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Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Martin, Oct 22, 2005.

  1. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Ok, sexcess is a strange title for a post on a Christian board. However this very word is now being used by a major publishing company to sell the Bible to "christians". This is an outrage and shows how far the larger evangelical world has fallen away from Biblical principles. What is this outrage? It is "The Complete New Testament for Men" published by Thomas Nelson. It is promoted as having been "created with today’s modern guy in mind" and with "content that makes Biblical truth fresh and relevant, it might just make Bible reading the best part of your day". On the cover we see phrases like "Sexcess: Sucess with the opposite sex", "Improve your people skills and win", "Top ten list for getting ahead", "34 Tech Savvy ideas", and "fitness tips". Think I am joking? I only wish I were. However you can see this at the Thomas Nelson web page (click here).

    So what Thomas Nelson, and the no doubt thousands of "christians" who will buy this item, is telling us is:

    1. The Bible has to be "spiced up" with worldly labels and articles in order to make it interesting.

    2. That serious Bible study is boring and not something that the "modern guy" is interested in.

    3. That Christians should adopt the world's concerns (financial success, sexual lusts, physical apperances) and not God's (holiness, truth, love, etc).

    What Thomas Nelson is doing is in direct violation of Scripture (Romans 12:1-2, 1Pet 1:21-2:9, etc). However Thomas Nelson is only a publishing company putting out things they believe christians will purchase. The very fact that there are enough professing christians out their who are as worldly as the day is long and who therefore make up a large enough buying block to cause Thomas Nelson to publish this is indeed frigtening. It shows how far and fast the evangelical church is slipping. Indeed as the great CH Spurgeon warned there is a great downgrade among modern Christians!

    He once said:
    Dr James White noted this morning in his blog that Thomas Nelson Publishing is using a children's version of the Bible in this edition. White said:


    IN Christ,
  2. baptistteacher

    Site Supporter

    Jan 3, 2003
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    And again we say, "What next?"

    Goes right along with the shallow music being used so much these days. It's all part of the "I want it my way. I have to be entertained. Don't challenge me with anything too difficult." mood of the day.
  3. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    So what's the problem? It's an NT study bible with notes and commentary. The notes and commentary are geared towards men.

    Again, I ask, what's the problem? I have not seen this with my own eyes, and it's clear that the oening poster hasn't either. But it's an edition similar to Revolve, a similar product for teen girls. I saw the Revolve edition after similar concerns, and upon reading through it, ws so impressed with it that I bought two, one for each of my one teen girls. This product is a similar product for men. SO again, I ask, what exactly is the problem you have with it? All of the claims made about it appear to be unwarranted. Or is there some scriptural ban on Christian men discussing finances, sex, and physical apperance in the course of Bible study???
  4. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    I would think that making God's holy word applicable to one's daily life and using God's holy word to solidify your decision-making abilities into God-honoring ones would be a good thing.

    Once we become saved by being washed by the precious blood of Jesus, we should be taking the Bible at it's fundamental purpose and saying, "OK, how is God's Truth going to play a role in and help shape my life's choices in the areas of relationships, careers, ministries, finances, raising children, etc...".

    ;) Is there a version for women?
  5. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Why, yes, Scarlett, there is:

  6. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Two things. First I have seen this item's cover and its promotion on the Thomas Nelson website (unless you accuse them of mis-marketing their own product). The "problem" has been laid out. If you see no problem with using worldly standards to market the Bible then we have a strong disagreement. Second I have seen "Revolve" in person and was horrified. The idea that they wish to turn to Word of the Living God into a popular girls/gossip style magazine is shameful.

    No, this is not a study Bible. Study Bibles have serious theological and/or life principle notes (ie.. the Ryrie Study Bible, The MacArthur Study Bible, The Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible, The Life Application Study Bible, etc, etc). This new idea is nothing but mass marketing. Christians should be outraged.

    I promise you one thing. They would not dare, and I mean would not dare, treat the Koran in such a way. If that be the case then why in the world do we approve/defend them when they treat the Word of the Living and True God in this way?

    ==I have no problem with a "Teen Study Bible" or something like that. The problem here is they are using worldly standards (lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life) to market the Word of God. Not to mention the fact that they design it to look like one of those cheap gossip magazines. As I said in my post Christians should not need worldly designs (etc) to find the Bible exciting to read. The Word itself should excite us without worldly tricks to get us to read it. What will be next? Will they market the Bible to bored housewives in the format of a trashy novel? Whats next? We must demand that the Word of God be treated with the up-most respect and not made to look like a cheap gossip magazine.

