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What is God doing in your life RIGHT NOW??!

Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by MRCoon, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 22, 2005
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    To add just a little bit to MRCoon's excellent answer, there is no need to know the answer to this question. As I look back on the hard times in my life, I don't have a clue as to who or what was behind the hard times.

    However, I did come to know this truth from the book of Job. If something rough comes into a believer's life, even if Satan instigated it or caused it, God allowed it. And God allowed it because He knew I would be all right with His help!

    The key is to simply keep your eyes on Jesus and keep walking with Him. Don't even worry about the devil and his shenanigans (though we must be sure we are not taken in by them). Satan's power is nothing compared to that of our Lord Jesus, who will never leave us or forsake us. [​IMG]
  2. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Just my two euro cents worth in addition to the great responses.

    After several years of struggles and working 99% with children our little ministry is just now beginning to move. At the same time the troubles and struggles have been compounded. For example two weeks ago we had a young Irish woman make her faith in Christ public, the first Irish person we had seen saved in almost two years. The next night her favourite uncle and her big brother both died in sudden, separate, unrelated incidents. Three days later the father of one of our Kid's Klub girls called by to tell us that his wife was dying of cancer.

    All of this has drawn our little church into closer unity with each other and our Lord. I am preaching this morning on 1 Corinthians 15v51-58 and focusing on those amazing words - "Be ye stedfast, unmoveable, ALWAYS ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord for you KNOW that your labour IS NOT IN VAIN IN THE LORD!"

    GOd can use the situations here to turn our eyes to Him, or we can choose to turn away in fear, confusion, and doubt. May we always choose the former.
  3. Phillip

    Phillip <b>Moderator</b>

    Jun 29, 2001
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    Amen, Brother C4K!
  4. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 22, 2005
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    I know exactly what you mean, brother, working in another "Gospel resistant field." Keep on keeping on!
  5. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Thank you all for your good advice and prayers and support. C4K--thank you for the reminder of that wonderful verse and also for showing me that my situation is so minor compared to what some people endure. The Lord is always good. I am trying very hard to keep my thoughts focused on what God is doing and what He has done for us in the past. He has brought us through many hard times and I know He has done the same for all of you here. My husband is very discouraged today. I know he feels the responsibility of providing for his family very strongly. Pray for him. He has some small jobs coming up, but it is not enough to keep the wolf away from the door. We will not starve---we have pork, chicken, and beef that we have butchered ourselves and we also have lots of canned veggies from our garden. All we basically need to buy as far as groceries is milk and flour and sugar. We ran out of corn for our chickens, but it is nice enough out now for them to scrounge, so they keep us in eggs. We have an outdoor woodstove so we don't have to buy fuel to stay warm. It just seems like little expenses keep coming up. We buy our firewood from the Amish which live in this area. It cost about $200.00 for a winters worth--very cheap. We have to haul it during March or there would not be any. The Lord provided money for the wood, but then the big dump truck we use to haul it with needed two new tires--$350.00. We had the money for that, but had to let a couple of other bills go by. A small job paid exactly what we needed to pay our electric bill 2 days before it was going to be shut off. God is good. Our microwave died---not a problem--I can easily live without a microwave, but now our fridge is acting up and the truck needed new parts. I know these things seem so small, but to us right now, they are big. But, the Lord is keeping us dependent on Him.

    I feel for my husband right now. I feel very tired today--but then my husband's mood always affects me. It helps me much to be able to talk about it here and to hear your words of encouragement. Maybe someone should start a thread of how God has met particular needs in our lives. It is always encouraging to look back and to hear what God has done for others. I feel you all are a life line that God has given me. But, we may need to get rid of internet for a while, and that is fine. If you don't hear from me for a while, that is where I went. [​IMG] My kids are so encouraging too. Saturday evening they made me go in my bedroom and stay there. They cleaned the house for me and washed the dishes. What little blessings they are!

