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The effects of t.v. in our homes

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Butterflies4mami, Jul 20, 2003.

  1. Ria0589

    Ria0589 New Member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    Im only 14 and I even know that the whole "Do as I say not as I do doesn't work" after all if my parents find it o.k. to watch- whats wrong with me watching it?? The answer is im a Christian and there are surtain things we as Christian's shouldn't watch! :eek:
  2. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Ken, that's why I said *most* likely. Yes, there are a few exceptions, but for the most part there just aren't. I'm talking about your typical daily television fare laced with mind poison.
    Trashy talk shows, soaps glorifying adultery, cussing during daytime hours is allowed now, even cartoons have rock videos in between, advertisements for music slung by slutty 3/4th's nekkid rock stars, and many cartoons themselves often are laced with sexual innuendo and slams on religion.
  3. Butterflies4mami

    Butterflies4mami New Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Bro. Enda-

    Good point! There aren't twenty, probably not ten that could be named! [​IMG]
    What is that portion of scripture that teaches that if it does not edify Christ, make us closer to Him, than it isn't good for us as Christians? :confused:
  4. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    My final contribution to this thread -

    There are lots of good programs(mainly about history), news shows, financial shows, and sporting events on TV. I know that a lot of these are boring to a lot of people.

    Anyway, I assume those of you with such a dim view of a modern device like TV don't listen to the radio either.

    But please, I do hope you encourage your children to read, and hopefully books that will help them to be well-rounded when they are on their on and looking for a job and they want one that pays well. Employers like to have employees who have some idea of what's going on in the world and what has happened in the past.

    Good luck with your isolationism. :D
  5. Brother Adam

    Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    We have a tv, but only use it to watch movies. Generally things like VeggieTales and Winnie the Pooh (but as adults we sometimes watch movies like Saving Private Ryan and Shrek). I just don't see the point of TV with so much else out there to do. I used to watch 2-3 hours of TV a day. Now I haven't seen it regularly in over a year (I see a news show at my parents house now and then). I don't feel like I've missed a dang thing.
  6. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Ken, if the issue was that it was a modern device we wouldn't have been reading your post. [​IMG]
    We listen to the radio quite often. We get the newspaper daily. News is available on the net. We are not isolated from what's going on in the world without tv.
    Although...I really do miss those commercials for car insurance! The one with lizard. :D
  7. Elnora

    Elnora New Member

    Jan 4, 2001
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    I understand your concern with your two year old. It is very easy to get in the habit of letting a movie babysit for you while you get your chores done. Being a little creative though you can involve even a two year old in your daily chores. I let my children help when they were little and they loved it.

    We babysit one of our grandsons while his mom goes to college. Doing laundry, let him watch you load and he can add the soap. Folding clothes, give him some to fold. Washing dishes, let him dry the plastic ones. Involve him, the job won't be perfect so go refold the washcloths when he naps or "help" him get them straight as he folds. Keep the house as neat as possible but while the little ones are young don't worry about a showroom house. Nurturing and training up your children is way more valuable than a picture perfect house.

    I even let my grandson help me cook (he has since he was three). Teaching safety and cleanliness at the same time. They love the fact that they can be of help. It gives them a sense of belonging and contibution to their home, I believe building their sense as a valuable member of the family.
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Bro. Enda, I enjoy cooking shows, crafts shows, home decorating shows (which all benefit my family/ MY mission field). My husband watches sports and the t.v. guardian blocks out any words that might slip through. The news is also 'cleaned up' by the t.v. guardian since the word sex is not even allowed. The T.V. Guardian is so strict that when 'The Donut Man' said the rooster went cock-a-doodle-do, it blanked it out. A porcupine cannot prick a finger with T.V. Guardian. You see how inclusive this block is?

    I do NOT use the t.v. for worship. I don't watch t.v. preachers. I have a local church and am very active in my local church!

    We don't watch many movies but there are a couple of regular shows I enjoy. Our little one (I have 3 grown children too) is allowed to watch cartoons like 'Liberty's Kids, Anne of Green Gables, Rollie Pollie Ollie, Between the Lions, House of Mouse, Winnie the Pooh', etc. He really likes 'Croc Files', too.

    I get the strong impression that you're defending the internet because you enjoy the internet only from your strong defense of it. The internet is filled with filth and it can sneak into your home MUCH more easily online than on t.v. if you are a careful viewer.

    My t.v. has dozens of blocked channels so that we cannot even accidentally surf onto those to see the titles. However, there are many educational and interesting shows on t.v.
  9. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I have a TV. It sits in my living Room! I can see everything my Son Watches, or all the kids in the neighborhood! I also have Satelite.

