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Discussion in 'Other Discussions' started by th1bill, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. th1bill

    th1bill Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2009
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    We live in a predictable time for this world... for those that have sat down, prayed for and received the Holy Spirit and then read the Bible to learn about this God that has given them Eternal Life. But, there lays the problem. It's so much trouble to be saved and then that book goes on forever.

    And the gray headed of fossil pulled his tongue out of his cheek, grinned and drove his wheelchair off into the shadows.

    Yep, it takes fifteen to twenty minutes a day to read the Bible in a year... big inconvenience, isn't it? So, instead, as a nation, we sit in a church building for about an hour on Sunday Morning, sng a couple of songs we do not know the words to and then listen to a softer version of Jim Jones as he tickles our ears and explains to us that everyone is going to Heaven.

    LORD, your people are very few, no wonder it is taking two thousand years to fill all the rooms in your house.
  2. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    OK, so "we" (Hopefully t1b is only referring to "us" in a very general, generic, corporate "every onein general/no one in particular, 'broad brush' sort of way!) have "this/these problems."

    ......This just in!

    ---Reporting live from the BB news room, we now turn to our chief investigative reporter, t1b. T1b, what did you and the BB Investigative team of analyists have to tell our readers that you've uncovered in your months of hard and deep-level investigations and undercover, off-the-record (Well, ALMOST off-the-record!) interviews with "our(?) nation's" leading-edge rocket scientists regarding the here-to-for state of apathy/inertia among today's BB posters and/or readers?

    Like, tell us, t1b, what most of us poor, ignorant chaps/chappettes here in BB land didn't already know!!!!!!!!

    OK, t1b, so you've had your fill of the general state of "our(?) nation's spiritual morabund inertia/apathy!!!"

    .......NOW, please tell us "never-had-the-slightest-clue" BB readers/posters something that most of "us" here on the BB side lines never knew existed!!!!!!!

    Oh, yes, we here BB readers/posters also want to know what: 1) You've VERY specifically and quite actively [24/7/365{-6}!!!!!!!] doing to rectify "this situation" in each and every church, small group, family unit ; 2) You expect absolutely each and every one of us to do that has NEVER, ever been tested and/or tried before!!!!!!

    I'm S - U - R - E that you have a plethora of brand-new insights that came about as a result thousands and thousands of your cutting-edge, very indepth side line interviews with the overwheming majority of BB land pewsitters and pulpit maintainers.

    Take it away, t1bill..... WE'RE waiting!!

    :tonofbricks: :smilewinkgrin: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
    #2 ktn4eg, Oct 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2012
  3. th1bill

    th1bill Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2009
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    The post is cute but typical in attitude. If you read this forum with any following you know the answers to your query. On top of all that if you Google th1bill and then th1b.taylor you'll know that this forum is not my only outlet. In fact, without attending my audience at the bema Seat of Jesus, the evidence of my persuit of fulfilling the Great Commission is easily discerned. Over the past, almost, twenty-three years of my service there are converts on six contenants that I een up to for the LORD?have assisted in their journey to the foot of the cross.

    Couple my internet evangelism with my tour in the Glory Bound Prison Ministry and the number of professions are well over a thousand and I do take comfort in the idea that at least one of these waqs the real item.

    So, now, tell me, what have you been up to for the LORD?
  4. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Since you asked, beginning in 1966, and up through the present [recognizing the fact that I have NEVER been called to preach, much less to be a pastor!], I have served at least six (One was a "mission" before she organized as an autonomous local church;one church merged with another)various Independent Baptist churches in two continents and/or three different states as:
    A) Assistant Usher
    B) Church Clerk
    C) Assistant writer/editor for a church newspaper
    D) Sunday School teacher
    E) Bus captain and/or bus ministry director
    F) Church visitation participant
    G) AWANA helper/teacher
    H) Church sound system operator and/or tape ministry
    I) Christian day school (JH-SH) teacher
    J) Bible college instructor
    K) Bible college registrar
    L) Church custodian
    M) "Senior saints" outreach helper/teacher
    N) "Life" [small Bible study/prayer group] group" helper/teacher

    ....and in probably other incidental behind-the-scenes capacities on an "as needed" basis.

