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Featured God is Completely Sovereign or in Control of EVERYTHING that happens. PT 2

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by percho, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. percho

    percho Well-Known Member
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    Dec 7, 2009
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    Job was in the original thread relative to God being completely sovereign or in control of everything.

    I believe God is both and allows life to happen as it does. God allowed Satan to do certain things. All that happened to Job and Job's reaction to everything that happen to him was according to the will of God yet IMHO the book is really about God and Satan with the ending being the destruction of Satan and his works through the redeemer of Job and including the redemption of the body Job. Job says, In my flesh I shall see God. When his change comes.

    That is when Satan will be crushed. Cast in the lake of fire.
  2. 1689Dave

    1689Dave Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2018
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    He was born again. How do we know this? Faith is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (salvation) and Hebrews 11 lists him among the faithful.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Martin Marprelate

    Martin Marprelate Well-Known Member
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    Dec 18, 2010
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    My reference wsa Matthew 10:29. "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will." If God is in control even of the death of a sparrow, how much more was He in control of the death of Abel and is in control of everything else?
    Well, it seems to me that there is nothing that will convince you. But the utter sovereignty of God is shown pretty much everywhere in the Bible. Have a read of 2 Kings 7:2ff. God controls the winds and the waves; He can extend the length of a day (Joshua 10:14); He can cause darkness in the middle of the day (Mark 16:33); He controls the decisions of kings (Proverbs 21:1). And so on. His sovereignty extends to His showing of mercy ((Romans 9:14-16).

    Such a God is worthy of all my worship, praise and obedience. I do not know what lies in store for me: poverty? cancer? Motor Neuron Disease? Alzheimer's? I think (hope!) I can face these things steadily if I know that they come from the hand of a loving God who will work even those things for my eternal good. But if God is not in control of these things and sits by wringing his hands impotently while these things happen to me, then He is not God. If He is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.
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  4. Martin Marprelate

    Martin Marprelate Well-Known Member
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    Dec 18, 2010
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    Because I am content for people to refer to me as a Calvinist does not mean that I endorse the whole of his theology; I do not. 'Calvinism' today means the sovereignty of God and Definite Atonement, and I agree with that so I have no problem with Calvin's understanding as you have outlined it above (Psalms 110:3a; Proverbs 21:1 etc.)

    Rather than repeat myself, may I refer you to my post #43 to @MB above? I will just share one more verse with you.

    Psalms 115:3. 'But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.'
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  5. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    The Godhead existed from Eternity, Perfectly Happy with The Perfection of One Another's Divine Person, within The One and Only, True and Living, Creator God's DIVINE NATURE.

    God Created The Universe.

    God Created and man was PHOPHECIED, by God,
    that he would TRANSGRESS God's Commandments and DIE.

    Adan's DEAD SPIRITUAL ESTATE is Illustrated, in Genesis 3:16, with God's First Mention of The Eternal Godhead's Plane for the Salvation of man, who sins, after being Presented with an opportunity to sin, having been Created, A.) Not Immunible, Like God, but, B.) Mutable and CAPABLE of SINNING, like Adam.

    I sinned in Adam.

    God Planned The Eternal Salvation of the sins of some within Mankind was AGRRED Upon by The Triune Godhead, LONG BEFORE ADAM PROVED HIS CREATED HUMANISE!!

    If I had been Created as a man without sin, but allowed The Free Will to CHANGE, from the Natural State of sinlessness I was in, to OFFENDING & DISBEYING GOD, I would have.

    I sinned in Adam.

    There are rules you make up as if they are Decrees.

    Good for you.

    If you take your car and scratch off in loose gravel that would also be just as impressive.

    Maybe more.

    Forget about adding all kinds of seriously goofy whims out of your mind to a discussion of any kind.

    The definitions you assign are in your mind.


    You're a Strawman making machine.
  6. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    I don't think you understand. I have no problem with the word "Sovereignty" Though Calvinist on this board define it as absolute control with no allowances. If God didn't allow sin to exist then there would be no sin. God hates sin and allows it to exist for His reasons. If as one Calvinist told me if God allowed any man to ask for Salvation He would no longer be Sovereign because He would be giving up absolute control and allowing man to believe and be saved. This is why I challenge the use of this word.
    The word it self is not a Biblical word that describes God. What doe is "All MIGHTY GOD" And He never looses any of His Power by allowance of sin or man deciding to believe in God
  7. timtofly

    timtofly Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    I apologize if my strawmen are as David, facing your Goliath strawmen.
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  8. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    They are as you exalting your throne above the Most High God.

    I do not know of any evidence that your, "Satan didn't sin" typical Bible-Denying Strawman is not you exalting your throne above the Most High God and I do not know of any evidence that your, "Satan didn't sin" typical Bible-Denying Strawman is not you exalting your throne above the Most High God.

    "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil". I John 3:8
  9. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    The reverse of your post is the truth you come here and pretend to be a scholar but in reality your no better than any one else. Because some disagrees with you . You insult them derogatory statements. Like a spoiled child
  10. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I do not know of any evidence that your, "reverse of your post is the truth you come here and pretend to be a scholar but in reality your no better than any one else. Because some disagrees with you . You insult them derogatory statements. Like a spoiled child" is unable to be substantiated any more than, "Satan didn't sin" being a typical Bible-Denying Strawman that exemplifies an finite attempt by you to exalt your throne above the Most High God and I do not know of any evidence that your, "Satan didn't sin" typical Bible-Denying Strawman is not you exalting your throne above the Most High God, or that, the "reverse of your post is the truth you come here and pretend to be a scholar but in reality your no better than any one else. Because some disagrees with you . You insult them derogatory statements. Like a spoiled child."

