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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Padre: In West Virginia, "Critter" means "roadkill". [​IMG]
  2. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I remember carhops at the Hot Shoppe. I remember the trays that hooked on to your open car window. I especially remember having a orange freeze with a mint leaf on top. And Pappy Parker's Smokey Mountain Fried Chicken.
  3. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Pappy Parker's Smokey Mountain Fried Chicken

    Now that just sounds YummY!!!!!
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I was a carhop at the Dog'N'Suds and A&W Rootbeer when I was a teenager. Those were the only two 'fast food' places we had.

    McDonald's hadn't even been thought of yet. Of course, when I was a teenager, a LOT of things hadn't been thought of yet... :rolleyes:

    I'm going to bed early tonight, or at least earlier than I have been. Brent and I moved all the furniture around in his bedroom today (to give him more free floor space) and mopped and waxed the floor.

    He is still full of energy, but I'm too pooped to pop!

    Pleasant dreams all!
  5. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    57 and foggy here. And the moon...what an eerie orangish, hazy look it had!

    Sue, my mom used to be a car hop for "the Penguin". She also worked for a place called Frisches Big Boy in Bloomington, Indiana when I was a year or so old. That's where she met my dad. I think she also worked for Dog'N'Suds, but I'm not sure. My birth father said she did, but I haven't gotten verification from her.

    Not much going on here. Vivian had to work today. She is supposed to work Sunday, too, but Dell knows she can't work because she's the wife of one of the preachers. They are trying to make it tough on her, but, she's fighting back, and that's good. They let those Muslims step all over them on religious grounds, so Viv's already told them that if they try to terminate her on those grounds, she'll report it to the Dept of Labor and the appropriate agencies. They seem to be taking her seriously. They also are refusing to give her an answer on FMLA (intermittent), so she's going to have to talk to our attorney's next week. I don't know why big companies think they can get away with abusing the law and that nobody will have the guts to fight them when they do something illegal.

    Sue, I remember when McDonalds first came to Bloomington, Indiana. I was in the first grade, and we would get a free hamburger for every "A" on our report cards from them. I had 6 "A's" on my card that October. It was my first experience with them. Vivian and I don't eat there very often any more. Viv worked for them for several years, as did I in Pekin when I was a teen. In fact, that's where Vivian was working when I met her and when we got married.

    Sounds like Brent had a good time. Hope he has fun at Sonic! [​IMG]

    Thankful, thank you for the prayers. I definitely need them.

    Percoset hasn't really eased the pain much. I hope and pray this stone will dissolve or pass soon. It was a rough night.

    I got a call yesterday from my Mom, and she's coming down on Nov 4th! She's staying Friday night and then on Saturday, she and the friend who is bringing her down here (this other lady's ex-sis in law lives in Smyrna, just 30 miles up the road) are going to the Grand Ol' Opry. Vivian and I would love to go, but won't have the time.

    Be good, Be kind, Be careful.

  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    It is going to be a sunshiny 77º here today.

    Tony, that is great about your mom coming down! I hope you are feeling 'top notch' by then!

    We won't be going to Sonics today after all. Brent is going to Wisconsin, with his mother, to visit his sisters this weekend. He misses them and I know he'll have a good visit. He will be staying with his Great Grandpa (on his father's side). He will be leaving around 8:30 this morning and coming back home late Sunday evening.

    I'd best get him up and feed him breakfast.

  7. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!!!!!

    I can hardly believe that the last time I was here was nearly TWO weeks ago!

    So has everyone missed me? :D

    It has been a busy two weeks. All three kids came down with a stomach virus, at the same time! Precious had it so bad she had to have a shot of pheneragan. It gave Son a terrible migraine that took a shot to get rid of. Bitsy got off easy even though she is usually the one with the most sensitive stomach. It took till Thrusday to get everyone back to school. Good news here is that the shot Son got on Wednesday stopped not only the bad migraine he had from the virus, but also the migraine cycle that he had been in for about a month. He has been pain free now for an entire week!

    The rest of last week was spent disinfecting the house and just catching up generally. The kids had quite a bit of makeup work to do and then there was drama at the Middle School, where Precious' obsessive non-boyfriend escalated his attempts to get her attention by shoving her up against a wall. He's been a problem for several years doing little things to pester her, but the last couple of years they weren't in the same classes so I had hoped he was over his crush. Oh well, the teacher's are now on to him and seem to be doing a pretty good job keeping him away from Precious. I think the kid caught quite a bit of negative attention from Precious' classmates as well as the teacher, so maybe we'll be through with it. As they are now in 8th grade, I'm not very inclined to be understanding much longer. I understand the kid has physical difficulties and is immature, but 14 is old enough to know to keep hands to yourself.

    This week was our so called fall break. We spent ours going to various doctor and dentist appointments. Son is going to try out a new medication routine in order to get better control over his migraines. This is also an attempt to find a medication that will control the headache but also allow him to grow. The current medication has reduced his appetite to the point to where he has only gained two pounds since the beginning of the year. Bitsy is three years younger but is almost Son's size. The new medication has the opposite side effect. For the moment he will take them both together. Then we will reduce the first med slowly and see how we are doing. We might end up continueing a lower dose of the first in conjunction with the new one, depending on how well it controls the migraines. That is the goal, to keep the migraines under control and get him to grow some.

    Not much to do today, for a change. A few nagging things that need taking care of. Nothing that will take to long, so I might just spend a good part of the day catching up here! [​IMG]

    Ya'll have a good day!

  8. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good Morning,

    Yes, MK, we missed you. Glad you are back.

    Sue, I know you are disappointed that you and Brent are not going to Springfield, but glad that he can visit other family members.

    I off to give Muffin a bath. I hope he can't read this or he will hide. He loves a bath, but only after he is all clean.

