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Bushites Split As Gitmo Abuses Continue

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by ASLANSPAL, Jul 14, 2005.


    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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  2. Ben W

    Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    It would be extremley unlikely that a Born Again Christian would have been involved in any of those events.
  3. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Nudity and sex should never be used in interrogation.
  4. hillclimber

    hillclimber New Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    Use any and all methods of interrogation to protect our people.

    Virtually every technique will offend someone so find out which ones work and use them, or accept some responsibility for casualties.
  5. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    Looked at the title. Went through the stories.

    Maybe I missed it, but I never saw any information that supports the author's contention that abuse "continues".
  6. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    The only "abuse that continues" is the liberal's agenda to discredit our military's handling of these terrorits at any cost. They'll never be happy unless they have a active story about abuse of prisoners. In their hearts and minds we are the evil ones. If they can't find a story they'll make one up or go back to an old one. It doesn't matter how many times the matter is investigated nor how much effort is taken away from fighting the war to do it.
  7. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    I read yesterday that some of the Gitmo bunch was released only to be captured or killed later in combat against the USA. I think that we should do what FDR did during WW II when the Germans landed men from submarines on Long Island and Jacksonville, Florida. FDR gave them a military trial and shot them. We should execute most of the bunch in Cuba as soon as possible because they wore no military uniforms.
  8. hillclimber

    hillclimber New Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    I heard of two of them that willingly gave themselves up on the battlefield, hoping to get back to Gitmo.
    I actually agree with your FDR trial idea.
  9. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Looked at the title. Went through the stories.

    Maybe I missed it, but I never saw any information that supports the author's contention that abuse "continues".
    </font>[/QUOTE]They don't and according to testimony before Congress I believe that there were 3 such cases.

    People should quit whining and crying about the terrorists at Gitmo. These people would kill all of us if they could. In truth it is not Christian love that motivates the concern for these terrorists but unChristian hatred of Bush.
  10. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Another official report on the alleged detainee abuse at "Gitmo" Detention Facility was released today. This one (Investigation into FBI Allegations of Detainee Abuse) gives the following executive summary:

    So much for the allegations of torture and inhumane treatment of the terrorists we're holding in Gitmo!

    I know the liberals will be extremely disappointed. Of course, they zero in on the three interrogation acts that violated approved procedures and the one "poor" terrorist who was degraded and treated abusively. They'll gloss right over the 24,000 interrogations of these violent terrorists completed over a three-year period without any evidence of mistreatment of any kind. They'll ignore the reality of extremely difficult problems involved in handling such a large number of violent terrorists who are purpose driven to kill anyone and everyone of us. They'll keep right on insisting this is a terrible place and we're just a bunch of evil monsters that enjoy torturing our "fellow human beings".

    Here's what I think about these terrorists: They are non-uniformed combatants captured in a war zone. They are not entitled to the same treatment and protections as uniformed combatants. They gave up their "rights" to the best treatment when they took up the life and business of terrorism. We're cutting them additional slack because we're extra nice people which, as usual, has caused us even more problems. They should have been swiftly tried by military tribunals once any intellegence of value had been extracted through the maximum possible means permitted by our regulations. The civil courts should have butted out of the issue and their rulings, if any, should be ignored. If found guilty of what they are - terrorists - they should be promptly executed by the military. That's what we did during World War II with spies, saboteurs, etc. that were not uniformed combatants and it's completely in accordance with international practice and law. The few, if any, who are not what we think they are could be dealt with differently.

    Tango Uniform is the best state for these terrorists. Then the bleeding heart liberals could demand investigations into the manner in which that state was attained.

    We need to stop worrying about these terrorists in Gitmo and start getting even more serious about finding, fixing, and killing the ones still outside of Gitmo. It's eating up resources we can use elsewhere.
  11. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    I heard of two of them that willingly gave themselves up on the battlefield, hoping to get back to Gitmo.
    I actually agree with your FDR trial idea.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Thanks--I really think that they should be executed immediately0--that's what FDR would have done. It is just a myth that there is plumbing good enough to flush a Koran down. For awhile it looked as if Gitmo had the best plumbing in the history of the world. I guess it is back to putting the Koran in the dumpster and sending it to landfill with the other putrid garbage.
  12. JamesBell

    JamesBell New Member

    May 24, 2005
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    Why is it we focus on some fraternity party type pranks and call it abuse; then ignore the beheading of Americans done by these supposed innocent people? It is a farse. Pure political games, plain and simple.

    Try looking at how our military treats its own people before you accuse them of treating detainees poorly. The prisoners at Guantanamo have it far better than the Americans guarding them. Then, it is that much better than a Marine recruit during bootcamp of a Marine officer during TBS.

