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How do you share the gospel?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Emily25069, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. Emily25069

    Emily25069 New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    When I was saved 10 years ago, I was on fire. I told anybody and everybody about Christ. Admittedly, my zeal got me in a lot of trouble. I got desperate when people were not listening and started shouting to them that they were going to Hell if they didnt accept Christ. I lost or hurt many friendships because of this. I was a very immature 17 years old back then.

    10 years later and I struggle to do anything more than say.."I will be praying for you." or "Praise God." in certain situations. I dont think I have shared the gospel with anyone since I was 17 or 18. Pretty sad huh? Pretty disobedient also.

    Lately, I have been praying that God would send me someone to talk to about Christ and that the conversation would just lead in that direction, but I really feel like this is a cop-out prayer.

    I am so afraid of the rejection that I encountered back when I was 17. I am in no way ashamed of the gospel at all, and the people around me know that. Where I struggle, is actually sitting down and telling them about Jesus... as if leading only by example is what we are called to do.

    So, anyways, I was just curious as to what you all did.
  2. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I share the gospel with my deeds. It's always been my hope that a person will look at how I handle life and want what I've got. That's happenned a few times with some people who have come to the Lord, and I feel privileged that the Holy Spirit used me to shine light to them.
  3. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    you learned your lesson, it sounds like, but don't let the devil take that lesson and scare you with it any longer. Ok?

    Your zeal was a GOOD thing. You just forgot about the Holy Spirit. Don't get desperate to MAKE the person listen to you. Remember always that the Holy Spirit is the One who must convict the person. YOU are the one who must TELL the person. Thats all you are supposed to do. The results are up to God.

    Does your church have a specific soul winning time? or a time of visitation? If they do, start going. Ask a more experienced person to go with you, and you be the "silent partner" at first. At least pass out some of the tracts. Then you will find people will ask you questions. Before you go, ask God to give you the words to use. God will sometimes send people to you who need to hear, but ONLY if you are in the right place at the right time. And its up to you to put yourself in the right places.

    If you stay at home then no one will be able to get to you.

    If you get out there and start passing out tracts you will be far more likely to find the people God wants you to find.

    Oftentimes I will pass a person a tract, and then ask them if they know for sure where they will be spending eternity after they die.

    What you were doing at the very beginning is better than what you are doing now. Don't let it turn into you shouting at people, but then you said that you were already afraid of that. You have control of yourself, and remember that the Holy Spirit is in control of the convicting part. Not you. Thats what makes you desperate, is thinking that you are responsible for the results. You are not, God is. BUT, you are responsible to tell, so get out there and try.

  4. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest

    I believe that you need to keep in close fellowship with Christ via prayer and bible study so that you will be more sensitive to the need.

    I believe that people will look at how you live your life, but you must be open about your faith or they will not know that you handle life well because of Christ. Only that you handle it well.

    I try to live with Christ every day. Last night as I handed out Halloween candy I was happy, cheerful, genuinely pleased to see the neighbors, and I spoke to each of them for a few minutes just in a nice neighborly way. Then I realized I was telling people, "God bless you," as they left. It was coming from my heart and soul, not something I planned out.

    When I do a kindness, I try to remember to give Christ the credit. When I had money to give, and I heard people were in need, I gave them the money, not loaned it, and said, "I think Christ wants you to have this. Someday, when someone else needs help. Please help them in Christ's name."

    When something wonderful happens, and I share it with others, I will say, "I feel like God is really looking out for me lately."

    I carry my bible with me most of the time. If people ask me about it, I tell them why I love it.

    If I hear someone knocking Christians, I will say, "Excuse me, but I am a Christian, and I'm sorry you feel that way. Can we talk about the difference in what Christians do and in what Christians should do?" Or, "Please, don't judge Christ by the actions of Christians." Sometimes I make it a joke. "I won't judge all Democrats by the ways of the Kennedy clan if you won't judge all Christians by the ways of those you dislike."

    I have approached people close to me and said, "I love you so much, I know that you think I'm nuts to believe in Christ, but I also know that you have said you wish you had whatever it is that lets me have so much peace in my life. Can we talk honestly about why I believe in Christ?"

    You should not be ashamed of that early zeal you had in life. That kind of "I don't care if I offend you," zeal is what the early church had.

    Please, don't fool yourselves into believing Satan's lies either. If you are afraid that the message of Christ will offend and you let that silence you, you are acting ashamed of Him. If you think only living a good life is the same as telling others about Christ, you've fallen into a humanistic lie.

    You have to let people know that the source of your joy and peace is Christ or you are denying Him as surely as Peter did that day.

    Think about this in terms you can relate to more easily. If you loved a spouse or a parent, and they said they love you back, but they never mentioned you to anyone, never introduced you to anyone. How would you feel about it?

