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mark or number of the beast

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by romanbear, Dec 15, 2002.

  1. romanbear

    romanbear New Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Hi Sheeagle; [​IMG]
    I believe that the Muslims will be about half of it and ecumenical Christianity making up the other half.It only matters if we are here and we are given the choice to worship the beast or die.If this happens in my life time. I hope that I would be stead fast enough in Christ to not give in to them for my physical life's sake.It's amazing what happens when people are about to die for what they believe in.Some are so terrified and give in for physical life and some don't.I don't think it has anything to do with bravery. I think it has to do with the strength that God gives us.
    I can only trust in Him for that kind of strength, because on my own I already know I'm not that brave.I pray that if this ever happens to me that He would carry me through it.So that He might be glorified.
    May God bless,
  2. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    ...I don't believe the Pope is the anti-Christ.
    Me neither.

    I believe the one world religion will be Islam.
    Personally, I think will not be "organized" religion, but somthing like New Age philosophy or agnosticism.

    I do, however, believe in the black helicopters.
    Me too. I also believe in red ones, blue ones, and ones with the local news logo on them. Actually, the copters in "Blackhawk Down" were graphite ;)

    The Trilateral Commission is also real.
    So is the Federal Communications Commission. DO I get points for that one??
  3. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Then no chip no groceries. etc.

    I was at the store earlier and they had a whole row of chips. Potato, Nacho, Tortilla, Cheetoes.....
  4. Me2

    Me2 New Member

    Apr 16, 2002
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    I can only think that 6 is the niumber of man. Imperfect, Incomplete.
    7 being the number representing completion or perfection.

    666 represents the human man...His body, soul (mind) , and spirit ..we have to "die" to each component and replaced with a newer perfect one....777

    777 being the number of completion (of this specific idea) body, soul (mind) and spirit.

    the mark on the forehead or hand is a representation of works of the mind and hands.
    thoughts and deeds...the mark is a representation of the law. added to the grace of jesus.

    that is what an anti christ is..right ?

    someone who combines the completed work of jesus with their own ideas and efforts.
    (thought or work) or work or their mind or work of their hands...

    its combinig law and grace...

    Its All of Jesus ..and None of me. That was johns revelation as is every christian who lives through Jesus their Lord..
    In my life (by Faith) my spirit is "Replaced" with a perfect one.
    My mind is being "replaced" with the mind of Christ. and by faith I must believe my old man of "Carnal Flesh" will be replaced with a new uncorruptable version.
    By faith if I believe that to be a truth..I can live as though im complete before God....777.

    John's revelation of His Lord was second to none and the real deal..
    No imitations...

    His was only pointing to a idea of an imitator....a person fooling themselves as well as others around them.

    an "anti christ" who mixes grace with their own efforts (carnal law) to be accepted by or be pleasing before God..

  5. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    Why is our generation different than any other generation?... All had the interpretation of mark of the beast and his number and that it fit their generation... Interpretations change as generations change... Then again the early church heard the original message... Why do brethren strain at a gnat and swallow a camel?... Brother Glen Of The Primitive Baptist Brethren :rolleyes:
  6. Me2

    Me2 New Member

    Apr 16, 2002
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    Has anyone know of that little box that the jewish folk tie on their head..it contains a scrap of paper with the law written on it..or some form of Gods words..

    And if they dont have it tied around their (fore) head its tied onto their hand..

    So they can have God words on their minds continually or to remind them that God should direct their activities (tie on their hands).

    and if they dont do it around others that do it..
    then they get kicked out of the club or denomination..
    "they cant buy or sell"

    Some even continue to do it to this very day...Go Figure..

    (Sorry the name of that little box eludes me...can someone tell me the name..maybe?)

  7. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    They are called Phylacteries... And Jesus makes reference to them in Matthew 23:5... refering the the scribes and the Pharisees who make broad their phylactries, and enlarge the borders of their garments... So they may be seen of men! [​IMG] ... Brother Glen Of The Primitive Baptist Brethren [​IMG]

    [ December 17, 2002, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: tyndale1946 ]
  8. Graceforever

    Graceforever New Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    Good post and I agree with you…. When a sinner is saved he is given a new name/number that no one knows….. That is the mark of God on your forehead…

    The same are those who take the mark of the beast, the mark of satan…. Sadly people are receiving this mark every day, even dying with that mark in their foreheads…. There is but one unforgivable sin and that’s unbelief…. That my friend is the anti-christ spirit that was even in the world as Paul wrote……
  9. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    The mark of the beast will not be a literal mark. The spirit of antichrist has been in the world since the beginning, and countless have received his mark.

    Receiving the mark on our foreheads means we assent to antichrist philosophy.

    Receiving the mark on the hand means that whether we believe that philosophy or not we practice it in our works.