    All of the above were under the guidance and/or direction of nine different pastors.

    Last year I suffered a rather debilitating stroke, and, as a result of that, I've had to scale back quite considerably what I used to be more physically capable of doing.

    I've listed the above not as a point of reference about which I can brag, but only because I felt that th1bill's previous last post at least suggested to me that I might be "All talk and no walk."

    N. B. ---I have no "axe to grind" with th1bill, or with any one else here on BB. Some of my postings might be in a lighter vein, others more serious.....That's just the way God made me I guess.

    OTOH, posts of more serious tone, IMHO, that seemingly do very little more than telling us "how bad things are" without (at the same time) offering some form of encouragement and/or specific resolutions to an already-well-known situation, IMHO, do very little to help correct in a postive, logical and encouraging sort of way ,the collective "wrongs" that such posts describe.

    'nuff said!
  5. th1bill

    th1bill Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2009
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    And there are times the Holy Sprit moves me to a life application message other times to leave the message open ended to envoke communication with both the Saints and with seekers.

    I can relate to slowing down, I'm in the last stages of MS and tied to my wheelchair. God bless, I'll see you on the banks of the spiritual Jordan.
  6. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Thanks, th1b, like U, I 2 hope that some day REALLY SOON (dv., anyway!!) the 2 of us can wiggle our 20 toes in the River of Life....ah, what the heck, why don't we both just take a big, long-running, multi-summersault, good ole'-fashioned BELLY FLOP off of the highest diving boards that God has "prepared for us, up yonder in that thar' heaven??!!?? :thumbsup:

    (I'm game if y'all is!!!!!!) :smilewinkgrin: :laugh: :wavey:
    #6 ktn4eg, Oct 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2012
  7. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    "I'm just a fool and nothing at all, but Jesus Christ is my all in all."
    A former professor of mine in Bible College once said to me, "Jim, whatever you are, be available"

    As one has already said, "Enuff said."


  8. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Amen brother....touch the flesh of Christ through other people that we are all so afraid to touch! Start living in the kingdom ...not in your own heads.... where it is safe & comfortable.
  9. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    A classic example of why SOME "Jonah-like" Christians of today will refuse (& some of them will even go so far as to make it a practice (usually covertly, but "they" still do it!) to pray some form of imprecatory prayer(s) that any/all Muslims do not "somehow" deserve to be "lead to Christ" simply because, well, THEY ARE MUSLIMS!!!!!!

    How narrow-minded can people get??!!??

    Think of how different this world might have been if those nineteen 9/11 terrorists would have been "reached" with the Gospel and genuinely repented of their sins and turned their lives completely to Jesus??!!??

    Or that Ft. Hood psychatrist?

    Or Carlos Bledsoe, the lonely son of Baptist businessman Melvin Bledsoe who was "just drawn into radical Muslim doctrine AND practice" because NO Christian(s) in/around the campus environment of TN St University "had a burden" for Carlos--who subsequently went off on his own jihad and murdered Army soldier Andy Long who was serving in uniform as a part-time Army recruiter in Little Rock ARK in 2009??!!? (link - www.losingoursons.com)

    Yes, I KNOW "W - E" can't save anyone, but the last time I checked, Jesus's "parting words/COMMANDS" are still in our Bibles (and I don't see where it says "...EXCEPT if a person/"nation" is Muslim/Islamic....)!!!
  10. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    We are instructed in the Word, to reach out for the lost. This includes all humanity. Even those of us who embrace absolute sovereignty of God, are not excused from spreading the good news that Jesus saves to all mankind.


  11. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Jim, you are most definitely "SPOT ON"!!!

    I can't think that if any one human "embraced" the absoute sovereignty of God, it'd have to be the apostle Paul!!!!!!

    After all, just look at some of the concepts of God's sovereignty that Paul not only embraced, but also preached/taught/wrote about in the NT. Yet, Paul was one of the greatest "human" missionaries that ever breathed a breath of God's air!!!!!!!!