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Why Are Conservatives Nervous About The President's Supreme Court Pick?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by JGrubbs, Jul 5, 2005.

  1. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Conservative leaders everywhere are frenetically attempting to "rally the troops." The reason? They are engaged in an all-out lobbying effort to convince President Bush to select a pro-life, conservative Supreme Court nominee to fill the vacancy being created by the retirement of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

    However, what's all the fuss? Should not conservatives simply relax? After all, they have been telling us since G.W. Bush's first presidential campaign back in 2000 that he was a true believer, a genuine conservative. Therefore, since Bush is a real pro-life conservative, what is there to worry about?

    Does anyone not find it strange that during the two most recent election campaigns our illustrious conservative leaders minced no words to convince us how "true blue" George Bush was? They repeatedly assured us that when Bush was elected all would be well in Washington, D.C. They promised us that he would appoint genuine, pro-life judges. They emphatically assured us that G.W. Bush could be trusted to do the right thing!

    Then, why are conservatives now practically panicked in their efforts to lobby the White House to do the right thing? Why do conservatives feel they need to lobby this "true conservative" president to appoint a conservative? Is there not something wrong with this picture?

    You and I both know the answer. Our conniving conservative leaders know full well that G.W. Bush is NOT a true conservative. He has repeatedly compromised the life issue (and virtually every other conservative issue) with impunity. His commitment to conservative principles is about as deep as the roots of a weed.

    Furthermore, the smart money is on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to be Bush's nominee. Bush is literally gaga over this guy! Plus, insiders have often acknowledged that Dubya wants to be the president who appoints the first Hispanic to the Supreme Court. Being that Gonzales is not pro-life, and has a very dubious record on conservative issues in general, conservatives have good reason to be worried.

    It would just be nice if conservative leaders had the character and integrity to tell the truth about George W. Bush. If Bush were really the genuine conservative that he is made out to be, there would truly be no reason to try and bombard the White House with letters and phone calls. If Bush were a true conservative, could he not be trusted to do the right thing on such a monumentally important decision?

    That conservatives are running around likes ants on a dead roach reveals their true feelings. They know Bush is a compromising neocon that must be intensely pressured to do the right thing, and even then, seldom does the right thing.

    So, for now, conservative leaders are begging us to help "convince" President Bush to pick a person that, were he the true conservative he is reputed to be, he would instinctively pick.

    I'm really getting bored with this game!

    © Chuck Baldwin
  2. JamesBell

    JamesBell New Member

    May 24, 2005
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    This post could not be more false if it had been written as fiction. President Bush is, in fact, a true Christian. It is ridiculous to assert anything different. However, the hardliners on the right do worry because President Bush seems to seek compromise. He did it as Governor of Texas and he has done it as President. He tries to make everyone happy, and that is often his downfall. He attempts to avoid conflict at most times, giving him more political capital when he does "go to battle".

    The question is whether Bush wants to try and fill a moderate seat on the bench with a true conservative. Both political parties have, in the past, asserted that the nation needs a balance on the Court. Putting a conservative in O'Connor's seat will disrupt that balance.

    As for smart money, I think they're wrong. The idea about Bush wanting to be the President that nominates the first hispanic to the Court is correct. However, I think it will be Emilio Garza, possibly for Chief when that seat does come open.
  3. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    You speak the truth, JGrubbs! I like this part best:

    It would just be nice if conservative leaders had the character and integrity to tell the truth about George W. Bush. If Bush were really the genuine conservative that he is made out to be, there would truly be no reason to try and bombard the White House with letters and phone calls. If Bush were a true conservative, could he not be trusted to do the right thing on such a monumentally important decision?

    That conservatives are running around likes ants on a dead roach reveals their true feelings. They know Bush is a compromising neocon that must be intensely pressured to do the right thing, and even then, seldom does the right thing.

    That is exactly the point!

    I think GWB is a poser, a murderer and a greedy warmonger! He uses the Lord's name in vain every single day and it is disgusting.

    People need to wake up and smell the non-fat soy latte!!
  4. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    Have you seen his name printed in the Book of Life? Does any man truly know what is in another man's heart? Isn't a man's Christianity between him and the Savior?

    So, you are putting so much faith in this mere mortal that you are willing to bet your own sanctity on him being a Christian?

