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Council on Foreign Relations is it Treasonous?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by ASLANSPAL, Jul 3, 2005.

  1. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    The New American

    Ron Paul

    Samuel Adams
  2. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    The founding fathers would be turning in their graves if they knew how what they bled and died for had turned out.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Sam Adams and I are flying our flags at half mast this idependence day in memory of our once respected constitution and the sovereignty already lost "by the artifices of false and designing men." Sam may not be turning in his grave this 4th of July but his words will be falling on deafened ears when the pretend champions of freedom mouth glorious words in front of the cameras while America sits hypnotized by bright lights, symbols of authority and the paranoia that the other side is destroying our country. [​IMG]
  3. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

    But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

    Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain [George III] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.


    But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object [a one world government] evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their [our] right, it is their [our] duty, to throw off such [usurpers in our] Government, and to provide new Guards for their [our] future security.

    Such has been the patient sufferance of these [United States]; and such is now the necessity which constrains [us all] to alter their [usurpations of our liberty through our own] Government. The history of the [CFR and trilaterals] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States [a new world order] . To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.


    I took the [liberty] to change a few words in the last two paragraphs. If you didn't recognize the source of the words above, they are from the Declaration of Independence. Italics are mine.
  4. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I have been following politics since I read of the German invasion of Poland in 1939. The only groups that I am aware of who have consistently tried to sell out this country are the pinko's as we used to call them and the liberal leftists in the democrat party of current times [Teddie Kennedy and his ilk]. For those too young to remember Pinko means not quite Red.
  5. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    "I have been following politics since I read of the German invasion of Poland in 1939."

    Did you also read how grandpa Bush was involved? If not here's your chance. LINK

    "The only groups that I am aware of who have consistently tried to sell out this country are the pinko's as we used to call them and the liberal leftists in the democrat party of current times [Teddie Kennedy and his ilk]. For those too young to remember Pinko means not quite Red."

    He says while slowly massaging his neck aching from only looking leftwards all these years. [​IMG]
  6. Magnetic Poles

    Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    [SARCASM]Yes, OldReg! But you're fergettin' 'bout them women folk, burning bras and such. How bout them uppity black folk, ain't they happier with their own kind instead of swimmin' and eatin' with decent, God-fearin' white folks? Let's not leave out all them Meskins swimmin' across the river. Also, what's the deal with those Jews? God knows they own everything anyway. And Catholics! Bunch of idol-worshippin' people pretendin' to be Christian. I also ain't too sure about those tongue-speakin' Assembly of God folks either. Of course them Injuns just ain't no good to nobody. Bunch of naked heathens runnin' around the country. Hippies. Dadburn Hippies, spoutin' all that love and peace nonsense. Oh yeah, college professors, fillin' the minds of young'uns with that commie ideas. And you know what? I never did trust that John Kennedy, what with him lettin' the Pope make all his decisions. And you know of course that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, sent us down the Pinko Road with that there WPA, and Sociable Security junk. Never did care much for that.

    Good thing there's good Christian folk like us to keep all them other people in line, ain't it?

    Praise God for good brother John Birch![/SARCASM]
  7. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Magnetic Poles

    I believe the altitude has affected your ability to reason. It has certainly affected your ability to spell. I hope all the people in Denver are not so affected but I hear they lean left, or is that caused by walking on the side of a hill?

    Then of course there is that fake Indian at the University swilling slop at the taxpayers trough. You got a lot going for you out there.
  8. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Actually Old Regular you are right about the "pinkos", Archie Bunker. I loved that character. It was the socialists on the left and their minions that tried to sell this country out and still do.

    Now however they have used a trojan horse and are deeply implanted in the Republican party as well. Maybe they are a lighter shade of pink but it all leads to the same place. A socialist one world order and as soon as the last planks are in place they will not be affraid to call themselves and act communist.

    Communism never died it has just transformed and camoflaged itself into a well organized world wide system through the UN, WTO, World Bank, Federal Reserve etc. The planks are free trade and globalization alla the CFR and Trilaterals, and the Skull & Bones among others. They all look like seperate clubs but their ideology is the same. Communism and control by those who feel themselves to be superior to the masses, the elite.