    ==My information comes directly from their web-site (unless you are accusing them of mis-marketing their own product). There is nothing wrong with talking about those things, per say. However there is something very wrong when those things are masked in worldly language and that very worldly language is used to market it. If they wish to publish a serious study Bible that contains articles/notes on those subjects I would support that 100%. However as long as they continue to cheapen the Word with their worldly marketing methods I can't support them or their product. Sorry.

  7. James_Newman

    James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Sexcess will send you to hell.
  8. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Maybe I missed it, but I looked on the webpage and I did not see the word "sexcess"???
  9. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Never mind, I found it...it was on the actual magazine.

    This is just a magazine type publication, isn't it? I was under the impression that some thought this was a study bible?
  10. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Click on the picture for an enlargement and you will see one of the articles is entitled: "Sexcess - Success with the opposite sex"

    I am assuming, and I may be wrong because I haven't read the article, that it is from a Christian point of view.

    That is,and again I am assuming, that the article is not about how to get into a woman's pants, but her heart and how to be a Godly man around women and how to "woo" a woman from a Godly point of view.

    Just my 2 cents.

  11. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Oops! Nevermind, you found it.

    I don't know if it is a magazine or not. The women's one, Becoming, (thanks rsr) calls it a 'zine, but it says New Testament on the front.

    Maybe someone could clarify it for me.
  12. nate

    nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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  13. nate

    nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    "Shallow" music :confused: oh I suppose you are referring to modern worship. Well some of us don't want to sing hymns from the third person. Some want to express their love for God directly. The only one wanting their way is IFB who are hung up on dress code and the outward appearance and tradition. It was good for dad so it's good enough for me. Sure CCM is fun but hymns aren't boring either. And how does most average hymns challenge anyone. Yea I guess the lyrics to "ALL IN ALL" is probably shallow for some.

    "JESUS, Lamb of God,
    Worthy is Your Name"

    I can only feel sorrow for those of you who refuse to open your eyes. According to your logic David was shallow. And was not right with God when he wrote Psalm 150.
  14. Artimaeus

    Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Martin, [​IMG]

    Being "cool" seems to be the main interest and priority for the marketing of this publication. The commentary might or might not be worth reading. This presentation is enough, in and of itself, to cause me not to trust their judgement. So, why would I trust their judgement in their commentary?
  15. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Right. The modern church is sinking into a pit of coolness, compromise, easy believism, feel-goodism, and worldliness. Don't take my word for it either. Just look around. How many christians, quote un quote, are trying to look (dress), sound (talk, sing), and act (daily behavior) just like the world? I not only see this in teenagers (where it could be somewhat understandable due to the stress of the teen years) I also see it in adults! This edition of the Bible being published by Thomas Nelson is a symptom of this serious problem. Notice that their marketing technique is 100% worldly. The phrases, the topics, everything about it is worldly (even the style of the cover). As for the commentary I doubt it is made up of serious Bible studies (etc). It is probably alot of life principles worded with the very same worldy phrases that are found on the cover.

    Again I would have no problem with a study Bible that had life principle articles (etc) with in it(directed at teens or adults). That would be great! However to cheapen the Word of the Living God by making it look like some sort of a cheap gossip magazine is offensive. The Word of God should be treated with the respect that it is due. After all it is the Word of the One, True, Living,Holy, God.

    We should not try to look like the world, nor should we attempt to bring people into the church using worldly methods (after all such worldliness is what they must turn away from!).

    I think some Scriptures are in order:

    "Surely God is good to Israel,
    To those who are pure in heart!
    But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling,
    My steps had almost slipped.
    For I was envious of the arrogant
    As I saw the prosperity of the wicked...

    Until I came into the Sanctuary of God;
    Then I perceived their end.
    Surely You set them in slippery places;
    You cast them down to destruction.
    How they are destroyed in a moment"

    Psalm 73:1-3,17-18

    "Do not fret because of evildoers,
    Be not envious toward wrongdoers.
    For they will wiether quickly like the grass
    And fade liek the green herb"

    Psalm 37:1-2

    "You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God"

    James 4:4

    "Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lsut of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from this world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever"

    1John 2:15-17

    We should reject worldly living, marketing, dress, etc. We should live in such a way that honors God. We should treat His Word with the respect it is do. This Thomas Nelson is not doing.