    God bless you all and thank you again for your great help. There is such a bond between those of like faith, isn't there!
  6. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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  7. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    *I think I'm familiar with the program that you use and we use the same for our homeschool "group" from Church. It allows us to meet together on Friday Evenings and fellowship but also nuture our children not just in spiritual things but in practical things as well.*


    I know, I know, this is off subject [​IMG] . Keepers of the Faith is the program we use--is it the same as yours? Great stuff. We have added a bit to it and thought you might like this idea as well. It is something we stated with our own kids a couple of years ago and decided to use it with our Kids Club this January. For the smaller kids (1st grade on down) somone at home reads the Gospel of John to them (three verses a day) so they complete it in a year. For 2nd grade--depending on the child. They read through the Gospels in a year. For 3rd grade--The New Testament and for 4th-8th grade the entire Bible in a year. We use the KJV One Year Bible. It is divided up with readings for each day and makes it so easy for kids to use. Daily they are reading a portion of OT, NT, Psalms and Proverbs. We make up question sheets for the kids to take home and answer along with their reading. One question for each of the 4 daily portions. We have a variety of docrinal questions, some Bible knowledge questions and then some that are just plain fun, to name a few. The kids have just loved that part. I also got a list of everyone's birthday in our church and add the person whose birthday it is to the question sheet for the day and the kids all pray for that person that day. We go over the questions in class time. The kids have loved the questions and parents are thrilled with it too.

    This is a ministry that the Lord just handed to us and it is such a blessing. My husband especially is great with kids this age. We are going through Pilgrim's Progess this year-a small portion each week. My husband and I and our helper act it out each week---talk about fun! My husband is so good---he has this HUGE burden that he puts on his back and walks around bonking the kids with it! He should lose it in a week or two! Sometimes we get the kids involved too. We all look forward to Wednesday nights. It is the highlight of the week. As our own kids get older, they will be helping with this ministry so it will be a ministry for our entire family to be involved in.

    It is nice to see someone else using this excellent program. I will admit, it is challenging teaching a 4 year old how to embroider [​IMG]

    Another blessing----Since starting this in September I have been praying for a lady to help me with the girls. My husband had a helper and I felt I needed one because of the big age difference in my girls. Well, 3 weeks ago a lady in church volunteered and she is perfect. The Lord did make me wait on Him a while though! God bless and it is nice chatting with you.
  8. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    These verses are an encouragement to me as well.

    James 1:2

    2My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

    1 Peter 1:6-7

    6Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:

    7That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
  9. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Thanks MRCoon--

    I am so thankful for God's Word in times like this. What do those without the Lord do? Keep the verses coming. They mean much to me. I will share them with my husband too. Unlike me, he is not much of an internet person.
  10. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Yes it is great stuff and we find it very helpful for teaching a balance between spiritual knowledge and pratical skills. Common sense can go a long way in this world of 'flighty' people with hardly any foundation. And a Christian who doesn't have the ability to rationalize things with a common sense/analytical approach will be easily swayed no matter what they're taught. I've seen too many who got tripped up with emotional responses instead of 'believing what they know and knowing what they believe'.

    This is a wonderful application of the Bible and I especially like the Pilgrims Progress idea and will have to find a way to incorporate it for next school year. We use the "Family Devotional Guide" from Crown Publications ( http://www.crownchristianpublications.com/site/index.cfm ). This is a complete set of devotional guides for the great stories of the Bible. There is a Bible story for each day, questions from each story, and a weekly memory verse. There are thirty-one stories in each volume, twelve volumes in all. It takes the kids through the Bible by way of the major Bible stories so they understand things at their level without losing the core of the Bible due to someone 'dumbing-it-down' (which often happens with children's devotionals.)

    I love to use the phrase...Bloom where you are planted [​IMG] Sometimes people wander around 'searching for God's will' without even attempting to do service that the Lord has given them opportunity to do. What a waste!! And they spend more energy spinning their wheels doing nothing. So with that said I'm glad to see that you and your family have seen a need and joyfully filled that need and are reaping the blessings from this service not only as you become a closer family unit but because the Lord does not just 'sit and spin his wheels'...He promises to bless those that labor.

