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Common Ground Coffee House #105

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 3, 2007.

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  1. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Ann, for the day of surgery, you look incredibly good!

    I had a horrid reaction to the stitches coming out, too, and I don't know why, either. I was pushing my head as hard as I could against Barry's tummy (he was standing and I was sitting) and the tears were literally streaming down my face. I've had plenty of stitches out before....

    I was told some specific exercises to do. Practice touching your thumb to each of your fingers in turn. Also get a rubber ball and do some squeezing stuff. Both those helped a lot. You'll get some of your strength back, but not all, as a ligament had to be cut. Now, six months later, my strength is still building a little bit, and that's encouraging. Still, though, when there is a lid that is tight and I can't unscrew it, it's "Honey, would you mind....?"

    I was not casted, like you were, just VERY heavily bandaged, so I was able to practice moving my thumb and fingers a little bit from the beginning.

    I was also able to take a shower by putting a plastic bag over my arm and rubber banding it (or taping it) and doing almost everything left-handed with my right arm raised! The idea was not to get it wet.

    God bless. So glad everything has gone so well.
  2. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Helen -

    Have my thumb touch the other fingers??? Umm- I don't think so!! LOL!! My thumb is SO weak and not listening to me at all, the little stinker!! But I WAS able to write with a pen today, so that was good. I guess I have some work to do, huh?

    Isn't that weird about the stitches?? Heck, I've removed stitches from other people and not had an issue - maybe I should have done my own. ;) Atleast I feel OK now.

    Also, it was not really a cast like a hard cast but there was a splint on the palm side of my hand and the rest was cotton and a big ace bandage. But it was bulky enough that I couldn' t move my thumb much at all and couldn't move the fingers at the base knuckle. So now I have to just retrain my fingers. :) I WAS able to pick up a cup of water at the doctor's office -and it wasn't a little paper cup either, so that 's good. :D
    #322 annsni, Jan 29, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2007
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all,

    Ann, glad to hear you're progressing this well!!!

    The specialist gave me "Brandt-Daroff" exercises to do 3 times a day for 10 minutes each, every day for the next two weeks. He said that should take care of any remaining vertigo. I hope he's right!

    Brent had a gift certificate for Wal-Mart, from Christmas, that he hadn't used yet, so when I picked him up from school, we went there and he bought himself a new pair of black dress shoes (that's what he wears to school every day). His other ones wouldn't shine anymore - to his satisfaction, and they were getting a little small too.

    The Boy Scout meeting was canceled tonight, so we are watching "Herbie" on DVD. Well, Brent is watching it. I'm muti-tasking.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Looks like I'm double posting, but I'm not...

    Good morning all,

    It is a very cold 5º this morning and I have to get out and drive Brent to school. Yuck! The fact that I could stay inside when it was cold was definitely a PLUS when we were homeschooling!!!

    Today (hopefully) will be a laid-back day. I don't have to do much except tend to my eBay store and make a run to the post office this afternoon when I pick Brent up from school at 5:00 (after basketball practice).

    Supper will be left-overs from last night, so I don't even have to cook!

    Time to fix breakfast and warm the car up.

  5. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Good Morning! It's a brisk 32 degrees here, but gonna be 50 today. That's not too bad for January! My daffodills are up, and so are my tulips. Spring can't be far away.

    Our new puppy (Lucy) has been quite entertaining the last day or two. She has discovered that she can see herself in my shiny, black dishwasher and wants to play with the "other puppy!" It's hilarious. :laugh: We took her to the vet and found out that she is a Sheltie/Pomeranian mix.

    Ann, I have a friend who had carpal tunnel surgery this summer, and she said the same thing about her stitches! OUCH!

    I have a pot of tea and some homemade Donut Muffins, if anyone wants some.

    See ya'll later.
  6. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Hey - did you all see the news about the scientists who were able to caffinate donuts??? Can you imagine? LOL!!

    So, this morning I'm sore. There's no two ways to get around it. My muscles in my right arm are TOTALLY not happy with having to work again - they got pretty lazy and floppy - but I'm working them again anyway. My right thumb will now listen to me and hit the space bar - it just wouldn't do anything yesterday - it was weird!! So we're on the mend. I go to get the good brace later today which is good - this thing that I have (the regular one you can get in the drug store) just is not giving enough support and I had to stuff it with gauze to keep the backwards bend in my wrist (before the surgery, I thought it was enough but it's totally not). I'd go this morning to get it but Robby woke up with a bad cough and feeling a little under the weather so I don't want to take him out anywhere - I'll just wait until the girls get home.

