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Is it sinful to pray for an evil person’s death?

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Earth Wind and Fire, Jun 14, 2019.

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  1. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    From the link on the folk religion of Wales:

    a doll made to represent a person, the poppet or effigy would be used with very sharp needles stuck into its 'heart' as a way of doing evil to an enemy

    "Rev Aubel, who is the minister of five Congregational chapels in rural Carmarthenshire, said...'This is not a joke and I would warn people not to get involved in the occult.'

    "He said he had also battled a case of the 'evil eye' during his ministerial career....'This is an ancient belief in the existence of a malevolent power in the glance of some people'"

    You'd said:
    #101 Jerome, Jun 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  2. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Non believing Italians
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    My experience with the Welsh is very different. Very God Fearing
  4. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Her father had mob connections, this she tells you with glee
  5. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Evil is evil,, it does matter what it comes dressed in. One may claim to be Catholic , one may be Italian or even call themselves baptist, or Orthodox, as for being Christian, it is the Spirit of Christ within. Ethnicity nor denomination has anything to do with sincerely loving Christ. One who TRULY loves Christ recognizes TRUTH when it is spoken to he or she.

    Racism and/or hate for others is not Christian. Hate for Christians from other denominations is definitely indicative of NOT being Christian. I am from a Catholic back ground. However, unlike you and even other Catholics, I show no partiality. I admonish what is wrong in man designed Catholic doctrines and esteem what is upheld by the scriptures of Catholic beliefs. That means I am of Brotherly Love, a group part of the End Time Elect known as the Church of Philadelphia in mindset and spiritual condition .I come from a place of peace and I do not condemn a truth across a denominational line. WHY? Because I have not been defiled by the women= denominations false doctrines. I have no 100% allegiance to Catholicism or any other denomination. WHY? Because I can not cling to any lie. I must follow the Lamb wherever He goes . By the grace of God, I have not been steeped in any denomination's lies therefore not indoctrinated by them. Christ has called out and redeemed a 144,000 (Rev.14) out from among gentile nations. They will be joined to the house of the twelve tribes of Israel which consist too of a 144, 000 (Rev.7).

    Don't expect you to get that, with all your hate and all. The point is the end Time Elect are a small group of people I mean.....
    considering how many people are on the planet and all. And greater yet, considering how many people consider themselves to be "Christian". Christ is saying that actually, not that many know me.

    SO A BIG YESSSSS, I have been called out from one of the Queens (Song of Songs) . But I will take with me the truth she has built upon the foundation (Jesus Christ). I will not however, run to another denomination and reject the truths that they have rejected from the Orthodox and Catholics. I accept Sola Scriptura and it has been very helpful in weeding out false doctrines in all including Protestantism.
    #105 OfLivingWaters, Jun 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  6. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Isaiah 54:
    Future Blessings for Zion

    1“Shout for joy, O barren woman,

    who bears no children;

    break forth into song and cry aloud,

    you who have never travailed;

    because more are the children of the desolate woman

    than of her who has a husband,”

    says the LORD.

    2“Enlarge the site of your tent,

    stretch out the curtains of your dwellings,

    do not hold back.

    Lengthen your ropes

    and drive your stakes deep.

    3For you will spread out to the right and left;

    your descendants will dispossess the nations

    and inhabit the desolate cities.

    4Do not be afraid, for you will not be put to shame;

    do not be humiliated, for you will not be disgraced.

    For you will forget the shame of your youth

    and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.

    5For your husband is your Maker—

    the LORD of Hosts is His name—

    the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;

    He is called the God of all the earth.

    6For the LORD has called you back,

    like a wife deserted and wounded in spirit,

    the wife of one’s youth when she is rejected,”

    says your God.

    7“For a brief moment I forsook you,

    but with great compassion I will bring you back.

    8In a surge of anger

    I hid My face from you for a moment,

    but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you,”

    says the LORD your Redeemer.

    9“For to Me this is like the days of Noah,a

    when I swore that the waters of Noah

    would never again cover the earth.

    So I have sworn that I will not be angry with you

    or rebuke you.

    10Though the mountains may be removed ( THIS ALL CORRELATES TO REV.6 which is coming , there will be a pause in the Tribulation events. at present I have no denomination nor husband= their so called fathers or doctrinal fathers ajoined to the Queens. I have a husband though, and it is the Lord Himself. The future Blessing of Zion is in season AND WILL come to FULL restoration for Israel. Rev.14 is in process.)
    Continued Isaiah:
    and the hills may be shaken,

    My loving devotion will not depart from you,

    and My covenant of peace will not be broken,”

    says the LORD,

    who has compassion on you.

