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England & the USA

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by robycop3, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    More of the same LE, conjecture and guesses at best.

    No evidence of any kind to support this theory.

    Joseph Smith claimed links between Hebrew and Native American languages. Was he right?
  2. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Do ytou really beieive that the United States is the tribe of Manassah?

    [qupte]Since there are thirteen tribes in Israel, and since Ephraim and Manasseh were adopted after all the rest were born, and Ephraim is counted for Joseph, or rather that they are counted interchangeably, there is no other chance for Manasseh, numerically speaking, but that he is number thirteen. Now, it is a significant fact, that when Manasseh separated from Ephraim -- when the people who have become a great nation separated from those who have become a company of nations, because their branches have continued to run over the wall -- he, Manasseh, or America, had just thirteen states, and that thirteen is the prominent number in all the emblems and heraldry of the land.[/quote]

  3. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Why not????

    Old Flag of Northern Ireland - Note the Crown (of David?) and the Star (of David?) and the red hand (scarlet thread ? Genesis 38:27)


    And why is David's harp on this Irish flag?


    What is this, a trap, LOL?

    Joseph Smith was wrong about some things but that doesn't necessarily mean he was wrong about everything. I've read there have been Hebrew artifacts found by archeologists in the United States.

    The only reason I'm posting these links is for information purposes for people who are interested in this subject. I've got nothing to prove & nothing to debate.

    If people want to seriously study this subject in line with the Bible (the book I linked to above is a good one), they will come to their own conclusions.

    For me, there are too many "coincidences" for me to brush off the entire subject as bunk, myths, fables, or ridiculous - especially when Israel in the "isles" is referred to in the Bible and Jesus Himself spoke of the "lost sheep of the House of Israel."

    What we can probably agree on is that the Early Church was comprised of Jews (from Judah/Benjamin) or perhaps Hebrews of the other tribes scattered around Asia Minor? Can we agree that with the dispersion, not ALL returned back to Jerusalem and surrounding areas to be living there at the time of Jesus Christ?

    Can we agree that migrations occurred, that Israelites did have a Navy/sea trade (as far back as Solomon, if not before, anyway) and that colonization to the "isles" by Hebrews was entirely possible/feasible?

    Also, the Apostle Paul had intended to travel to Spain:

    There was an early church established at Babylon. So there must have been some Jews still there that never moved back.

    The fact of the matter is, we do not have a complete record of the travels of all of the Apostles.

    One day, DNA may help to identify the tribes scattered throughout the earth. DNA markers are already found in Levites - the priestly tribe - Cohens, etc. and research continues, among geneologists, to establish a world wide database of blood lines to trace ancestry. Genome research is a relatively new science.

    Source - Jewish genes
  4. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    How can you claim as Irish harp is David's harp??

    Someone needs to tell the Irish. They all think it is Brian Boru's harp.

    The crown on the Northern Irish flag represents the British monarchy, or at least that's what the Northern Irish think.

    You can support any far fetched theory if you define all of the symbology. The Scottish kilt is colourful because it it a reminder of Joseph's coat? That is pure conjecture like all of the rest of the misinformation on these sites. Jesus spent time in England and Paul started a seminary there? England is Ephraim and the USA is Manasseh? Jesus' mother moved to England? These are the kind of far fetched claims that I found just with a casual reading.

    How does the fact that Paul intended to visit Spain support Jesus visiting England?

    I would heartily recommend a careful reading of the sources suggest. They do a great job of showing how far fetched this notion really is.

    It is amazing how far people will go to try and find some kind of support that their nation is somehow special to God.
  5. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    It can go way too far........like the guy that says the Jews were in Holland because "Denmark" must mean "mark of Dan", and so that proves that the tribe of Dan went to Holland.

