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Featured Does Seminary Really Make the Preacher BETTER?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by righteousdude2, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Yes....

    15 vote(s)
  2. Not really...

    7 vote(s)
  3. I am a seminary graduate....it was worth it!

    5 vote(s)
  4. I attended seminary, but never graduated....I see no ill effects!

    1 vote(s)
  5. Our pastor is not seminary trained...

    2 vote(s)
  6. Our pastor is a seminary graduate....

    6 vote(s)
  7. Seminary makes the pastor more knowledgeable about the Word of God!

    12 vote(s)
  8. I do not see any benefits of a seminary taught pastor...

    4 vote(s)
  9. Seminary has made me a better teacher and preacher overall!

    5 vote(s)
  10. Seminary did not help me, in fact, it confused my faith!

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    While a graduate, I am not a pastor. I do believe that seminary is extremely beneficial to a pastor for several reasons. Here are a few:

    First, as many have noted, the preacher should study (whether in the structured environment or through personal study). Seminary is beneficial here as the professors as well as the students are able to provide insights that can be evaluated through corporate study (iron sharpening iron). This is not typically achieved through personal study.

    Second, in seminary you learn about diverse views within the body of Christ. I also believe that this should be a factor in determining which seminary to attend. Apart from this aspect of education, there is a danger of becoming dogmatic over interpretations and views that are not perhaps explicitly expressed in Scripture.

    Lastly, and perhaps more importantly, seminary provides an opportunity to develop and prove your own theology. It is a time when you are challenged to defend your position and develop a more refined explanation of your own view and interpretations while being confronted with other views in a learning environment. (In some ways it’s like the BB but without the hostility and dogmatic resistance to consider the views of others). I found that I held many views simply because that was what I was taught. In retrospect, some of those beliefs couldn’t be adequately defended by scripture and were in reality opinion – I believed someone else’s opinion that was taught to me. While I still hold some of those views, and am able now to defend those views, I was forced to acknowledge that they are based on human reasoning and those with whom I disagreed held views that were just as legitimate.

    So my answer is that seminary is definitely beneficial to pastors – although I do not believe that it is a requirement to be a pastor (and I do see dangers in professionalizing the ministry or accepting one’s teaching over another simply because one is a seminary graduate).
  2. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Please forgive me for entertaining the thought that pastors don't qualify as being people. :smilewinkgrin:

    Will try my best to keep that in mind.
  3. preacher4truth

    preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    That's GREAT!!!!

    :tongue3: :laugh: :thumbsup:
  4. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    would say that the best part of Seminary is to be able to interact with the godly teachers/professors scholars on Campus, and learning how to think in a biblical mindset, especially in use of the original languages and tools...


    MOST important thing would be to be actually having a realcalling of God, a Shephards herat to ministry among and to the local flock!

    Without that special gifting from the Lord, just head knowledge, and not practical application, as per james!
  5. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    As the American pulpit goes, so goes the nation. It is as preachers have become poorer and poorer theologians that the nation has had less and less reverence for God.
  6. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Right. Furthermore, they KNEW Greek Hebrew and, better than anyone else in history- the historical climate and background of the NT books.

    We have to go to seminary just to become HALF as knowledgeable about Scripture as they were.

    They were not unlearned in the sense that they did not know the Bible languages and customs. They were unlearned, and only some of them at that, in the sense that they did not run in the erudite circles of the day.
  7. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Non sequitur. You do NOT tend to get that.

    I know of many churches that are led by the most theologically educated people imaginable that are EXTREMELY generous.

    First Pres in Jackson, MS, for example, is led by the president of Reformed Theological Seminary and it pours THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of dollars into the poor and hurting every year.

    I don't think NJ even comes close to representing the larger evangelical world.

    But, just a few miles from you is Tim Keller's very large Presby church that is also EXTREMELY generous.

    Tim Keller is a VERY educated man.
  8. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    So what....and you consider 65 miles just a few miles? Personally I don't need Tim Keller. I want Pastor Ray Little in my community who used to go out in the night to drag a drunk dad out of a bar to talk to him about caring for his two young kids who just lost their mom to cancer. He then arranged to have almost every mom in that townto look after the family. Pastor Little was always working tirelessly to help the community and he was always there for you....and he set a standard for all the other pastors to follow. Now he didn't have an advanced degree but he showed the community great love and he was loved and respected in turn. Sadly there are no men and pastors like him anymore. Again Keller who....?!?
  9. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Not if the regular Joe in the field reads and studies his Bible and teaches it to his family. Heaven forbid they should even go out and evangelize ....spread the gospel. :smilewinkgrin:
  10. thisnumbersdisconnected

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Please see that you do. :thumbsup:
  11. preacher4truth

    preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Yeah, everyone who doesn't really want to change alludes to the impossible scenario as their desire, and won't take less, because they know the scenario they've drawn up can't be had. It's a cop out and obvious excuse. As soon as said person HAD their alleged desire granted, there'd be another excuse come down the pike.

