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Banished from a public library?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by lifeandliberty, Aug 20, 2005.

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  1. Petrel

    Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Now if I had kids and I were in the library after you'd pulled this trick, and my kids saw the picture on the computer and suffered recurring nightmares as a result, I'd certainly try to get you banned from the library.

    You have no more right to subject other people's children to the sight of mangled babies than others have to subject your children to pornography.
  2. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Proverbs 17:12 Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.
    --If a man comes between a mother bear and her cubs it usually means certain death. It is better for a man (or child) to be destroyed physically, than for that same person to be destroyed spiritually by a fool in his folly. It is the fool that doesn't know God, that mocks God.

    Psalms 1:1-2 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
    --If a man is to be blessed he is commanded:
    1. Not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. Every unsaved humanistic teacher in the public school system is ungodly. This is a command for Christians not to walk in their counsel, in their teaching, in their wisdom. But that is exactly what children do when they are put under the supervision of public school teachers.

    2. Not to stand in the way of sinners.
    This also is a command for Christians, both children and adults. Don't stand in the way of sinners. But that is what happens to our children in the public school children. They take on the "way" that is the way of life of the sinners. They conform to the world and its wicked ways. Don't stand in the way of sinners. The way of sinners is evil.

    3. Don't sit in the seat of the scornful.
    The scronful are those that scorn and mock God's Word, as the public school system do. They took the Bible right out of the school. They, in general, do not respect the Word of God. And yet we send our children there anyway. Don't sit under their teaching. They scorn God's Word.

    The true Christian:
    2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
    --Can't say that about the public school system.

    All throughout the Bible the responsibility of education is given to the parents. The parent has the obligation of teaching the child. The parent may delegate that responsibility to someone else: a Christian teacher, an ungodly teacher, etc. But the parent will ultimately stand before God for the education of their children. The responsibility solely lies on the shoulders of the parents. Education was never the responisbility of the government nor even of the church. It is the responsibiility of the parents. Read Deut. 6:1-6.

    The education of the Jews was done primarily in the synagogues, never in the Greek philosophical schools. Jews grew up only with a Jewish education. Secular education was normally frowned upon.

    Education in the public schools?
    You won't find such a concept Biblical.
  3. Magnetic Poles

    Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Hogwash. Granny is trying to teach her grandchild that life is sacred. She is also trying to tell people that Salvation is theirs if they want it. She is also rebuking Sodomy. How is that child abuse?
    </font>[/QUOTE]FG, read the previous posts. This question has already been answered.
  4. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Thank you Faithgirl46, may God bless you. I am thankful that my 2 grandsons (12 & 13) love the Lord so much that they are willing to endure publick ridicule. They are fine young men, if I do say so myself.

    I have other grands who are not homeschooled. They are in the antichrist government system and it shows in the way they act, dress, and think. They do not walk close to the Lord. They attend public schools and they are being taught non-Christian beliefs! The absence of Christ is anti-Christ.

    The government schools are promoting sodomy, among other things, even if it's through the teacher's silence on the matter. However, God's people MUST put away their signs of MURDERED BABIES when some are offended? This has become a Godless society. America tolerates any and everything but true Bible-believing Christians!

    Thanks to all who have said that I do not ABUSE my babies, but know that I love them and their stand with all my heart.
  5. faithgirl46

    faithgirl46 Active Member
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    Jun 20, 2005
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    For the most part I am against censorship. However, when the library has books in the kids section about a king marrying a king, then I object to that filth being taught to toddlers and pre-schoolers. I also have problems with Jenny has Two Moommies or Jimmy has two daddies.
  6. SeekingTruth

    SeekingTruth Member

    May 25, 2005
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    I fail to understand why Christian brothers and sisters who attack the evils of abortion and homosexuality in forceful ways are ridiculed, vilified, called child abusers, law breakers, equated to pornographers and worse by those who also claim to be brothers and sisters in Christ.

    If we wish to disagree with one another, why can't we do it with love, not vitriol. I see too much of that on this forum. No wonder so many people have a bad idea of Christianity in general and Baptists in particular.

    Another point, for a moderator to threaten to delete a post because a person defends herself is reprehensible. She is not the one who started calling other members names, she merely used commonly used words: sodomite and baby murderers. The Bible refers to homosexuals as sodomites, are you going to delete the Bible?

    To threatedn to tar and feather a person is a violation of the policies of this board. Why wasn't that poster threatened with deletion? Could it be that he is in the majority here, and therefore its okay? What about calling someone a child abuser? Is that acceptable too if one is with the majority view?

    Moderators at least be consistent with your rulings.

