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Common Ground Coffee House #102

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Sep 27, 2006.

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  1. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Geener.....BH here,...yeah He isn't in here for the time being. He ought to know better by now!!!
    Thanks fer splanin!! I was worried bout my cousins was all!! I mean they're so helpless out there without someone like Preacher or Agee to take care of'em. Me?? Hey..Preacher got me some ....er...yougurt? treats with other stuff in it & I'm feelin perky again!!!! Oops...here he comes & I'm still on the keyboard....time to look PITIFUL!!!!!
  2. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Happy Monday Everyone!

    And it has been a Monday (or maybe even two!). I'm glad this one is drawing to a close. I'm celebrating by enjoying a nice pot of coffee while I contemplate what I have that is quick and easy to fix for supper.

    Indian summer has hit here too, and just on the day I had to drive the car with no airconditioning! :D T got finished adding the lift kit to his Amigo and left it for me to get a front end alignment. I didn't want to drive it till I had so I ended up with the Jeep (and no air). But, it's done now so I'll have my car back tomorrow. God bless the one who invented automatic transmissions, my knees just don't appreciate my driving a 5 speed.

    My kitty has decided to help me celebrate the end of Monday by giving me kitty loving. :) Everyone needs a kitty cat!
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good evening folks,

    Thank you in advance for your prayers tomorrow. I will be leaving here around 6:30 a.m., for my outpatient surgery, so I won't have time to check in, but I will update you when I get back home.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  4. Oasis

    Oasis New Member

    Sep 16, 2006
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    Hey, I haven't been keeping up down here!

    You'll be in my prayers, Sue.:godisgood:
  5. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    You're in my Prayers too Sue.

    We got back from Niagara Falls late yesterday. My Wife hadn't been there in over 30 years, so I thought it would be a nice surprise trip for her.

    I brought in Speedy Egg & Cheese Stack, and Hash Brown Pie for breakfast. Enjoy.

    We did have one interesting thing happen while we were in Canada though. We were waiting, with several other people, to be seated for dinner. My Wife and I struck up a conversation with some of the other people. After the usual "small-talk" we got down to interests/hobbies etc. I casually mentioned that I like to cook. Two Women informed me that Men don't know how to cook, Men's specialities are Eggs & Bacon, Instant Coffee, and sometimes Steak. I was brought up to ALWAYS respect Women, and to NEVER argue with a Woman. So I merely said that I was sorry about how they felt, and that I'd never received a complaint about my cooking. After we'd finished our meal, and I was paying, I asked for the check for the Women's meal. I may "not know how to cook", but I know how to be a Gentleman, and that I don't judge others.

    I don't know if the Women here in the CGCH believe I can cook or not, but I know they don't judge others either.
    #65 Friend of God, Oct 3, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2006
  6. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Wow! I can't believe they argued with you like that but what a man YOU were! LOL!! I know many men who can cook - and many of them cook REALLY well. 2 of my friends are caterers even! That was just a dumb, sexist comment.

    Well, it looks like it's going to be a quiet day here. Yesterday I woke up with a little sore throat and not feeling 100% but I went on with my day and had my riding lesson at 3. Had a GREAT ride (we're really progressing and should be ready to start winning shows in the spring) but by the time I came home, I was beginning to feel achy and icky. I took a hot shower, had one taco at dinner (I had no lunch and only a waffle for breakfast), and then headed straight for the couch. I made it to 3AM before I finally took ibuprophen because my head and body just hurt so much - I try to not take it when I'm sick so that my body can try to fight whatever it is by itself. I'd say that I had the flu if I had a fever but there's none so I have no clue what I have. I'm going to try to take it easy today - I did the dishes, have laundry in and have done some homeschooling but that will be it. Dinner tonight is going to be pizza (it's buy 1 get one at the great pizza place near us and 2 pies are plenty for us), so that I can just get some rest.

    Sue - I know that you're probably done already but I know that God is beyond time and I'm praying that the surgery was successful and that you will have a full recovery. Your diagnosis made me make an appointment with my dermatologist for next month because one side of my nose is always red and sore and I started wondering if it could be more than just some acne.

    I'm off now - we got Bible done but still need to do atleast reading, phonics and math. I may skip history today, we'll see how it goes.

  7. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Never trouble about what a few may say about whether you can cook or not. I love to cook as well, and wife tells everyone I cook better than she does...I think it is a ploy on her part to keep me in kitchen. I changed nappies and bathed the kiddies too...lol.

