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Women preachers

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by evangelist6589, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    I have to wonder if the Bible forbids a woman to preach in a street evangelism context. I do a bit of open air preaching and tract distribution. I have encouraged women in my singles group to also open air in their spare time. Since the context is outside the church and into the streets as a non formal church activity, I have to wonder if women are forbidden to preach or teach in this context. I asked CBMW what they say, and they will get back to me, as this is a tough question. I have seen Way of the Master women street preachers and for this context this may be okay for women to do if they are comfortable. What do you say?
  2. jaigner

    jaigner Active Member

    Nov 19, 2009
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    The Bible doesn't forbid women to preach anywhere. They can preach in a pulpit or a street corner.

    The CBMW is not going to give you a reliable answer on this issue.
  3. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    I am not interested in any debates or discussions with those that believe in women preachers & teachers in the church. I am making the assumption that those that are replying to this post are of like mind. The subject and question is whether they can preach in a street evangelism context which is debatable. In Baptist Churches women preachers and teachers are of the dominant minority across this land. Some of the SBC churches in my area allow them to be deacons, and lead worship, but thats it. Not one of the IFB churches I have attended around here will allow a woman to be a deacon, lead worship, or pray out loud. My guess is that many will also carry this thinking to street evangelism which may be an incorrect assumption.
  4. jaigner

    jaigner Active Member

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Don't look now, cowboy, but more and more are allowing it. Female preachers are in the minority, but those who realize the huge injustice are increasing exponentially. Maybe you should look at some other churches. Just sayin.
  5. Ruiz

    Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    This is actually a good question, and normally I would agree with CBMW, I hold to their Danver's Statement.

    The question could be divided into two categories. First, is it wrong for a woman to evangelize? No! Is it wrong for them to engage in the Public Square? No! I would then suspect that it would not be wrong for them to engage in public proclamation of the Word of God.

    I hesitate in calling this "Preaching" in the same manner that a Pastor preaches each week. This is still proclamation, but not under an authoritative establishment (like a family or a church), but more under an individual mandate.

    As for the contest, that adds a bit more to the puzzle. For me, an open air contest seems a little out of sorts to me.

    I would be interested in what CBMW says as I highly respect them. As well, if they disagree with me, I figure they would have a well thought out answer.
  6. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    "Man and woman fell together; together they must rise. After the resurrection, it was a woman who was first commissioned to carry the glad tidings of the risen Christ; and in Europe, where woman was in future days to be set free from many of the trammels of the East, it seems fitting that a woman should be the first believer. Not only, however, was Lydia a sort of first-fruit for Europe, but she probably also became a witness in her own city of Thyatira, in Asia. We do not know how the gospel was introduced into that city; but we are informed of the existence of a church there by the message of the ascended Christ, through his servant John, to "the angel of the church in Thyatira." Very likely Lydia became the herald of the gospel in her native place. Let the women who know the truth proclaim it; for why should their influence be lost? "The Lord giveth the word; the women that publish the tidings are a great host." [Ps. 86:11]" —Charles Spurgeon

    "what an honor to have a message to the apostles! Oh, the power of grace! Mary, once a demoniac, becomes a preacher to preachers! I dub her Doctor of Divinity indeed, for she has to instruct these mightiest of messengers in the faith. Note the message. Did ever man preach a better sermon than this woman preached? . . . . I shall leave the matter in the hands of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord raise many a Mary Magdalene in the midst of this church, for his name’s sake. Amen." —Charles Spurgeon

    The Christian, Nov. 14, 1872, p. 13:
    A LADY PREACHER.--A sister of Mr. Spurgeon is preaching with much success at Willingham, in Cambridgeshire, where her husband is a Baptist minister. The cases from Willingham tried before the local bench have decreased to such an extent, that the police authorities have expressed their thanks to the lady preacher as being the instrument of the improvement.
  7. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    Yes of course we must wait for the The Council to issue its edict.
  8. Zenas

    Zenas Active Member

    May 7, 2007
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    No problem with a woman doing street evangelism or, for that matter, preaching anywhere. She just can't be a pastor, and I have serious reservations about a woman being a deacon. However, the issue of female deacons is a hill I'm not willing to die on.
  9. Ruiz

    Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    These quotes do not say he is for women preaching. In his sermon entitled, "The Whole Machinery of Salvation", Spurgeon said:

    I think the illustration he borrowed from another famous preacher. Yet, he was not advocating women Pastors or Preachers as in an office in the church, but was advocating a larger sense of the word.
  10. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    Uh. . .isn't that exactly what this thread is about?
  11. Ruiz

    Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    If you read the OP, he was asking for a specific question. Others have taken this off topic. The focus you had is in trying to somehow link Spurgeon with women Pastors/Church Preachers. That is not what Spurgeon meant and is off topic.

    Rather, he asked about specific issues that really was not addressed. Spurgeon's statements were distinct from the questions asked in the OP.
  12. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    I know people often take things out of context and address issues I never asked. Its impossible to reason with these people so the best approach is to ignore them. The issue is whether or not a woman can preach in the open streets. If someone here disagrees with open air preaching and the form of evangelism God has used for many centuries, and will use during the tribulation with the 2 witnesses then I cannot reason or have like minded fellowship with these people. The Way of the Master has brought to life a form of evangelism that Satan has been successful at keeping away from the modern church. I have advocated and encouraged my peers to engage in open air preaching. However my guess will be that many will not do this form of evangelism as they have been taught that a woman is not to preach. However Mark 16 says to go out and preach the gospel to all creation. This to me indicates that women can be evangelists.