    No matter the fact that Dan would be in the Hebrew language, Denmark is in Dutch, and our definition of "mark" is in English.
  6. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    The Scottish kilt being a reminder of Joseph's coat had to be my favourite. If anybody's clothes are a reminder of a colourful coat it is the many tribal groups of Africa. Perhaps that is where David's descendents went and that is why their robes are so colourful?
  7. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Prophecynut, I see you had no comment about Jeremiah 33 where God reiterates His promise concerning David. remember that God gave these words to Jeremiah(as well as what He gave Ezekiel concerning Zedekiah & the throne itself) shortly before He caused Nebuchadnezzar to take out jerusalem and Zedekiah. We know Jerry lived through this, and most likely Zeke did also, as he was already in Babylon with the first group of exiles from Judah.

    Please read Psalm 89 CAREFULLY, as you seem to have lost the context again. here, David is referring to the time of his punishment of being chased from his throne by Absalom. Remember, Ps. 89 is a maskil written by Ethan the Ezrahite, but most certainly approved (and perhaps performed) by David. Unlike some Psalms, this is not a prophecy, but it does repeat God's prophecy to David about his dynasty.

    I have consulted with several Hebrew experts who agree that Ezekiel 21:27 says God will overturn(Not destroy nor place in hiatus) the throne 3 times. If it's anything but active & occupied, how could He do that? And what about His saying, "Abase that which is high and exalt that which is low"? I believe Judah & the Solomon-Zedekiah line was "that which was high" while the rest of Israel and other descendants of David was "that which is low". And the title of the ruler doesn't hafta be "king". It could be "Prime Minister" or "Big Kahoona" or any other title long as RULERSHIP was there. QE2 doesn't actually rule England, but she's held in high honor & recognized as royal by the British.

    And what about the birthright promise? It IS separate from the rulership. Remember, the rulership is Judah's, but the birthright is Joseph's. God's birthright promise of material wealth is just as valid and powerful as His promise of the Savior. He made BOTH promises to Abraham. Who are WE, to ignore one because we couldn't see its fulfillment, just as the most of the Jews of Jerusalem couldn't see Jesus as the Messiah? We need to go back and CAREFULLY read God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and Joseph.

    Has there ever been an empire even remotely close to having the size, wealth, & power of the British Empire? remember, the British gained their empire in much the same way as other empire-builders did...some by battle, but mostly be negotiation. Sargon, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander, & other "conquerors" used more negotiation than battle. The smaller nations, when confronted by the empires, thought it advantageous to simply join the empire & enjoy its collective benefits. Thus was the building of the British Empire.

    And has there ever been a nation like the USA, with its combination of power, size, resources, & wealth? our forefathers recognized it was the FAVOR OF GOD to bestow all on them.

    Are there any other nations that have apparently received the Ephraim-Manasseh blessings, whose peoples are for the most part closely-related, who speak the same language & have many of the same customs & mannerisms?

    I'm not ruling out any future fulfillments, of course, that would make GB & the USA look like trial runs, but such fulfillment is now only conjecture and we must run with what's before us.

    No, I'm not trying to start any new doctrine nor support an older false one. As Baptists, we believe ALL of our bibles, right? What I'm pointing out are things not disbelieved by the brethren, but often overlooked. An example is the above-mentioned verses in Jeremiah and Ezekiel...we haven't disbelieved them; we've merely not considered them very closely because when we first read them we assumed they were about only the ancient kingdom & kings of Judah. A real eye-opener for me has been the rapid rise of modern Judah to military-pre-emenince over all her neighbors together. IF THIS ISN'T GOD'S WORK, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!!! This was prophesied in Scripture, and I firmly believe that EVERY OTHER PROPHECY about Israel and Judah has or will come to pass! THEY'RE ALL IN YOUR OWN BIBLES!

    We Americans have often attributed our blessings to GOD, but without seeking the reasons God has so blessed us. And despite all the decadence and evil today, the USA still has far more true churches, pastors and Christians per capita than any other nation has ever had.