    And let's not belittle Keller, each man has their own gift and own empowerment given by God Himself, to speak, minister, and to serve, 1 Peter 4:11; 1 Cor. 3:6.
  12. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Not Dismissive....

    ....and the Bible is not another book! It is the only book when it comes to God and our guide regarding how we are to live! Shalom! And thanks for your thoughtful answer!
  13. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Yea, but we need Greek books and Hebrew books to help us understand the LANGUAGE of the Bible.

    We need historical books to help us understand the CONTEXT in which the Bible was given.

    And God has said IN THE BIBLE that he has gifted the church with teachers who help us to understand the BIBLE. Those teachers often write books that we ought to have the humility to use.

    The unlearned men of the Bible were ten times more knowledgeable about languages and historical backgrounds than half of seminary graduates today.

    We have to go to seminary just to be able to come CLOSE to the "unlearned" men of the Bible.

    That means that if a preacher does not get an education he is leap years behind the most unlearned of God's men in the Bible.

    An education is necessary and ought to be prasied and not dismissed.

    The stupidity of people in the pew in this country is directly related to the stupidity we've had in the pulpits in this country for the last 7 or 8 decades.
  14. Luke2427

    Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    You got your head in the sand, bro.

    You got this blue collar thing going on in your head and you think blue collar preachers are superior in compassion to higly educated preachers.

    It does not matter to you that you do not know AT ALL what you are talking about.

    Tim Keller, not far from you, has probably helped a lot more drunkards than the blue collar type preachers you think are saints.

    God uses all types- educated and uneducated.

    But only a fool thinks uneducated is superior to educated.

    You have to go to seminary to learn the language that UNLEARNED men spoke fluently from childhood in the Bible.

    We talk about unlearned men in the Bible but we ought to consider that these unlearned men SPOKE GREEK AND HEBREW FLUENTLY. They did not have to take 40 hours of studies on Bible backgrounds. Bible backgrounds were their BACK YARDS!

    Yea, preachers ought to pursue an education if they can. If they can and they don't, they are part of the problem in this ignorant country- not the solution.
  15. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Well, thanks...

    ....that should help me get my "head out of the sand!" What would I do without a well-educated man like yourself to disparage me, as you defend the need for spending time and money on your advanced theological degree?!

    I'll bet you make a lot of friends with your intellect and bedside, or should I say, pulpit-side mannerism! I know I'd steer a wide path around any church I saw your name attached to!

    I'd prefer to be with all those "stupid people from the last 7 or 8 decades" than a day of fellowship with a person as rude and cold as you!

    Your attitude and manners show that your head is stuck somewhere other than the sand, us unlearned people have their heads stuck in!

    Wow, what audacity! I can see why visitors to this board decide to stay away! :laugh:
    #35 righteousdude2, Oct 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2013
  16. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    LOL, Pastor Paul, I was going take up for you until I got back this picture from your church of you giving a sermon.


    I cannot stop laughing. Pastor Paul, I am sorry, I could not resist. Is the other guy EWF?


    Seriously, to Pastor Paul and EWF, since I have not been called as a pastor, it is hard to determine how much seminary has on each individual who becomes a pastor in relation to depth of knowledge and wisdom of Scripture. It probably effects different people in different ways. I do know from both of you over the years, I have learned much. Both of your ministries are unique and inspiring.
  17. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    ....I can honestly say that neither of those bodies are mine! I hurt so much any more that getting into that postion would be as difficult and painful as getting back up :smilewinkgrin:

    Seriously....could you please give me a step by step process of posting photos to the board. I've been trying to do what you did, for six years now, and I fail each time. There must be something I am not doing right, and it would help me with many of my posts! http://www.cool-smileys.com/images/10.gif

    I loved your phto, it was as timely as it was precious! And to counter Luke, I have a four year degree in religion and Bible! So, I'm not an unlearned man! I just never saw the need to attend cemetary. :thumbsup:
  18. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Keller who....?!? When I see him touching the flesh in the streets of my community...till then he is a nobody.
  19. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Well now Paul, just what DOES the Lord require of you?

    To act justly...
    to love mercy...
    to walk humbly
    with your God.

    Micah 6:8
  20. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Depends on the seminary and the teachers.

    But seminary does not prepare anyone for ministry. Only the Spirit can do that.