    Come on people, they didn't use electric shock treatments or kill terrorists to try and make others talk. They embarassed them, nothing more. I have honestly seen and heard of worse on a college campus during rush week. And I don't remember anyone saying I was tortured when spending a winter night sleeping in the sand in the desert without so much as a sleeping bag due to a supply problem. These terrorists get three meals a day, a bed to sleep on, and have the ability to worship regularly. Do you really think our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines have it this good?
  13. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Good questions and comments, JamesBell!

    Do you get the feeling some folks just want us to fail and really enjoy picking apart everything we do just for the sake of lies, exaggerations, and distortions?

    The liberals tend to jump on our short comings even if real at times like, for example the My Lai killings which were atypical, and then ignore the evil doings of our enemies like, for example the mass killings in Hue and other places which were far more typical. But that was another war where we supposedly learned some lessons.

    I think right now we need to refocus our efforts on finding, fixing, and killing the terrorists.
  14. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    I think that the liberals want America to lose this war and fall victim to the forces of Islam. They know that they are lying--they just don't care.
  15. OCC

    OCC Guest

    "The liberals tend to jump on our short comings even if real at times like, for example the My Lai killings which were atypical, and then ignore the evil doings of our enemies like,..."

    I don't know if that's true about all of them. I myself do not celebrate that Americans have been beheaded. It has angered me. Please refrain from putting all the "liberals" in one camp and I will do my best to refrain from doing the same with conservatives.

    As for JamesBell...good points. Your marines have it worse in basic training then those people who were being interrogated. Now...if you guys were to do the same things that Al quada (however you spell the dang thing) does...you wouldn't be any better.
  16. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Do liberals have souls? I don't think so. They attack their own country because they want power or else. They know that FDR shot people such as the German spies landed on Long Island and at Jacksonville, Florida, from German submarines. We should execute the prisoners in Cuba for the same reasons that FDR used. Out of uniform, you are a spy.

    The liberals know that they are lying about the situation in Cuba. They do not care if they stir up the Arabs and people die. Liberals just don't care. To thes soulless liberals, people are just cannon fodder.
  17. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Liberals activists "jump on" anything critical of what Americans do. The liberal news, entertainment, and academic venues are very aggressive about making or spreading lies, exaggerations, and distortions. They are, with few exceptions, all consistent in doing that while the degree does vary with the extent of liberal activism each has. Tthat's not at all the same thing as "celebrating" the beheading of Americans. Americans on both ends of the political spectrum condemn those acts. Only our vilest ememies celebrate those acts. However, I do think that the constant attacks on our policies, intentions, purposes, leaders, etc. by liberals do contribute to helping the cause of our enemies. It gives them hope that they can break our will and that's what they want to accomplish. That's a message I don't plain to refrain from telling.

    Show resolve - Support the Cause!
  18. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    And they get really mad when you call them on it!
  19. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    This story came out on FoxNews yesterday and covers some ot the comments by military lawyers made to a Senate panel reviewing our dentainee operations.

    Military Lawyers Testify to Abuse at Gitmo

    Friends, this is the key point! These terrorists are not "regular military forces" and don't "deserve" the same level of protection afforded by the Geneva Conventions. They don't fight like military forces. They are terrorists.

    This is exactly why we need to be very aggressive first, for those we don't hold captive, about finding, fixing, and killing them; and second, for those we do hold, about extracting all intelligence of value from them, trying them by military tribunal, and promptly executing those found guilty. General Myers is telling us the way it is! This is a war, friends, and we need to treat our enemies like enemies. They are the bad guys and we're the good guys.

    Does this surprise any American? Senator Kennedy finds it "enormously troublesome" that we have a "dual standard". This is the classical bleeding heart liberal at work! I find it enormously troublesome that our enemy has a far different standard than we in that they will use terrorist who operate outside any law of war and that they are, essentially, determined to kill everyone infidel Christian or Jew in the world out of pure hatred. That is indeed a "dual standard" and, indeed, they need to be treated accordingly.

    I certainly respect the suffering that Senator McCain and others took from the North Vietnamese as prisoners of war. We definitely need to honor the Geneva Conventions with respect to any regular military force in part for the reciprocal handling on our own but mostly because its the right thing to do. That's one reason our troops received relatively good treatment from our German enemies during World War II.

    However, we can make all the agreements we want but terrorist like the Taliban and Al Qaeda are not going to respect them much less follow them. They will torture and kill anyone to meet their needs regardless how we treat them or what standards of conduct are in place. Senator McCain knows we treated both VC and NVA prisoners in Viet Nam according to the Geneva Conventions even though it could be argued that the VC were not regular military forces. He also knows that didn't change how he was treated by his Communist captors. We need to treat terrorists like terrorists.

    Congress probably does need to "clean up" the rules a bit on how to handle the terrorist prisoners. They need to make it real clear how we'll deal with them. They deserve no quarter because they will give none. Hopefully, Congress can show resolve, and support the cause.
  20. OCC

    OCC Guest

    "They deserve no quarter because they will give none."

    I think Jesus said that once or twice too...nawww [​IMG]