    C4K, I believe there are too many websites that paint such a distorted pic that they lead people to not believe or to overlook what Scripture REALLY says, just as Herbie Armstrong's junk did. And I believe history shows that there were a native Irish people whose origins are not recorded far as we know, who were attacked by immigrants from across the sea who eventually mingled with those natives to become the ancestors of today's Gaols.(Help me if I'm too sketchy, Roger!) Now, some of these Gaols themselves have legends that those natives had come from Israel many generations before the invaders, who were mostly early Vikings, had come. And I think we all know that virtually every ancient legend has at least SOME truth to it.

    We must bear in mind that if it's in Scripture, it HAS to be true! However, some of our INTERPRETATIONS thereof could be wrong, including mine. I DO try to follow the rule of understanding prophecy that says to LOOK FOR THE OBVIOUS, LITERAL fulfillment first. JESUS reminds us to do that! He LITERALLY fulfilled all the Scriptures concerning His first coming.

    As for the Jews ruling the USA, there ARE many Jews in prominent govt. positions. Besides such obvious examples as Lieberman and Cohen, ya might wanna look into some govt. registries to see who many of the faceless bureaucrats are. You'll see more Cohens as well as Goldman, Barak Greenburg, etc. for last names, as well as Moshe, Jael(Yael), Yitzhak, Ariel, Ehud, etc. for first names. Now while ALL the people with such names may not be Jews, MOST are. They make up about 10% of of the lists I've read.

    Is that a bad thing ? NOT AT ALL! Almost all those Jews are honest, intelligent, hard-working people, the type we wish ALL our officials were!

    So, lemme ask: Why should GB & the USA NOT be largely the descendants of Joseph? Why should the British royal line NOT be the descendants of David?

    As for the "Edomites" ruling today, please note that Scripture says they are to vanish, to not be a people any more. The last definite Edomites we know of are the Herods, and not too long after Jesus' earthly time, their descendants were lost to history, most likely intermarrying with the Romans as the Herods were, thus vanishing from history as the rest of Edom did. Now, before anyone hollers that there's just as much evidence that the Edomites still exist same as there is for the ten tribes of Israel still existing, just remember that God has plainly fulfilled the start of the prophecies for the Jews, and thus we should believe He is fulfilling, or will fulfill, all His prophecies about the rest of Israel and for Edom.

    Another one He's fulfilled...the restoration of Elam. So as not to get off topic here, anyone interested in Elam, please do a Google search to see whom whey were/are. Al;so, bear in mind that God's gonna restore Moab, Ammon, & some other of ancient Israel's neighbors and relatives.

    Thanx for everyone's input so far. As I said earlier, I maintain an open mind as to whom is, or shall, be the people in whom God is fulfilling, or shall fulfill His prophecies, but my mind is CLOSED to the idea that those prophecies WON'T be fulfilled, if they're not already.
  8. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Roger, I don't wish to debate this subject, but the Irish harp, according to the Internet (general sites) came from the Celts. Who were the ancient Celts?

    Study old dispersion charts on the Internet for information as to where the 12 tribes migrated/carried off into captivity. Study archeological digs and artifacts at various areas. Study the history of different areas and ancient civilizations. Study the banners of ancient Israel and their tribal locations there. Above all, study the Scriptures - compare Scripture with Scripture. It is all very fascinating. Why is some of this (like the plaids) so hard to believe as being in the realm of possibility?

    This subject matter is very complex and requires study in accordance with Scripture, not just posting a few links only to ridiculed. That's why I think Roby had a lot of courage just to post the subject here on this board.

    Yes, bapmom, anything and everything can go off the deep end. But please consider, RE: Dan. It is my understanding there are no vowels in ancient Hebrew. Thus, D_n would be the root ancient Hebrew for the names we are familiar with today, i.e., Denmark, Danube, etc. And who were the ancient Danes?

    Who were the ancient Spartans?

    Why does ancient travel by ship make it impossible for Hebrew migration to Spain or to the isles or even to America? It doesn't.
  9. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Agree. Sift through it and read Scripture! [​IMG]
  10. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Not to mention Japanese native apparel or Indian apparel, both Asian and American!