    I disagree with the tactics used by Granny and lifeand libertty, but I would never refer to them with the hateful words used here, not threaten them with tar and feather. All of you should be ashamed.
  7. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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  8. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Faithgirl46, this is to answer your concerns about the inappropriate books in the library.

    If the libraries in my area have questionable books, then they are in a special section of the library and parents must approve the reading of these books by their children. This may be the policy in most public libraries.
  9. Frogman

    Frogman <img src="http://www.churches.net/churches/fubc/Fr

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Dear Brothers and Sisters,
    I am the mod. who stated I would delete or edit future posts.

    I have not meant to show favortism. Unfortunately, I have been blessed with a life outside my computer and I cannot watch every post (nor can any mod) that is made to the board.

    This is why the Report post icon is made available to anyone who wishes us to reveiw the particular post.

    Granny's post was defending her actions and her beleifs against an ungodly and antiChrist institution of public schools. I have not seen a post where Granny was defending herself against personal attacks.

    If I have missed it, please send it to me in pm or email.

    The 'threat' to tar and feather granny though too graphic and visual, perhaps was spoken in words that granny would understand as her attitude seems to betray that she would have no problem tarring and/or feathering those in opposition to herself or her beliefs.

    We each, if we anyone of us, possess the Spirit of Grace, are subject to that Spirit to walk worthily of the vocation into which we are called. I have never seen anyone force a horse to drink water, and don't imagine I will ever see anyone force feed a child of disobedience, of which spirit we each were at one time, any of the milk or meat with which Christ has prepared our tables.

    Let's invite them to the table, let's tell the truth about sin and the sin nature, let's quit expecting them to beleive just because we shout loudly and carry big sticks, but let's trust more in the Lord to deliver them into the light of His Gospel, and let's encourage one another in this endeavor that we each by the leadership of the spirit of Grace might have compassion on them whose hearts are yet strangers from God and His Free Grace, let us above all remember that we are called to be strangers and pilgrims among them, why in order that we might change them? Or in order that they might see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven.

    Let's leave the heart changing to God and simply present the truth. Does this cause reproach to be poured upon your heads as you preach and teach and witness to the truth? Then happy are you if you suffer for Christ's sake and not as an evil doer.

    I am marking this thread so I can receive notification of replies and begin to follow along. This doesn't mean I will answer immediately.

    Bro. Dallas Eaton [​IMG]
  10. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Yes you ought to be ashamed for your own hypocrisy. Do you find yourself having the liberty to "tar and feather" the moderators on the board, lashing out at them with your tongue in a public thread such as this. You have violated the BB rules which you agreed to when you registered with this board, so your entire post is very hypocritical. Any further such posts will indeed be deleted. Please refrain from further attacks.
  11. SeekingTruth

    SeekingTruth Member

    May 25, 2005
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    Where do you find hypocrisy in my question of a moderator? I made no accusations nor did I call anyone names. If you want to delete this post fine, feel free. Yet, I stand by my remarks and questions. If questioning the rulings of the moderator is equivalent to a threat to do physical harm, then you have a vivid imagination. By the way, there are many occaisions where others have questioned moderator decisions and they were not threatened.

    It looks as if I have found the truth of this board. Don't fight city hall or you will be deleted.
  12. Rachel

    Rachel New Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    AMEN Frogman! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    You call into question the integrity and ability of a moderator. If you have a bone to pick with any given moderator, do so in a private pm, not in public.
  14. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Guidelines for Posting by Dr. Bob (Opening Thread)
  15. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    I sent my kids to public school to learn the "three Rs" Their religious/social education was the duty of US...THEIR PARENTS.

    I go to the library to find certain material. If I wanna read anti-abortion material, I'll find the appropriate books I know are about abortion. But when I wanna read something else, I do NOT wanna be bothered with someone's pamphlet dealing with a subject in which I'm then not interested. I pay taxes to support the library, and seeing as how this is America, not Amerika, I should be able to choose what I read.

    Abortions are not gonna stop long as there are people wanting to have them. Where there's demand, there's supply. The problem should be attacked at its SOURCE. The focus should be upon MORALS, & the proper use of contraceptives as opposed as using them as a license to have sex with whomever wherever. Cut the root, and the tree will die. A simple banning of all but medical-emergency abortions will not solve the prob, but simply make it worse, sending many people to underground "clinics" where the health of the client after the act is quite low-priority.
  16. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Actually MP all Christians are to be spokesmen for God or as Paul says Ambassadors for Jesus Christ [2 Corinthians 5:20]. :D
  17. Magnetic Poles

    Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Old Reg, once again the point is over here=&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; .

