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Bush Twins doing America proud!

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by ASLANSPAL, Jul 14, 2005.


    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I thought this was good news


    By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer
    Wed Jul 13, 8:20 PM ET

    DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - In front of the television cameras, Jenna Bush listens silently to Tanzanian orphans who have been left by AIDS with no family. Across the continent in South Africa, twin sister Barbara quietly cares for children afflicted with the devastating disease.

    First lady Laura Bush's trip to Africa this week has brought her 23-year-old daughters back into the spotlight that they have shunned for most of their father's presidency. The trip also found them — at least by Wednesday — dealing with it in different ways.

    Jenna Bush has emerged as a prominent, if quiet, partner in her mother's African goodwill tour. Accompanying Mrs. Bush as she left South Africa for Tanzania and the trip's final stop in Rwanda, Jenna decided to begin taking part in all her mother's events.

    It was a reversal from the early part of the trip, when both she and Barbara did everything they could to remain unseen and unheard.


    Makes you wonder if they give their dad advice now
    since they are so active.

    God bless you Jenna and Barbara
  2. Ps104_33

    Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    I guess GW must have done something right. Or maybe it was Laura. ;)
  3. Ps104_33

    Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    I thought for sure that I was goint to open this post and find a DUI story.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    In each place, Mrs. Bush was mobbed by well-wishers. Nowhere did she encounter the swarms of protesters who appear wherever her husband goes in the world. Despite a lifetime at George Bush's side, Laura Bush remains, in the eyes of many at home and abroad, blissfully distant from the enmity her husband sometimes provokes. She rarely has an unkind word to say, and largely keeps her opinions, whatever they may be, to herself. (Her subtle hints that she may not be as hard-line as the president on abortion and gay rights helps further soften his edges.)


    She thinks that her presence is ... important to let American kids her age, young people her age - as well as African girls her age - know that her generation is also committed," the first lady said on the plane that brought her and her daughter to Dar es Salaam from Cape Town.

    As for Barbara, Laura Bush said she was due to return to the United States later this month after spending several weeks working in the South African hospital with some friends.

    She didn't elaborate on what was next, and the White House wasn't revealing what - if any - plans Barbara has made.

    The first lady said both her daughters, who graduated from college last year - Barbara from Yale and Jenna from the University of Texas - feel strongly about helping others.

    "It is certainly part of the age. They're idealistic, and they wanted to help," Laura Bush said. "But it's a particularly American character, and I admire that very much in my own girls and in the young people I've met around the country."

  5. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Of course this is true since she is not an elected leader who has to make decisions for the free world. Those who have responsibility to lead are generally the ones who are scrutinized and criticized the most. Let her run for an office and see how her popularity wanes. Those without leadership responsibility can enjoy being popular with everyone.

    Joseph Botwinick
  6. RockRambler

    RockRambler New Member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    Now maybe the Bush twins could support their father in the war on terror and enlist in the military:

    Open Letter to Barbara and Jenna Bush

    • Dear Barbara and Jenna,
      First let me congratulate you on being able to avoid a constant negative spotlight. I can only imagine the enormous pressure you are both under having everything you do scrutinized by the media, your parents, and the opposition party.
      We really wished you could have come to Fort Bragg last week with your father and spent some time here in Fayetteville. I think you would have probably found it is much better than advertised and really a great place to live and work.

      But let's be blunt: Your father's popularity is in trouble. This nasty war business in Iraq has got a lot of good folk down here upset. Even in a state and city with a strong military presence such as ours, there is a growing opposition to the war. Here in North Carolina we have one Republican congressman, Walter Jones, who has quit marching lockstep with the rest of the GOP and started asking questions about our involvement in Iraq. This despite the fact that he was one of the biggest supporters of war in Iraq before we got there. Naturally this has caused a great consternation with some members of the GOP, as its hard to imagine a politician in Washington, DC, thinking for themselves instead of just blindly following the party's mantra of the day.

      I'll admit up front that a lot of the opposition to the war is wasted effort. As usual with the Democrat Party, especially on the national level, a lot of time is being spent looking backwards. Many of the opponents are stating why we shouldn't have gone to war in the first place. They evidently don't grasp the fact that we are already at war in Iraq and fussing about who lied or mislead about the war doesn't accomplish anything. Sure we might be there based on faulty intelligence, we might not have got enough of the world community behind us, and we might not have had a viable plan for what to do once we got Sadaam out of power, but none of that changes the fact that we are already in Iraq.
      Some of us wonder if your Dad is just surrounded by "yes" men. Does he actually realize that things are looking bleak on the war front and dividing the nation? The nations that were supporting us in the Iraq War are fast falling out or pulling back troops. Ukraine and Poland have both stated their plans to be out of Iraq by the end of the year. Spain got out over a year ago. Since then the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Hungary, Norway, the Phillippines, and Tonga have all left.