  16. NomadsWife

    NomadsWife New Member

    Jul 19, 2004
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    Words escape me... I'm pretty much sitting here with my mouth hanging open from sheer shock, though I suppose I shouldn't be so shocked.

  17. Rachel

    Rachel New Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    Is this any different than say a Women's Devotional that has the N.T. in it, with articles by various women talking about women's issues? Or what about that picture bible for children that looks like a comic book inside? Are they bad too? :confused:

    That page said ...
    Align, NCV
    The Complete New Testament for Men
    Full-Color, Trade Paper

    Ever wish your Bible was as easy to pick up as your favorite magazine? Now there’s a new BibleZine™ created with today’s modern guy in mind. With an edgy, techo-savvy style and content that makes Biblical truth fresh and relevant, it might just make Bible reading the best part of your day. By putting one of the most readable versions of the Bible, the New Century Version®, together with articles about the topics you face everyday, we’ve created a ‘zine that will help you get deeper in the Bible, find out what God has to say for your life, and grow in your faith.

    This 'zine looks to be geared to men and issues they face. I'm not seeing the problem here.
  18. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest

    The problem is, God's word shouldn't be used for things such as, "How to be successful with the opposite sex." It should be used for things such as, "How to live a Christ centered life."
  19. Petrel

    Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    I don't know how I feel about the rest of it, but that's pretty crass! It makes it seem like they're putting the emphasis on the wrong thing--hooking up versus marriage.
  20. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==There are no problems, at least as far as I am concerned, with study Bibles that contain articles on real issues (ie...life principles). As for children's Bible's I would prefer one that does not pretend to be a comic book (same issue). When I was little I had a big brown children's Bible (w/ pictures). I still have that Bible (btw) and I would prefer it over the comic book things anyday. While it had pictures it was respectful and serious in its approach. It was also faithful to the Word of God. Now the issue here is the way in which this "bible" has been put together and marketed. They are using worldly standards (language, style, etc) and saying that this somehow makes God's Word more appealing to "modern men" (whatever that is). That is a major, and offensive, problem. If they want to put out a study Bible that deals with these issues great. However to treat the Bible as if it is some cheap gossip magazine is nothing shy of disrespect.

    ==Ok, let's stop there. Why are they comparing the Bible to someones "favorite magazine"? That is the first question I must ask since the two are totally different. Secondly the Bible is to be taken much, much more seriously then someones "favorite magazine". Thirdly why do they feel the need to use worldy "magazine" packaging and marketing for the Bible? Is it because evangelicals have slipped so far from Biblical standards that publishers are now required to treat the Biblical text so lightly? Or are they now trying to reach the lost world for Christ with a worldly bait? Such worldly bait, btw, must be repented of. So, in summary here, this just really blows my mind. Why is this even needed? Again if they want a study Bible then publish a good study Bible. However they should never treat the Bible as someones "favorite magazine".

    ==For me this was one of the most offensive parts of their ad. Two reasons. (1) Who is this "modern guy"? Seems that they are painting with a mighty large brush. Many Christian "MEN" I know want solid Biblical truth and are not the least bit interested in gossip style columns that offer shallow theology masked in worldly packaging and langauge. So I just don't know who they are talking about. (2) Why does their wordly magazine package and wording make a person's Bible reading "the best part of your day"? I was under the impression that Bible reading was the "best part" of our day because it was during that time that we learned truth, fellowshiped with the Lord, recieved guidance from the Lord, and had our minds transformed by the Word (etc.). Seems to me Thomas Nelson is giving people the WRONG reason for reading the Bible. Seems very worldly.

    ==First I would argue with their claim that "readable" is an important quality in chosing a translation. While it is important I would assume it would be more important to find an accurate translation. Not saying the NCV is not accurate (I am not personally familiar with that translation) just that they seem to be placing "readable" over "accurate". Second I again return to my point. Why will their worldly wording and style help a person dig deeper into God's Word? Seems their whole approach contradicts their claim! See above.

    As a man I can honestly say that I am much more interested in knowing God and truth (being general here) then I am in having "sexcess" or learning about "34 Tech Savvy ideas" (etc). Again I think that their style is worldly and not showing the proper respect for the Word of God. We need to have a revival in the church. A revival in respect for God's truth.

    In Christ,