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Big GOP Gala with porn star scheduled for tonight

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by LadyEagle, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    The donnor is the producer of the hard-core porn, and the porn star's boss. The RNC should not associate itself with the porn industry. Did they invite some drug lords as well, I'm sure they could make some high dollar donations.
  2. The Galatian

    The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    This is Bush's way of rubbing it in to all those Christian who believed he was one of them.
  3. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Galatian, you are wise, my brother.
  4. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    It is my understanding from when this subject was discussed on this board a few weeks ago that these people were not invited but that they bought tickets as anyone else, including you Jonathan, could have done.

    Now, I did receive an invitation a few days ago to some bigwig GOP event(I don't recall when or where). Unfortunately the price to attend was a wee bit to large for my budget. [​IMG]
  5. Daisy

    Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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  6. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    I guess I should be glad that the GOP is doing so well that a minor thing like this has become the crux of the Bush/GOP bashing for today. [​IMG]

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Apparently we get a play by play from the gigglely Ms. Carey...apparently she was proposistion alot by drunk Republicans wanting
    threesomes with their wifes...good expose these
    reprobate people for what they are!MAJOR LEAGUE

    scroll down 3 stories for video
    interview on msnbc Keith Obermans

    &lt;web address deleted due to inappropriate content, PM poster for details&gt;

    [ June 16, 2005, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: C4K ]
  8. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Perhaps you have not been reading the news coming out of Iraq? Here is one from this morning:


    Six more soldiers won't be coming home.....
  9. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest

    This is article is a tad misleading.

    It sounds, via the headline, as if these people are the stars of the show. The fact is, they are among people who bought tickets to attend the event.

    No doubt, they showed up on a list of people willing to contribute to the party, and received an invitation due to some computer database. These databases show "name" and "contact numbers" and "previous amounts given." They don't show "occupations."

    And odds are very high, since none of the fund-raisers caught it, that the fund-raisers don't read porn or they would have KNOWN they'd invited a porn star and dis-invited them.

    At least it isn't Bill in the Hallway getting sex from an employee at the taxpayer's expense.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Transcript from Keith Oberman interviewing Mary
    MARY CAREY: I love that puppet show! That was great.

    OLBERMANN: Thank you much. Was it like that at all? Did we get anything right?

    CAREY: Actually, no, they had, like, a really strict security on me and they kept me really far from the president. And I had this NRCC guy, who everywhere I went, you know, I tried to lose him and I couldn‘t. He followed me around and—but it turned out he‘s really, really hot, and I had a lot of fun with him, so—nothing dirty, just...


    CAREY: We had fun, you know?

    OLBERMANN: Just an enjoyable time at a political dinner.

    CAREY: Exactly.

    OLBERMANN: Right. But the politicians, you got the sense, though, that they were kind of avoiding you?

    CAREY: I was told—actually, the guy from the NRCC, his job was to keep me away from the congressmen and the Senate. If I were to approach any of them, to make sure they were fully aware of who I was and tell them that it might be bad for them to take a photo with me, so...

    OLBERMANN: This would be probably the all-time first time that‘s ever happened in Washington, that you had to keep a young lady away—or you had to keep the congressmen—the young lady away from the congressmen, as opposed to the other way around.

    CAREY: Yes, probably the first. I really wanted to meet President Bush, though, like, you know, up close and personal. I was kind of disappointed.

    OLBERMANN: And that never—that was never even close, that.

    CAREY: No, they actually—I was told that they had people ready to tackle me if I tried to, you know, get up close to him. And they were worried about me maybe flashing or streaking through the dinner. And I mean, I can‘t believe they‘d think I would do that. I‘m a serious politician. I would never want to, you know, jeopardize my, you know, future career like that.

    OLBERMANN: Well, despite the fact that you didn‘t get to meet the president and there were other limitations to the evening, was it fun anyway?

    CAREY: I had a great time. You know, Republicans can party almost as much as porn stars.


    CAREY: I think they can drink just as much. There were some really drunk guys by the end of the night. I was getting propositions to have threesomes with wives or mistresses. I was offered money from oil tycoons! I mean, it‘s pretty exciting. I didn‘t take any money and I didn‘t do any threesomes, but it was pretty—I was just surprised. I thought everyone would be stuck up and no one was going to like me. And everyone loved me and got drunk and took pictures with me. So I want to keep going to Republican events. I‘m a fully converted Republican now.

