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News: Wal-Mart goes sodomy friendly

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Artimaeus, Jul 2, 2003.

  1. Rev. Joshua

    Rev. Joshua <img src=/cjv.jpg>

    Aug 7, 2001
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    If anyone is guilty of hyperbole here - it's you.

    Homosexuality is more "disgusting" than other sins?

    Allowing consensual, adult homosexual contact is analogous to rape?


  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    BrianT said:
    Wrong! Jesus LOVED them DESPITE their sin but he did not RESPECT them in their sinful state.

    Scripture says:
  3. stubbornkelly

    stubbornkelly New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Artimaeus, I'm sorry if you inferred I thought you were being rude to me. My question about rudeness and scowling was just that, a question, because I wondered how one could go about showing disrespect for people and still maintain a Christlike demeanor. I think I understand what you're taling about now.

    As for respecting your fellow employees, there are plenty of people I work with whom I don't like, but I show them respect as my coworkers. I may not respect their choices, and no one asks me to. But, as an employee, I am expected to maintain a civilized working environment, and that's a reasonable expectation.
  4. Artimaeus

    Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    To All:
    I realize I seem "postal" but I'm really not. I am just venting, so feel free to respond in any manner you want. I'm a big boy, I can handle it. At least, you don't have to worry about making me mad. [​IMG]
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    The Pro-Homosexual group cannot show ONE scripture that supports God endorsing or accepting homosexuality... and yet we can show many showing how God abhors the sin of homosexuality.

    Their eyes are veiled and their minds have been given over to satan.

  6. BrianT

    BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Wrong! Jesus LOVED them DESPITE their sin but he did not RESPECT them in their sinful state.

    Scripture says:
    </font>[/QUOTE]Diane, actually you are proving my point. God loves all equally, and like the verses you pointed out DOES NOT SHOW PARTIALITY. Showing discrimination is showing pariality!

    Right. "He made no distinction". Discrimination is making a distinction.

    Exactly. No paritality. Discrimination is partiality.

    Exactly. No paritality. Discrimination is partiality.

    Yep. That includes everyone, equally.

    Yep. That includes everyone, equally.

    Right. If you show partiality, if you discriminate, you are committing sin. Why do so many Baptist get upset when places like Walmart decide to follow Biblical priniciples by not discriminating????

    Christ ate with sinners a publicans. The Pharisees took issue with this, because they confused his acceptance of those people as his acceptance of their sin. Which side are YOU on?

    I agree. But God loves *homosexuals*. He even gave his son to die on the cross for homosexuals, heterosexuals, and everyone in between. Ya know why? Because GOD DOES NOT SHOW PARTIALITY, as you have kindly reminded us. [​IMG]
  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Brian! Re-read those verses! They show over and over the penalty for sin is STIFF and homosexuality is a sin UNTO DEATH! How can you be so blind to scripture and only see what you want to see?

    I do not hate homosexuals! The sin is disgusting and I abhor even the thought of what they do! However, I would sit next to a homosexual in our church and invite them to return! It is not MY job to cleanse them from their sin.... only to show them love. However, I will not, WILL NOT, go against God and endorse their sin! Which is what the rest of you are doing. IN FACT... you are encouraging them in their sin! You enable and thus participate if only by proxy.

  8. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    If the government didn't stick its big fat nose in 110% of everything in U.S. life today this argument wouldn't be taking place. A company or an individual has the natural right to discriminate against anyone or anything for any reason at any time. We have a natural right to freedom of association.

    The problem is that Leviathan wants to force everyone to get along and accept everyone else's lifestyle, etc., by the use of government fiat.

    By the way, the news story says, "Wal-Mart's employee handbook will also include new language covering sexual orientation, and the retailer will offer a computer-based training session promoting respect for people, regardless of their sexual orientation."

    I wouldn't think a Christian would have a hard time with showing respect for another person. Just what is this going to cause a Christian to do on the job that he ordinarily would not do?
  9. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    How can anyone endorse and encourage the homosexual knowing what Romans 1: 32 says so clear, "Who, knowing the judgment of God, that they who commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."