    And you missed it, being over here
    X &lt;==========================

    In other words, what does your comment have to do with my point? [​IMG]
  18. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Your ironical situation creates a double standard. On the one hand you seem to take for granted the very freedoms that our forefathers fought for. Freedom! You have the freedom to go to library; freedom to read relatively uncensored material; freedom to live in a nation largely uncontrolled by the government (i.e., not communist or a dictatorship), freedoom of expression, freedom of religion, etc. You take these for granted. You are glad that you have public schools and libraries, things that we would not have had our forefathers not fought for the freedom of this nation.

    On the other hand you seemed opposed, in your own apathetic way, to oppose the sin, the moral decay of this nation that is destroying it from within. To stand against abortion and homosexuality, as well as other types of corruption, whether it be government, economic, etc., is a freedom and privilege that we have now. But it may be that we will not always have that freedom that we take for granted.
    I have lived in a nation under martial law, where the media is strictly controlled. The very TV programs are highly censored. Even pictures of any type of government building is forbidden.
    If you don't like to protest as some do then fine. Don't criticize the ones that do. But do something. Write letters to the editor, to your senator, to congress. Let your voice be heard. Use the internet in whatever way you can. Be resourceful. Don't allow our nation to be destroyed from within for the wickedness of the sins of abortion and homosexuality.
    How can one have the attitude: It's here. It's always going to be here. What's the use of trying to stop it. Just get used to it. We can't do anything about it now.
    My father fought in WWII. I am glad he didn't have that attitude.
  19. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    Sorry but I disagree.
    Freedom of speech makes no such distinction.

    True, I have a double standard in this matter, pornography should be illegal but not the graphic pictures of murdered babies. So be it.

    In my view I have not only the right but the duty to expose sin for what it is no matter how ugly or gruesome it is.

    In some cases even the unbelieving world does this: for instance, the graphic photographs of the Nazi holocaust victims in public documents and school books usually with the message (and rightfully so!) "never again". How much more the current "holocaust" of the innocent unborn?

    In addition, God does not agree with you in that He has seen to it that his Word speaks often about such things as His retribution and the awfulness of hell.

    According to your philosophy children shoudn't be allowed to read the Bible because such things might also cause them nightmares.

  20. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    quote:Originally posted by robycop3:
    Abortions are not gonna stop long as there are people
    wanting to have them. Where there's demand, there's supply.
    DHK: // ...

    //On the other hand you seemed opposed, in your own apathetic way, to oppose the sin, the moral decay of this nation that is destroying it from within. To stand against abortion and homosexuality, as well as other types of corruption, whether it be government, economic, etc., is a freedom and privilege that we have now.//

    Foul! Robocop3 said:

    //Abortions are not gonna stop long as there are people wanting to have them. Where there's demand, there's supply. The problem should be attacked at its SOURCE. The focus should be upon MORALS, & the proper use of contraceptives as opposed as using them as a license to have sex with whomever wherever. Cut the root, and the tree will die.//

    I note that Robocop3 writes two sentences analyzing the situation
    then two sentences describing how the situation should be.

    "you seemed opposed ... to oppose the sin, ... "

    This statement is incorrect. The portion you quoted describes
    the way things are; the portion you failed to quote
    shows that Brother Robocop3 seems very inclined to
    oppose the sin of abortion. However, i do note a difference
    between what Robocop3 beleives and what others (not necessarily
    Bro. DHK) believe. Brother Robocop3 believes in not just
    opposing abortion, but winning the fight over it.
    Just opposing abortion in an unsuccessful manner is NOT
    where we should be.

    DHK: "If you don't like to protest as some do then fine. Don't criticize the ones that do. But do something. Write letters to the editor, to your senator, to congress. Let your voice be heard. Use the internet in whatever way you can. Be resourceful. Don't allow our nation to be destroyed from within for the wickedness of the sins of abortion and homosexuality."

    Amen, Brother DHK. But the childish putting of unallowed literature
    into library books will NOT work.
    Hitting the streets with obscene pictures of aborted babies,
    forcing minors who cannot leagally deside to be there,
    these methods do not and cannot work. Even DHK knows a better
    way to do things as shown in the paragraph above.
    Unfortunately every time God 'calls'
    a Christian to do a street ministry God has to call a dozen
    other Christians to undo the damage.

    I'm serious righeous ingdination about (note i do not mention
    who is a member) the cult of failure. Come on, it is important
    to turn the tide in the war on our countries'es babies.
    Failure is NOT an option. Childish library hijinks are unnecessary
    and counter productive. Offensive street protests featuring
    minors are unnecessary and counter productive.
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