    My Children all watch:

    1. Bill Ney Science Guy
    2. Discovery Kids
    3. Discovery
    4. Boomerrang
    5. TV land
    6. Game Show Network
    7. History Channel
    8. HGTV
    9. DYI
    10. Travel
    11. CartoonNetwork
    12. ESPN
    13. Other Sports NEtworks
    14. PBS
    15. Other PBS Networks
    16. Saturday latenight Christian Video's (Trinity)
    17. Sci-Fi
    19. History Channel 2
    20. Tech TV

    Add...CNBC, MSNBC, All 3 FOX NEWS, International News, And Both Spanish Stations

    Also Add Food Network

    Did you notice in those 20 there was no Disney. But when my Granddaughter comes over in the daytime...Disney comes on for her to watch her shows...Wiggles, Pooh...

    Also....Noggin....Sesame Street...Electric Company...Carmen San Diego....

    Regular TV...The News Locally as Well as Nationally or Internationally.......

    This is not on all day, but this is the list of things allowed to watch.

    My Son has an active life...so sometimes he does not watch TV at all. He is Honor Roll at School, Top 10% in His Class, Looks forward to attending Church, Does not Cuss, is not rebellious, respects elders...Enjoys reading and studying his Bible....He lives A very Christian Life.

    My Grandchildren are the same way!

    My Computer sits in My living Room also. Screen open to the room. Anything that takes place on the internet is visable to all.

  10. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Well, here in Oklahoma if we didn't have the TV to warn us of storms, tornadoes, etc, we might just blow away. ;)

    Our TV stays on the weather channel most of the time and one of the local channels when we are experiencing bad storms.

    My children are grown so I don't have to worry about them, but both watched TV under supervision. My grandchildren watch TV, videos, etc under parental supervision. I think TV can be a positive learning tool. Parents just have to be selective.

    Diane is correct about the internet. I was searching the other day and I could not stop the filthy popups. I had to disconnect to stop them and they were filthy, worse ones I have ever seen. You will see nothing like that on regular or even cable TV...

    I grew up before TV and I appreciate it very much.
  11. Artimaeus

    Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Butterflies4mami, it is good to see Biblical standards implemented into people's lives. [​IMG] We can all glean from these ideas (yours and others here) on how to better protect our families from the spirit of antichrist.
  12. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I agree with you. I don't have the TV Guardian, but my tv's are new enough to include the V chip. It's quite easy for me to set the v chip to block out any programming of a TV-14 rating or greater when the kids are watching.
  13. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I've taught my children what's appropriate and non-appropriate. When they hear someone use inappropriate language, they know the difference, and they don't use it. I've never had a problem with my kids and foul language, and I don't have to worry about it.
  14. David Mark

    David Mark New Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    As an experiment I canceled my cable (TV), unplugged the television and carted it off into the back room months ago.

    It's been an interesting few months...

    Dave. [​IMG]
  15. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I agree KenH and Johnv! I too have taught my children what is appropriate and what isn't! So they know the correct things to say and do, and those things they shouldn't.

    I also listed 20 stations or more.

  16. DCK

    DCK New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    Sorry, double post.
  17. DCK

    DCK New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    Although we usually (rightly) criticize television for sex, violence, and generally worldly attitudes, my biggest complaint against modern TV is its mind-numbing triviality. Virtually nothing on television is worth thinking about five seconds after the show over. If I watch several hours of typical network programming in a row I often end up feeling mentally numb, and never inspired. I guess that's why I'm watching less and less as time goes by.
  18. Trotter

    Trotter <img src =/6412.jpg>

    Jun 29, 2003
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    We chucked the boob tube around 6-7 years ago. It was impossible to screen what our daughter was watching during every single minute. My wife remembers sitting in front of the set for hours being mindlessly entertained. I was drawn to the scantily clad women [​IMG] .

    My wife's grandmother's set went out on her, and we both (My wife and I) felt the prompting of God to give her ours.

    You know, we haven't really missed it [​IMG] .

    In Christ,
  19. DanielFive

    DanielFive New Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Thats all well and good but who sets the 14 rating for the programme, I doubt if it's a Christian.

    In effect what you are doing is allowing a non-believer to decide what your kids watch, and of course they will make that decision based on their own worldly standards.

    Your standards as a Christian should be higher.
  20. bensaved

    bensaved New Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    butterfuly and brethren,
    I just wanted to give a quick word. the difference between internet and t.v. is I choose the sites my p.c. goes to, worldly (saved and lost) choose t.v. programming. The standard in my home is not held us by even the MOST coservative t.v. program. We junked the t.v., vcr, etc. three years ago. My wife and I did a survey recently with our seven children. "Who wants the t.v. and vcr back?" was the question. With a resounding voice my children all agreed...nobody! Out of the mouth of babes! It is better to have family devotions, read the Bible, go for a walk, listen to a great preaching tape, take a child on a date, TAKE MOMMA ON A DATE, shall I go on. We have unlimited free time. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes, said the Psalmist. I have seven children and I don't have time for t.v. they are far more fun to watch and listen to, AND I can talk back and they respond. Lester Roloff said the t.v. will do great damage to the work of God FIFTY YEARS AGO! He was right. Don't be afraid brethren, we are supposed to be a VIRGIN BRIDE! I'd encourage you to pitch it. If internet is a burden...chuck it too. Just a thought.
    Bro. Ben