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Featured Who has the authority to Baptise?

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Mikey, Oct 21, 2018.

  1. Reformed

    Reformed Well-Known Member
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    Dec 27, 2012
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    OK. I am not sure of the point you are trying to make. Jesus never gave a specific command to the eleven on who is able to administer baptism in a local church setting. However, He did give a positive command to baptize to the eleven. I already provided my reasons (post #2 in this thread) for baptism being administered by pastors and elders who, according to scripture, are following the foundation laid by the apostles (Eph. 2:20). I also said in response to @Deacon (post #15), "Those administering baptism in your local church are approved by leadership and given the authority to baptize. Ergo, they are qualified and thereunto called." I stand against a free-for-all when it comes to administering the ordinances. They are holy and set apart and are to be administered as part of worship. There needs to be an oversight by those who have ministerial graces. You do not have to agree with me, but I want to make sure you understand me.

  2. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Does this help?

    1. Did Jesus found His specific kind of churches?
    2. If so, when?
    3. What kind of a church was it?
    4. Did He promise its perpetuity?

    1. They had the Gospel (Mark 1: 1).
    2. They were baptized believers. The apostles had been disciples of John, having been baptized by him (Acts 1:22). Of John's baptism, we are told that it was from heaven (John 1:33).
    3. They had an organization. They even had a treasurer, though be turned out to be a dishonest one.
    4. They had the same Head that the church of today has, Christ.
    5. They had the ordinance of baptism.
    6. They had the ordinance of the Lord's Supper.
    7. They had the Great Commission.
    8. They met together as a church for prayer preceding Pentecost.
    9. Moreover, they even bad a business meeting and selected one to take Judas' place.

    "...we are distinctly told that Christ sang praises in the midst of the church. Heb. 2:12 says, "I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church I will sing praises unto thee."

    "This passage is quoted by the inspired writer of Hebrews from the twenty-second Psalm.

    "To what incident in the life of Christ does it refer? what occasion did He sing praises in the midst of the church?

    "Turn to Mark 14:26, and you will find the occasion mentioned.

    "It was following the institution of the ordinance of the Lord's Supper that Jesus in the midst of His little church joined with them in singing a hymn.

    "That Christ sang praises in the midst of the church before Pentecost, carries without saying that the church existed before that time.

    "For the one who believes the New Testament to be the inspired Word of God, the question, "Did Jesus found a church?" is once for all answered in the affirmative by Matthew 16:18, in which Jesus Himself makes the statement, "I will build MY church."

    "That the gospels record Him as mentioning the church but twice, is a matter of no moment in view of the fact that after His ascension and glorification, as recorded in the Revelation, we find Him speaking of the church a number of times.

    "And indeed, if the Lord had only mentioned the church one time, that ought to be enough so far as the validity of His promise is concerned.

    "A statement made only once may be just as true as one reiterated a thousand times.

    "The point is, Jesus said He would build His church.

    "A little later He tells the disciples of a matter that should be taken before the church for its discipline.

    " In His words He clearly indicates that the church is then already in existence.

    "So we have His promise of the church; the clear implication in His own words of the fulfillment of that promise; the New Testament account of the church from its beginning on for many years, and the testimony of history to the effect that the church of Christ is an institution that has existed only from the time of Christ.

    "If Christ's words in Matthew 16:18 mean anything at all, they must mean that the institution which He promised was one separate and distinct from any institution that had previously existed in the world, or existed at that time.

    "It will presently be shown that the disciples were already thoroughly familiar with the word "ecclesia" or "church," and its meaning.

    "But Jesus indicated very clearly that the institution which He proposed would be one, distinct and to be distinguished from all other" ecclesias" by the fact that it was to be HIS church, built upon an entirely different foundation than any ecclesia in existence at that time.

  3. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    That's contradictory to why I would painstakingly articulate this analysis Today at 5:10 AM, but Praise Jesus.

    The Offices that have 'duties' associated with their title 'Office' has overwhelmed my ability to answer whether or not the Officers had duties.
  4. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    Iwould concur that the biblcal model would be to have the pastors or Elders doing such in the local assembly, but wonder how those who are independent get "duly authorized?"
  5. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    The late Richard C. Weeks, B.A., B.D. M.A. D.D. Wheaton College, Albion College, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, University of Chicago [Residence work completed for Th.D.] Pillsbury College was Academic Dean and Professor of Baptist Polity and History at then Maranatha Baptist Bible College now Maranatha Baptist University. He was also a proponent of the Local Church Only interpretation of ekklesia.