      Back here in the USA, the Armed Services are having more and more problems meeting quotas each month. Even the National Guard is having problems recruiting and retaining. As Marvin Gaye used to sing, "things ain't like they used to be ..." Now Guardsmen and Reservists are being sent away from home and going off to war for up to two years at a time. That is having an adverse effect on recruiting and retaining the forces we need to fight wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

      This is where you two can help your Dad and the country. Join the Army of one. Be all that you can be in today's Army. You're 23 years old and your country is at war against terrorism. Your father has appealed to today's young people to consider a career in the military and I think you should lead the way by answering that call. Now before you get totally turned off to the idea, I think you should discuss it with your local Army recruiter.

      Today's Army offers great benefits. There's pay, room and board, health care treatment, 30 days paid vacation, career advancement, and a great retirement package. If you think that you might only want to serve one enlistment, that's okay too. The Army offers job placement with many Fortune 500 companies after your commitment has ended. You'll also have the opportunity to earn Professional and Trade certificates while you're in the Army. Maybe you would like to take advantage of the Troops to Teachers program.

      Imagine the public relations boom it would give the military. The President's daughters in the Army. It might actually inspire other young men and women to volunteer in this all important war on terrorism. The opportunity is there for the taking. No more would you have to hear about how Republicans like to be warmongers with others' sons and daughters. You could inspire young people, help the military recruitment goals, and take some heat off your Dad.

      Of course I know you might be just a tad worried about seeing actual combat but please, don't worry about that. I'm sure if a Texas Congressmen can keep his son from going to Vietnam years ago, then the President can keep his daughters out of Iraq.

      ©Up & Coming Magazine 2005</font>

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I hear what you are saying RockRambler but in
    a way if you think about it they are fighting
    the war on terror in aids ravaged Africa , I
    hope they keep it up consistently which I think
    Barbara has been working in Africa this summer.

    One of the big debates is how poverty and aids
    hopelessness is breeding grounds for terrorists.

    It is very telling that you have not heard of
    a major bush relative joining up..I think George
    P. is of age...Lauren Bush does work with the
    United Nations on hunger so I would hedge that
    as someone fighting the war on terror by relieving hunger in the world.

    I do think that Jenna and Barbara are very sincere about Africa and you could say that their fight on terror is African relief.

    It would be good if a major bush family member
    of age joined..it does tell a lot and the so
    called "lead by example".

    just a side note: I really think bush has a timetable and we are coming home! I think it
    is obvious we are not talking much or taking
    on the new Iraq/Iran alliance ..plus and this
    isn't pretty both parties are looking at
    2006 election cycle. imho
  8. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 14, 2004
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    Grace, beauty and class in a First Lady as well as intellect.

    Something that was sadly missing during the Clinton years. ;)
  9. patrick

    patrick New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Of course this is true since she is not an elected leader who has to make decisions for the free world. Those who have responsibility to lead are generally the ones who are scrutinized and criticized the most. Let her run for an office and see how her popularity wanes. Those without leadership responsibility can enjoy being popular with everyone.

    Joseph Botwinick
    </font>[/QUOTE]Joe you are always are so negative. Mrs. Bush is well liked and is the epitome of a lady. If you don't have anything good to say, why say it?
  10. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Yeah... and maybe liberals can fund their own social programs and get their hands out of my pockets?

    Liberals... very generous with OPM.
  11. OCC

    OCC Guest

    This is mere opinion...subjective. It is amazing how people can complain if "liberals" say something about Bush's wife, yet they are the first to make flippant remarks about a FORMER President's wife...

    I would not be a Democrat if I were American but I will speak up for them because this site is very anti-Democrat (thereby being anti-American in it's own way) and I am nauseated by the ridiculous drivel and propaganda from people who have no problem spouting their schtik but can't stomach the other side. We really need a thumbs down graemlin to put in the posts...
  12. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Yeah... and maybe liberals can fund their own social programs and get their hands out of my pockets?

    Liberals... very generous with OPM.
    </font>[/QUOTE]ScottJ...wouldn't they be taking money out of liberal's pockets as well? I was just told on another thread today that our money is not our own. Also that we should submit to the governing authorities so if they want our taxes, we give them our taxes.

