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Common Ground Coffee House #98

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 8, 2006.

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  1. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Well, it didn't snow last night! It did rain, however. Guess I get the day off again. Love it!

    Sue, this...Jim: Leave both the pics. That way I get to see you twice! :laugh: ....could be double jeopardy...:laugh:

    Actually, I am making little stinkers in my workshop....no. no...not flatus! I am making little skunk lawn ornaments, carved out of wood and painted to look like a family of skunks.

    Cheers everyone and have a great day. You owe it to yourselves if nothing else.

  2. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    It's been quite foggy here the past few day. It's also been very warm in the evenings...last night at 9 pm it was 86, and this morning it's 65. We can watch the fog come across the fields and into our section. It's eerie at times...almost like being in London!

    The Lord has kept laying on my heart "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me". I guess for the past few days I've been feeling a little down and pitying myself because things haven't turned out in several areas of my life the way I wish they would have. But, I have to remember, the Lord knew where I was going to be at this particular time in my life. Nothing has come into my life that hasn't passed before his face. It's my responsibility to act in a Biblical, trusting manner, and to seek His face concerning it all. So, yesterday, I pulled out several of my writing projects and started working on them again, editing and re-writing portions. I found myself enjoying that. :thumbs:

    Sue, hope you're doing well, my Sister. I'm praying for you. God laid you on my heart several times last night when I couldn't sleep. I don't know why, but he also laid Brother Jim on my heart as well, and Gina and her kids.

    Make it a great day, ya'll.. Be Good, Be Kind, Be Careful

    Bro. T
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Tony, I will take all the prayers I can get!

    Jim, your little 'stinkers' sound cute. I love lawn ornaments.

    The city came yesterday and pulled out all the bricks in the sidewalk out front. They are going to level it, make a form, and pour me a nice, new, even sidewalk. It is supposed to rain everyday this week, so I'm not sure when they'll get back to it, but it will surely be nice when it is finished!

    They also ground out the two stumps in front, which is what tore the sidewalk up to begin with. It is going to look really good when they're done. Then people will be able to walk in front of my house without fear of breaking their necks...

    It is 64º here this morning heading for a 'high' of 76º with mostly cloudy skies and scattered thunderstorms. On the map, it looks like it is raining everyplace!

    Time for coffee,
  4. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Morning all. gloomy looking outside. I may just have to crawl back into bed -- after I drink my coffee :p
  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    Still quiet at the menagerie, but that won't last much longer. The kids are all awake and the cat is busy pounching on them! Pretty soon they start chasing her and the noise will begin! LOL, it's a hoot to watch them chase each other. That cat is SMART!!

    Hmmm, the youngest two just came in here and made my bed......wonder what they are up to or making up for? :eek:

    My allergies are messed up this morning and my ear is fluttering and driving me nuts! I took a claritin but it's not helping much. Grrr! I'm probably going to have to take a decongestant to get some relief and then I'll be dopey all day. Don't know which is worse the constant flutter or being dopey.

    Gonna be hot and sunny here today. Hoping I can finish all the inside cleaning today and maybe get the backyard mowed. Front yard doesn't need it still and it hasn't been mowed since the beginning of the month. That shows how dry it's been here lately. Not that I'm complaining that I don't have enough grass to mow or anything.....

    Time for breakfast!

    Oh MC, congrats on passing 3000! (even if you did beat me to it ;) )
  6. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Yay! A new day. :smilewinkgrin:

    I ended up going to bed last night instead of doing anything...bit of a headache, so glad to see this morning.

    I'm drinking CAFFEINE! LOL And AFTER a headache instead of before. Interesting.

    But, I woke up feeling *almost* awake, and inspired to get stuff done and it's the first time I've really felt it for a while so I'm taking advantage of it.

    You know what sounds good? Wonton soup. I haven't had that in forever. With fresh wontons, not the ones that have been soaking for a while.
  7. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I don't know what wonton soup is but when you are done cooking it, I'll come eat!

    I am uninspired today thanks to the dumb decongestant. Haven't moved except to get dressed. :( I'm going to try moving in a few minutes.......zzzzzzz
  8. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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  9. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Wonton is a Chinese thing. It's simply chicken broth with noodles.
    The noodles are squares. (think of a pastry square you fill and shape) You take seasoned meat, stick a bit in the middle, fold it and seal it with egg white, drop it in the broth. That's it.

    In the restaurant we would make a bucketful and they'd sit in cool water in the fridge. If they've only been there a few hours and you stick them in the hot broth, they are still a bit stiff and a tiny bit dry in the center of the noodle. That's how I like it! If you let them set more than a day, or put them in the broth for a while, they get like regular soggy noodles. Not as tasty imo.

    And might I add.. YAY FOR ME! I emailed an instructor over a grade in a writing class. He examined the grades for the class and determined that I got an A rather than the grade he'd given me. He did mention that in his initial grade, other "factors" played in. LOL And told me...ME of all people, that I could be a little more tactful.

    ME? Need more tact? Oh alright. I suppose. He also said I should have been more open with him.
    That kind of stuff kinda throws me, the "more open" part. They give you these things at the beginning of classes and you're supposed to share "problems" with the instructor. I never really do. Even in algebra, one of the assignments, and it's IN the book, is to write to your instructor and tell them of any problems you have in your life that you're struggling with, and any of your concerns with the class.