    [​IMG] I was the Dad assigned to teach Chess. While I understand it, it was a challenge for the little kids (and me ;) ) so we switched to checkers for them...every piece at least moved the same way [​IMG]

    As I said above the Lord will bless us for our labor. and even better He promises to do it inspite of our mess-ups as long as the glory is given to Him and we do it in accordance with His Word.

    I've prayed for your family during this difficult time and am excited to see the Lord working. May He continue to watch over and bless you...and here's to praying the internet will stay on a little longer. [​IMG]
  11. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Talking to my husband today, we both feel beaten up by Satan. You know the feeling that you are drowning and have already gone down twice. :( Yes, we have been discouraged and everything that goes with it when you are in the midst of a hard time. But today, I feel we had a small victory.

    I played the piano and my husband sang for a funeral at our church today. Well, the undertaker goes to give us a check which we in the past have always told the undertaker to give back to the family.(We have provided music for many funerals and have never accepted pay for it-we have always given it to the family of the deceased). My husband didn't even hesitate, he put it right back into the undertakers hand. We are just so broke, yet I could have hugged my husband right there for doing that. It was an act of faith. The man who passed away was the only saved person in his family. He had a stroke at 28 and has been disabled for over 30 years on a very limited income. His family needed that money more than we did anyway. It may seem small,yet to us right now, that $50.00 would have been a huge help--we could have bought garbage bags or maybe had our fridge fixed, or applied it to our phone bill. Anyway, it encouraged both of us to do that and I wanted to share. I feel your prayers and thank you for them. I am so glad to know the Lord.

    The Lord is doing something in our lives--just don't know for sure what. But God knows.
  12. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    strengthening my faith through persecutors
  13. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Every time I read this thread, I pray. -- I want to encourage those of you who have shared. I bet many others are also praying for the battles mentioned here.
  14. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Is your faith being strengthened by posters on this board? [​IMG]
  15. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Is your faith being strengthened by posters on this board? [​IMG] </font>[/QUOTE]My best guess would be mmmmmm YES! ;)
  16. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Right now, making me learn to be a leader. In the last 6 months He's really made me come out of my comfort zones in my service to Him.
  17. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    I think this is my favorite topic on this board. It is a blessing to see what God is doing in everyone's life.

    As I read about the way God is working on each of you I pray for you. God is busy!
  18. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    The Lord is so amazing!! We here at our church just finished a Mission's conference and as per our practice of Faith-Promise for supporting and giving to missions, we were directed to pray and seek God's guidance for what we as individuals could financially support on a weekly basis. I talked with my wife and asked her to let me know if God laid a $$$ amount on her heart and she told me "God has never given me an amount before so I don't know what to do about this. But if God gives you an amount then don't tell me about it." Well, I was surprised because we have given before as a family and I while I had usually made the decision I never really shared with my wife (to my shame :( ). Well, with the Lord really working in our lives I knew an amount that would be by faith for us to consistently give and to be honest I was a little disappointed in my wife's response, but I prayed for the Lord to provide the guidance for us and the confidence to give the amount that I felt to give. Well, the Lord not only kept that amount on my heart and He has given the confidence to give it to support world-wide missions but he did more than that. The Lord was working on my wife's heart and she came up to me and excitedly said the Lord has laid an amount on my heart and I said "Good what was your amount?" she said "That is between God and I and I'll be paying this amount out of my account" Now my wife is a stay at home mom and homeschool teacher for our kids she does not really have a "income producing" job but we have budgetted $500 a month to be her "pay" so she has money to spend on herself or whatever. So for my wife to not only feel teh Lord speaking to her on this issue that she had not expereinced before but also to have the desire to do it out of her funds is just wonderful and I know that it may seem simple but that is how the Lord works. HE IS SO AMAZING!! And has blessed me with such a great wife and mother for my kids!
  19. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    I have been asking God to show me more of who He is lately. He is doing that through circumstances and Scriptures. I love the excitement and even the mystery that goes with the journey!
  20. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Usually, when I ask Him that, He shows me the Cross, and my unholiness... Is. 6.