    Brother David
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Brother David! That's in MY Bible too! Hey.. maybe we need to take up a collection and buy new Bibles for those 10 or so on the board who have pages missing from their Bibles!

  11. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Can anyone please tell me what the big deal is? Wal-Mart will not use race, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation as criteria in hiring. So this is a bad thing????

    This affects me, how? Oh wait, it means that Wal-Mart will not use the fact that I'm single, married, or divorced, when hiring (marital status is implied sexual orientation status).
  12. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    You know, this extreme edge of right-wing fundamentalism is starting to sound really scary. I almost get the idea that they have lost their moral balance.

    It almost sounds as if unless one supports the death penalty for homosexual acts(maybe they include fornication and adultery as well for heterosexuals :confused: ) that they are claiming that one is supporting homosexuality(and maybe fornication and adultery :confused: ).

    Or at the least it sounds as if one is not in the face of homosexuals calling them perverts(maybe they include fornicators and adulterers :confused: ) that they are claiming that one is supporting homosexuality(and maybe fornication and adultery :confused: ).

    Could someone explain to me why the extreme religious right elevates homosexual sexual sin to a much, much higher plane of disgust than they do heterosexual sexual sin? Shouldn't all sexual sins be looked at the same way? I imagine all of us are working and associating with divorced and remarried people. You know there are those that claim that divorced and remarried people are living in sexual sin. I wonder if this extreme edge of the religious right wants to pass a federal law prohibiting a divorced person from getting remarried, or even prohibiting divorce altogether?
  13. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Then, you don't respect yourself.
  14. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Because it's en vogue in many hyperfundamentalist circles.
  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I worked at Wal-Mart for 3 months. Several managers were openly gay. My immediate supervisor was gay. She had her 'girlfriend' drop by once in a while. I experienced prejudice for being Southern Baptist and was mistreated by the homosexual managers even tho I showed them work place respect.

    Artimaeus did not proclaim 'death to homosexuals'. God did. I think it's called HIV.

  16. JamesJ

    JamesJ New Member

    May 9, 2002
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    NO !!

    It's because YOU all keep trying to ram it down our throats !!

    We will no longer let you and we will stand in the gap against this.
  17. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    You do know that the vast, vast majority of people in the world with HIV are heterosexuals, don't you?
  18. David Cooke Jr

    David Cooke Jr New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    I am surprised to hear you say this. Think carefully and compassionately about the above statement.
    I suppose its easier for folks here to say that God sent HIV to strike down the homos b/c they don't identify with them. Fine. Lets look at subjects closer to home.
    God created heart disease to strike down the gluttonous and the slothful, particularly Baptists in the South, who are the fattest people in the country. God targeted you b/c you are lazy and fat.
    God created lung cancer to strike down those who defile their body, the temple of God, with cigarettes. They die from divine judgement they brought on themselves.
    God created diabetes to blind, cripple, amputate, and kill those who eat to much sugar, and make themselves fat in adulthood. They deserve what they get.
    Want to say God created HIV to proclaim death to homosexuals? Then apply that logic across the board. We all have it comin'.
  19. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I worked at Wal-Mart for 3 months. Several managers were openly gay. My immediate supervisor was gay. She had her 'girlfriend' drop by once in a while. I experienced prejudice for being Southern Baptist and was mistreated by the homosexual managers even tho I showed them work place respect.
    Then you have a case for harrassment inthe workplace based on your sexual orientation, and should pursue this matter.

    Artimaeus did not proclaim 'death to homosexuals'. God did. I think it's called HIV.
    HIV kills regardless of orientation. I no more assume that God kills homosexuals via HIV than I would assume that God kills IV drug users via HIV, or tht God kills donor blood recipients via HIV (a Jehovah's Witness might say that, but not me). I wouldn't say that God kills fat people via heart disease, but that's a much more common occurrence.
  20. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Now if you are talking about preaching the gospel, I stand with you 1000%. But do you mean something besides this?