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Our compassionate President at work

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by prophecynut, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    That is not so, OldRegular! I could quote this post of yours and say it's just another patetically lame attempt by the Bush lovers to cover their own stupidity!!!

    I love Bush as a human being, my brother who is also a child of God. I pray for him every night.

    I just hate MOST of what he does.

    He approved a tax bill that gives more credits towards married individuals. I have already applauded him once today on these boards for that.

    To give a blanket statement that we are all Bush haters because we say something negative against the man is foolish. Excuse me sir, but that is extremely foolish!!! Folly!!!

    Open your mind! The MAN is using GOD and using YOU!! He is a man! He is just a man!
  2. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    I feel extremely sorry for Ms. Sheehan. I hope that she can one day get past the bitterness and find some semblance of peace. Bitterness is an awful to live with in one's life.

  3. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Bitterness is an awful thing to live with I can attest to that, forgiveness is wonderful medicine for it. I hope she finds both peace and forgiveness Ken.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I don't think she is bitter she did not say that
    about herself so this characterization she is
    bitter is probably to co opt her views she has
    a great right to grieve and be an advocate and
    she is spot on about George and the War profiteers
    the bitter thing is ya'lls opinion and you can have it but actually read what she has written
    before you judge her as bitter that is a negative
    assessment. Again do not confuse grieving with bitterness..she has a right to be sad and grieve.

    I heard George and the Senators say that evening the sacrifices we as Americans have had to make for Iraq are "worth it." I really would like to know who has benefited and profited from Iraq and who has really had to sacrifice anything. I know it was "worth it" to Dick Cheney who was the CEO of Halliburton, (of no-bid contract fame) which has raped billions of dollars from our government, from the people of Iraq, and from our soldiers who are not getting what they need to survive in a combat zone. It is "worth it" to Black Water Security Co. who sends one-thousand-dollar-a-day mercenaries to Iraq, funded by the War Department. It is "worth it" to L. Paul Bremer who slunk out of Iraq with 8.8 BILLION dollars missing from the Provisional authority. It is also "worth it" to the other companies and individuals who have been enriched by feeding our children to the military industrial complex. By George, I think we have found the people who think this war is "worth it." But, is it worth it to George Bush who was counting on this unlawful and unprincipled aggression in Iraq to give him "political" capital? Instead, if poll numbers are any good indication, Americans are withdrawing their assent for George and they are withdrawing their consent for him to wage eternal war on humanity.

    she is spot on about the tipping point of the war
    going against this inept administration and she is
    spot on about the waste of money in Iraq.

    In fact that would make a great topic 8.8 billion
    missing dollars!


    again I read the article she did not characterize
    herself as bitter..and again she has a right to
    grieve and honor her son in that and she has a right to be an advocate for families.

    It is not bitterness she has legitimate points.
  5. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    ALSANPAL as you know I have never been in favor of invading Iraq. I agree with you 100% and then some about finding out who profited the most. I am in agreement that she has some legitimate points as do the 9/11 victims families. No doubt she has a right to grieve. Myself I think if I went through what she is going through I would be bitter and I'd think I have a right to that also. Maybe she is a stronger person than me it's quite possible I don't know. But, I do know bitterness both being bitter to others and receiving from them and I found that forgiveness is strong medicine for it. If I had not been able to forgive those that wronged me I wouldn't be posting here today. How about you could you face her reality and not be bitter?

    I hope she finds answers peace and forgiveness.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    You are welcome to that and thanks for personalizing it...but again I stand on what
    the article says and she has no self definition by
    her that she is bitter. Can people take their
    grief and do something positive with it..now
    that is what I think she is doing because she
    has a lot of logical points. She is taking what
    is sad and heartbreaking and making positive
    outreach to other families and being an advocate
    if I was to put it on a scale she is more goodness than bitterness.imho.

    She imho is not debilitated by bitterness but empowered by her loss to bring change and accountability.

  7. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I have no way of knowing if she is bitter or not all I know is that I would be and as I said before I would feel I had a right to be. And bitterness is a hard row to hoe and a heavy burden to carry.