  11. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    See what I mean the Bible say we should have nothing to do with people who are so easily angered.
  12. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I do not know of any evidence of a negative averment containing anger and I do not believe any evidence exists that my negative averments had an element of anger associated with them, to any gradation, that could be detected.

    I do believe there are Instructions Given in The Bible concerning assertions such as, "a rock is not dead", or "Satan did not sin".
  13. timtofly

    timtofly Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    God counts rebellion as sin. God counts our thoughts as sin. Sin is how God views us, but that is not how we define sin. We define it as a noun that prevents us from being. We are sinners, because that is our condition, but saying sin is what we do is missing the point, and we get false theology lie Reformed theology. No there is no verse that prophecies Reformed theology as a thing to avoid.

    Sin and sinning is the result of our choices (thoughts) and actions. It is the default term for evil. We, in Adam, are forced to know what evil is. In Christ, God works AL things out for His Good. In Adam, all things work out for evil only.

    That does not mean some can only do evil all the time and nothing good. Nor does it mean some can only do good all the time and never wrong, or evil.

    Satan rebelled in thought only. He could not act, unless he asked God. I see no Scripture that claims God forces Satan to act, without asking first. That is the whole point of Satan thinking he can be our adversary, to constantly point out our faults to God. Satan can also put false thoughts into our head, tempting us. Some humans just dwell on those thoughts. Unless you can prove we just sit and manufacture thoughts to tempt ourselves.

    Humans are different than angels, they are free to act without asking God first. Until the Atonement on the Cross, it was our actions that were counted as sin. Now it is oUr very thoughts that are sin. What we allow in our life puts thoughts into our mind. Then the brain either randomly keeps a steady stream of thought going, or we can have the mind of Christ. Some thoughts are sent outside of physical ability, via the spiritual avenue, that God forbids of those who follow God.

    Free to act as we want is not free will. Free will is the ability to make decisions against our will. If one acts against their will, they do have to think about it first. Unless they are demon posessed, and have lost control of their ability to do anything. No angel is free to do do as they please. Not even if they are given control of the whole earth.

    Even dictators are not free to go outside of physical laws. They are free to destroy millions of lives, the environment. They cannot destroy the earth, nor even life on earth.
  14. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Hebrews 11:6, trust and obedience from Saved souls.

    The other ideas are blaspheme.

    Revelation reference was of Saved souls and no one is created as a Natural sinner to Worship God they can not know and only hate.
  15. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Maybe you should read Proverbs;

    Pro_22:24 Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:
    Pro_29:22 An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.

  16. AustinC

    AustinC Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Did Satan ask God if he could form a rebellion of angels against God first before he was free to act?

    Humans are different than angels in that God chose to graciously atone for human sin while God has shown no grace to angels. Rebellious angels are dead in their trespasses and sins and can never be redeemed. Rebellious humans can be redeemed, not because the human chooses God to redeem him, but because God chooses to redeem humans.

    Now, the question is this: Does God choose to redeem all humanity or a selection of humanity?

    The second question follows: If God chooses only a selection, is God evil for choosing only a selection and not all?
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  17. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I do not know of any evidence of a negative averment containing anger and I do not believe any evidence exists that my negative averments had an element of anger associated with them, to any gradation, that could be detected.

    I do believe there are Instructions Given in The Bible concerning assertions such as, "a rock is not dead", or "Satan did not sin"....

    and these random, randomizations of radom wild guesses, from just timtofly,

    ..."saying sin is what we do is missing the point", "That does not mean some can only do evil all the time and nothing good. Nor does it mean some can only do good all the time and never wrong, or evil", "Satan rebelled in thought only. He could not act, unless he asked God", on and on and on.

    "Some thoughts are sent outside of physical ability, via the spiritual avenue, that God forbids of those who follow God.

    "Free to act as we want is not free will. Free will is the ability to make decisions against our will. If one acts against their will, they do have to think about it first."

    Has to be disappointing to you two, to know that you are guessing and making random thoughts up, like that I'm angry and that is an issue.

    Guess again.

    Use the Bible where it will do some good, by turning it around.
  18. timtofly

    timtofly Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Is God evil for creating angels?

    God put all of humanity in the Lamb's book of life, because the Atonement covered all sin. Since it covered all sin, all humanity was named beneficiary.

    When humans decide they know better than God, God does not force them to change. Can you force a person to keep doing what they enjoy? There does come a point where humans reject God totally. So they do not have to figure things out in their mind, God takes away any ability to change. They never have to struggle over the results or consequences of their actions. They are a sociopath in modern terminology.
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  19. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974 Active Member
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    Feb 18, 2005
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    Yeah as God is in control. When we give up control to Him, He is working in us. And that as long as we put Christ first and foremost in our lives. He wants us to focus on Him. As just do so in things that do not offend others in particular Christ. Have fun but do not offend
  20. AustinC

    AustinC Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    You are trying to change the subject and ignore what I asked you.

    You make an unsubstantiated assertion here. The Bible doesn't teach this. If it did, you would never have to choose Jesus and Jesus would never have needed to die. Humanity would be fully atoned and we would just live in paradise.

    This is a form of Pelagianism which has been considered heresy since Pelagian voiced it.

    So, here was my question.

    Does God choose to redeem all humanity or a selection of humanity?

    You answered that all humanity is saved at birth, their names are written in the book of life and Jesus atonement covers all humanities sins. (That is universalism by the way.)

    The second question follows: If God chooses only a selection, is God evil for choosing only a selection and not all?

    You reject this question in favor of universalism, with the caveat that humans can reject God (even though all their sins, including the sin of rejection, has been fully atoned for by the blood of Christ Jesus).

    Tim, your theology is entirely based upon a false premise that is not supported in scripture, by God. You can continue to argue, but every orthodox believer here at the BB will know you have rejected the teaching of God passed down over millenniums.