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More Political Games

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by saturneptune, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Since the election, the White House and Congress have been bragging about how they "roll up the sleeves to go to work for the American people." What a crock. That is what this collection of thieves gets paid to do, govern the nation. One day they are on track to an agreement, the next day, they are not.

    The latest game is a squabble, so the Republicans plan another vote on "plan B" which they know will not pass. It is kind of like their budgets they pass knowing they will fail instead of governing. Now, just a few minutes ago, it was announced that the House will not vote on "plan B" tonight. No doubt the poor babies are worn out.

    Every Congressman in office should be in prison for theft, bibery, failure to carry out the duties of their office, and gross incompetence.


    The Senate is just as bad. They play political games on the opposite side. When are we going to elect leaders that know how to govern regardless of political philosophy of liberal or conservative?
  2. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    I hear ya. Great job by Boehner suggesting a Plan B and announcing a vote would be taken before he was sure he had the support of his party membership. Great leadership there!

    Said it before, will say it again--I have no faith in Boehner to out-negotiate Obama. None.
  3. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    The big difference is that the democrats are robots following their "deer leader", like lemmings off the cliff. In recent weeks Smirking Schumer of NY was calling for the tax increase being limited to those making a million or more but now he smirks and says the Senate will not accept Plan B.

    The single dominant purpose of the democrats in this whole issue is to humiliate the House Republicans and on occasion in the past S/N favorite Senator has held the democrats coats.
  4. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    If I understand Boehner correctly - he is demanding budget cuts - and Obama is refusing to give anything.
    If I am incorrect, please inform me as to what budget cuts that Obama wants (other than military).

    This story reports the Republican Congress WILL NOT vote for a tax increase. That I do support - but I am willing to accept a small increase IF there are substantial budget cuts- cuts that actually take place.

    Interesting, I was watching Newt this AM, and he was talking how he and Clinton actually had responsible negotiations while they were discussing the budget.

    Now, please explain to me why my congressman should "be in prison for theft, bribery, failure to carry out the duties" when she is voting against tax increase and voting to cut spending ???
  5. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    He proposes cutting $400 billion from health care programs and $200 billion in cuts and fees from other so-called mandatory spending. He proposes $200 billion in cuts from agency budgets set by Congress each year, half from the Pentagon and half from non-defense. He claims $130 billion from a lower inflation adjustment that reduces Social Security and federal retirement benefits.


    That's $930 billion in cuts. But Obama wants $1.2 Trillion in tax increases. Boehner wants a 1:1 ratio of tax increases and spending cuts. But Boehner has only proposed raising taxes on millionaires, an effort that would raise $300 billion.

    I think that was the last time that politicians set aside partisan bickering and got something worthwhile done (Tax cuts, welfare reform, etc.)
    #5 InTheLight, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2012
  6. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I will be glad to. In the first place, someone said that about over 95% of their Congressional represenatives and reelected them. We have the same Congress, and the same result. As far as your particular Congress person, when voting against tax increases, and voting to cut spending, she was voting for bills that she knew would fail. In other words, she failed to govern and failed to carry out her mandated duties to govern. She collected a full year's pay check by taking off more days than she worked. She evidently did not work with the other side to govern. Most likely, she supported the election of this Speaker of the House who has failed to lead, yet she follows his cues. Need I go on?

    Collecting a paycheck without doing your job is theft, and in this case, theft of the American taxpayer.
  7. kyredneck

    kyredneck Well-Known Member
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    Jul 28, 2009
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    ...ahh, the Revolution of '94....
  8. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    First I doubt you even know who my congressman is, so how are you able to tell why she voted one way or another.

    Second, I have talked to her on several occasions - she is a conservative (and ran on the Conservative Party line)

    Third, when you say a congressman is not doing their job - are you talking about only when they meet in the full House? Keep in mind that when not in full session, they are often in committee meetings. My Congressman is assigned to seven different committees. In addition, they are expected to be in the home distinct. She has two district offices - which are about 80 miles apart. Remember part of her job is to assist constituents .

    My questions for you:
    1) exactly how many days off did she have?
    2) What makes you think she did NOT work with the other side? Trying to save MY money is a principal to stand proud of.

    One other thing - she lost the recent election to a liberal who is rather free with spending my money.
  9. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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  10. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Incorrect - She is STILL my congressman and has continued to work in spite of the election results and will continue to do so until the end of her term.

