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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Wow, so much to answer! I'll answer in bits and pieces!

    Padre... get this! Mother and I wear almost the same sized clothes and I'm fat??? I tuck in my shirts. She wears those big tops that hang down over her hips so her tummy is hidden. :rolleyes: I offered to let her weigh on MY scale. She swears she's at 126 lbs and that I look heavier than 136 lbs.

    Gayla, the Clindamycin made me ill about 3 weeks AFTER I was off it. I developed diarrhea that wouldn't stop and ended up in the E.R. with very messed up electrolytes. I had to take all sorts of medicines for a long time. The tests and E.R. were over $3,000 and we had no insurance at the time. Get some prohibotics (good bacteria) such as Culturelle and begin taking it NOW. Danon has a tiny drink that also has the right stuff.
    http://www.lactobacillusgg.com/ You can get the Culturelle at CVS.

    Cindi.... MAJOR rain moving in so better hurry with that grass cutting. Jon got the front done but Jim needs to cut that small area out back where we can grow grass. :rolleyes: About Kitty, Patches threw up when we gave her some expensive canned food. Maybe too rich for her tummy.

    Sue, our rain is growing mosquitoes like CRAZY!

    Debby! I cannot imagine the revival about to break out in your church. Surely God will use this testimony to touch many lives!

    Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.
    Ezekiel 37:4

  2. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well back from the morning running!

    I'm giving the sky about 5 more minutes to decide if it wants to rain before I go try to mow. It is very cloudy but haven't had more than a few drops. I hope it means I won't sunburn while I mow. :rolleyes:

    Kitty cat doesn't get wet food, but the kids have been letting her drink the milk from their cereal and eat bits of whatever meat we are having for supper. I dare say that's the problem so I told them to quit doing it. You can't tell from watching her play that she has an upset tummy.

    I bought sno cone syrup while I was out and the kids are having a blast. I only have 3 extras today. Too bad I don't get paid.......

    They're telling me to hurry and mow grass so they can slip and slide, so I'll see ya'll later.


    (going off shaking her head wondering just what happened to the inside of the house)
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Wish it would cloud up and POUR here, Cindi! Grass or no grass! It's 92° here in the t.v. room so the kids who are awake are playing either out back under the shade trees or downstairs in the rec room. It's only 86° outside. This room must be built over hades!

    I'm going to shut down and leave this room myself until the heat breaks. YIKES!
  4. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Ty left just before a shower began. Hope it rains for a while! It's already a lot cooler. [​IMG]

    Did you get that grass cut, Cindi?
  5. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    We got rain!! Driest and hottest June on record for the Empire State. It was so dry we had to use safety pins to put stamps on the mail.
  6. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    I wondered where you were Blackbird, glad you're back. Padredurand-Being fat isn't a disgrace, it just means that you love good cookin'. They say that our bodies are Temples...well mine's a
  7. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Grass is cut and now I'm trying to decide if I'm up to weedeating. Can't believe it took so long. I didn't think I had that much! I do have a ton of weedeating to do. It's been left undone all spring because the push mower is down. As bad as I hate to use the weedeater that is what I'm about to do cause the weeds are overtaking my azaleas in the back yard.

    No rain here at all! I can't believe it, as it was very cloudy, but we haven't had a drop.
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    It's drizzled twice here now and the temp dropped off pretty quickly.

    Kelsey developed a horrible headache in just seconds (??) and cried herself to sleep just in time for dad to wake her and take her home. It came on right after she ate a BIG snack of chocolate. Wondering if she's reacting to sweets. Mom said no allergies.

    Well, everyone is gone and Jim just got in. Going to greet him and cook supper. [​IMG]

  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Diane, chocolate is a big migraine trigger. I'd ask if either of the parents suffered from them and then not let her have chocolate.
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Her mom had super migraines during her pregnancy and mom is a nurse. The child is on meds for hyperactivity too. She's a junk food magnet. Minutes after breakfast, she's asking for junk. My answer is NO. Right after lunch, she wants junk food. I make them wait until 2:30 or 3:00 and then allow snacks. She always eats double what a normal 7 year old would take and she's thin but quite tall for her age. Her breakfast/ lunch appetite is quite large too. I wonder if her 'full' notification isn't working. I do mean she can EAT! Three large helpings of Taco's or Mac and Cheese.... LARGE! She drinks only iced tea with sugar or some Powerade stuff.

    Dad said they'd bring Tylenol tomorrow.
  11. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    It'd be better if they looked for her triggers. Preventing the migraines is often easier than trying to get rid of them.
  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I'll sure pay attention! It was quite difficult trying to 'care for' a good sized (TALL) sobbing 7 year old with 3 year olds and a baby needing me also.
  13. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    One of my granddaugters is on medicine for hyperactivity. When she was here for Christmas, she acted like a Zombie.

