor and many of the church members are KJVO. And although the pastor often makes a point that he believes in nothing but the KJV, it is not a major issue whereas he preaches KJVO in every sermon. There may be weeks that go by where he never mentions his KJVO belief, and then it pops up as an aside in one of his sermons.

    I was raised with the KJV, and I am not at all put off by its language. Most of the time, I carry the KJV to church because I have no problem with understanding most of it, and I find it easier to follow along when the preacher is reading a passage. When I do choose to carry another Bible version, I have found one thing to be of help, and it may help you and your husband, too. When you go to church, carry any Bible version you feel most comfortable with - in a good Bible cover. In most cases no one else can read the text of the Bible on your lap unless they are sitting right beside you. So if others can't see the Bible name printed on the cover they won't know what Bible version you are carrying. Just make sure that no matter what Bible version you carry, always carry it in the same cover. Then no one will have a clue what Bible you are reading from - unless you are called upon to read a passage aloud. In the church my wife and I attend, this public reading is not an issue.

    Emily, you and your husband need to heed the leading of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is leading the two of you to join this church, then do so by all means! If the Spirit is leading you elsewhere, then do it! Do not ignore the leadership of the Spirit just because of the Bible version the preacher uses.

    I am praying that the both of you will soon settle on a church home, as we all need the fellowship and support offered by other believers.
  7. Forever settled in heaven

    Jul 29, 2000
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    that's smart! i never thot creativity wld outlast the Prohibition era! :D [​IMG]
  8. Pastor_Bob

    Pastor_Bob Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    Actually, it is not a shame that he is KJV only. You have to disassociate the term KJVO with the hardcore radical movement that would define Ruckman and others like him. The overwhelming majority of KJVOs are not at all as extreme. This would include your pastor.

    To leave a church because a man prefers the KJV because, as you said, "he just believes that the KJV is truly the best translation," is not a wise decision at all.

    You admitted that you were getting fed under the ministry of this man. You said that this is a church where you "feel the most at home" and believe is "the most Godly."

    If you and your husband are having trouble understanding the KJV, I'd recommend getting a book such as The King James Bible Word Book that explains the less common words. Every English translation contains a number of words that require a simple, one time explanation.

    I would also recommed you keep a good Bible commentary close by as you study the Word of God. No one understands everything they read. We all need to be taught at times. Your choice of version will not change this fact.

    I pastor an IFB church. We are KJV only. I am a group 2 KJVO (EXPLANATION). We have members of our church that carry a NKJV to church each week. I have never dedicated a message yet to the text issue. If a member comes to me and asks, I glady share my findings on this issue with him/her.

    Forever settled in Heaven said, "may the Lord continue to guide u to a good Bible-believing church w a pastor that keeps his heart tuned n his eyes open!" Let me say that it sounds like He's done just that. My advise is to stay put as long as your pastor is preaching the Word of God.

    It is sad that some will do anything to draw a person out of a church just so that can "mark one up for their side."

    I thought the goal was to become more like Christ?
  9. Forever settled in heaven

    Jul 29, 2000
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    I thought the goal was to become more like Christ? </font>[/QUOTE]yes, n the glory of God, too. n what was Christ like; was He any sort of a version-onlyist, or was Paul?

  10. TC

    TC Active Member
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    May 7, 2003
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    I'm not KJVOnly and I attend a KJVO IFB church. The pastor mentions his KJVO beliefs almost every sermon. I just ignore those statements and get what I can from the rest of the message. If I have a bible that isn't a KJV and he wants us to do a public reading, I'll just grab one of the pew bibles and use it for the reading.
  11. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Yes, this is the position I am in exactly. But our pastor sounds like yours.He rejects the radicalism on this issue, in that he does not call the other versions, "The devil's bible", and other such nonsense; he simply believes the KJV is the best English translation, and points out out why he feels that way when he comes to a passage where other versions differ in wording.
    There are many good posts here and there is not much I can add to as far as advice. One thing to consider is maybe getting a parallel Bible, with the KJV and one or more of another version that you are comfortable with included. Also, if called upon to read (and I don't mean to be demeaning to the poster that said he will grab a pew Bible), you have the KJV right there.
    It sounds like you are, otherwise, pleased with this Church. I have posted on this very thing before and my advise is:
    Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
    That is, stay with it, this is only one issue and if they are sound in doctrine on the basics it may be hard to find anything better.
    God bless you.
  12. Pastor_Bob

    Pastor_Bob Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    I'd have to say that "yes," Jesus was a sort of version onlyist. Do you think He would have read from a scroll that had been copied incorrectly? Do you think he would have read from a passage that contained an error?

    I can only conclude that, since Jesus never made the statement, "The older and better manuscripts read this way..." or "A better translation of this word would be...," He was reading from a translation that accurately represented the originals.

    So, Jesus was an AVO (Accurate Version Only). In 2004, for me that is the KJV.
  13. Refreshed

    Refreshed Member
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    Dec 3, 2002
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    You know Pastor Bob, I was going to post something similar. Thanks for wording it for me.

  14. Emily

    Emily New Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Thank you all so much for your comments.

    Unfortunately, I think my husband (who is much more liberal than I) wants us to join a different church.. one that I really dont want to join, because although nothing they say is false, it seems very "ear tickling" to me. I dont remember the preacher ever saying. "Open up your bibles with me to ...) .. but, I am a submissive wife, and I have to go where he wants to go.. I am constantly praying about this though.

    I have spoken with the Pastor who is KJV only about me visiting all the time and what the bible says about that, and he says that as long as my husband has no problem with me visiting there all the time, that I am more than welcome to their Wednesday night and Sunday night services..(this new church doesnt have either)..

    As it turns out, my husband really doesnt care, so yay!

    I have chalked up the KJV only thing at this particular church to just be a difference of opinion. I have yet to hear this Pastor call any other version a "per-version".. or anything like that. The closest thing I have heard is that "It does matter what version you are reading".. and I would agree.. there are versions that I am completely uncomfortable with
  15. TheOliveBranch

    TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    I have somewhat the same situation, but with the NASB. My pastor prefers the NASB, believing it to be a better translation. At every service there is mention of the translation errors in the KJV, and how the "older and better texts" are different.

    I am from a KJVO IFB, but my favorite church was KJV preferred. I barely ever heard preaching on it being better. The people that didn't use a KJV, brought one to church, but used their favorite for reading and study. The KJVO always mentioned the "per"versions. You were looked down upon if you used a MV. Sounds like you are in a preferred church, not an Only.
  16. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    If Jesus was AVO, then he could not possibly be KJV, because the KJV is not the most accurate version out there. Must of its language is not longer accurate due to the evolution of the English language since its inception.

    Because there are inhierant problems with translating Greek and Hebrew to English, there is no such thing as a perfectly translated English translation. Whether one is better than the other is a topic of subjectivity.