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Mexico demanded US prosecute Agents Ramos-Compean

Discussion in '2007 Archive' started by LadyEagle, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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  2. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Well I think the United States should demand that Mexico start enforcing it's own borders (ie...keeping its people in). In fact I think the United States should cut all ties with Mexico until they fix their borders. Make it a condition of re-establishing any connections.
  3. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    And of course with Attorney General Gonzales, a former member of La Raza, the US complied with Mexico's demands. If the Bush administration gets their way, we will be moving the border patrol to Mexico's southern border when they open the border between the US and Mexico.

    I wrote a letter to my Senator and GOP Chairman Mel Martinez about this issue. His response is that laws were broke and that this is just an unfortunate event.

    Mel Martinez, Alberto Gonzales and Jorge Bush are donig a great job of handing our border over to Mexico!
  4. Petra-O IX

    Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Follow the money. Those who benefit from the illegal invasion are those who are orchestrating events that enable it to continue.
  5. iq4truth

    iq4truth New Member

    Jan 8, 2004
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    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif]On Thursday, February 15, John Birch Society members in the Washington, D.C. area will hand deliver to every U.S. representative a copy of the current issue of The New American in defense of imprisoned Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif]The more familiar congressmen and their staffs become with the evidence in support of Ramos and Compean, the greater the likelihood that they will become actively involved in the fight to free the two Border Patrol agents. In fact, dozens of congressmen who have looked into the case are already voicing their support for Ramos and Compean, but many more congressmen will need to take up the cause to force President Bush to do the right thing and pardon the agents.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif]To reinforce the efforts of the JBS members who will be visiting congressional offices on the 15th, we encourage everyone to contact their own U.S. congressman at this time in support of freeing the two Border Patrol agents. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif]Any member of the House (or Senate) can be reached through the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. Individual phone, fax, and email contact info is available at www.jbs.org/congress.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif]There is a growing groundswell from the grass-roots in support of Ramos and Compean. Because of that groundswell it appears more likely that the agents will be pardoned. Let’s keep pouring it on![/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif]If you have not yet written to your U.S. representative and senators in support of Ramos and Compean, click here. And if you have not yet written directly to President Bush asking him to pardon the two agents, click here.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif]The New American has published a series of groundbreaking articles about the Ramos/Compean case, including several specifically for the Internet. To read our latest articles in the series, go to "Free the Border Patrol 2" and "Pardon Groundswell: Pour It On!"[/FONT]

    Lots of topics to discuss...
  6. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 26, 2003
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    The Mexican officials have to have some way of getting nice SUVs. If we did what you suggest then they would not have a highway for that.
  7. iq4truth

    iq4truth New Member

    Jan 8, 2004
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  8. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Pardons for Drug Dealers
    by William F. Jasper

    President Bush has thus far ignored the pleas of hundreds of thousands of Americans who petitioned for pardons for agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. However, he has pardoned a number of convicted criminals, including recently. On December 21, 2006, President Bush pardoned these drug offenders:

    • Marie Georgette Ginette Briere — possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.
    • George Thomas Harley — aiding and abetting the distribution of cocaine.
    • Patricia Ann Hultman — conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and other controlled substances.
    • Eric William Olson — possession with intent to distribute, possession, and use of hashish.

    On the same day, Bush also commuted the sentence of Phillip Anthony Emmert, who was serving time for conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine.

    On September 28, 2005, President Bush pardoned these drug offenders:

    • Adam Wade Graham — conspiracy to deliver LSD.
    • Larry Paul Lenius — conspiracy to distribute cocaine.
    • Larry Lee Lopez — conspiracy to import marijuana.
    • Mark Lewis Weber — selling Quaalude tablets, selling, using and possessing marijuana.

    On the same day, he also pardoned Jesse Ray Harvey, a United Mine Workers union member convicted of blowing up mines in West Virginia.
  9. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Bush is not going to issue a pardon for these men. It does not matter how many petitions you sign, emails you write, or signs you hold. George W Bush is, according to one source I heard, under the belief that these men did wrong and deserve their punishment. There is also the fact that he does not want effective border control measures.

    In my opinion these guys did not handle the situation the way they probably should have. However they don't deserve prison time. The fact that Bush is allowing this shows how very out of touch he is. I also think of the case with Dog Chapman. This man arrested a dangerous criminal and, in the process, made Mexico angry. The United States is actually considering sending Chapman back to Mexico to face charges. How stupid is that? What should we do? Here is the Martin policy: :laugh:

    We should:

    -end all cooperation with Mexico, today. No trade, no diplomatic communication. Relations/cooperation with Mexico would only resume after they take control of their side of the border. Note that I did not say when they 'agree', no they must 'do'.

    -we should seal off the borders giving all border agents shot to kill orders (if illegals run from them when they order them to stop). Any Mexican who crosses the border illegally and is arrested should be booked, jailed for a few days, sent back to their country of origin, and banned from the United States for life (no visits, no chance at citizenship).

    -all illegals currently in the United States should be given 30 days to either (a) leave, (b) start the citizenship process, (c) seek a worker permit, or (d) seek asylum. Any who have not done that in 30 days should be arrested, booked, jailed for a few days, sent back to their country of origin, and they should be banned from the United States for life (no visits, no chance at citizenship).

    -all American employers who employee illegals should be given 60 days to terminate their employment. After those 60 days these employers will start getting manditory $500,000 fines plus 5 years in prison.

    That policy would (a) dry up the jobs, (b) scare the illegals, (c) let Mexico, and other countries, know that we are %100 serious.
  10. 2 Timothy2:1-4

    2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    I agree except i would add that all illegals should go home first and then start the proces for a legal status.
  11. Mexdeaf

    Mexdeaf New Member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    Yeah, great. I can imagine just how long my family and I, as well as countless other missionaries in Mexico, might be permitted to live if the USA undertook the measures you have suggested.

    The problem is that the laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS are not being enforced.

    And I agree those border guards should be set free.