    Soon it will be a requirement or we will find ourselves destitute of daily provisions.
  10. romanbear

    romanbear New Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Hi Everyone; [​IMG]
    Arron I found your post intresting in that it reminded me of something I read in the word, which implied that there would be three choices for man that the Beast will offer.

    "Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

    Does this say the same to you? To me this verse says that all who worship the Beast won't nessesarily have a mark.What do all of you think.

    Hi Tyndale;

    I thought that Phylacteries were the dress of the priest, or the ones who like to dress like the priest.I didn't know priest wore little boxes.I got to admit they do dress differently than Americans.
    May God Bless.

    Romanbear [​IMG]

  11. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    Romanbear unless you know something that I don't I think I gave Me2 the answer they were looking for... If not then you are free to give yours!... Is that the answer Me2?... Brother Glen Of The Primitive Baptist Brethren :cool:
  12. Sherlock57

    Sherlock57 New Member

    Aug 2, 2000
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    That's a good one!!! [​IMG]
    Beings I am from Mexico I like the hottest Doritos you can get [​IMG]
  13. Me2

    Me2 New Member

    Apr 16, 2002
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    Hi tyndale, I Appreciate the answer to my inquiry...

    The scripture that the jew held close to their bodies was them taking the figurative expressions that found in the torah and making them literal...

    and they looked silly doing it..."look at me..I've got this silly looking box on my head..
    look how holy I am...I've got Golds holy rules on how to live close to my brain"..

    Even Jesus said that looked pathetic....and they were teaching people that is what God Liked.... yeah buddy !

    Close to their MIND..not brain..in their ways. not tied on their arm.

    They simply took figurative language from a book and made it a literal work before God.

    The 666 statement was figurative, symbolic...and I'll hold by my interpretations as a foundation. Its not that deep.. we "buy and sell"...
    exchanging ideas or thoughts or opinions..whats valuable to you ?..its what you believe.
    we exchange that Between ourselves and our little groups..our deeds. our religiousness

    We must not let our imaginations run wild...the bible always speaks to Gods children..

    The obedient and the disobedient... We are all saved by Gods Grace...

    nothing more, nothing less..God Chooses us..Do we have a choice..Think, If God were to reveal himself to you or me..think about it...INFINITE LOVE...we would choose to return to our source of creation...our spirits would be torn out of these bodies of flesh. desiring to return to its maker..all spirits..all are made of God. but because of the seperation that God HAS created for us..we remain in these bodies..independent and dependent..seperated but yet still a part of his creation....living within. alone, but yet still in contact with God.
    Sin in this world is like the smoke of the censor...hiding us from God..who is infinite love..
    or our spirit would desire too strongly to return back within his oneness..depite what we THINK..our spirit belongs to God..Its a part of and always will be a part of Him !!!!!!!
    Always longing to return to his perfectness..to Himself,.. Who IS agape Love

    Our Understanding of God and His methods are what we are learning about. We are selected to be a part of a family..some of us become obedient. Some disobedient.
    And God uses this method. One group teaching the other group...To Understanding Who we are...

    In our Longing to love and be loved..We sometimes want to add to what God wants to teach us...vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath...thats us..
    We Do this and that,..We Add...We Desire to be pleasing To God.

    But Sometimes we are wrong to do these things.

    God Demands our understanding of What He has done for Us...
    He makes Everything Fair. Equal

    "You Cant outwork me..I Cant Out worship you"..Competetion is not necessary..Its not work...Its Just being. "Its me looking at you and saying, Im no better than you and your no better than me"..We're all the same...we're all equal,.. but different

    But the rub in Gods family is for a purpose..Its to learn within our own family or Group of Fellow Believers..How we are to respond and not respond to God by faith...

    Thus the anti christ..The believer who is no better or no worse..just somebody wanting to please, but He cant sit still and listen to God, telling Him to stop trying.

    I Feel Sorry for the antichrist....but ask yourself..Is this Gods way of disciplining His Child ?.
    I Think It is..

    The Anti christ is saved by grace..he cant refuse it. but he can confuse his life by simply doing what God isnt asking for..Its Christ that forgives. Its Christ that relieves stress and takes away Enmity between themselves and God their father. He cant Stop trying to be Christ...competing with Christ methods of teaching about himself and what He Has Done.
    The Anti christ Cant stop working to Please and just Rest to be acceptable...He Cant Be Himself and let Christ complete his work in Him...
    And God allows this..He decrees it in his methods of his children learning and understanding just who the father is.

    The disobedient struggling and the obedient submitting before the disobedient to offer mercy and be examples of Meek Obedient Children

    The writers that attempt to interpret Revelations has screwed up the believer so bad.

    Stop Looking for the Antichrist..The Big Enemy. The One world Leader..That Gathers the forces of the world to fight God...Thats Fiction from the Misinterpretations of John thoughts. Things shortly to happen..It is simply His Revelation Of Who Jesus Is TO HIM..