    I think all this blind Bush love is equal to worshiping false idols.

    The proof of that will be how much hate this post generates!

    *hides under desk*
  5. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I would encourage you to actually read the OP. Mr. Baldwin didn't question if President Bus is, in fact, a "true Christian", he simply stated the obvious that G.W. Bush is NOT a true conservative!

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    "People need to wake up and smell the non-fat soy latte!! " [​IMG] Me thinks I have some competition when it comes to glib remarks ;)

    I think TisMensa you have got in head first...which is fine ..also check out
    the game side of the board and get to know some
    more people...I did that after being sent away
    for some RR ...I know your Mensa side will tear
    em up there and add some fun. I have a different
    angle on Dubya and it has to do with incompetence
    and studying his life as an inept businessman...
    I don't think he is a war monger but I do think
    he causes messes and has his whole life...Colin
    Powell told him a naked truth..."You break it
    you own it" he ignored Colin and out of stubborness I feel went whole hog into a war he
    had to delve down into deception to sell it and
    hype it...like past Presidents.

    I knew Dubya briefly with my affiliation in a major stock purchase of HEC Harken Oil...I was young and irresponsible and Harken turned out to be a shell game and George is still on the books with the SEC.

    I think he is a legitimate christian although a
    baby one which could be dangerous..the proof
    is his ability to stop drinking and snorting.
    He has structure in his life a dysfunctional person needs...one addiction is now a workout
    addiction...coming home at 4am from a drunk is
    now 9 pm bed time.

    Poser has some merit..in Kitty Kellys book she
    describes his true coming to the Lord and not
    the Billy Graham version...a Charismatic preacher
    named Arthur Blessit was the man who prayed the
    sinners prayer with George and even then George
    had to have a private meeting and would not walk
    the church tent ail.

    Greedy has some merit but money wise for his
    insiders ...the handlers ..the cronies the Ken
    Lays of the world.

    Murderer ..no! perhaps you could accuse him of
    that when he was unsaved and a girlfriend according to Kitty Kelly got an abortion arranged
    but since he has been saved he is forgiven of that
    and I think Christians understand that ..he had
    a mis spent and wild youth to adult life.

    So all that stuff pinged off him like Teflon, which it probably should have...the National Guard
    duty has been debated ad nauseum ..basically he got his way ..when he wanted it!

    Yeah he cusses ..he has been caught on tape goes
    back to my baby Christian characterization.

    I think the bottom line he has fallen into some
    messes because of his stubborness and lack
    of curiosity ...others will spin that as fortitude and he sees the world black and white.

    Karl Rove really is the creator and the instructor
    who put him through Karl Rove U...both were mentored by Lee Atwater who died saying he regretted his politics and destroying people..which
    apparently did not reach the ears of Dubya or Rove
    because Atwaters old playbook is still pulled out

    "How can we scare people into voting for us"

    Now we have his big decision which I don't see
    as his biggest challenge ..his biggest challenge
    and he better get on his horse is Osama Bin Laden.

    I think he is telegraphing his pick..and it is
    Alberto Gonzales...he is p.o.ed right now at the
    far religious right and there preemptive strike
    on Gonzales and he is stubborn enough and last
    term enough to stick it right back at them.

    You kind of saw some true colors and how he can
    push back against Dobson and Special Interests
    when he allowed Laura Bush to go R rated within
    their midst...Dobson did not say a peep.

    So I disagree with almost all you said but there
    is enough in other areas that will get a legacy
    right up there with Warren G. Harding.

    The next President needs to be a uniter and actually take the stress off the middle class.
    Put us back in the black and conduct an aggressive
    surgical war on terror that will not eat up multi-
    billions in nation building and waste the precious
    blood of our youth on a war that has now become
    sectarian and tribal.
  7. JamesBell

    JamesBell New Member

    May 24, 2005
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    In the above post I intended to say Conservative, not Christian in the opening remarks. No, I do not know the President's heart, but I do know his politics. Please excuse my mistake, and thank you to the person that quoted the comment, showing me the error I had made.
  8. StraightAndNarrow

    StraightAndNarrow Active Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    George Bush has stated on two occasions that Christians and Moslems pray to the same god. Do you pray to Allah? Furthermore, he has said that there are many ways to salvation. If you believe this is the statement of a "true Christian" then go on believing it. I call it blasphemy.
  9. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Read the post right above yours where James corrected his mistake by saying that he meant to call Bush a "true conservative" not a "true Christian."
  10. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    If the Constitution Party fears are correct, it will not help them in the next election. Republicans are merely talking about staying home and letting the liberals have it again.