  6. Reformed

    Reformed Well-Known Member
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    Dec 27, 2012
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    Let us say that you are a member of a church and not a pastor or elder. However, the pastor and elders convey upon you the authority to baptize under their care. That would make you duly authorized to administer baptism.
  7. Reformed

    Reformed Well-Known Member
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    Dec 27, 2012
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    I can already see where Dr. Weeks and I disagree but thank you for the brief bio.
  8. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    My bad. In reading the question, "So who has the authority to baptise?", although the question only provides 'people' as possible answers, I never dreamed that the question was asking about, "What man-made 'authority'...?"

    The reason I assumed the question was asking for, "who, as in: from What Divine Authority? has the authority to baptize?" is not only because this is a "Baptist" board, but because the answers to that question are in The Word of God, and not only worth answering in detail but contain GLORIOUS TRUTHS of GOD, which The Triune Godhead Hold Very DEAR.

    Jesus Gave His Life for the church.

    For 'the church' to be designated as a blatant Ichabod denial of God's Words, where 'Hail Maries' were 'passed on', from The Shekinah Glory of All Authority in Heaven and Earth Given to The Risen Christ, Forward in time to some 'Preist', with 'Priesthood', or if you like, "only male Christians? or all those who are in Christ?", or "Christ in us is what gives us the authority to baptize. We are Kings and Priests unto God", even, "Those administering baptism in your local church are approved by leadership and given the authority to baptize. Ergo, they are qualified and thereunto called", or "I maintain that all Christians can Baptise new believers" are 'answers regarding, "who has man-made 'authority'?"

    My participation was regarding, ""who, as in: from What Divine Authority? has the authority to baptize?"

    Now I get it.

    Some here may not fully deny that Jesus Has The Prerogative to Establish, "the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth", During His Ministry as an Answer to Prophecy and The Supernatural Intendence of The Holy Spirit to Preserve her, in Answer to His Promise, until He Comes Again.

    That would be good.

    So, there is no need to go into the Public Inauguration of Jesus' Divine Institute on The Day of Pentecost, as a Dwelling Place for The Spirit, in Answer to Daniel 9:24, "to Anoint The Most Holy".

    Therefore, the question has to be asked, "I would concur that the biblcal model would be to have the pastors or Elders doing such in the local assembly, but wonder how those who are independent get "duly authorized?"

    And some qualifying censor edict has to be proclaimed, "He was also a proponent of the Local Church Only interpretation of ekklesia", or some equally Romish criteria.

    So, he was a Bible Believer?

    I'm a Baptist AND I BELIEVE THE BIBLE.

    I was hoping I could do that here.

  9. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    His position on the meaning of ekklesia is only tangential to the discussion at hand. Even if one does not agree with him on that point, one can hold that baptism is an ordinance of the local church.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  10. Reformed

    Reformed Well-Known Member
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    Dec 27, 2012
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    I agree.
  11. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    What about those independent churches that having formal group over them ordaining pastors/elders into positions of authority in the local church though? Who in the Earthly realm would be acknowledging their right to do baptisms and such?
  12. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    We hav ehad that happen at times in my church, as the father would request to baptize his own son/daughter!
  13. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Is anything added to, "the Local Church Only interpretation of ekklesia", adding to the Bible, exactly as Revelation Prohibits?

    Is anything added to, "the Local Church Only interpretation of ekklesia" being rewritten into The Bible, by someone?

    There are actually people rewriting the Bible?

    There are people rewriting The Bible and then wondering where they can obtain some "duly-ness"?

    How about just reading The Bible, instead of rewriting it?
  14. 1689Dave

    1689Dave Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2018
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    If a true believer is baptized by a quack, they are still baptized are they not? I think any baptized believer can baptize any believer.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    My initial response to the question was to give The Bible answer to, "Who has the Authority FROM GOD, to Baptise." Those answers and their references are still posted. There may be zero interest, or belief, represented by the other participants of this board, however, I found them as Infiniantly Important.