    Catch you later.
  9. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Hello everybody,

    MK - glad the stomach virus is over at your house.....hope your son find relief on a permanent basis for his migraines.

    Thankful - you will probably be "all clean" too after that dog bath...or else you will need one yourself....ha!

    I'm going to clean out my huge filing cabinet today. I bought some hanging files (two sets) and I am going to organize that cabinet today if it drives me nuts or not!

    Everyone have a great day and seek God's love, God's protection, God's daily assignment for you, and God's peace.

    And help someone else today to experience the same.

    Scarlett O.
  10. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Betty, That dog of yours is just a little one. For an experience come on up and have a go with our five. The Great Dane is challenge enough in the bathtub, with legs flying all over the place and in different directions.


  11. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Scarlett and Jim, you are so correct! When Muffin shakes, I have more water on me than he has on him. I try to anticipate that first shake and wrap him in a towel, but I can't even imagine trying that with a Great Dane.
  12. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    We have an old bathtub buried in a hillside outdoors with the hot and cold water hooked up. So, it is at ground level and ideal for washing the dogs. In winter we use that waterless wash..it does a decent job. Can't imagine putting them in a regular tub off the floor.....that's a lot of lift for three of them.

    We often joke with visitors and tell them that is our bathtub for the summer. Can't explain the looks we get.


  13. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    It looks like it is going to be another pleasant day. I got a lot of the yard work done yesterday and enjoyed having time to myself.

    I think today is going to be a lazy day for me. I have some reading to catch up on. I haven't had a day like that in a long time...

  14. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Mornging all. It's a cool 52 here (f) and there is 100% humidity which means....FOG!

    Viv's off today and is still in bed trying to catch up on sleep. I slept off and on last night, but didn't really get much sleep. So, I just decided to go ahead and get up and get the coffee going. I couldn't get comfortable with my back and this crazy kidney stone. I'm ready for it to pass or be taken out. Monday is going to be a day of doctor visits and pre-admittance for me at the hospital. They wanted me to come to the hospital on Tuesday morning at 7am to get my "pre-admission" papers done. But, Vivian can't take any more time off of work. They're already sore at her for having to a lot of June and July off because of her mothers cancer and funeral. Sometimes her supervisor can be such a jerk. His grandmother just passed away last week, and he expected everyone to feel down and sympathize with him, but he had no sympathy for Vivian when her Mom passed. He also had no sympathy for her co-worker when she and her husband found out the he had kidney cancer and they had to take out most of his hip and replace it with cement and screws.
    Why do they let these kinds of people run things...they work around computers...they aren't supposed to BE computers with no feeling! Oh well, that's my rant for the day. Sorry! :(

    Glad you had a good day yesterday and got a lot done, Sue. Enjoy what time you've got to yourself. [​IMG]

    Be good, Be kind, Be careful

  15. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good Morning!

    Beautiful day here in Oklahoma. We have cleaned the A/c Heating filters getting ready for the change in seasons.

    I'm going to take my walk. Let's see 10 minutes the first day, 15 minutes the second day, 20 minutes yesterday and 25 minutes today, by next week, I might be able to walk around the block (it is a long block) [​IMG]

    I haven't lost a pound, but I feel so much better already.

    Have a great day!

  16. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Uh, ur, well: Sister Wife Thankful, would you
    get off the computer and take your walk.

    Humff, how can i write my posts if you are
    writing yours? [​IMG]

    Open Letter to Tony AVL1984:

    I give up. I tryed to think of something I
    could say to cheer you up, something would help
    you make it through your week, the definitive
    'cheer up' note. But your week is going to
    be a tough row to hoe. I'm not smart enough
    to figure out how i could make it thru that
    week, let alone how YOU can make it thru
    the week. So I gave up. I turn it all
    over to God. If God can't see you thru the
    week then you ain't gonna make it.

    Praying for Bro. AVL1984 lotz! [​IMG]
  17. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Why should I get off the computer, Brother Husband Ed? You have your own computer. ;)

    Oh I get it. I'm making too much noise and you can't think!

    Well, I walked on the deck again, but I must report on Muffin. He walked with me for about ten minutes. Then he was so tired that he couldn't step up on the deck so he watched for awhile. I called him a traitor, a sissy, but nothing worked. I encouraged him to walk more by being nicer to him, Didn't work! I kept walking...then Muffin goes into the house, but being the good companion dog that he is, he stuck his head out of the doggy door and watched as I walked. [​IMG] Now he is fast asleep. He has a little bed under my computer desk.

    Lovely day here. Our adopted college age grandson came and trimmed the shrubs today. Yard looks great. We are never going to get all these kids through college.

    He really isn't adopted, but he and his sister who are in college work for us. Then there is our son who has 7 more months of college. Granddaughter has 2 more years. Another grandson will start college next year and there are six more behind him. "sigh" Maybe this will keep us young. We are very blessed with children and grandchildren and even "adopted ones".
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Please pray for BRENT! Dale is making a flying trip to WI to pick him up.

    His mother called and said she thinks he has another broken arm (the right one this time).

    I talked to him on the phone and he wanted Grandpa to come and get him and bring him home so he could have his 'own' bone specialist.

    He started crying as soon as I got on the phone. He is not in much pain. I think he may have just whacked it good - the elbow.

    We will take him to the ER, as soon as they get back, for X-rays just to make sure it is all right.

    Pray for traveling mercies also.

    §ue [​IMG]
  19. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    So sorry about Brent!

    Will pray.

  20. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Bro. Ed, I do greatly appreciate the prayers, and that is the biggest "cheer up" I need. [​IMG] I know God allows testing. It's not always fun, but I know that He gives the grace for us to make it through it. ;)