    Bush, according to this morning's newspapers, is telling people to lay off Gonzales. That sounds as if he either wants him on the court or he can stand to hear his friend exposed for what he is.

    This is a crossroads for Bush. If he puts up another false conservative like the wretched O'Connor who helped legalize sodomy and expanded the rights of abortionists, then I myself am going to write him and the party off in 2008 and vote straight Democrat. It does not help that Bush's friend Mitch Daniels, now Governor of Indiana, raised taxes for the Indianapolis Colts and turned out to be a name-caller inspite of all his corporate experience.

    Cleaning the Republican house does not mean voting for isolationism and the wild schemes of the Constitution Party as expounded in their last platform. I will still consider Bush a good war leader but I will move him into the column of burn-out. It concerns me greatly that the Constitution Party wants to compromise and capitulate in the war as the Democrats did in Korea under Truman and in Viet Nam under Johnson.

    However, I think that we cannot continue with this court that wants to lead us into a total liberal nightmare where criminals like this one just caught with a little girl out west get a get-out-of-jail-free card from the courts, 40,000,000 babies have been murdered--13,000,000 of them black in a clear policy of genocide wherein the KKK is now in the lucrative abortion industry--and sodomy is legalized by a court that overturned hundreds of years of Christian jurisprudence and civilization, the court has ruled that petty arson is free speech, and that child pornography and all other pornography should be protected. That is the legacy of the left and I have to wonder along with Michael Savage if liberals have souls--that is not a theological comment but deals with the lust for power and the sexual depravity of the liberals that makes them seem hobgloblins that they could not ever care if babies are murdered but only want the money from doing the deed.
  11. Kiffen

    Kiffen Member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    I think the reason Conservatives are nervous is because they have invested so much into Pres. Bush. He would not be President without the Social Conservatives zealous campaign against Kerry in 2004. If Bush picks a David Souter, Kennedy or O'Conner type it will be seen as a betrayal of his base.
  12. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    So CMG, if Bush once again betrays the conservative voters you will "vote straight Democrat" in 2008 for candidates who you disagree with on 80% of the issues instead of supporting a conservative Constitution Party candidate that you may disagree with on 10% of the issues.

    If conservative voters stay home or vote straight Democrat in 2008 it will simply send the message to the GOP that they can keep moving to the left, However if millions of conservative voters show up and support the most conservative candidate, even if that candidate doesn't win, it will send a message to the GOP that they better start moving back to the right if they want the conservative votes back.
  13. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    I would be curious as to what would happen if the "conservative voters" stay home.
  14. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    The same thing that happend in 1992 and 1996 when they stayed home.

    While exact numbers are unknown, conservative and politically active Christian organizations estimated that approximately 6 million registered Christian conservatives stayed home in 1992 rather than vote for President George H. W. Bush. At the time, they were upset at Bush’s waffle on his “no new taxes” pledge and unhappy with his willingness to expand the bureaucracy.

    Many Christian conservatives again stayed home in 1996, unimpressed with the weak Republican nominee.
  15. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Baldwin has never been confused for a real thinker. This is but another example. Anyone familiar with anything knows that encouragement and support is not becuase you think the opposite will happen, but to show solidarity and intention. I write my senators and representatives from time to time, not because I think it will change things but because I want to make it known where I stand.

    Bush may not appoint a pro life justice, though I hope he does and I think the chances are probably 50-50 (which is 50 points better than the only alternative we had in the election). But if Bush doesn't appoint a pro life justice, Baldwin's thinking will still be illegitimate, just like his pretend candidacy was and his pretend commentary is. As conservatives, we need to do better than this kind of tripe masquerading as a serious contribution to political dialogue. Regardless of our political affiliations on the conservative side, whether Republican, Constititionalist, or independent, let's all reject the type of simplistic thinking demonstrated by Chuck Baldwin.
  16. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Bush is great! I love Bush! At least he's not Kerry!

