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Does anyone homeschool

Discussion in 'Homeschooling Forum' started by Andrew Walling, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. Andrew Walling

    Andrew Walling New Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    Maybe I'm not reading this forum correctly but it appears that there are currently no posts. Are there any homeschoolers here and what are some of the reasons that led you to homeschool?
  2. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Andrew, there are several homeschoolers here. I am not of them.

    I just wanted to say that the baby on your avatar sure is a cutie!!
  3. Alcott

    Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    "Does anyone homeschool?"

    I'm sure that somebody does.
  4. Andrew Walling

    Andrew Walling New Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    Why thank you Scarlett, I'm a bit partial to her. She's is one of four precious children that God has blessed me with.

    I was a bit surprised at the lack of posts so I thought I would try starting one by asking. My wife and I homeschool and I wanted to get an idea of the varyious reasons why other people homeschool.
  5. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    We homeschool because of the mess in our public school system. And Christian school is cost prohibitive right now.:wavey:

    That avatar pic is a cutie!
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I homeschool my grandson. He was falling through the cracks in the public school and also, by homeschooling him, he is not exposed to the same things he would be in a public school.

    If our Christian school wasn't so expensive, he would be going there.

    This is a slow forum. Unless someone has a question or a problem, we don't usually get new threads.
  7. Andrew Walling

    Andrew Walling New Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    We noticed a change in our daughter when she entered the first grade. She became deceptive, rebellious and was showing signs that she was being manipulated by her "friends" in school. We began seeing that what we were teaching her at home and in church was being countered when she was away from us. We had entertained the idea of homeschool and the reasons for it, but this was one of the biggest deciding factors for us.
  8. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Hi Andrew -

    I've been homeschooling for 10 years now and what you described is also one of the reasons I'm happy I homeschooled. My first went to kindergarten and I found her quite fresh when she'd come home from school and I would have to spend about an hour 'deprogramming' her. In first grade, she was diagnosed as ADD (inattentive) and that was the final thing that drove us to homeschool. The first year we did it, I sent my second child to kindergarten since it was just 1/2 day and it would give me a chance to figure out this homeschooling and I had to deprogram HER after school!! Yikes! I'll never forget one particularly hard day near the end of the year when I was so mad, I got in her face and said "I can't wait until you're out of that school and HOME! You're NOT going to act this way with my anymore!".

    Now those two girls are in 9th and 11th grade in the public school. My oldest went back in 9th grade because she needed to. The inattention was still there and my encouraging, prompting, correcting, disciplining and all just wasn't getting to her anymore and I know she's a people pleaser at heart so figured that having outside teachers might help her. It really did. She drove herself more and has really gotten so much better with the attention thing. My second daughter started there this year because she's just so good at all she does and has a little bit of a pride thing going. Everything she touches is gold and I know that it's not going to be that way forever and she honestly needs to be knocked down a rung or two to find better footing in life. Fortunately, both girls are VERY strong in the Lord and I'm not worried about the outside influences anymore. They're starting up the Bible club at school, hopefully, and are running the See You At The Pole on Wednesday. :D I honestly don't think they would be half the girls they are if they had stayed in school. At 14 and 16, I love them, they're great kids, we share a lot together and we enjoy being together. I can't imagine the relationship we would have if someone ELSE had them those 7 hours a day 5 days a week.

    Now I'm onto the next set. Robby is in 1st grade - never having been in a public school. We did a relaxed kindergarten last year and this year we're off and running with first. I'm using Bob Jones for the first time and I actually like it! I'm so grateful to God for allowing me the blessing and joy of educating and raising my children. Behind Robby is my 3 1/2 year old daughter who is in her second/last year at our church's preschool and then she'll be home next year too.

  9. SBCPreacher

    SBCPreacher Active Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    We have homeschooled all of our 4 daughters at one time or antoher - mostly in the elementary grades. We did it because, after praying about it, we were convinced that it was God's leading for us. It's not for everyone, but it was right for us. Homeschooling did give us the opportunity to build a strong Biblical foundation for our children. We used mainly the ABEKA curriculum, and found that it works well.

    We are not anti-public school, per se. One of our daughters graduated from a public school and the next one is a senior this year at a public school. More than likely, the other two will do the same. We have also hed them in Christian school, so we have covered all the bases.

    Most of the problems we have seen have to do with behavior and language. The sad part is that the church kids behave the same way - there seems to be no difference.

    I think the main question you need to ask is, "what does God want us to do."
    #9 SBCPreacher, Sep 26, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2006
  10. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    We have homeschooled all six of our children for various reasons
  11. genesis12

    genesis12 Member

    Dec 26, 2005
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    Christian schools are expensive? Yes!

    .........but not those where there is no paid teacher, no paid staff. Home schooling moms simply assemble themselves together at the church building, the logical place for Christian "home schooling." Mom's teach their kids there just as they would at home. It obviously won't work for all families. For some it will work just fine. Someone asked what one does with the baby, the 3-year old, etc. What do you do with them now, if you and your husband both have to work to make ends meet? Those options are still out there. If mom doesn't have to work outside the home, what's wrong with the nursery and small child center at the local church? Volunteers staff those. We're talking about getting out of the public school system completely, when possible, for all the children in the family. We're talking about a viable, free option, not establishing a "private" school. Sure it needs some work, details that only you can work out in your local church. Rather than reject it out-of-hand, I'd sit down with the mothers in your church ~~ without letting the naysayers torpedo the idea.:1_grouphug: :flower:
  12. North Carolina Tentmaker

    Sep 19, 2003
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    We homeschool our 4 children ranging from 1st to 9th grades. We used a Christian School previously and would consider it if there was an acceptable one in our area.
  13. BibleMaMa

    BibleMaMa New Member

    Jan 12, 2003
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    I am a homeschooler. Why? Because I have 2 children that just went through the public school system. Just Graduated this past June. And they know NOTHING! Plus, metal detectors, constant picking, overwhelming peer pressure, a constant issue of fitting in, fights, guns, drugs... That is just to name a few.

    So now I start over with my son. As long as the Lord allows me, he will never see the inside of a public school.
  14. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    We homeschooled our three boys last yr because we were not satisfied with the quality of education they were getting in the county we used to live in.

    This yr. they are back in public school, and are doing great.

    My 7th grader last yr was reading on a 5th grade level.
    This yr when he entered 8th grade, they tested him, and he is now on a 12th grade reading level. Something worked.
    We used the School of Tomorrow curriculim.

    Would I do it again...probably not... But I do feel God led us to last yr.
  15. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    We have been homeschooling our four children from kindergarten. The oldest is now in 8th grade and the youngest in 2nd. With public schools and many Christian schools the way they are we can do nothing else. I am just glad that I love teaching. My kids hear about all the school shootings and everything else that goes on and never want to be taught any other way.

    We use a variety of curriculum. My favorite comes through "Keepers of the Faith". We use McGuffy Readers which have workbooks that go with them. Great stuff! We also get our math books (Practical Arithmetic) from this company. Two years of math including tests and answer keys for $14.00. These books were published in 1934 and are very good .

    I could write pages about homeschooling but won't. It is something I love and believe in very strongly. Teaching my kids is my favorite thing to do and I look forward to each day. It is so exciting to see them learn and I am learning much right along with them.
  16. TheOliveBranch

    TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    I've been homeschooling for 18 years. I chose to homeschool when my oldest was 4. I felt it was my place to teach my child. I have successfully taught three through high school. I am currently teaching 6 at home. Gets busy, maybe that's why we don't post so often. I find time to look, but little to post.