    Ann,,,,Are you into jumping with horse? I have two granddaughters in Florida, one 13 the other 7. They both ride as well, and even the little one is jumping at 4 feet. They have both won many ribbons. I'll try to post some photos for you.

    I loved to ride horses as well, but had to give it up when I had a tumble after jumping a gate. There was a patch of ice. Horse slid forward and I came back and landed you know where....doctor advised me to give it up before I do an injury. I miss the horses though.

    Hello everyone. I must skoot over to my other site. I write a short story everyday over there with a gospel message at end.



    Sue will be at hospital now having er nose looked at. Hope everyone remembers her befoe God's throne.
  8. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    No. I used to jump when I was young but gave that up years ago. I've been doing dressage now for over 20 years and the horse I'm using now is an absolute natural. My friend's daughter bought him for jumping and fell off of him and got hurt BADLY shortly after so she stopped riding him. Her mom asked if I could start riding him instead of her other horse and I did - and have had so much fun with him since. He's a big guy - 17.1 hands and we should start showing in the spring. There's a show this weekend that I was going to do but DH and I are going away for our first overnight since I had my almost 6 year old so that takes priority. :D Here's a pic of my boy - it was taken last spring and he's progressed tremendously since then! I've got to get new pics - maybe this weekend...:

  9. MargoWriter

    MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    :1_grouphug: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    i come, i go ... anyway maybe i'll make an effort to stick around more. ha ha, the day i make an effort to do anything will be a big day

    actually, i wanted to check in and say hi ... i miss you people, you're a real blessing. also to ask prayer for something i cannot specify but is a bit sad for me right now, tho I know time and God will make it all better

    now ima go back and read some of this to see what you all are doing :tongue3:
  10. MargoWriter

    MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    ooooo managerie keeper you're right about kitties
    actually i think i may have convinced my dad to let me have one for Christmas ... ha ha :smilewinkgrin: well i dunno yet ... i really want one and i think he's prepared to allow i cuz he knows it'll help me, um, cheer up, but i haven't actually decided yet ... which is astounding, cuz i really want one

    i think i wanna get a grey stripe-ity one if i get one ... or maybe black wiv a white chest ... and ima name it somethin really cute ... but i'm not decided yet ... about gettin one or about a name

    *rolls eyes*

    take that dr bob
  11. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Ann, I shall try this photo and see how it goes


    The older girl just moved up to another horse,,A fullblood Canadian. It is bred to jump. They are not cheap though,,,$35,000.00 for the horse, then veterinary, tests and shots, plus transportation to Florida...........no wonder doctors receive the fees......


  12. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Cute grandaughters and cute horses! Yep - horses are not that cheap but Whirl came in actually relatively inexpensive ($15,000) and he's turning into quite the horse. I'm sure when we're done with showing next season, IF we wanted to sell him, we could get mucho bucks on him but he's going nowhere. He's our baby now and fortunately, my friend doesn't sell her horses unless there's a VERY good reason. She's had her other horse for 24 years and I've been riding him 22 of those years. I'm hoping that I have a lot of years with Whirl - he's just 11 - and that we can progress to the upper levels. Another girl tried jumping him but he really doesn't like it at all and fights it all the time. When I'm working with him doing the dressage movements, he's as happy as can be and you can see it. :D

    Thanks for sharing those pics!
  13. Lynn the Baptist

    Lynn the Baptist New Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Hey...I'm also a cat-lover.My big,white ,male cat is 8 years old.his name is "Kramer".Have you watched"Seinfield"?My other cat is gray,long-haired,beautiful.Her name is "Victoria",she's 3.
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all,

    I got back a little earlier, but I was so worn out, I laid down and took a nap.

    I was there for 4 hours and after 2 'numbing' sessions and 11 stitches, I was able to come home with warnings not to do anything for 48 hours. I'm also on antibiotics and Tylenol and will need to change the dressing everyday until I get the stitches out next Thursday.

    They got it all the first time! PTL!

    Just wanted to stop in and say "thanks" for all the prayers and thoughts today. I am going to lay back down.

    I've been taking blood thinner for my heart and the Dr. doesn't want my nose to start bleeding, so I am under couch arrest. LOL

    I'll catch y'all in the morning,
  15. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Welcome home, Sue..Glad all went well for you. God bless.

    I see Lynn made it here. Welcome to you as well, enjoy.