    Sadly the Fundamentalist movement has neglected the Way of the Master for the most part. Many in the Fundamentalist movement believe in a "evangelist" that comes to town and preaches in the church. Jesus did not advocate a "evangelist" but taught for all to go out and preach to all of creation (Mark 16:15). Therefore many in the IFB will not call me a evangelist because they have a different definition that is more based on tradition rather than scripture.

    Scripture clearly teaches that everyone is to do evangelize and not thus a "evangelist" that only preaches in the church.
    #12 evangelist6589, Dec 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2011
  13. mandym

    mandym New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Street preaching itself is rarely done anymore by men or women and that type of confrontational evangelism is not the best method in this day and age. Women do not carry the same air of influence ir authority when they attempt to publicly speak or even lead. And this is among both men and women. I have serious doubts about the expanding of women preachers or pastors.
  14. freeatlast

    freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    I think technically it is permissible, but unless the person is absolutely convinced this is what God is demanding of them I would advise against it. What I mean by being absolutely convinced is they cannot find any peace unless they are doing this. They have absolute assurance, no doubt what so ever it is the Lord leading them to do this. Rom 14:22,23
  15. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Really? There are countless thousands of open air preachers today, and many of them you can find on Youtube. Also Biblically speaking we need to be Biblical in our evangelism, and using the law is what Paul did, Jesus did, Stephen did, Peter did, James did, etc.. Satan has deceived the church today into thinking that we must not use the lost key in our evangelism. Satan has won this war so far!! Question for you. Are you going to follow the Bible or the culture? You cant follow both.
  16. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    I have not open aired in a while and I dont always go out and street witness everyweek. I have not had peace.. But last week the Lord told me to go out and I went out. However I did not have an opportunity to open air so just passed out 500 gospel tracts and had many one on one conversations. The law sure brings conviction to people.

    Follow the this formula

    The Good Person Test (Adapted from Living Waters The Way of the Master)

    Have you ever lied before?
    Have you ever stolen something that was not yours?
    Have you ever blaphemed God's name?
    Have you ever looked after someone and sexually lusted?

    If the answer to any of the questions above is a yes then you are guilty of breaking God's perfect law (Jam 2:10). But the good news is that Christ came to die for you (Jn 3:16-17, 1 Jn 2:2) and you can have eternal life.
  17. mandym

    mandym New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    You have set up an informal fallacy. The issue here is not the law or the use of it. The issue here is the method in which we reach folks. I Cor 9:22 Paul made it clear that he was careful about unnecessary offenses in sharing the gospel. Building relationships works to earn trust in a world that is increasingly becoming more and more distrustful. There was a time when in the early evenings that people would sit out on their porches and the pastor and church members would make visits about that time. But those days are long past.

    Getting to know people and earning their trust is more effective. In the days of the first century with limited communication public speaking on the street was common, accepted, and effective. People no longer view it that way today. In fact being on the street in such a manner just makes one look a bit cooky.

    Now, back to your informal fallacy, your premise seems to be that if that is the way it was done in the early church that sets up a commandment or clear directive that it is to always be done that way. If that is the case you need to work on your hermeneutics a bit more. That false mind set will lead to all kinds of false doctrines.
  18. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    You mentioned door to door evangelism. I am NOT in favor of that method due to a variety of factors. However street evangelism is not the same as people are in a open area and we are not invading their privacy or interrupting them while at dinner. No I am not against friendship evangelism, and believe that God can and does work that way. However the problem today is the lack of the use of the law and the many false converts that come out of the modern evangelism methods. There is a very well researched DVD called Go Stand Speak-The forgotten Power of the public proclamation of the gospel. I watched the DVD and have done some research. The DVD is very well researched citing all kinds of examples of people in the past whom God used as they did their open air street preaching. Also to note that during the tribulation God will be using 2 street preachers whom will preach for 1260 days. God himself prefers street preachers!! How can someone try and explain away street preaching when God himself will be using it in the near future!

    Like I said I am not against other methods of evangelism. But I prefer the law approach.

    #18 evangelist6589, Dec 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2011
  19. mandym

    mandym New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Your not making any sense here, what does the use of the law have to do with preaching on the street?
  20. Ruiz

    Ruiz New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    I agree that everyone should do evangelism. The Way of the Master, in my opinion, is one of the few organizations who have thought through this process.

    My biggest reservations with women street "preachers" probably has less to do with them evangelizing and more to do with the name itself. In our culture some perceive "preachers" to almost always mean something done within a church context and they lack discernment in the variances of using this word. Thus, they see "preacher" and they make not categorical distinctions between what a Pastor does on Sunday Morning and what every Christian does when sharing the Gospel.

    Therefore, I would agree women can be a "street preacher", but I am uncertain that some can discern the difference in the use of terms.
    #20 Ruiz, Dec 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2011