    No offense but it is sad to see conservatives worry so much about their money and not worrying about "important" stuff. :(
  13. RockRambler

    RockRambler New Member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    I really can't find anything in the link provided on the column about the Open Letter to the Bush Twins, anything about spending OPM funding social programs. I don't see what ScottJ's commment has to do with the subject.
  14. OCC

    OCC Guest

    One of them Bush twins are pretty cute. :cool:
  15. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 14, 2004
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    This is mere opinion...subjective. It is amazing how people can complain if "liberals" say something about Bush's wife, yet they are the first to make flippant remarks about a FORMER President's wife...

    I would not be a Democrat if I were American but I will speak up for them because this site is very anti-Democrat (thereby being anti-American in it's own way) and I am nauseated by the ridiculous drivel and propaganda from people who have no problem spouting their schtik but can't stomach the other side. We really need a thumbs down graemlin to put in the posts...
    </font>[/QUOTE]You've really got it bad, don't you.

    Having the qualities that Laura Bush does has nothing at all to do with democrat/Republican or liberal/conservative. Hillary just does not possess those qualities the way Laura does. And yes, that's my opinion. ;)

    When that block of wood on your shoulder gets too heavy to carry, give us some warning so we'll know it's you.
  16. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Wood on my shoulder? Could that be the wood that was placed there by God Himself to stick up for the underdog? To speak up against oppressors? To expose hypocrisy? To just plain irritate the irritating people? If you mean that wood...it'll never be too heavy. God helps me carry it.

    Besides...conservatives don't like helping those in need. So it'd be futile to expect your help.
  17. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2001
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    Yeah... and maybe liberals can fund their own social programs and get their hands out of my pockets?

    Liberals... very generous with OPM.
    </font>[/QUOTE]ScottJ...wouldn't they be taking money out of liberal's pockets as well?</font>[/QUOTE]
    Yes. So? It is supposedly something that they believe in.

    I believe our nation was better off when charity was a private and family affair.
    That is what liberals believe. That's why they attempted to call tax cuts, "spending increases". They genuinely believe that everything belongs to the government and that the liberal elite should determine what is fair for everyone to have.

    This is by definition a form of slavery. The basic definition of a slave is: one whose labor as a resource does not belong to themselves.
    Depends on the government philosophy.

    I pay taxes. I don't agree with the way we are taxed, who gets to say how it is spent, and the motives behind the spending.

    It goes beyond the money and to the morality.

    I believe it is immoral to take something away from someone (against their personal will) who earned it and give it to someone who didn't. Even if the person doing the taking thinks it is for a good cause/justified.

    A thief who breaks into your home obviously thinks his actions are justified by "his need". How is that different from voting someone into office to use the power of government to take your money? It is theft by proxy.

    Time was in America when a community reached out to those in genuine need like yourself and helped them get back on their feet and reemployed. Churches in particular saw this as their duty. This direct involvement economized the system since these people knew first hand if someone was really needy or just no-account.

    Moreover, it was the responsibility of younger/healthy family members to care for their elders/ailing members.

    Politicians convinced people that if they were empowered that the poor and needy would be better taken care of. I contend that they were wrong... and some of them probably knew it and were lying.
  18. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Come on KJ.

    Let's deal factually.

    Conservatives believe that people ought to help people willingly... not that government should force people to help people (who might not really need the help any more than those being forced to pay).

    It isn't a matter of whether people should be helped but rather who should do it and what facilitates a civil society where individual rights and liberties are respected.

    Liberals don't believe that individuals have a right to the things they earned. Conservatives don't believe that people have a right to the earnings of other people.
  19. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Amen, brother. Preach it! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  20. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Hey Scott, I don't know. I tend not to say too much about taxes because Jesus told us to pay them anyways. What is wrong is when they OVER tax.

    I wish the Church and families and friends would help the needy but that doesn't seem to happen the way I believe it used to. My church had no problem asking us for loans to renovate the building but do you think I could go to them for a loan to go to an 8 month radio broadcasting course? I doubt it. :(

    I know that man should work for his food, but I balance that with the story of Joseph in Scripture. He was the prime minister of Egypt and he provided enough food to last through seven years of a famine.

    "Politicians convinced people that if they were empowered that the poor and needy would be better taken care of. I contend that they were wrong... and some of them probably knew it and were lying." No disagreement with you there.