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Baptist History by Baptists 1g: Changes to The Lord's churches government by Satan, used Cyprian

Discussion in 'Baptist History' started by Alan Gross, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    One of the principal authors of this change, in the BIBLICAL Government of the LORD’S church ORGANIZATIONS, into these newly invented universal FALSE ‘church’
    assemblies of SATAN was Cyprian, who pleaded for the power of the bishops with more zeal and vehemence than had ever been hitherto employed in that cause, though not with unshaken constancy and perseverance; for in difficult and perilous times, necessity sometimes obliged him to yield, and to submit several things to the judgment and authority of these newly invented universal FALSE ‘church’ assemblies of SATAN

    This change in the form of ecclesiastical government was soon followed by a train of vices, which dishonored the character and authority to those to whom the administration of these newly invented universal FALSE ‘church’ assemblies of SATAN was committed; for, though several yet continued to exhibit to the world illustrious examples of primitive piety and Christian virtues, yet many were sunk in luxury and voluptuousness, puffed up with vanity, arrogance, and ambition, possessed with a spirit of contention and discord, and addicted to many other vices that cast an undeserved reproach upon the holy religion, of which they were the unworthy professors and ministers.

    This is testified in such an ample manner, by the repeated complaints of many of the most respectable writers of this age that truth will not permit us to spread the veil, which we should otherwise be desirous to cast over such enormities among an order so sacred.

    The bishops assumed, in many places, a princely authority, particularly those who had the greatest number of these newly invented universal FALSE ‘church’ assemblies of SATAN
    under their inspection, and who presided over the most opulent assemblies.

    They appropriated to their evangelical function the splendid ensigns of temporal majesty; a throne, surrounded with ministers, exalted above his equals the servant of the meek
    and humble Jesus; and sumptuous garments dazzled the eyes and minds of the multitude into an ignorant veneration for this usurped authority.

    An example which ought not to have been followed was ambitiously imitated by the presbyters, who, neglecting the sacred duties of their station, abandoned themselves to the indolence and delicacy of an effeminate and luxurious life.

    The deacons, beholding the presbyters thus deserting their functions, boldly invaded their rights and privileges; and the effects of a corrupt ambition were spread through every rank of the sacred order.”4

    I realize this is a long quote but one that is necessary.

    This will be one area where The History of the Baptists
    and The History of the Synagogue of Satan separates.
    For those who would like to further study regarding this changing of church government by Satan, please read

    Agustus Neander
    General History of the Christian Religion and Church,
    Volume 1, pages 179-201.

    182 The charisma of government’s Unsuitableness
    188 Office of the deacons
    196 Revolt of the Christian consciousness

    against the pretensions of 'priestly rights' to administer 'sacraments'.

    For a most interesting statement of the development of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, read

    Dowling’s History of Romanism,
    pages 36-64.

    NOTE: It is to be remembered that hundreds of churches kept to the original plan of church government Given by our Lord.

    They did not follow the ungodly form of Episcopal Church Government devised by Satan. These churches, keeping to the original form were the True Baptist churches.

    to be continued

    Notes on Chapter Two

    1 Baker’s Dictionary of Theology, page 184 – Article by Leon Morris.
    2 Mosheim’s Church History, pages 22-23.
    3 Mosheim’s Church History, page 41.
    4 Mosheim’s Church History, pages 63-64.
    5 Baptist Succession, pages 306-307.
    6 Baptist History, page 47.
    7 A History of the Baptists, volume 1, page 28.
    8 A Concise History of the Baptists, page 50.
    9 Baptist Succession, page 311.


    8.1.2b The Baptist History Notebook by Berlin Hisel,
    Chapter 2:
    Satan Establishes his Counterfeit “Church Message” by Changing Jesus’ Churches’ Plan of Salvation.
    #1 Alan Gross, Nov 2, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2019