    If they said, "Well, yes, I'm glad that you like my clothes. I'm glad you think my house is clean. I'm glad you want to live more like I live," but they never once told others that you were the reason for the clean clothes and the clean house, how would you feel?

    You don't have to be "in your face" or "offensive." You can be firm and kind. You can say, "I respect your right not to believe in Christ, but please, respect my right to believe with all my heart." You can say, "I'm sorry that you find Christianity offensive, but I don't deny you the right to have your silly slogans and pictures of people you admire and love in your office. Please don't deny me my right to have bible quotes and crosses in mine. They remind me of the fact that my life is 10,000 times better since I've come to know Christ."

    You can invite them to join you in fun activities at your church.

    You can give gifts that fit what they tend to want, and add a card with a scripture, or add a bible, or add a Christian CD to it.

    I used to include a "family bible" in every wedding gift I gave. I'd write notes in them, to the non-believers, that said, "I know you don't share my faith, but when people marry you should share things with them that helped you in life, and nothing has every helped me more. So along with (whatever the other gift was), I want to give you this. If you do not read it for faith, read it for literature."

    Because I know, you cannot read God's word and not be moved by God's word.
  5. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 26, 2003
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    Pray for opeen doors as you get to know people.

    Often I think that if I knew I wanted to buy a particular car and a salesman tried to push that same car on me I would simply not be interested and seek another dealership out for the same car. People want interaction not one way communication. Interact with people and see God open the doors as you get to know people. Follow Phil. 2 as you talk with people.

    Spend time talking to God about men before you talk to men about God.
  6. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    I think we share the gospel with our actions as well as words. Encourage others, smile, show the joy of knowing our Lord and others will notice and many times want what we have. We may merely set the stage for others to share the gospel. I believe I read somewhere that it may take as many as seven times for a person to be told about the love and sacrifice of our Savior before they are saved. We may plant seeds, but God will the one to convict and give the increase.

    1 Corinthians 3:7-8.
  7. Emily25069

    Emily25069 New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    I agree with you, but my problem is that the folks that I care about deeply are also extremely joyful, happy, and giving folks. They dont seem to notice this in me because it is expected of me. I dont think this brings Christ into the equation. At best, I think most people I know who arent Christians think that I am being extremely tolerant.

    I dont want to sound like a used car salesman, but it did take several people literally selling me Christ before I bit. It wasnt just their actions, (though most of them were extremely nice people) it was them telling me what Christ did for me and faithfully inviting me to church.

    I feel like a used car salesman when I do things like what they did, but what they did worked for someone and what I have been doing hasnt worked for anyone.

    I think I will continue to pray for God to open doors and show me when to speak, but I feel like what has happened, is that I have turned into a lazy Christian.
  8. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Hey Emily, [​IMG]

    Its ok to be a "used car salesman" if you are honest! [​IMG]
  9. untangled

    untangled Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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    Hey Emily,

    I understand how you feel. When you first get saved you'll go anywhere, say anything and do anything. :D People reject you, mock you and scold you and sometimes you get to feel that you may not want to hold back your temper or something.

    May I suggest studying Matthew 10 especially around verses 24-31. Jesus is ministering to His disciples and basically tells them how to live boldly in His Name. I'm preaching from that tonight and my study relates to this topic.

    In Christ,

  10. untangled

    untangled Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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  11. Emily25069

    Emily25069 New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    thanks. I will read Matthew 10 very soon today.
  12. Brian30755

    Brian30755 New Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Amen, TexasSky!

    Not too long ago, I bought a case of paperback New Testaments from IBS, some tracts from ATS , and printed off some Warning Tracts from CARM . In a 6 x 9 Envelope I would put one Bible, a tract from ATS, and a Warning Tract. I mailed these to everyone in my neighborhood.

    This is just something I really felt like the Lord was leading me to do. It may sound like the "chicken" way to share Jesus, but I figured it was better than doing nothing. I'm trying to provide more "how to witness" resources and training at www.JustWitness.com .
  13. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    I don't think it sounds "chicken", Brian. Its just creative. [​IMG]

    Especially if you put your return address on the envelopes.
  14. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I personally don't care much for tracts. I don't like it when someone tries to give me one, and I never liked handing them out. I've seen people get pushed further waay from Christ than they already were because of tracts. But that's strictly a personal view, not based on scripture or anything else other than my personal experience. My only caveat for anyone looking for tracts is to stay away from Chick tracts.
  15. Emily25069

    Emily25069 New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Texas sky

    thank you

    you enlightened me a little bit there.
  16. untangled

    untangled Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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    Your idea sounds great. I actually may get my church involve in that as well. Except we don't have actual neighborhoods out here in the boonies.

    Another thing I found is that people are more likely to speak to you if they are already outside. I personally do not really like people I don't know coming to my door. I know I shouldn't feel that way but I believe there are other ways to do it like going to people that are outside.

    In Christ,