  16. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    God is Good! Praise The Lord! That is great news Sue.

    Couch Arrest huh? Don't you worry young Lady. I'll bring in Breakfast-Lunch-and Dinner for you tomorrow, and Thursday, and also Brent's snacks.

    I'll even serve you your meals on the couch so you can truthfully say you followed your Doctor's orders.:flower:

    Meals can be served at your convenience, the kitchen is open 24/7, and the cook welcomes special orders.

    "We got it all" are the four best words you can hear from a Doctor. CONGRATULATIONS!! :thumbs: :thumbsup:

    All you have to do is get better.
  17. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    Great news, Sue!!!

    Howdy, Lynn! Are you a relative of anyone here?
  18. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Evening Everyone!

    Welcome Lynn!

    Yea Sue! I'm glad things went well. Couch arrest huh? Could be worse, he could have said, "get outta here and go cook supper for your husband!" :D Least this way you get a little rest.

    Speaking of rest, I got some today. No kids!

    Even Chris made it to school today. I'm not happy with the school, but it's not Chris' fault. (yes it is, he's going to have to learn to speak up!) This week is fundraising week at his school. I didn't know it but they are having pep rallies(think unbearable noise) all week long. I sent a note this morning explaining that Chris was still in pain, but they took him into all that noise anyway. :rolleyes: I guess common sense is to much to expect from his teachers.

    He still made it the rest of the day and is in pretty good shape tonight. Still hurting some though. I'm hoping that will go away tonight and the fact that he isn't in full blown migraine means that the new meds are beginning to kick in.

    Cass got something new for hers the other day too and it worked like magic. Migraine came, 2 tablets and 2 naps later she was up and running again with only one day out of school!

    Since I had no kids telling me how bad they felt I managed to get started on several things around the house that needed my attention: a new outfit for myself, karate class and a new murder mystery. :D I even managed to straighten though the house and cook supper!

    FoG, you're hired! Now if we could only figure out how to turn the virtual into the actual!
  19. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Sue, hope you are doing better! :)

    Jim, thank-you! I was glad to know it wasn't a stroke, too. The history runs so far back and heavy in my family on both sides for strokes that I had to make sure.

    It's been quiet around here for the past few days in our neighborhood. One neighbor is preparing his house to put it up on the market, I believe. He's also suing the contractor and developer who built the home. The one on the other side has decided to file suit also. They've tried to get us invovled, but we are staying out of it. The contractor came by Monday afternoon and tried to get Viv and I involved on his side, and came during hours where the neighbors could see that he was coming to see me....I guess trying to build a distrust between me and my neighbors...but, I chase him off the property...LITERALLY!!! I told him I wasn't getting involved in their problems, and told him where both neighbors could hear, that if he came back again, I would be filing charges against him for trespassing. So, now I've got to install a sign stating "No Trespassing" or "No Solicitation". That's was done as Viv went out the drive this morning!

    We're trying to get things ready for a possible yard sale, and some listings on ebay. We've started looking for a home in Rutherford County again, closer to the Franklin Road Baptist Church area, and also to Viv's job. They've talked to some of them about moving to Winston-Salem, NC this past week. Viv told them no. They didn't seem too happy. But, if anything happens, the new Gateway plant has either opened or is opening this month.

    It's a nice 65 degrees here today. Got to 91 yesterday afternoon, and is supposed to get to 94 this afternoon. Next week, though, the lows are supposed to be in the mid to upper 40's with highs in the upper 60's and lower 70's. The leaves are starting to change colors, and though they're not as bright as last year, they are pretty. Peak season should be in 2-3 weeks.

    Well, y'all! Make it a wonderful day!

    Bro. T:flower::wavey:
  20. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Morning Everybody!,

    Great, now that I've been hired I've got to earn my keep. How's the patient this morning?
    For Sue & Brent: I made Sausage Scramble, and Filled Apple Breakfast Cake(No Sugar).
    For Everybody else: Sausage Potato Caserole & Egg & Sausage Breakfast Strudel. If you're not ready for breakfast yet Sue just ring the small bell I put on the table by the couch when you are. The food is being kept warm. If you don't like what I made-tell me what you want and I'll make it double-quick. That's the beauty of "virtual" food.
    Should I call it "Virtual Vittles" instead?
    I'll bring in Lunch around 11am, and dinner will be ready about 4:30pm.
    #80 Friend of God, Oct 4, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2006
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