    Helen - after you had the stitches out, did you still have to keep it dry for another 10 days??? After I had each of my babies, I was showering 24 hours after a c-section - and I'm going to be keeping this thing dry for almost a month! How weird!! I was looking forward to taking a good shower and wash my arm and hand! :( I also want to clean off the marker and blood from the incison because it just looks totally nasty!! I'm so disappointed!!

    OH!! I forgot to tell you guys!! The other night, Joanna (4 years old) woke up around 4 AM crying. I went to her and she had a bad dream so we prayed for Jesus to give her happy dreams, I tucked her back in and I went back to bed. About 20 minutes later she cried out again and I went to her and she said "Mommy, I want Jesus in my heart!!!!" and when I told her we'd talk in the morning, she said "No, I want Him in my heart now!!", so we prayed together. I know she understands as much as a 4 year old can understand - we talk about Jesus and His sacrifice for us a lot. So, it's been consistent in our family - all 4 of my kids accepted Christ at 4 years old! My now 6 year old hasn't been baptized yet - we're still working through that information for him before we feel he's ready, and I know it will be a few years before Jo is ready too, but it's so awesome to see your children open their hearts to Christ. I know a lot of people think that 4 is too young but we don't do this frivously or lightly - they really do understand as much as a 4 year old can understand and I'm not going to tell them "no" when they ask to do this. :D What's so amazing is how I saw a difference in the way she acted yesterday already - something we saw with each of our kids! LOL - the fruits of the Spirit can be seen even in a peanut like Joanna. :godisgood:
  7. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Nevermind what others may think Ann, If a child understands the gospel, they are old enough. I would never baptize before teens though, but I guess some do.


  8. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Thanks Jim. I think before teens is OK, but 4 and 6 are kind of young, IMO. We just baptized a boy this Sunday who was 8 and I know him well - he was so ready. It was wonderful to see! My girls were 8 and 10 when they were baptized, I think, and it was the 8 year old who approached US to have it done - she knew why we are to be baptized and she argued that she'd be disobedient to God if she didn't do it! Who could argue with that??

    What's so cool is that we did not prompt any of our children to talk to us about being saved - each of them approached US, so there was something that was truly there. It's such a blessing to see your children love the Lord. :)
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good morning everyone!

    Great news about your daughter, Ann! :applause: Isn't it always amazing to see the Holy Spirit's work in our children's lives? :)

    Yesterday ended up with more work than it began with.

    Dad is headed to Florida for a month, so he dropped his 3 poodle dogs off just after Cassie called me from school to say she had an upset stomach. Both Cass and Chris had a doctor appointment at 1, so I ended up with 1 sick kid and 3 extra dogs and no time to clean the house!

    The cat is extremely unhappy with having to share her space with 3 yappy dogs that think she is a toy! I'm going to have to get a baby gate so she can have the upstairs to herself.

    Got home and got settled with a cup of coffee and the computer and thought I was going to get to rest a bit. Not so. My friend who owns the bridal/pageant shop called and said she was snowed under and could I come dig her out. So I loaded up and went over and we managed to get quite a bit of work done. I'm headed back about noon. First though, I have to get this house picked up!

    First load of dishes and second load of laundry are washing, I'll see ya'll later. (maybe.....)
  10. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Hello all! It's been a LONG time since I've been in here. I almost couldn't get back in. I forgot my user name and password. Oh well...it happens. I got in on my fifth guess! :praying:

    Not much happening here in the Murfreesboro area. Vivian and I got our home refinanced about three weeks back and our payments will be lower now. That's a plus! The price of gasoline is down, so it doesn't cost as much for her to drive 65 miles one way any more.

    Hope all is well with everyone else.

    Bro. T :godisgood:
  11. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    It is 18 degrees here and snowing up a storm.

    No, I didn't oversleep I had an early Doctor's appt, and then replenished my pantry a little in case we get a lot of snow.

    Since it's almost 11am I brought in brunch. Mini-Meatloaves[4 muffin tins-each Italian, Fiesta, Mediterranean, and BBQ] , Bruschetta Chicken Bake, Sweet and White Potato Spears, and Triple-Layer Mud Cake, and Four-Layer Pumpkin Cake. Enjoy. Hurry while it's still hot MK!!

    I have to put the finishing touches on my Wife's Valentine's Day present today and I'll be all set.

    I'm behind on my chores, but first I have to take lunch to my friends who are still at the hospital, have to remember to check the gas in their car, then do their housekeeping, laundry, etc, then come home and do ours. My friend is a nervous-wreck. First his Dad improves a little, then gets worse again, then improves, then...talk about an emotional roller-coaster.