    I was agreeing with Ken on bitterness and it's effects. As far as framing a debate or trying to co-opt anothers views to favor the Bush team. No not me, I think you got the wrong guy. I have been one of those speaking out against Bush and evil in high places since day one here. I reckon I've tired out a few ears here with my critics of Bush on this board. [​IMG]

    It was never my intention to to make light of her situation or to take sides against her. Quite the opposite. I feel she is showing great courage in being proactive and seeking answers and accountability. Her courage cannot be stressed enough considering that the neocons have been stacking the deck against legitimate questions being asked of them. I think if any co-opting has been done here it is the neocons that are the guilty party. They have co-opted the very honor, love of liberty, honesty, justice and patriotism these young people believe in and are willing to die for. That I find inexcusable in any government. Be it these United States or any other.
  8. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    I'm from Texas and glad of it! "Bring it on!", prophecynut!
  9. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    We shouldn't accept this story as an accurate transcript of all that was said in the context and tone it was said. It's a one-sided report by someone with an ax to grind regardless of the justifiable grief of the family involved. Until I get an accurate report of the whole event I'll have to assume it's nothing more than another story twisted and perverted by the antiwar movement - or the "hate Bush" crowd - just to push, or "prove" as they believe, their silly views.
  10. prophecynut

    prophecynut New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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  11. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    I'm glad to make you happy! We all need something to cheer us up a bit. It's too easy to drown in all the phoney negative reporting.
  12. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Grief transformed into hatefulness!

    Cindy Sheehan: Are Those Crocodile Tears?

    Her transformed grief dishonors the very sacrifice that was made by her son and shames all the rest who've given likewise and all those who continue in the service of our nation pursuing the just cause in which we're engaged.

    For her grief, I feel compassion, but for her antiwar activism, I feel no justification by her grief.

    We must be strong even in the face of our own grief or those of others around us. We are at war and we can expect it to extract its terrible toll from many among us. If it were not "worth it" we'd never have had liberty at all and would never sustain it.
  13. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 14, 2004
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    I was so close to the truth earlier in this thread that it's a little scary. :eek:
  14. PebblePie

    PebblePie New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
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    My son is leaving in a few weeks for his 2nd tour in Iraq. If he should die there, I certainly would not blame President Bush. My son is an adult, it was his choice to enlist.
    ~ Blame shifters ~

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    "If Mizzz Sheehan was truly motivated by the loss of her son to pursue the ones who caused his death, she would be out for the head of Muqtada al Sadr, not President Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld"(Dragoons link of good journalism)

    How interesting Bush seems to think its okay to
    let this guy off the hook and back into the mainstream...this blogger messed up big time by
    using Sadr..and Gold Cross have legitimate issues
    in a free society as with other groups..that
    came out of the all volunteer force...that all
    volunteer force and not drafted so it makes it
    that much more important to listen and learn.

    by all means read the comment section on Mr. Malverns arrogant rant...seems to have fallen
    flat...Dragoon....you might actually want to
    check out his audiences response before you
    fall into it.

  16. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Yes indeedy, balance and context. I think Mr. Malvern has been weighed and found wanting.
  17. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 14, 2004
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    As has Ms. Sheehan.
  18. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    I'm sure you'd rather I just blindly swallow all the liberal lies, exaggerations, distortions, etc. based on jealousy, hate, blame, resentment, etc. but ... it will never happen! I'll stick with sources and stories that are more credible weighing all things for their true value. I'll keep believing in America and the truth of our just causes all the way to the bitter end if it comes that.
  19. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    "As has Ms. Sheehan."

    Not when one seriously considers the evidence. Of course I do not expect "reasonable thinking" individuals to fall for a ploy like documented facts and evidence against the beloved emperor and his business partners.
  20. prophecynut

    prophecynut New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    Don't feel so bad Dragoon, the global elite love your kind.

    What's the "bitter end?" Are you severely persecuted my dear boy, my heart bleeds for you.