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KFI Shock Jocks Lead California Tax Revolt

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by righteousdude2, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Jon and Ken, talk show hosts on KFI 640 AM, have started the ball rolling to recall Governor Schwarzenegger, and other elected officials. The reason behind this tax revolt is that Schwarzenegger was originally elected for his stated stand against any new tax in California. on his Inauguration Day, he rolled back the car tax [as a campaign promise].

    When he signed the new tax increases, last week, he may have signed his own end in politics. In the eyes of many Californians, who are sick-and-tired of paying the highest taxes in the USA, they were lied to, and believe it's time to put a stop to this kind of free fall in state spending and taxation.

    If you'd like to read more about this Tax Revolt in California, please go to: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-John-and-Ken-Show/12938177147

    You can also read more about the two radio hosts at their web site on: http://www.kfiam640.com/pages/johnandkenshow/

    What amazes me most about our new taxes is that whatever the working person gains from the Stimulus of Obama, California politicians have voted to take away.

    One of the big lies being sold to public is that state workers are giving up two state holidays [Presidents Day and Columbus Day] to help balance the budget. However, their unions secretly won back [under the table] those two holidays in under the guise of two floating holidays. In truth, this didn't solve any stated budget problems, rather it shows the smoke and mirrors approach to correcting the budget, at least in the eyes of the trusting public.

    Still, the state employees did take a major paycheck "hit" with the continuation of the two-day-a-month furloughs. This does add up to at least a 10% pay cut.

    I don't know if this radical tax increase is the start of similar increases for other states, but, it will be interesting to wait and see just what this affect this radio station tax revolt has????


    Pastor Paul:type:
  2. dragonfly

    dragonfly New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    What do you propose? Let the economy of the state of California collapse completely?
  3. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Less taxes in specific areas bring on more revenue.
  4. matt wade

    matt wade Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2009
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    Let's see, in one thread righteousdude2 complains about high taxes. In another he says that tax dollars should help pay for his house. Is everyone else as confused as I am?
  5. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    California would have been paid $50billion with a B by allowing drilling for oil offshore but the whacko environmentalists/democrats/leftists and other assorted ???turned it down.
  6. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    It's what they deserve.
  7. LeBuick

    LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    What would those area's be?
  8. LeBuick

    LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    That should be Could with a C and not Would with a W. There was no guarantee they would have received $50 Billion unless you have a link with facts.

    I know the right doesn't care much about the environment but it really confuses me. How do you worry so much about the public debt we leave our grandkids but not care what condition we leave them the planet?
  9. dragonfly

    dragonfly New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Typical Carpro!

    It's a good thing God doesn't give us what we deserve, right Carpro?

    I guess we cannot carry biblical principles into how we treat our citizens, at least that's the republican viewpoint.
  10. rbell

    rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    You know, the flip side is also worth discussing:

    How can you be so concerned about the "environment," yet leave your children saddled with debt?
  11. LeBuick

    LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    I agree, so what we need is to responsibly balance the two since both views are very important. When God gave man dominion over this earth, I believe he haded us the responsibility to be good stewards. Debt we leave our children is a human concern and not spiritual. God doesn't operate with money and can remove all debt if he so chooses. We can say these same things about our natural resources.

    The question I have is why destroy the earth in the attempt to save a dime? Is that responsible stewards?
  12. JustChristian

    JustChristian New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    How can you be so concerned about saddling your children with debt and then support the outrageous cost of the Iraq war? Why was it that we invaded Iraq?
  13. rbell

    rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    How 'bout picking a topic and staying with it? My goodness, you couldn't stay on topic if your life depended on it.

    Show me where I've enthusiastically supported the Iraq war. You sure do make a lot of assumptions. Do you seriously think that you know every political viewpoint I hold? (of course, since you use most threads as a "jumping off spot" for your off-topic rants and accusations, I guess it's not important for you to accurately represent the viewpoint of a fellow poster, is it?)