    I saw a picture of her taken a couple of weeks ago and she looks very anorexic.

    I think that medicine is for the birds and the parents just don't want to deal with the child's natural energy (at least in Michelle's case)...
  14. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I'm with you there, Sue. The doc suggested we put Son on hyperactivity meds years ago(way before the migraines) and we said no in a hurry. Told his teachers up front when he started school not to even suggest it. Behavior modification techniques and paying attention to what set him off as well as just giving him time to mature worked just fine. Of course what I told his teachers was, if I could stand him so could they! ;) Well maybe not just that way, but that is how I felt.

    A lot of medications have the side effect of weight loss. Son's migraine meds keeps him from gaining, but for the opposite reason. He doesn't get hungry. I have to remind him to eat. He only gained two pounds in the last four months.

    Diane, another few big things to watch for is, caffiene in any form(not just chocolate, something else in chocolate is the problem), homemade or fresh yeast bread(big one for son) and aged cheese(cheddar, parmesian, mozzerella....but not processed cheese slices or velveeta).

    Chocolate is funny, it can sometimes cause a migraine, but in small amounts it can sometimes relieve a migraine. The docs don't tell you that, you learn that from experience.

    Well I've won a bet with my husband! He said that the thingy that I bought for the weedeater to keep from having to wind string all the time wouldn't work. Nah nah nana nah! He was wrooonnnggg! It worked so well that I finished 90% of the weedeating this evening. My yard is looking pretty good!

    Now for a bath and some supper which the kids cooked. Mmmm, mac n cheese and shake and bake chicken. Guess beggars can't be choosers huh?
  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Boy do I agree about those meds! However, not my child so I have no control. I don't know if they're giving her the meds during the summer or not. The mother mentioned one day they'd forgotten her medicine and she was fine. I've not asked..... She will sleep some afternoons but some days they come really early too.

    Well, I'm heading to bed. Another long day tomorrow. Ty's family cannot get off for a vacation at least for a while so he'll be here thru Thursday and the others will be here Tues. and Thurs. [​IMG]

  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Another 90+ day with no rain in sight. It is 73º already at 5:00 a.m.! It wouldn't be so bad if the humidity would drop...

    I'm not sure what time Ember is having her MRI and CAT Scan today, nor do I know when we will have the results, but please keep her in prayer.


    §ue (anxious Grandma)
  17. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Sue, I'm sure Ember's doctors have already checked for this but...

    One of T's cousin's kids got to where she couldn't hear out of one ear also. (not sure of the time period here) They carried her to the doc who eventually discovered a bead that had been in her ear for YEARS and had gotten to the point to where the skin had completely grown around it. Removal, of course, solved the problem. They never figured out just how the bead got in to where it was, but she was the youngest of 3 wild ones, so I can guess!

    Anyhow, still praying for Ember.

    I happily surprised to find I can still move this morning after doing all that yard work. Since I still have energy left and it's only my hand that are a little sore, I think I'll load up all the stuff that needs to go to Salvation Army and carry it down. Then maybe we'll be able to walk through the garage again.

    The kids don't know it but they get to straighten the house some this morning. After all they were the ones that destroyed it. :eek: :rolleyes:

    Ya'll stay cool.....
  18. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I read that 130 different medicines, including over the counter drugs, can cause hearing loss in children as can noisy toys or music. Praying it's something simple and can be reveresed!!

    It's very overcast and cool here today. Kelsey's migraine is gone and mom brought some Tylenol for her to take. We don't use Tylenol so ...

    The kids are bowling in the hallway with some plastic milk cartons I'd kept for such a time as this. [​IMG] Brayden's watching Jay Jay and I have some chores to finish before putting him down for a nap.

  19. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Just got back from having my first series of injections in my spine. It wasn't fun to say the least. I can know feel my tailbone, and boy is it throbbing! My left leg is on fire, but, they say that is to be expected. It is also dragging. They say that is normal, too. NO activitiy today. That's good, because I'm so worn down I'll probably be sleeing soon. I got back in two more weeks for the second series of injections. Then there will be a third series two weeks later.

    Viv's mom was so out of it last night that we couldn't talk to her by phone, and it was impossible to get anything out of the doctor until this morning. We still haven't heard anything. We do know that nobody has told her she's moving out of the trailer whether she likes it or not. I don't think they've told her how long she's got either. I'm not sure she'd want to know.

    I'll update later. Feeling sort of strange freom the meds.. you all have a good day.

  20. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hope you get to feeling better, Tony.

    I just talked to my dil and Ember is getting nervous about the tests. Her CAT Scan is not until 3:00 today with the MRI following that.

    I just found out the results won't be in until July 7th!!! Hurry up and wait...

    I'm going outside, in the shade, to do some painting before it gets any hotter. My concrete lawn ornaments need some 'touching up' after the winter season.