    11“O afflicted city, lashed by storms,

    without solace,

    surely I will set your stones in antimony

    and lay your foundations with sapphires.b

    12I will make your pinnacles of rubies,

    your gates of sparkling jewels,

    and all your walls of precious stones.

    13Then all your sons will be taught by the LORD,

    and great will be their prosperity.

    14In righteousness you will be established, far from oppression,

    for you will have no fear,

    and removed from terror,

    for it will not come near you.

    15If anyone attacks you,

    it is not from Me;

    whoever assails you

    will fall before you.

    16Behold, I have created the craftsman

    who fans the coals into flame

    and forges a weapon

    fit for its task;

    and I have created the destroyer

    to wreak havoc.

    17No weapon formed against you shall prosper,

    and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.

    This is the heritage of the LORD’s servants,

    and their vindication is from Me,”
  7. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Go away
  8. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Hmmmm? I would say after my brief interaction with you, you are getting a mirror reflection of yourself from this woman you have a beef with. So, it is clear .......both you and her are in sin and you are in no position to point your hypocritical finger at her. It is clear you are wrong to pray she die. What is also clear is, you are spiritual in need of life yourself.

    "Love your enemies= do not do to them the evil they do to you. Do good to those who hate, bless those who curse, pray for those who persecute and forsake you and do all kinds of evil toward you. Then you will actually be Christ like. Oh brother, as you told me . "I am a radical person, if you are for Christ then I am with you"

    It would seem you only like those who are like you and that (You), as is demonstrated by your GO AWAY! to me is NOT remotely for Christ. This is an Other Christians part of the forum , no? May God bless you! May His face shine upon you and may you be bore up on angels wings and have peace!:)
  9. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    only I did not pray that she die. And I’m already regenerated .... so are you saying you are questioning my salvation.
    #109 Earth Wind and Fire, Jun 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  10. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    You put your salvation in question for me by your rude un - Christ like brush off . You are just another angry man. Whatever!
    Put your thoughts in submission to Christ. If you had it in mind to pray for someones death , simply because of sin, that one : is not going to kill you , or do some horrid thing to you or others, than be like a gnat, then you have no intention of bringing that person to Christ.

    I get it, no one loves a pebble in their shoe, but if God wants you to then you must. I once thought to pray for an earthquake to hit Pakistan so that Asia Bibi be freed from unjust imprisonment and punishment for not renouncing her faith in Christ. Also, so other Christians could be freed as well. Asia suffered for years unjustly, kept away from her babies and husband. I was angry at evil. It was not that I wanted anyone to die but that she be released. But an earthquake can have devastating consequences.

    I decided to continue to pray for justice and it came, not by an earthquake but by hard working men and women fighting for justice on her behalf. Now I simply say, God, your will be done. I cannot go wrong with that because vengence is His, He will repay. I have to continue to love the pebble in my shoe. Eventually God will take care of it.
    #110 OfLivingWaters, Jun 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  11. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Lady, you are a bomb thrower.... ah, and don’t tell me what to do . The 1st thing you did is jump to a conclusion about me and then proceed to dig in with your false accusations... you have heard that you are to judge not that you may not be judged.... but did that stop you? Oh no, you just kept motoring on and then became insulted and indignant when I asked you to simply go away, well physician, heal yourself . So once again, and answer with clarity this time, “ are you questioning my salvation?” A yes or no is sufficient.
  12. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    No false accusations . You should be more clear with your misleading dialogue and vague implying then no one would have to call you out. Say what you mean and mean what you say. "Let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything other is from the evil one".

    Oh.......and I do throw bombs, Spiritual ones. I am not the one who posted this OP the burden of proof concerning intention is upon you.

    And IRONIC! You ask if I question YOUR SALVATION all while questioning anyone who is not of your denomination concerning theirs. I did not come in here questioning your salvation, but since you ask now I will. Testing is good!
    #112 OfLivingWaters, Jun 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  13. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    EWF: I will choose love and will not be entangled in you anger toward all. I have no time for that if you are affected by my Truth bombs , God's will be done. I choose love and that is test enough to prove what any man is. I will choose to pray for you.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    I was clear as clean water unfortunately your comprehension needs work. Next if you had bothered to read the entire thread, which you clearly did not, you would see that someone asked for background information on the woman and that prompted the reply .

    Testing is good providing you understand all the parameters of the test and you clearly still do not. So you blindly go about assailing others without all the information. Shame on you and all your tragic assumptions.

    BTW do you know what ‘assumptions’ are?