    Enough talk, I made Lasagna Toss, Parmesan Bow-Tie Skillet, and Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cupcakes for my Friend and his Wife for lunch at the hospital. I'll drop off dinner to them tonight.

    In the words of Captain Blackbird of Starfleet... "Warp Nine Scottie!"
    #331 Friend of God, Jan 30, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2007
  12. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Wow! I'm late on here on the west coast! Good morning all! I did sleep in an extra hour. I was just not READY to get up at my usual time and my brain and body were in full rebellion. Happens occasionally. I have found the world keeps on turning and no one dies when this happens, so I relaxed and slept another hour!

    Sue, it looks like you have an easy day today, and I'm glad. Do your exercises (of COURSE they will work!) and take care of yourself, y'hear?

    Gwen, your puppy sounds adorable. Enjoy! OH, by the way, what are 'donut muffins'? They sound good!

    Ann, I was able to shower without a plastic bag three days after the stitches came out -- but my stitches did not come out for two weeks, either. So maybe we are about on the same schedule? I think your doctor is simply being cautious. To get an infection in your hand because of contamination would be so much worse that what you are dealing with now...

    About Joanna. I remember when my oldest was either four or five and he woke up one night about ten and came downstairs crying. "Mommy I lied to you, and I'm sorry!" And we talked about it all and he responded to the Lord then and there, too. HOWEVER, during his late teen years (and he only rebelled for about 20 minutes, I think, unlike some of the others), I remember saying to him "Scott, your relationship with the Lord is not what it should be, is it?" And he would say, "No Mom, please pray for me." I was the 'magic potion' for him at that point. When he was 22, he came into the den where I was working one afternoon and "Mom." The kind of voice where you definitely stop what you are doing and turn around. "Mom, I was in the shower this morning and I realized I never really gave everything to God. I want you to know I did this morning." Those were probably not his 'exact' words -- he's 33 now and memories fade -- but that was approximately it.

    I think you will find the same thing. There is a recognition of sin when they are young and a desire to be better, but there is also a time when, as young adults, they have to do their own wrestling with God, like Jacob did, and become part of an adult, independent relationship with our Lord. My husband was raised with Salvation Army parents (the missionary kind) and I was raised in a non-Christian home. Barry came to really know the Lord when he was about 21. I did shortly after holding newborn Scott in my arms one midnight nursing and looking at him and being so determined he would not grow up as confused as I did. At any rate, watch for those late teens and early twenties to be a time of wrestling with God and help your kids not be afraid of it but go through it as a necessary thing.

    MK, THREE dogs added? Lady, you need paid help! Like a butler, a maid, a groundskeeper, a nanny, a cook.....you are one amazing lady. Please take care of yourself!

    Bro. T ! Well hello! How long has it been? That's a lot of driving your wife is doing. Glad the finances are working out a little better for you. Welcome back.

    FoG, what are you making your wife? Inquiring minds want to know! And God bless you for helping take care of your friends. I remember when my own dad was dying, there was a lot of up and down and it does take a heavy toll emotionally. I'm glad you are there for them.

    As for us, today is foggy morning and sunny warm afternoon. It's about time for some rain again and I hope we get some later this week. In the meantime, I'll be copper spraying the roses and fruit trees for their dormant spray and that will take care of that for awhile.

    Men are coming this afternoon to tear up the vinyl flooring in the dining room and kitchen as there have been some plumbing leaks (from construction, evidently) which have destroyed the flooring underneath. Good grief! We have only been here 18 months and already the floors are bubbling! I know we will have no cost, but the aggravation is rather much there!

    Good test of Christian character and a chance to witness with patience, friendliness and some hot spiced apple juice, eh?

    Romans 8:28....

    Have a lovely day, folks. I spent way too much time on this and I know the horses are hungry, the goats are impatient to get out, and the chickens will be almost climbing the walls (interesting to see chickens do that...) if I don't get out there soon!

    God bless.
  13. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    quote: FoG what are you making your Wife? Enquiring minds want to know! quote

    Actually the only thing I'm making my Wife is a little crazy. OH!!, you mean for Valentine's Day. My Wife absolutely loves Lighthouses soooo I had a jeweler design a Lighthouse pin for her,as well as jeweled earrings. I am taking her to Grand Haven, MI where we'll have a romantic dinner[she eats my cooking all the time-she deserves some good cooking for a change.] then we'll stay at an Inn that overlooks Lake Michigan and the Grand Haven Lighthouse. This summer we're going to take a Lighthouse tour up the West side of Michigan, then end up at the Tulip Festival in Holland, MI.

