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Madonna's new Album and her song Isaac

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Ben W, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. Ben W

    Ben W Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Maddona's new album seems to be quite heavily based around Spirituality, not surprisingly I suppose given her recent conversion to the Kabbalah faith. In any event I found these links online for her new song "Isaac" See what you think. I think that some of this is in Hebrew but I am not sure.

    (Im nin'alu)
    Dal thae na di vim
    Dal thae na di vim
    Dal thae ma rom

    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu

    Staring up into the heavens
    In this hell that binds your hands
    Will you sacrifice your comfort?
    Make your way in a foreign land?

    Wrestle with your darkness
    Angels call your name
    Can you hear what they're saying?
    Will you ever be the same?

    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu

    Remember, remember, never forget
    All of your life has all been a test
    You will find a gate that's open
    Even though your spirit's broken

    Open up my heart
    And cause my lips to speak
    Bring the heaven and the stars
    Down to Earth for me

    Im nin'alu
    Dal thae na di vim

    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu

    El hai
    El hai maromam 'al karuvim
    Kolam baruchu ya'alu

    Wrestle with your darkness
    Angels call your name
    Can you hear what they are saying?
    Will you ever be the same?
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu
    Im nin'alu
    Im nin'aaalu

    El hai
    El hai maromam 'al karuvim

    (Yitzhak Sinwani spoken)
    The generous truly know
    What will be given
    If they don't stop, you know
    The gates of heaven are always open
    And there's this God in the sky and the angels
    How they sit, you know, in front of the light
    And that's what it's about
  2. jw

    jw New Member

    Sep 2, 2005
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    Can anyone give a reasonable explanation of what the Kabbalah faith is all about?

    And what do all the "im nin'alu"'s and "el hai"'s mean?
  3. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Everyone who understands should know that there's not much between Madonna's ears to work with---the Bible teaches us that the simple minded are on the broad road that leads to distruction no matter how much of the Hebrew language we can recite or sing. And no matter how much Kabbalah is there---her life and heart are both bankrupt without the Lord Jesus Christ.

    We will keep her in prayer---perhaps before she steps off into eternity she will repent of those sins---turn away from Kabbalah and receive Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior.

  4. Ben W

    Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    As I am aware the Kabbalah faith is something to do with a version of Judasim that does not have a Messiah, it is something like Scientlogy where you have to look inside for answers and in the case of the Kabbalah have things revealed to you that are hidden in the Old Testament.

    I have tried without success to find an online translator for those words which I think are Hebrew words written with english letters. Yet no luck. Any Hebrew scholars in here?
  5. fatbacker

    fatbacker New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Kabbalah also sounds like something you have at a BBQ as well. Steaks,hamburgers and shish kababalah's with potatoe salad. [​IMG]
  6. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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  7. Brother Ian

    Brother Ian Active Member

    Jul 27, 2005
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    If there is no Messiah, its a cult.
  8. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Fatbacker: [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    About the album, can I just say UUG!

    Madonna is not the kind of moral example I want for my kids and is at the top of the short list of music I don't allow them to listen too.

    Unless she starts singing gospel and shows true repentance she'll stay at the top of the list.
  9. nate

    nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    That's great Madonna becoming involved with anything to do with the spiritual side of life! What happened to the material girl? Maybe she realizes she isn't going to live forever. We can always pray that she will come to Christ.
  10. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest

    Madonna's music has always had the tone of spiritualness, but it always mocked God. She was raised Roman Catholic, and rejected that.

    Kabbalah means oral tradition, and there is a sect of Judism which teaches Kabbalah, but that is not what Madonna is part of.

    She is part of a modern day cult. It teaches that every letter, word, number and accent in the Torah has a hidden meaning, and that "prophets" of Kabbalah can interpret them and foretell the future. It also teaches that instead of the trinity, God is 10-beings in one, and there is absolutely no connection between man and God because God is not matter or spirit as we know God to be. There are no angels or satan, that these are just concepts offered to ignorant humans. There are though, extra-terrestrial spirits created by God who influence the earth.

    It uses astrology and the horoscope to tell the future. It threatens its members with curses.
    It teaches that God does not punish people, and that nothing is "wrong", but rather it is all "cause and effect," and that the ten commandments were not rules, but rather "warnings." (If you kill someone, you could be killed, so stop killing anyone and all killing will stop.)