    They use a controlled opposition to make us think there is two parties and two ideologies at work, but in fact and action there is just one and they take their cues and orders from a world governing body (insert one), not the American citizens our constitution or Bill Of Rights. Those documents are their enemies they wish to destroy.
  9. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I wonder if Prescott had George sent to the Pacific so he wouldn't have to fight against his partners, the Nazi? :D :D :D :D :D

    I would say about 95-99% of the info on the internet is junk.
  10. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    [SARCASM]Yes, OldReg! But you're fergettin' 'bout them women folk, burning bras and such. How bout them uppity black folk, ain't they happier with their own kind instead of swimmin' and eatin' with decent, God-fearin' white folks? Let's not leave out all them Meskins swimmin' across the river. Also, what's the deal with those Jews? God knows they own everything anyway. And Catholics! Bunch of idol-worshippin' people pretendin' to be Christian. I also ain't too sure about those tongue-speakin' Assembly of God folks either. Of course them Injuns just ain't no good to nobody. Bunch of naked heathens runnin' around the country. Hippies. Dadburn Hippies, spoutin' all that love and peace nonsense. Oh yeah, college professors, fillin' the minds of young'uns with that commie ideas. And you know what? I never did trust that John Kennedy, what with him lettin' the Pope make all his decisions. And you know of course that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, sent us down the Pinko Road with that there WPA, and Sociable Security junk. Never did care much for that.

    Good thing there's good Christian folk like us to keep all them other people in line, ain't it?

    Praise God for good brother John Birch![/SARCASM]
    </font>[/QUOTE]*stands up and claps loudly, shaking head, teary eyed and muttering "bravo"*

    And kudos to Poncho for posting the Declaration of Independence.

    All men are created equal... not by governments, but by God.

    I hate to remind you all, but I'm pretty sure God loves Saddam Hussein too.

    Chilling, isn't it? Yes, I'm sure he loved those durned Arabs who flew those planes into a few buildings a couple of years ago.

    He created all nations and all people... and loves them.

    The point I am trying to make is that we are all so conditioned to go to war and accept that war is good. We are forgiving each other for hating those we deem inferior. Tsk tsk. Shame on us. There must be a way to go about things in a more humane and Christian (meaning Christ-like) way.
  11. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Nothing induces are reduces the masses to mindless group think like war.

    Adolf Hitler
  12. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    You are entitled to be wrong. Do you have any Scriptural basis for your error.
  13. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    You are entitled to be wrong. Do you have any Scriptural basis for your error. </font>[/QUOTE]Why, it is the most basic of Christian beliefs that God created all people and loves all people! Are you a bigot?

    Seems to me there is a verse that goes something like whatsoever you do unto the least of men you have also done unto me... I could use the concordance and find it if you like, but I would assume any Christian worth his salt would know that one. Don't look back~! You'll turn to salt! hahaha!
  14. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Originally posted by OldRegular:
    Originally posted by poncho:
    "I have been following politics since I read of the German invasion of Poland in 1939."

    Did you also read how grandpa Bush was involved? If not here's your chance. LINK

    "I wonder if Prescott had George sent to the Pacific so he wouldn't have to fight against his partners, the Nazi?"

    "I would say about 95-99% of the info on the internet is junk."


    "I wonder if Prescott had George sent to the Pacific so he wouldn't have to fight against his partners, the Nazi?"

    I reckon if you'd read Tarpley's book you'd know the answer to that question.

    "I would say about 95-99% of the info on the internet is junk."

    But since you have the perfect excuse to stay ignorant of the facts I doubt you will. :D :D :D :D :D ;)
  15. fromtheright

    fromtheright <img src =/2844.JPG>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Not much will pull a John Bircher's head out of the sand.

    So, JG and LE, where is the "CFR position" announced? If it is in Foreign Affairs then we should probably not expect viewpoints in opposition to this monolithic game plan. They should probably then be all of one mind, kind of a conspiratorial Vulcan mind meld. The problem is that it's not true. The CFR has included many strong conservatives, including Elliot Abrams and, you might remember, Jeane Kirkpatrick. Only in the fevered imaginations of JBS conspiracists could you somehow conclude that these conservatives are of one accord with the liberals.