    I always just ignore that part, or write something vague. I just don't see how that should count in any assessment of the quality of our work.

    Am I the nutty one, or is the whole "tell everyone your life" thing a little over the top?
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Jim! They are ADORABLE!

    If you lived closer, I would pay you to make three of them for my front lawn with my house numbers on them!!!

    I paint all of my lawn ornaments myself, but I don't make them. They are either plaster or concrete.

    Well all, it's my bedtime. I haven't been taking a nap and I find that I tire more easily from 'taking it easy' than I do when I can get up and do some work.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  11. Bear

    Bear New Member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Well, I really like these rules
    Also got to have coffee every morning too. I don't believe I have seen a topic like this before. But from looking at the post by you folks "I am blessed 16" with +39,000 and a 11,000 poster and so on, this must be the experienced group so to speak. And, I don't believe I have ever seen a board with that many post racked up by the constituents, impressive and intimidating all at once. :laugh:

    We Baptist sometimes are so engrained in doctrine that we do tend to fight a bit, that is why I really like your rules!

    Nice to meet youall and if I am out of place, I totally understand.
  12. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Be afraid. Be very afraid! :tongue3:

    Bear, some of us have been here for about six years. That's a lot of time to rack up posts, so don't be intimidated!

    Plus there were those really deep posts that simply said "bump". Anyhow, welcome to the forum. Are you drinking decaf, or do we have to fight about whether or not caffeine is a mind-altering drug? :saint:

    Ohhh...lighthouses AND horses! YES! I can already tell your doctrine is solid!
    #232 Gina B, Jun 27, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2006
  13. Bear

    Bear New Member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Thank You Gina,

    I drink the hard stuff with no recipe (cream or sugar)! :laugh:

    When you are as old and decrepit as I am it is truly hard to get intimidated especially going through a battle scarred life a Christian goes thru, but the glory of God is sufficient to sustain.:applause:

    Some of you six years on the circuit that is incredible, and no message board splits huh :laugh:

    Thanks again,
  14. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Welcome Bear!
    Don't pay any attention to Geener...she's always lookin for a fuss!! Usually with me, or my sidekick BH. (stick around long enough you'll learn who she is).
    But the real fussin & stuff is on the upper floors, thats why some of us more mellow types hang out here in the basement as I call it.
    Oh & for yur own safety, if ya see a rockin chair over in the corner, & there is a pile of cotton on it...DO NOT sit down or ya might meet BH sooner than expected!!!
  15. Dan Todd

    Dan Todd Active Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Please Pray

    Our son, Kelly, and his family, just called us a few minutes ago. A neighbor knocked on their door and asked if they were aware of the situation.

    The situation - water - from heavy rains - were up to the level of the concrete porch on their home. There is a creek behind their house - and it has been raining heavily for a couple of days. They got out - safely - took a very few items - and were heading to Binghamton, NY to Elizabeth's brother and sister-in-law's place.

    If you all would pray for Kelly and Elizabeth, and their children - we would appreciate it.

    Dan Todd
  16. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Consider it done!
  17. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Mornin Folks!!
    Come by to get BH...she has some powdered sugar on her nose...don't see where it came from.
    Me thinks the rain has finally stopped in this area. Wasn't that bad in this neck of the woods, least our creek stayed within its banks. Mabey now I can finish the outside work I've got to do. Gotta call daddy & see if his garden survived or washed away. At least the lakes are looking better!!!
    Got errands to run, so check back later!!!
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is another cool, rainy day here. I don't know when the city will be able to build the form and pour the sidewalk out front. I have to park my car way out back, by the alley. Since they took up the brick sidewalk, no one can come in through the front. It is all barricaded off.

    Bear: Welcome to the CH! I hope you become a regular. Coffee is always on and since the food is virtual, it has no calories...

    Gina: Even decaf coffee has 2 or 3% caffeine in it. I didn't realize this until the doctor said I couldn't drink it for 24 hours before my stress test. :rolleyes:

    Preacher: I left BH some powdered sugar donut holes in her rocking chair. It's one of the perks of a 'security guard' who happens to be a squirrel.

    Dan: Praying for Kelly and family. I saw the flooding on the news this morning. It looks terrible! :praying:

    Time for coffee (decaf),
    §ue [​IMG]
    #238 I Am Blessed 24, Jun 28, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2006
  19. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Good morning all!

    I thought my eyes were deceiving me this morning, but there may be . . . *gasp* . . . sunshine on the back porch!

    Welcome Bear! Gina's right about the deep conversation . . . ahem!

    Dan, I'm praying!

    I'm doing a little sunshine jig (while it lasts anyway!)

    Coffee's good this morning. Ron made it while I keep sleeping!
  20. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Yay for contacts, unfortunately I can't wear them because I have to protect my one good eye(blind in the right eye).
    Don't fret about reading glasses.
    Dorothy Parker was wrong - Men DO make passes at girls who wear glasses.
    Don't believe me? Just ask your husband Ron. :thumbs:
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