    OLBERMANN: Well, but did you do fund-raising of your own? And I mean that literally, in terms of your political campaign for next year.

    CAREY: I actually did. I met this really nice guy from Ohio. And when I met him, I told him—he asked me what I do, you know, because I had my little badge that said Mary. And I said I ran for governor of California. And he told me he has some rich friends who‘d give me $10 million possibly towards the next campaign. And he introduced me to all his friends. And it turned out when they found out I was a porn star, his friend‘s owns strip clubs, and they‘re going to book me to make appearances in the strip clubs. So I networked and made some jobs—you know, some future job and work possibilities.

    OLBERMANN: So this—this guy who was at the Republican fund-raiser last night, his sister owns a bunch of strip clubs?

    CAREY: Yes. I actually met them at the cocktail party the first day. And they told me that, yes. And we actually called his sister, and they‘re probably going to book me at their strip clubs. And I actually met another guy who owns some famous magician. And they were talking about booking me in Japan for appearances. And he actually told me some funny things, like he has parties with congressmen, and if I could get some girls together, I just couldn‘t talk about it...


    CAREY: Yes, it was great. I had a lot of fun!

    OLBERMANN: And all of this happens on your birthday? I mean, you‘re not supposed to ask a lady her age, but how many now?

    CAREY: I‘m 25, which—it doesn‘t seem that old, but porno years is like dog years, so I‘m really, like, 60.


    OLBERMANN: If you think I‘m going to say anything after that, you‘re out of your mind. I‘m not going to say a word!

    CAREY: You‘re really cute. I wanted to meet you in person. I‘m kind of disappointed right now.

    OLBERMANN: Well, I‘m here in Secaucus, New Jersey, so I‘m all—I begin the day disappointed. But thanks very much for that, Mary. Mary Carey from the President‘s Dinner...

    CAREY: Thank you.

    OLBERMANN: ... the 2003 California gubernatorial contest, and the

    2006 California lieutenant governor race. Many thanks, and—and have a - have a good whatever.

    CAREY: Thank you.

    OLBERMANN: And that‘s COUNTDOWN. I‘m Keith Olbermann. Tucker Carlson‘s next with “THE SITUATION.” And as usual, we have left him with the best situation we could think of. Good night, and good luck.



    From MSNBC
  11. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 23, 2002
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    The Constitution Party should move to Mexico now that that country is vacant.
  12. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Good thing that Bill Clinton wasn't there!
  13. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Am I reading the wrong thread, how did the Constitution Party get into this discussion? :confused:
  14. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    The Constitution Party is church mouse guy's personal pinata, Jonathan.

    He takes it with him everywhere. [​IMG]
  15. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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  16. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    If you people only knew! I had my eyes opened fifteen to twenty years when I was a member of a Republican state executive committee. We were discussing viable congressional candidates in a liberal hard-to-win area. However, we had a wonderful candidate in a black lady who was a fiery conservative with a strong following. The only problem was that she was an anti-abortion activitist. The financial fat cats, who controlled the party, sat around and grouched how we were not a single-issue party. Ostensibly, they were pro-life but they just wanted to pay it a little lip service without taking risk of losing votes or dollars. Since they could not prevent this lady from filing as a Republican, they were actually discussing ways of disavowing her to the point of taking out media ads. I had never heard such nonsense from high-ranking big shots; I was just a naïve Christian. After an hour, I took the floor and said, “This is sheer folly claiming that the Republican Party is not pro-life. Our top leaders are all outspokenly pro-life—President Reagan is pro-life, Jesse Helms is pro-life and Governor Martin is pro-life. We have a pro-life plank in the national platform as well. Now, a bunch of important Republican bigwigs are talking about opposing our best congressional candidate just because she is a pro-life activitist! Hey, I’m on that lady’s side. This is crazy!” Silence reigned as they stared at me in shell shock. Finally, a lady, the vice chairperson (I think), said, “Well, you know he’s right. Let’s just move on to something else.” Half of the Republicans are not moral and social conservatives; they are fiscal conservatives and tolerate Christians because they need our votes and dollars. Don’t fool yourself—it’s not principles that drive the Republican Party, it’s dollars and votes.