    The reverse corollary of a church gathering with no Authority from God to Baptise would result in that social organization having no Biblical claim to represent The One and Only Lord God of The Universe, as a Divinely Instituted Body of Believers, who have been Commissioned by Jesus to Go, Preach, Disciple, Baptise, and Teach.

    The result has been a wholesale loss of Bible Truth and unscripturally mishmashed together followers and Believers in Jesus 'doing their own thing' organizationally. Midway in the examination on this thread, we determined that a Biblical Organizational characteristic of The Kind of Divine Assemblies Jesus Founded was their autonomy and Democratic structure of the distribution of each member's vote is equal, and the CHANGE from the Biblical Organizational characteristic of a Religious Institution that presumes to be associated with The Son of God, Jesus Christ, in The Bible, TO A POLITICAL HIERARCHY, with Distributions of Power to HIGHER POWER BOSSES and TO VARIOUS "HOME OFFICES", which both, to the point, HAVE "AUTHORITY OVER THE CONGREGATIONS".

    This would be man-made religion, without God, and any discussion of 'authority' simple is in regard to POLITICAL POSITIONS in MAN-MADE HIERARCHIES, which are INVENTIONS of THE CARNAL REASONING of SIN-CURSED HUMANS.

    Ichabad has been written on the doors, they are Not a Dwelling Place of The Living God and their teachings reflect an equally flesh-filled disregard for God's Eternal Word.

    There is a Spiritual need to Return to The Ancient Landmarks that have been removed and God has certainly Provided that Guidance in His Word.

    Having reiterated that, when a Baptist church does have the Distinctive Marks of The New Testament Models, in Doctrine, and are Scripturally Organized, "If a true believer is baptized by a quack, they are still baptized are they not? I think any baptized believer can baptize any believer", is perfectly correct. Judas could 'dip' the True Believer, if Judas was authorized by the Scriptually Organized church assembly, to Baptise.

    The "Individual" human element of this discussion on this thread concerning 'authority' is IRRELEVANT. THE INDIVIDUAL Organized church assemblies HAVE THE AUTHORITY IF THEY ARE GENUINELY CONSTITUTED REGARDING WHAT WE CALL, "THE HOLY BIBLE".

    The question everyone here should have is, 'since Jesus WALKED 40 MILES to GET AUTHORITY from the ONE PERSON WHO HAD AUTHORITY FROM GOD to BAPTISE, WHERE DO I GET SCRIPTURALLY BAPTISED BY THE AUTHORITY of GOD, and what is involved in my man-made religious organization CHANGING TO AGREE WITH GOD, in our Doctrine, Practice, AND ORGANIZATION, to also OBTAIN THE AUTHORITY of GOD to DO THE BUSINESS of JESUS?

    You think Jesus just put everything in the Bible about The Details in the Construction of The Temple, just to willy-nilly Hand THE BUINESS of GOD OVER to ANYBODY that CLAIMS to BE A 'BELIEVER'??

    Nope, Nope, Nope.

    Jesus' churches have been hear since He Founded her, as He Promised.

    England had Baptist-like Doctrine in their Baptist-like assemblies Organized like the Kind Jesus Organized IN THE FIRST CENTURY and BY BIBLICAL CHARACTERS.

    There are probably some still there in England and The Kind of churches Jesus Built have probably always been there through THE CHURCH AGE.

    1. Church Government Changed

    In developing his church Satan began by corrupting the doctrinal teachings of the Lord's church from within. He has his servants in all churches. The first corruption came in his seeking to change the form of church government that Christ gave. His subtility is seen in this.

    There was a plurality of elders (preachers) in the early churches. "And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church" (Acts 20:17). It seems that today we have a scarcity of preachers but not then. These elders were to be equal, one was not to lord it over another. "The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder. . . . Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over

    [p. 10]
    God's heritage (clergy), but being ensamples to the flock" (I Peter 5:1-3). See our Lord's instruction on equality (Matthew 23:1-12).
    Early in history Satan led some away from that truth. Diotrephes is an example given in III John 9. We read in Revelation 2:15, "So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolatians, which thing I hate." Without being positive what this doctrine was, I think the meaning lies in the name. It comes from two Greek words. The first is nikawwhich means "to conquer." The second is laos which means "people." So then it means to conquer the people or laity. Thus we have a ruling clergy. Thus developed an episcopal church government in place of a congregational one. What kind of government is this? "Episcopacy, Episcopal." These terms are derived from the Greek episcopos, meaning 'bishop.' They refer accordingly to that system of church government in which the principal officer is the bishop."1
    8. 5.2: 30 A.D.> Jesus Established HIS CHURCHES During Jesus' Time in His Ministry on Earth - 8. THE GODHEAD in HIS CHURCHES.