    Does that mean that liberal viewpoints don't predominate? Of course not. The liberal worldview predominates in academia. I don't like it, but it's a fact. The liberal worldview is internationalist. Again, just a fact. Liberals seek to advance that agenda, just like conservatives do theirs, through the written word. Another inconvenient fact.
  16. fromtheright

    fromtheright <img src =/2844.JPG>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Daggum wascawwy facts.
  17. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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  18. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    As I posted before:

    The CFR was founded by a man who touted Marxism and spent his entire adult life working to fasten its freedom-destroying grip on the United States; (From his lofty position as top assistant to President Woodrow Wilson, Edward Mandell House led the group that founded the CFR. In his 1912 book, PHILLIP DRU, ADMINISTRATOR, House explained that he was working for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.")

    The CFR has for seven decades consistently advocated scrapping the independence of the U.S. in favor of a socialistic new world order; (The December 1922 issue of FOREIGN AFFAIRS, the CFR's quarterly journal, called for an "international system" and "world government;" in 1974, one of its articles boldly suggested "an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece;" in 1988, another article sought "internationalism" at the expense of national independence. In 1944, a CFR publication denounced "the sovereignty fetish" existing in the United States; in 1959; a Council document called for "international order" where all nations are "interdependent.")

    All one has to do is study the history of the CFR all the way back to it's beginnings with the socialist Edward Mandell House to see what it's "position" is, anyone can do this research, not just "JBS conspiracists". I believe there are many who may have joined the CFR no knowing it's real goals and beginnings, just like there are many members of the GOP who believe it to be a home for conservatives. Just because someone is part of a group doesn't mean they know and understand everything about that group.

    You can choose to ignore the danger that groups like the CFR post to our Constitutional Republic and our American Sovereignty, but I will never stop speaking out against their quest for a One World Government through fake trade programs like the WTO, FTAA, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.
  19. fromtheright

    fromtheright <img src =/2844.JPG>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I believe there are many who may have joined the CFR no knowing it's real goals and beginnings

    Yeah, Perle, Kirkpatrick, Abrams, William F. Buckley, Jr. (yeah, yeah, I'm familiar with the JBS line that the founder of the modern conservative movement is not really a conservative) and Arnaud de Borchgrave strike me as some real boneheads. :rolleyes:
  20. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Both Elliot Abrams and Jeane Kirkpatrick are neo-cons who support the UN and other anti-American organizations!

    Elliott Abrams, describes himself as a “neo-conservative”. In the mid-1970s Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D-WA), who employed Abrams, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and other neoconservatives. After Jackson’s failure to win the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, Abrams joined the staff of Sen. Patrick Moynihan, and later became his chief of staff.

    Perhaps more than any other neoconservative, Abrams has integrated the various influences that have shaped today’s neoconservative agenda. A creature of the neoconservative incubator, Abrams is a political intellectual and operative who has consistently advanced the neoconservative agenda with chutzpah and considerable success.

    Abrams has moved back and forth between government and the right’s web of think tanks and policy institutes, holding positions as a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), advisory council member of the American Jewish Committee, and charter member of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Abrams has maintained close ties with the Social Democrats/USA, the network of right-wing social democrats and former Trotskyists who became the most vocal of the self-described “democratic globalists” within the neocon camp in the 1990s.

    Source: RightWeb

    Jeane Kirkpatrick, the ambassador to the United Nations during the Reagan administration. More recently, Kirkpatrick has supported the work of William Kristol's Project for the New American Century.

    Source: RightWeb

    Only a fellow neo-con would consider these neo-cons to be "strong conservatives"!

    The modern conservative movement (neo-conservativism) is not really conservative! The "newness" refers the term's origination as either describing converts new to American conservatism (sometimes coming from a liberal or big-government New Deal background) or to being part of a "new wave" of conservative thought and political organization.