    As I said, there are so many such spurious sources of "info" that the TRUTH is completely covered! A simple search of Scottish history shows us the MAIN source of their ancestry is the Picts, known as the Cruithni to the Celts. Their language had come from ancient Gaelic, but during most recorded history, they periodically fought with the Gaols. They couldn't conquer the Celts nor the Gaols, but in turn couldn't be conquered by the Celts, Gaols, nor Romans; thus the areas now inhabited by the various nations of the British Isles was loosely established.(Later, 'Pict' became a Roman name for any native of the British Isles.)
  11. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    There is so mauch conjecture here that I am only going to deal briefly with one that I am familiar with.

    This whole theory is FAR to contingent on these Irish kings. It is a guess at best to claim that these petty clan leaders were of David's line. There is NO evidence to support this claim.

    The Tuatha Dé Danann were one of these mythical ancient peoples who supposedly came to Ireland in the foggy recesses of human memory. These folks became known as the leprechauns. DO you contend that there is some measure of truth to this legend?

    The original Irish were here shortly after the flood. There is no reason to suspect that these people were ancient Jews. There were here long before the time of Joseph. There is NO recorded history about what happened here before Patrick. After Patrick there was a series on never ending petty clan wars which only ended when the island was more or less unified under the control of the Vikings when Brian Boru (of the above harp) was defeated at the Battle of Clontarf. The Vikings mingled with the Celts and were amalgmated into the society until English King Hadrian comquered the land for the pope on 1169.

    There is nothing in this history to suggest that David's line was carried on by the clan leaders who moved to Scotland then England.

    Can you document the claims that the early Irish Celts came from Isreal, or is it just conjecture that fits the theory?
  12. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    The Celts were the native Irish. There is no evidence that they were from Israel, none.

    The Irish say that their national symbol, the harp, is Brian Boru's harp - not David's. Who are we to look at their harp, say David played a harp, and determine that this is the TRUE meaning of their national symbol?
  13. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Actually, Brian's forces won the battle of Clontarf, but Brian was slain; it was the customs of both irish and Vikings for the leaders to seek each other out and fight to the death in single combat. Often, both men died. Thus, not only Brian, but mosta the leaders on both sides were slain.

    Each side had Vikings; the Vikes had factions same as did the Irish. Brian's chief opponent, Sigtrygg, stayed outta the battle!(He also had some Danes on his side. They, along with the Vikes, stayed in Ireland & were slowly absorbed into the Irish people.)

    This is an interesting conversation, Roger! The conquest of ireland in 1169 was actually ordered by POPE Hadrian IV: his order is preserved in the "Bull Laudabiliter". More tomorrow, God willing...Gotta go ta work!(3-11 shift)
  14. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Whoops - King Henry and Pope Hadrian [​IMG] Boy does that make me look dumb, fingers typing to fast for my small brain. ;) .