    As an institution, Christ founded the church while on earth, left it in care of the apostles and prophets with delegated authority. Before his return to the Father, He gave the commission to the church through the apostles and promised His presence with them until the end of the age. He also promised to send the Holy Spirit as their helper in the task of perpetuating the church. The Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost and the book of Acts is an account of what was done from Pentecost until the imprisonment of Paul. The first organized church was at Jerusalem. This church was scattered through persecution, this led to missionary endeavor and the organizing of churches in Asia and Europe. The second church was at Antioch in Syria. From this church, Paul and Barnabas went out as missionaries. Then we read of the churches in Galatia and other provinces of the Roman Empire.


    Joseph Belcher writes: "It is believed that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was introduced into Britain about the year 63, by Claudia, a Welsh princess, converted under the ministry of the apostle Paul, at Rome. Her exertions to extend the reign of Christ were constant and successful. Bishop Burgess tells us, that the early British churches bore a striking resemblance to the model Institution at Jerusalem; and Mosheim tells us that 'No persons were admitted to baptism, but such as had been previously instructed in the principle points of Christianity, and had also given satisfactory proofs of pious dispositions and upright intentions.'"3

    Of this Claudia, Thomas Crosby writes: "Now amongst the converts of the natives of this island, in the first age to Christianity, Claudia surnamed Ruffina, is refuted a principle; she was the wife to Pudence, a Roman senator; and that this is the Claudia, a Briton born, mentioned by St. Paul, then living at the exceptions of Parsons the Jesuit, by answering his objections to the contrary; and then says, 'The issue of all this is this: Claudia�s story, as a British Christian

    [p. 233]

    stands unremoved, for any force of these objections; though one need not be much engaged herein.'"4
    8.5.28: The 1st Century- 21st Century: The LORD'S BAPTIST BELIEVING CHURCHES, know as THE WELSH BAPTISTS - 8. THE GODHEAD in HIS CHURCHES.

    I 'think' I'm going to move on and dealve into the Extrodinary Truths of The Old Testament Body of Prophecy, which mostly all POINTS RIGHT STRAIGHT AT US, in This Current DAY of SALVATION, CHURCH AGE, Period between the Two AND ONLY TWO ADVENTS of Christ.

    Appraently, noone here would have a clue? of their existence?, or those of The Gospels, The New Testament and Revelation that also ARE TO BE INTERPRETED AS SOLELY APPLICABLE to us, TODAY.

    Dunno. Maybe Google Aware of The Godhead for The Old Testament Body of Prophecy and see if you see yourself anywhere. Prophecy, Parables, Gospels, Church Letters, Revelation. They all speak of Jesus and are writen to us! AS THE MOST PRACTICLE and OBVIOUSLY APPLICABLE, TEACHINGS YOU'VE EVER SEEN.
  16. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Ordinarily, those set apart for the work of the Gospel.
  17. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    In the local assembly, would be the pastors and Elders...
  18. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    Or whichever male is authorized/deputized by them. With my pastor's permission, I baptized my father after Pastor vetted him. As the way we do church, I wasn't carrying around the ordiances in my hip pocket.
  19. Logos1560

    Logos1560 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 22, 2004
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    Perhaps you could be reading your own subjective, imperfect opinions into some verses that may not teach exactly what you may assume or claim so that you could be adding your opinions to the Bible.

    Just because you may fail to convince others that your understanding is correct, would that entitle you to accuse them of rewriting the Bible and of adding to the Bible?
  20. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    What do you re-write the Bible to mean by 'ekklesia'?

    Specifically, what do you add the Bible word, 'ekklesia'
    and what do you take away from the word, 'ekklesia'?

    with reference to Revelation 22:19;

    "And if any man
    shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy,
    God shall take away his part out of the book of life,
    and out of the holy city,
    and from the things which are written in this book" ?
    #60 Alan Gross, Nov 4, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
    • Winner Winner x 1