    I know... It's not that romantic or original but I think she'll like it. :praying: She'll also have a monetary gift[ can I call it a "Love Offering?"] so she can buy-do-see anything she wants in Grand Haven.

    The Things We Do For Love. :saint:
  14. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good job Cuz! You're wife will love it! (and the chance to spend time with you without the g-kids?)

    Can I whine just a minute? I really need too. The throw-ups have hit our house again! First Cass and then Chris and I better NOT get them again! So far, Jenna just has the sinus gunk she had this morning and she came home eating everything in sight. Hopefully she'll skip this one. I haven't talked to T yet.

    Okay, whine over!

    Rob, what is Parmesian Bowtie Skillet? Since T can't have many carbs because of his diabetes, I like to serve the kids pasta on the nights he works late. This sounds like something even my cooking skill could accomplish if it truely takes only one skillet. :D

    Hey Helen, T actually said that if he got a decent raise I could hire someone to come in and help me clean once or twice a week. Once would probably be enough, now that I'm not constantly nursing sick younguns. I need someone to do the stuff I can't ever seem to get too, like the dusting and vacuuming down the cobwebs out of the corners of the ceilings. (we get more cobwebs than anyone I know!) I finally have a handle on the day to day stuff, though you can't really tell by how the house looks today! :laugh:

    What I may do instead is hire someone to help me with the yard work. I have things I want cut and other things I want planted and holes under the fence that my bad dogs have dug that need fixing and all sorts of stuff that are beyond my black thumb talents. And I wouldn't mind not having to mow the grass every other week either. That may cease to be a problem if the kids are able to mow this year. They did a little last year but bright sun is not good for migraine kids.

    I'll talk at you later, got some drama going on here all of a sudden!
  15. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Hi Bro Tony! Good to see you! Hope you have been well.

    Helen, the Donut Muffins are muffins that taste like a donut...hahaha. I'll post the recipe in the Recipe thread.

    The puppy is doing great--she is sooo smart! She learned to "sit" in only five minutes! She is a little excitable, tho. I've been calling her "Psycho Puppy" all day. She's been chasing squirrels, birds, leaves, and anything that moves like a mad dog.

    FoG, what you have planned for your wife sounds delightful! I know she will have a great time.

    Have a good evening!
  16. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I'm back!

    Sudden drama taken care of!


    Long time no see! I've been wondering how you are doing. Good to hear from you.

    Gwen, did I miss how you obtained your new puppy? She sounds adorable and I think we probably need a pic. :D

    Hope everyone has a good evening!
  17. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    MK--we got her as a rescue. She was abandoned in the neighborhood, and we just couldn't resist her. I'll try to post a pic later.
  18. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Good Evening

    Hi Tony, good to see you.:wavey:

    Well the trip to the Oncologist was not near as good as we wanted it to be. The Marker went up 59 points to 230. (Bad Marker!!!)

    I'll be starting the Xeloda Thursday. (Xeloda is a chemotherapy in pill form.) It does not wipe you out like the traditional IV chemo. There may be some nausea and such, but hopefully not for me!!:praying: :praying:

    Gwen, 'donut muffins' does sound good. I'll be checking that recipe out for sure.

    Rob, that sounds like a great Valentine!

    Hi everyone!:wavey:
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning everyone,

    Just a quick note as I am running late and Brent has to leave for school in 30 minutes.

    It is 4º and I SO dislike getting out in this!!!

    I will check in a little later.

    Gotta fix breakfast and pack a lunch,
  20. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    It is 6 degrees here this morning, with a wind-chill
    of -5. The car groaned almost as much as I did. Brrrrrrrr.

    You mean I'm supposed to go with my Wife?, okay, I knew that, uhhh huh.

    Cuz: I posted the Parmesan Bow-Tie Skillet in the Recipes thread. Hope you and T like it.

    I brought in Waffles, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon & Sausage with 3 kinds of warm syrup, and hot Blueberry Muffins. Coffee, Hot Chocolate, and Water for Tea are on the counter. Enjoy.

    Correction on the Valentines Gift: The Lighthouse Tour and Tulip Festival are this spring. We'll do something else this summer.

    Chores, meals to the hospital, and meals for us. Today is already to start whether I'm there or not. Unfortunately the chores and cooking won't start without me. Why is that??

    We have self-cleaning ovens... why not self-cleaning homes?
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