    They are a sure way to make (An Ass out of U & Me).... No no!
  15. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Thought at first when speaking of Poppet, he was referring to this:

    #115 Earth Wind and Fire, Jun 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  16. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Well at least I made you laugh. What are those parameters according to you?
    And I do realize I am on a unjust playing field. Regardless, of what Truth I speak, I will not be treated fairly in this playground. Deflection is not cool nor twisting my words.
    BTW assumptions are based on no evidence, not even that which is implied. But for sure after reading many of your post, I did not assume that you have a vile hatred toward non Baptist especially toward Catholics. That is not an assumption on my part that is fact spoken by your own mouth. Even in the music forum you dis Protestants and called all Catholicism a cult. This concerning if it is okay for Baptist to listen to Catholic hymns. So I can conclude, you hate Catholics Also, you do not approve of Protestantism that has ANYTHING in common with Catholicism. You also therefore, hate the Orthodox because the Catholic Church has accepted some of its doctrines Like Mother Mary is Theotokos, her Dormition and ascension. So you believe that Christianity began with your group and ends with your group? Not for anything, but you do a disservice to the History of Christianity. It is sad that men can not see what faithful people have contributed by building doctrines especially those precious stone ones upon the foundation. Paul said scriptures are profitable for making doctrine but we must be careful how we build.

    I will stick with finding the truth in all and serving my Christ in love because he has FIRST loved me, God Bless!
  17. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    How were we fortunate to get you on this board? So clairvoyant, one so pure, one so puerile and of course banal. Your the next candidate for sainthood. But to have sainthood remember that 3 miracles are required so you best get busy... we sinners must not be an obstacle to your stairway to heaven. :Devilish :Sneaky
  18. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    "The Word Dwells Among Us"
    In the poor, in the hope of the unemployed, in the courage of the oppressed, in the presence of each other

    On the Waterfront (1954)--QUOTES:

    Edie: What kind of saint hides in a church?

    Father Barry: Boys, this is my church! And if you don't think Christ is down here on the waterfront you've got another guess coming!

    "Were it not for God's choosing some, Heaven would have none." (Jer 13:23; John 6:38-9, 44)
    EWF, you should probably practice what you preach then also add this:
    1 Corinthians 13:12-13
    …12Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love.

    And while you are at it, please by all means tell me ONE THING I SAID THAT IS A LIE? And let's not be disingenuous, it is clear ( I ) show no partiality and have in many post pointed out the faults of the RCC. So if ( I ) have no partiality and you do, who , according to the written Word is in sin?

    Deuteronomy 1"16-18
    …16At that time I charged your judges: “Hear the disputes between your brothers, and judge fairly between a man and his brother or a foreign resident. 17Show no partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be intimidated by anyone, for judgment belongs to God. And bring to me any case too difficult for you, and I will hear it.” 18And at that time I commanded you all the things you were to do.…
    Acts 10:33-35

    33So I sent for you immediately, and you were kind enough to come. Now then, we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has instructed you to tell us.” 34Then Peter began to speak: “I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism, 35but welcomes those from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.…

    Deuteronomy 10:17
    For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awesome God, showing no partiality and accepting no bribe.

    2 Chronicles 19:7
    And now, may the fear of the LORD be upon you. Be careful what you do, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice, partiality, or bribery."

    Job 34:19
    who is not partial to princes and does not favor rich over poor? For they are all the work of His hands.
    Acts 15:9
    He made no distinction between us and them, for He cleansed their hearts by faith.

    Romans 2:11
    For God does not show favoritism.

    Ephesians 6:9
    And masters, do the same for your slaves. Give up your use of threats, because you know that He who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with Him.

    Colossians 3:25
    Whoever does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism.

    James 2:1
    My brothers, as you hold out your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, do not show favoritism.

    James 2:9
    But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

    1 Peter 1:17
    Since you call on a Father who judges each one's work impartially, conduct yourselves in reverent fear during your stay as foreigners.

    I am in essence a guest a foreigner here, and have addressed all things across the board fairly, yet you set yourself up as an affront. I would like to know an affront to what exactly?
  19. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    There is a wonderful feature on BB that is accessible to any person on here called Ignore. Click it, and poof , pests are gone.
  20. OfLivingWaters

    OfLivingWaters Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Non Baptist Christian
    There is a wonderful feature in Christ's heart it is called LOVE. Press toward it and POOF a wonderful thing happens, you gain a heart like His heart and all your hate disappears!

    Ephesians 4:1-3
    Unity in the Body
    1As a prisoner in the Lord, then, I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have received: 2with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3and with diligence to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.…

    Colossians 3:12
    Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

    Colossians 3:13
    Bear with each other and forgive any complaint you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

    1 Peter 3:8
    Finally, all of you, be like-minded and sympathetic, love as brothers, be tender-hearted and humble.
    #120 OfLivingWaters, Jun 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
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