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Featured Why does Calvinism vs. Armianism dominate every thread?

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by evangelist6589, May 18, 2014.

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  1. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Inspector Javert
    If we know we are bought with a price...we are brothers even when not in agreement.:thumbs:

    IJ.....if someone is sincere and searching....I attempt to plant seed..[verses, links, sermons that might be used to change or modify what they understand.

    If someone has a non-stop attack mode against the truth the response might be a bit more pointed. If the objector speaks against godly pastors and teachers in an unbiblical way....I will view them as enemies of the cross unless and until they show otherwise.

    I am still learning much and might not be as graceful in how I interact as several others are. I know many elders who could be helpful to all of us, but they do not care to entertain some of the nonsense that takes place in here.

  2. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Hey winman...you are critical of me for pasting links and smilies...yet in this thread you post a link and more of your cartoons......does not seem like a difference now, does it???
  3. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Actually, that Arminian's breath was putrid. Did you see that Calvinst cover his face? He couldn't stay in the same room with his free will breath. :laugh:
  4. Winman

    Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Stopped him dead in his tracks.

    Actually, when I think about it, Dracula should be the Arminian, he is dead, yet he is still able to do all sorts of things. :laugh:
  5. JamesL

    JamesL Well-Known Member
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    Dec 22, 2013
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    It's not primarily the debates themselves, it's the STYLE of debate that many people get sick of.

    And though there are some nasty comments in many debates (and I am not innocent), the Cal/Arm debaters are much more likely to attack character, motives and intellectual capacity, along with questioning the salvation of those on the other side of the dart-throwing arena.

    And the pride that runs rampant among both sides, refusing to lay aside their no-holds-barred attacks, and refusing to admit offense and sin

    When was the last time you apologized to a Calvinist for an offensive remark, or for posting those offensive video clips?

    Not that you alone engage in it, for i have seen your honesty and intelligence unfairly questioned, too.

    It's just a big mess that needs to be cleaned up - from inside the heart, not from shutting down every thread. Ignoring a problem never makes it go away
  6. Winman

    Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    I post the videos for fun. I am an incurable comic. Not a funny comic, just an incurable one. Sometimes a pic (or video) says more than a thousand words.

    I probably should apologize at times, but truthfully, I am usually having fun when I insult someone, and I think they know it. It is not much different than when I was a teen, my best friends were the ones I insulted the most, and they insulted me back. If you are truly friends you can do that sort of thing.

    And honestly, I like all the Calvinists here, though one or two can rub me wrong at times. The ones who irritate me the most are the ones who just say cliches. You know, "How can a dead man believe?" stuff like that. They know better, nobody is fooled, that is why that sort of tactic is so irritating. If you can't give a real answer, keep your yap shut.

    I feel like saying, "Come on over and I'll show you how a dead man can punch you in the nose!" :laugh:
  7. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Yea, someone on here even called them cockroaches!
    I will have to alert many of my relations that they are "Generally" ...... er, ahhhh....

    You tend to assume ......powerful words indeed. :laugh:
  8. Inspector Javert

    Inspector Javert Active Member

    Jun 10, 2013
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    Yeah....I suppose we are brothers Icon...(gurgle, gurgle....angry angry....gurgle, gurgle:mad:)...
    This may sound a little weird to you...but, as one of those "pastors" or "teachers" of the flock....I actually tend to feel more free to make hay against others....
    I do "teach" and "preach" at my local Assemby and others, and I tend to quote and similarly lambast any other as I see fit.....

    There's likely a difference of point of view here:
    I teach and preach regularly....and although I tend to be respectful....I often lambast the teachings of any other servant of God quite freely, and feel no guilt for doing so....

    It doesn't bother me in the least when I (as an invited preacher at a non-Calvinist Church) lambast or make hay of anything said by Pink or Boettner or even Spurgeon....

    I have, in any given scenario, as the teaching elder as much right to say as I will either for or against any OTHER teaching no matter how old it may be...
    I can say of John Calvin as I will...
    I can say of Spurgeon as I will....
    I'm often the one in the position of teaching and preaching from the pulpit.

    Thus, I only fear God...not the condemnations of mere man....
    I often say as I will from one of God's Pulpits....
    I have as much right as anyone:
    So, I don't feel that I am in the wrong when I use a polemic against another teaching...

    I'm as authorized by God to stand in his pulpit as any other...

    That's the infuriatingly significant thing about being a "BAPTIST"
    Welcome to my world...
    Full of conviction....

    not particularly given to sweet-talking your way around it...

    NOTHING wrong with that Icon.
    Speak to conviction.
    B.B. doesn't have an answer yet for how to moderate intense Cal/Arm debate....
    That isn't easy...
    Squire wasn't the answer...
    He simply shut down every thread at the moment of it's creation...

    Well, I don't claim it's easy....

    I think it takes a special person to pull it off.
    but I like logic...

    I feel that an intellectually honest Calvie admits that God simply DOESN'T LOVE a lot of people....

    What I think is womanish trash is this idea that God.."Loves them...sure...but just 'differently' "...that's John Shelby Spong talk I.M.O...

    Either you're a Calvinist or you're not...no room for the Spong speech...
    #88 Inspector Javert, May 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2014
  9. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Your joking Right!
  10. Winman

    Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    I did not call anybody a cockroach. One Calvinist thought he was being cute and said something like "If you could get rid of Calvinists, the world wouldn't have any problems would it?"

    Now that is too easy, you have to take that three pointer if they leave you wide open. So I responded,

    "No, we would still have cockroaches."

    That is not calling anyone a name. I was just being funny. But obviously many Calvinists lack my great sense of humor. But I was just being funny, because I can.

  11. Inspector Javert

    Inspector Javert Active Member

    Jun 10, 2013
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    Keep drinking....

    Drink yourself into meaningfulness....
    That feeling of your brain literally swimming inside your head...that isn't too much...

    it's you being veritably BRILLIANT!!!!

    Go on with the "Doctines of Grace"... be a shining example of them why don't cha'....
  12. Inspector Javert

    Inspector Javert Active Member

    Jun 10, 2013
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    He's drunk out of his gourd...
    don't bother.
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