    Since the aforementioned incident, I have been disappointed and educated in the ways of politics time and time again. It is true that politics makes strange bedfellows. Only a very few politicians, such as Reagan and Helms, have been able to stick to their ideals. For all others, it is compromise and compromise. My wife and I have been active in politics for thirty years. We have worked almost every conceivable job from bottom to top—from pounding the pavement campaigning and working the polls to serving in decision-making roles. I served on committees, filled party offices and made deals in the background. I was a participant in the smoke filled rooms (actually it was more like under the potted palms by the pool or the backyard barbeque). My wife has been president of Republican Women groups, worked with Carter Wrenn and the Congressional Club and was a campaign manager for a senate candidate, a Jesse Helms prodigy. When the guy, a professing Christian, was later elected to Congress, he blew his re-election by lying over a trivial incident. Time and again, we’ve been disappointed in candidates for whom we worked our fingers and feet to the bone.

    A few years ago after testifying before a house judicial subcommittee, we lost the vote on a corporal punishment bill because a professing Christian representative voted to restrict corporal punishment. She ran to me afterwards and apologized with excuses. The bare fact was that she had political commitments to the powerful and liberal sponsors of the bill. I did win one friend that day, the committee chairman, who was able to kill the bill in full committee a few weeks later.

    A second friend was made when a lady doctor, who was testifying against another piece of legislation, walked by me, put her hand on my arm and said, “Sir, you are right and I am on your side. I’m sorry you lost today.” She had lost too. She ran an organization for helping abused women and children. Because she was a private entity, the powerful state social services lobby was against her. The legislation under consideration would have put her agency out of business. One of the most powerful, liberal representatives sponsored and pushed this legislation by appearing in person to testify for it. She waltzed into the committee room patting everyone on the back and firming up her support. The doctor garnered only one vote on the subcommittee and the bill went on fast track to the full house. It sailed through the full committee and passed on the first reading in the full house. It was a done deal.

    However, I couldn’t get my mind off the good doctor. So, I called her and asked if she wanted a little help. She didn’t see any hope but said yes. I spent all evening e-mailing and calling my friends and contacts. I especially focused on the Christian legislators because this was pretty much a cut and dried issue with them. The next morning, my friends called a Republican caucus. They developed a strategy and called for debate. The whole legislature was shocked. Second and third readings of bills are usually just perfunctory matters. The result was that my friends killed the bill dead through machinations and maneuverings. I understand there was a lot of profanity and cursing among the liberal crowd that day. They were asking, “Who in the _____ is ____________?” How did they know? There was a skunk in the woodpile. One of our fine upstanding Christian legislators leaked my e-mail to the opposition. I have the copy he leaked with notations of the entire liberal crowd as it was passed around. He doesn’t know until this day that I know.

    Politics are dirty. The real deals still go down behind the scenes. I know because I am often there although in a different capacity than some years ago. Many of our so-called conservative, Christian politicians are not as conservative or as Christian as they would have you to believe. They just have to appear so to get the votes to win. After all, politics is about getting elected—nothing else really matters. I can tell you why Jim Demint is a senator in DC today and David Beasley is back home in Society Hill. It would be very instructive. It’s always best to keep your word and tell the truth even in politics.

    IMHO, this porno queen fiasco will hurt the Republican credibility but it is just a pimple of the corruption, rottenness and inconsistencies already there. You just don’t know unless you are one of the initiates to the inner sanctums. I wish many times that I didn’t know—it’s disheartening.
  17. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Sounds a bit Machiavellian to me.
  18. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 23, 2002
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    Why it's tainted money and t' ain't enough of it for everybody.
  19. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    paidagogos, I appreciate your honest and heart wrenching post from someone who really knows what goes on behind the scenes and has had the courage to speak out. I consider you a true patriot. May God Bless You for the Stand you have taken for Righteousness. [​IMG]
  20. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Let's be honest here, pornographers are close to perfect supporters for the Republican party.
    They have a lot of money, which they (being private bussiness owners) want to invest in the party most likely to push fiscal Conservatism.
    On top of that there is the need to bribe the mainstream Conservative party into not adopting measures that complicate the making and selling of the 'product'.
    In the 60's and 70's they needed Liberal politicians to change the status quo in their favour, now they want to defend the current situation against Conservative counterattack. So much easier to simply buy the side that might want to turn back the clock.