    Clontarf marked the end of the power of the Irish kings, that was my point.
  15. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    As we dig deep into early Irish history, we see two sons of Milesius, a king of what is now Spain, arriving in what's now Ireland, establishing a rule over some of the locals. These sons were named Herremon and Heber. Later, Herremon killed Heber & his wife in battle, and reigned alone as the most powerful local lord in Ireland, especially after he defeated the tuatha De Danaans in several battles. During his time, a group of colonists called the Cruthneans by the early Irish, later known as the Picts, arrived in Ireland and requested Herremon allow them to live there. Instead, he directed them to what is now Scotland, gave them the widows of the Tuatha De Danaans slain in battle, and made them swear allegiance to his kingdom. THE ORIGIN OF THE CRUTHNEANS IS NOT KNOWN, and the time of Herremon has been reckoned anywhere from C. 1600 BC to C.1000 BC.
    The SUPPOSED(not set in stone) genealogy of Herremon's father Milesius is:
    Boath(became king of Scythia)
    Finius Farsa(Built a great school in Scythia)
    Niul(Some say he & his fatherhelped with the Tower of Babel and were present when God gave the different languages.)Niul was invited by a Pharaoh to live near the Red Sea, and he accepted. He was given Pharaoh's daughter Scota in marriage. He often met with the Israelis in Egypt and later supported them in later skirmishes with Egypt after the Exodus. He employed a scholar named Gaolhal to refine the language God gave him; this language was later called Gaelic after Gaolhal. Niul also named his firstborn son Gaolhal after the scholar.
    Niul's son was healed of a snake bite by God through Moses, but it left a green scar, so he was called Gaolhal Glas(green) from then on.
    His son was Asruth.
    Sruth(Driven out of Egypt for supporting Israel. He and his followers arrived at Crete.)
    Heber Scut(Went to scythia & conquered his cousing who ruled it, but was in turn killed by his cousin Noemus)
    Baouman was Heber's son. he, hus son, and grandson were all kings of Scythia. Their names were Ogaman and Tait.
    Tait's son was Agmon, who left Scythia to sail the Caspian Sea. His son was Lamhfionn, who arrived in Lybia. A Druid, Cachear, told him his people would wander for 300 years till they reached the Western island of Europe.
    Heber Glunfionn(Became king of Lybia)
    Agnan Fionn
    Febric Glas
    Brath(who, remembering Cachear's prophecy, sailed for the Western Islands. Mistaking the Iberian Peninsuls for the British Isles, he landed there, establishing a colony near what's now Galicia. His son Breoghan conquered most of what's now Portugal and sent a colony into what's now England. His sone Bile succeeded him as king while his brother Milesius became an adventurer.
    Milesius eventually returned to Spain, but found that his brother Bile had died, and foreigners had overrun the land. Milesius eventually re-conquered his father's former kingdom, but a drought/famine ensued. Milesius believed this was caused because he hadn't sought the Western Islands as Cachear had prophesied, & the 300 years were almost expired. He organized an expedition to what's now Ireland, under his uncle Ithe. When Ithe was slain by the Tuatha De Danaans, Milesius organized a strong force to invade Ireland, but he died before he could launch it. However his 8 sons carried on with the plan; five of them were lost in a storm. the three who arrived safely were Herremon, Heber, & Amergin. There were three rulers of the land at the time whom Herremon & friends defeated & killed.

    Given the convoluted history of the "Milesian" kings after Herremon, & the unknown pre-Ireland history of the Cruthneans, it's quite possible for some Israelites to have been in the mix. Perhaps God is keeping the facts hidden for now, for His own reasons. But we certainly have no grounds to totally dismiss the possibility that the British monarch is a descendant of David's.
  16. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Where do you find evidence of this Irish "history?"

    I have read all of this in myths and legends, but never in history. In fact, I have never read of anyone who considers this factual history. I take that bakc, there was a British Israelite who posted in the other denominations forum for a while who accepted this.

    I suppose not, but do we really want to base history on foggy myths and legends? I guess there is no ruler we can totally dismiss as a descendant of David's.
  17. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Ireland makes a convenient thread since no one really knows any Irish history before the 5th century AD. Hence nothing can be proven or disproven. It makes the perfect setting for tenuous quasi-history.
  18. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    I truly want to stay out of this debate, after all I'm not Irish, I'm not British, I'm not a Yank, if I were to disagree with the views of Roby/LadyEagle it must be envy on my part. [​IMG]

    Still, I am a historian....

    Every single direct link between folks showing up in the Bible and folks in Ireland, GB and the USA was made up centuries after Christianity came to those countries.
    Those tales are about as true as the story of Martha, Lazarus and Mary Magdalen moving to France, James visiting Spain and Jezus traveling to Japan.
  19. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Yes, each of the 3 examples I gave has a bunch of adherents, in fact there are millions more people out there who believe in the first 2, than there are supporters of the stuff Robycop and LadyEagle are defending.
  20. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Thank you mioque, and let us not forget that many also claim that Jesus went to the Americas after the ascension.