    Thinking before posting is an admirable trait. Perhaps you should try it sometime.
  14. rbell

    rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I'm sorry...my computer is slow. It's busy doing a search--trying to find where I've supported "destroying the earth."

    Since you've accused me of that, I'm sure I've held that viewpoint somewhere on here...because I'm certain that you would't accuse me falsely. However, I'm having trouble finding where I articulated that position. Could you find it for me? Thanks.
  15. billwald

    billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    Replace elected officials with what? Elected officials?
  16. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Dear Matt

    I do not want tax dollars to pay for my house. I do want the bank to work on some type of program that will allow for the underwater amount. I am as confused as you, because the economy is going down the drain, and it seems to be sucking evryone with it.

    The government is not the answer to the housing problem, it will be up to the banks. When I wrote that post it was to suggest that someone, somehow needs to figure out a way to allow for the DRASTIC flip in housing. It is terrible to go to bed one day and have your house worth $400,000.00 and the next day see it worth $170,000.00. [I am using figures that have nothing to do with my situation, as that is truly a private matter]. I hope you understand....I do not want a bailout. I think this entire bailout, stimulus thing is the wrong way.

    I do think it would be great if the banks would find a way to "forgive the loss, and allow it to maybe be a balloon payment at the end of the loan period. It is an idea, but, I don't have an answer. So, please, let it drop....as I said on that post [the other day], I had heard enough of the negative from you folks. Please, let it be, and move on!:thumbs:

    The post I did here is not anything related to the stimulus. I just wanted to post this, because it is interesting, and it is something people like you may be interested in reading and watching to see how it works out.


    Pastor Paul
  17. rbell

    rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    As was said before...there is no constitutionally guaranteed right to property appreciation.
  18. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    No One Will Disagree With That....

    As usual, you are right on.....I won't disagree with you. :thumbs:

    However, I am upset with the way "smooth mortgage brokers used the rush of housing appreciation to make big bucks off ten-of-thousands of people. As I said before....the housing boom was a scam, but, at the time, it looked really good. It made lots of money for a select few that found a way to suck people in, and it left the home owners, and the investors holding a bag of nothing but empty promises.

    I hope the Attorney General finds a way to prosecute these brokers, because it has left a lot of people with nothing to show for their investment. I looked at the loan I got on my home as an investment. I used the money to completely remodel my 14 year old home. My plan was to hold on to the home until I reached 65, and sell it for a minimal profit, enough to buy a mobile home. As it is, I am not the owner of a home that is worth anything near what I put into the home. Thanks to ALL the foreclosures going on ALL around me. These foreclosures have caused the price of homes to drop more than 65% in my area.

    According to the articles I read, my particular community is one of the worst in the nation when it comes to "depreciation" of the value of the home.

    My plan now is to hold on to my beautiful home, and pray that the value of homes climb back up that steep slop in a time period that allows me to one day get that investment back out of my home. Of course, if I have to wait toooooo long, the home will once again need work to get it looking as nice at it does right now.

    There were people that used their equity for world wide trips and expensive vacations, new cars, motor homes, etc. Those folks are the ones who have NOW walked away from their homes, leaving an nasty black hole of falling prices of homes.

    I think the brokers were bodering on the criminal side of business, but, what can a person do. I plan on honoring my word when it comes to this house, but, it will be along hard road to travel.

    Again, I read the post and do not see anywhere that I am asking the government to bailout me out. I was asking for the banks to take a look at the problem and find a solution to end the underwater situation. That does not mean we should use tax dollars to do this. The banks can do this without federal money. It is simply a paper thing. Like I said, I'm not a banker, and I don't have a solution. Just a lot of FRUSTRATION right now.


    Pastor Paul:praying:
    #18 righteousdude2, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2009
  19. LeBuick

    LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    I didn't accuse you of anything. I made a general statement aligning with the topic of this thread. In my view the idea of careless drilling is irresponsible and a formula to destroy that which God has made us stewards.
  20. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Drill Baby Drill???

    Let's not forget the Republican slogan: Drill Baby Drill!:smilewinkgrin: Now, back on topic!!!