    It teaches that all mentally ill people are possessed by evil spirits.

    The head of Madonna's cult group claims he can heal the sick and raise the dead.

    Like most cults it uses sleep deprivation, isolation from friends and family and clut-dictated matchmaking.
  11. Marcia

    Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I wrote a feature article on the Kabbalah that is now on my site at

    I've also discussed it on radio. I don't feel like an expert but I was aware of the Kabbalah before I was a Christian as it is used by New Agers and by those in the occult. It is actually the basis for ceremonial magick, which involves the summoning of spirits. However, in the orthodox Jewish sects that use kabbalah, they reject the occult use of it. Nevertheless, they themselves are reading the Torah as an esoteric text since the belief is that the Torah is an encoded script with 4 levels of meaning.

    Much of what I read when researching this topic reminded me of gnostic beliefs. God manifests himself as light but as the light reaches the material realm, it becomes darker. God is diagrammed as the Tree of Life with 10 points (one side male, one side female with 3 points to balance the 2 sides).

    We are broken vessels that must repair ourselves so that we can manifest more of the light, and as we do so, we help all of humanity and gradually will regain paradise.

    The Kabbalah, like all occult, esoteric systems, is incredibly complex.
  12. baptistcross

    baptistcross Guest

    Truth be told. Madonna is not loved by God. She is a [woman of questionable virtue] and I really don't think it is appropriate that she even be mentioned. This lady has caused enough problems. I wish she would... [edited poor choice of words]. I hate being this way but this lady is the devil if I ever saw one.

    [Watch the language--this is a public forum and children to read it.]

    [ November 21, 2005, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: Bible-boy ]
  13. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Why would a Christian wish hell for anyone?

    If you hate being this way, then stop it.
  14. Ps104_33

    Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    Maybe she is speaking in tongues.
  15. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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  16. HOHNancy

    HOHNancy New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    I agree. [​IMG]
  17. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    The Truth be told, Baptist Cross---the Bible says that God is willing that noone should perish but that all should come to repentance.

    Will all ultimately come to repentance??? No---but their refusal to repent goes against God's will.

    Truth be told---the day will come when people like Madonna will wish upon themselves the rocks and mountains cover them up--they will wish for themselves that they had never been born---but until that day arrives when it is everlasting too late for a person to repent of ones sins and receive Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior---until that day--God is not willing that one should perish---so let us all--including you, Baptist Cross--stop right now and pray for Madonna's salvation--can we do that right now???

    Your friend,

    [ November 21, 2005, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: Bible-boy ]
  18. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    I wrote a feature article on the Kabbalah that is now on my site at

    I've also discussed it on radio. I don't feel like an expert but I was aware of the Kabbalah before I was a Christian as it is used by New Agers and by those in the occult. It is actually the basis for ceremonial magick, which involves the summoning of spirits. However, in the orthodox Jewish sects that use kabbalah, they reject the occult use of it. Nevertheless, they themselves are reading the Torah as an esoteric text since the belief is that the Torah is an encoded script with 4 levels of meaning.

    Much of what I read when researching this topic reminded me of gnostic beliefs. God manifests himself as light but as the light reaches the material realm, it becomes darker. God is diagrammed as the Tree of Life with 10 points (one side male, one side female with 3 points to balance the 2 sides).

    We are broken vessels that must repair ourselves so that we can manifest more of the light, and as we do so, we help all of humanity and gradually will regain paradise.

    The Kabbalah, like all occult, esoteric systems, is incredibly complex.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Nice article Marcia.Here is another site that has a comprehensive explanation about kabbalah:


    at the end of each section, you can click into the next part.
  19. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    I mailed a book on this a couple years ago, to someone here. It did great by means of explanation, as it was bought to be used in a religious studies class by a friend of mine.

    Anyhow, as far as this song and the music, I haven't heard it but I'm guessing from the words and the song that a book called "Music and the Kabbalah" might be of help to those who want to understand.

    It's an interesting study, but I do NOT recommend reading stuff like this without a prayer partner or someone to keep you on track. Sometimes you just have to step away from it and clear your head, or some of the ideas suck you in. It's one of those things where it can closely mimic scriptural ideas and biblical science with just enough of a twist to really throw you. (if you've studied both together in any amount of depth)
  20. Gershom

    Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    Dan Quayle??