    Is that the "serious contribution to political dialogue" your looking for? :rolleyes:

    Just because someone doesn't win, it doesn't mean their campaign was "pretend", and just because someone fools the conservatives into helping them win, it doesn't mean that they are a conservative candidate. Bush has betrayed his base time and time again, and the blind party loyalist like you don't seem to care, as long as there is not a Democrat in the Whitehouse.
  17. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    I disagree with the Constitution Party profoundly, JGrubbs, in the view of the war. The CP has said that the war is illegal and I think that you want to end it right away. So I would disagree with you totally. I see that as capitulation and compromise a la Korea and Viet Nam.

    Some Democrats, especially Hoosier Democrats, support the war till victory.

    The GOP must clean house if the President is going to fail to clean up the court and make it once again a legal institution instead of a political institution.

    The only way to clean house is to put the Democrats back in power. You have to teach a me-too party a lesson.

    The Indiana Republican Party is weak in Indianapolis anyway. My congressman is Julia Carson, a black communist, and the city of Indianapolis is in the hands of the Democrats until the end of the world. Indianapolis grew under Republicans but the Republicans left the county in white flight and the Democrats took over and in 6 years the city has declined into fiscal crisis. Don't move here.

    We have a moderate GOP Governor called Mitch the Knife by the WSJ because he wanted to tax everyone over $100,000 per year. We have a state legislature in control of the GOP but under the thumb of Mitch the Knife. One Senator is Bayh, running for President in 2008, and the other is Lugar who has become more and more a critic of Bush as Lugar in his old age moves to the left more and more. Lugar is exceedingly brilliant but always willing to compromise for the limelight. So voting straight Democrat would not be much of a sacrifice in Indianapolis.

    I was for Ashcroft in 2000 and never for Bush in the primary of that year. However I have voted straight Republican for the last 20 years in the general elections.
  18. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    So you are basing your vote on the single issue of the invasion of Iraq, not the "war on terror", but the invasion of Iraq. The Constitution Party supports securing our borders, fighting the terrorist who threaten our nation, ending abortion, reducing the size of the federal government, abolishing the IRS, etc. You support the Constitution Party on many issues, but disagree about the invasion of Iraq, so you will support the liberals who stand for everything you stand against.

    Talk about being a single issue voter! :rolleyes:
  19. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    This war must be won. There can be no compromise, no Napoleonic retreat from Moscow. If we had had good intelligence, we could have gone directly to Iran and Syria, but since our intelligence was faulty we went to Iraq. Once there legally we found ourselves in the center of a hornets nest of terrorism and we are going to stay until victory or we are going to suffer terrorist attacks until we collapse as any other nation would be nuts to fight with us because we would have three strikes and be out, that is Korean compromise, Viet Nam compromise, Iraq compromise in about 50 years.

    Would you want to be in a deal with a 3-time loser?
  20. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    President Bush, during his stop in Denmark before heading to the G-8 summit, said Wednesday he will not select a Supreme Court nominee based on his or her views on abortion or other hot-button political issues.

    He urged senators to act "in a dignified way" in what is expected to be a contentious battle over confirming his first nominee to the nation's highest court.


    Bush said he would have no "litmus test" that disqualifies candidates because of their opinions on abortion and gay marriage.

    "I'll pick people who, one, can do the job, and people who are honest, people who are bright and people who will strictly interpret the Constitution and not use the bench to legislate from," Bush said.

    Bush spent a few hours reviewing material on more than a half dozen potential replacements for O'Connor on his flight to Denmark. He has said that he will spend a few weeks narrowing a list of candidates and then interviewing some, and his goal is to see a new justice in place by the time the court begins its new term in October.

    "I will take my time," Bush said. "I will be thorough in my investigation."

    Bush bristled at criticism of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a longtime friend who is often mentioned as a potential nominee for the high court. Conservatives said they aren't convinced Gonzales' beliefs on affirmative action and abortion are far enough to the right for their liking.

    "I don't like it when a friend gets criticized," Bush said. "I'm loyal to my friends.

    "And all the sudden this fella, who is a good public servant and a really fine person, is under fire," Bush said. "And so do I like it? No, I don't like it. At all."

    Source: Associated Press

    [ July 06, 2005, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: JGrubbs ]