    We All Will Have Personal Revelations of Who Jesus Is..And They Will Parallel with the ideas of John..Jesus Is The Same To Everyone...My Revelation or your Revelation. But only when the individual is ready to understand WHO JESUS IS...THE LORD. Now John Was A Jew..His Thoughts. His Fragments of thought. God Used Them To Present A Story of the battle between Good and Evil Right and Wrong. Its strange language..But its Figurative. It Parallels ideas given by the Same Holy Spirit 1000's of years before to men and the same ideas today to you and me...Who God is and WHO Man is created in the image of.....

    Its Figurative...a Dream...A vision using the memories and thoughts of an old world Jewish Man living in a new testament world...stop looking for whats different in our fellow believer and embrace the similarities...Are we to fear our enemies or submit before them to offer help in understanding who our God Really is. Come on..We look For An escape..A "Rapture".
    Are We to run away from our enemies and let someone else fight our battles.....
    (If anything a war is created for us to operate within....)

    God Brings the Disobedient before the obedient..God Brings the Anti christ before the True and obedient Believer for Help..He's not to be feared. But to be offered mercy.

    He's to be offered an opportunity to observe a true witness at rest in the Real Christ.

    Thats the Question...Are We to Love our enemies..or run from them..To Fear them
    and Bow before them..

    We Come in Meekness, Yes ..But also In Power. WHO Can Be Against US. ?

  14. romanbear

    romanbear New Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Hi tyndale; [​IMG]
    Actually I liked your answer. I really did think that the word Phylacteries was speaking to the imitation in how the Priest in Judaism dressed. I had no Idea about the little boxes.Maybe the priest wore them to. [​IMG] Anyway the thought of someone wearing a little box on there heads crack me up.
    Hi me2; [​IMG]
    I liked your input in to the mark of the beast.Your particular view was new to me and I enjoyed it. Actually anyone who is not a Christian is a type of antichrist.I try to look at how others see things like prophecy. I don't think my self an expert in it but it stirs something inside me.Prophecy and the fact that we are today seeing prophecy take place makes my faith stronger.You see when we open our selves up to new ideas we may see more clearly as a result of it.The Sadducees thought they knew prophecy so well that they couldn't accept Christ.They miss interpreted it because of there pride of knowing scriptures,and we can do the same all we have to do is get to big for our britches.Thankyou for your light.
    May God bless you [​IMG]
  15. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Not to burst anyone's bubble, but didn't we have the "mark of the beast" debate when ATM cards first became popular? The whole "no money at the grocery store" thing. And before that, I think we were debating it when social security numbers were issued.

    Okay, maybe not "we" as individuals, but "we" societally.
  16. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    From what I was told by the SS caseworker I have, the law says you do not have to have a SS # to open/maintain a checking or savings account, nor do you have to have one by FEDERAL LAW to get a drivers license. I refuse to give mine out and request another # be used to identify me if they need a number. Though most have accepted it's use as an identification #, it is supposed to be against the law for it to be used by ANYONE other than your employer and SS for that purpose.

  17. romanbear

    romanbear New Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Hi Anthony; [​IMG]
    This quote from you;
    From what I was told by the SS caseworker I have, the law says you do not have to have a SS # to open/maintain a checking or savings account, nor do you have to have one by FEDERAL LAW to get a drivers license.
    How long ago did your SS case worker tell you this?.The Motor Vehicle here in Colorado says they have to check it to see that it's the right account number.If my SS # isn't correct then they would have noticed it over the last 45 years of filing my taxes.The states story is just a bunch of bull.I Believe that the they want to turn your social security number into a type of National Identification system.My argument with the motor vehicle is that they have no legal right to it and there requiring it is violation of the privacy act.As well as my freedom of religon and freedom of movement.Everything pertaining to us these days can be found out by having a SS # of the person. There medical records,there finical records,right down to weather or not you were ever late on your light bill payment. All of this information is priviate and State or Federal Government has no bussiness with it.
    May God protect us. [​IMG]
  18. H.R.B.

    H.R.B. New Member

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Is there a way to get rid of your ss#? I guess I'm
    more concerned about the verichip.
  19. romanbear

    romanbear New Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Hi Heidi;
    Quote from you;
    Is there a way to get rid of your ss#? I guess I'm
    more concerned about the verichip.
    My reply;
    I believe that when Clinton was President he got a law passed requiring that everyone in the U.S. have a SS # It use to be that if you were a fireman or rail road worker you were exempt from having one and if you took a vow of poverty you didn't have to have one.The Clinton bunch made sure that it's now law that you have to have one . Which is why we have to get one for all new born babies...
    May God bless.
  20. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    But you DO need one to collect wages, since part of one's taxes goes into the social security system. Considering the fact that the day my next door neighbor was born, there were 8 other males born in his county with the same name as him (his last name is smith). You could easily see how the SS# prevents fraud when it comes to someone else robbbing you of benefits, or claiming that they payed their taxes, when it was actually you who paid the taxes.