    Does that 109 days include committee days?
  11. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Yes, and no doubt amazing things will be accomplished in nine days that did not get done in four years. You act like you are amazed that she was beaten. You live in NY, one of the most liberal states in America. 21 of 26 reps are Democrat.

    Some days yes and some no. What I cannot understand is why are you defending such a work record and schedule in a job that requires service, leadership, sacrifice and a sense of duty? The job is to govern, not to play patty cake with the folks back home and prepare for the next election. If she did not want the job, she should not have run for it. To ask the question, does 109 days include committee days, what are you trying to do, get her total up to 135 days?

    I work, in retirement, at an adult day care in a mental health facility, fifty hours a week. In terms of a eight hour day, that is 312 days a year. That does not include the time at church and with my family.

    Roll up their sleeves and go to work for the American people, what a crock, to be nice about it.
  12. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    NY City is liberal - Upstate is not so liberal - other than the cities of Syr,Roc and Buffalo.
    The race was close -in fact Ann Marie did not concede for at least 3 days after the election
    Out of more than 260,000 votes, the D won by less than 15,000 votes.

    My purpose is not to defend Congressmen and the "109" - my purpose is to get to the truth.
    I can not believe you mention "Playing patty cake" with folks back home.
    First a congressman is a Representative - and as such is to represent their constituents back home. Ann has had many town hall meeting to meet the voters - and find out what their concerns are.
    Second, a job of a Congressman is to help citizens who have a issues with the govt. In fact today, it was announced that a Korea War Vet will be awarded his Bronze Star for his combat service. This would not have happened without the assistance of his Representative - who is another Upstate congressman (D- by the way)

    In my years of being involved with politics, I have met many politic ans - who are constantly spending endless hours -day and night serving the citizens.

    You say roll up and work together. Yes, there must be compromise on both sides. But there is a point that you must stand firm.
    A few months ago, Obama talked about taxing the top 1%, now they are talking about the top 2%. Then it will be 3,4,5,10, 15,20%. Where do we draw the line?

    Yes, I want Congress to pass a budget - but saturneptune, let me ask you a question. Suppose Obama said lets raise taxes on the top 45% and increase give-away- programs for the 45% at the bottom - lets say Obama wants to double their freebies - would that be okay?
  13. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    On your first point, what I cannot believe is your defending such gross incompetence and over one half of a year of having a party. You keep emphasizing trips back home to communicate with the voters. As part of their outrageous salary and expenses, many millions of dollars are spent to supply each Congress person several staff people. Their job is to take care of handling problems of voters, inquiries, recognition, etc. Who is paying for their trips back home? Even if they went back once a month, they would still not even approach a half year of work. How much time is spent, at our expense, in overseas "investigatory trips?"

    I will attempt to answer your last two questions, but hundreds of threads have been spent on Obama, his leftist agenda, and his lack of leadership. Congress has not even started to be discussed.

    As to your last question, of course it would not be acceptable with the figures you propose on either side. The job of the President, and the Congress is to govern this nation in a competent manner that is fair and just to all. If both sides had a heart for serving instead of taking, this would never have been a problem. The fact there is a fiscal cliff at all or a debt ceiling that is voted on every six months says loud and clear no one is doing their job. If the President and Congress were there to serve us, this would have been solved months, no years ago. To ask what level is acceptable 35%, 45, 55 etc, is the wrong question to ask. The question we should be asking is why do we keep reelecting people who are greedy self centered pigs that have no leadership ability.

    When there is a question that comes out that has a lot of numbers in it, as is on the news daily, then the question is framed to excuse the President and Congress from carrying out the duties they were elected to.
    #13 saturneptune, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2012
  14. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    1) I am not defending such gross incompetence

    2) I suppose we will have to agree to disagree

    3) I trust my reps will stand on principals
  15. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    If your reps stand on principles, and there are voters in each of the 435 districts that say the same thing, then why is Congress in the shape that it is? Also, you just said a liberal won in your district. Are you trusting that person to stand on principles?

    Salty, you are one of the few people I respect without question on the issue of politics, government and history. We do agree 99% of the time, and do not want you to think I think any less of your expertise. I know you served in the armed forces, and have been involved in the political process, and that puts you light years ahead of most of the others. This is just to let you know that I always enjoy and respect your posts.

    There are two posters that linger in the political section and others at times that never served in the armed forces, never worked in government, never participated in th political process beyond voting (if that) who claim superior knowledge. One claims it in the theological area, and the other claims it in are international arena in the form of conspiracies that may or may not be true.
    #15 saturneptune, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012