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Missionary Baptist Church(es)

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by wpe3bql, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. wpe3bql

    wpe3bql Member

    May 15, 2015
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    In my almost 50 years in God's Family, I've had occasion to acquaint myself with two "kinds" of churches, both of which refer to themselves as "Missionary Baptist Churches."

    One/some of these "Missionary Baptist Churches" is/are primarily Caucasian in membership and (at least the ones with which I'm familiar) seem to be:

    (1) "Landmark" (i.e., adhere to Boice's Trail of Blood thesis [A chain-link succession exists all the way back to Christ's earthly ministry during which He founded His church---comprised of the Twelve Apostles.]
    (2) Based on #1 above, the only true churches are those in the lineage mentioned above; hence it is only such churches that have the right to administer the ordinances as mentioned in the NT.
    (a) Some will insist that "the cup's" contents must be fermented wine, and that the Lord's Supper can only be for those who are members in good standing of that particular local Baptist church, i.e., CLOSED communion [How a particular local church determines "the goodness of standing" of each and every member apparently is determined by some criteria contained within said local church's "Governing Document."]
    (b) The pastor is usually the only individual authorized to administer baptism. Some will insist that even baptisteries aren't Scriptural because one doesn't find them mentioned in the NT.
    (c) And, get this, some will even go so far as to believe that, since marriage was ordained by God, marriage therefore is an Ordinance. Since only "true" NT local churches (as defined by the above) are authorized to administer the ordinances, it stands to reason that since Christ's earthly ministry, only marriages performed under the aegis of a "true NT local church are recognized as being "Scriptural" in God's eyes!

    (2) Rigidly adhere to "The Doctrines of Grace," One should not refer to these doctrines as "Calvinistic" because they existed long before Mr. Calvin was born.

    The other "kind" of "Missionary Baptist Churches" with which I'm acquainted have members primarily of the Afro-American race. I don't know if their doctrines/practices differ from the other kind of "Missionary Baptist Churches" as defined above, but I tend to believe they probably do.

    I'm fully aware that one can put a name/label/tag on either a particular local church or even a group of local churches without such identifier meaning little or nothing at all per se. IOW, putting a Rolls Royce emblem on a Yugo (or vice versa) does not per se make a motorized vehicle exactly what that emblem represents.

    All I'm doing is to invite my BB Land friends to submit their comments/observations, etc., to my OP.

    In so doing, we are reminded to keep your submissions in a civil tone as per First Corinthians 13:11.
  2. Batt4Christ

    Batt4Christ Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 27, 2009
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    I'm years late to this and maybe it isn't even worth commenting at this point. But I am a pastor of a "Missionary Baptist Church" (we are BMAA-affiliated). Your observations are partially correct, partially not so much. But there is some interesting stuff to at least briefly discuss:

    1 - There are a few "Missionary Baptists" - from the more "Landmark" varieties (ABA and BMA Baptists historically have been of this kind - though some reason and history has helped reduce this hang-up somewhat). The BMA (Baptist Missionary Association) actually came out of the ABA (American Baptist Association) in 1950. Of the two, the ABA has much heavier leanings towards Landmarkism.

    2 - Black Missionary Baptists - can be all over the theological/doctrinal map, though many are doctrinally quite similar to those in #1 above. Some are more charismatic in their leanings - but their focus is on "missions".

    BUT - very few of either group would ever admit to following the "Doctrines of Grace" (or Calvinism) - with most being rather ANTI-Calvinistic in their soteriology - with many today being wrapped up in decisional regeneration (though they would often agree with most of the points of the Doctrines of Grace if you just change the words you use to describe them!).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Ah, that would be nearly 60 years, now.

    Our church assembly was organized by succession authority in 1786.

    "Our authority came, according to the Biblical doctrine of “church succession,” through particular New England “separate” Baptists who had sought out existing Baptist churches for this arm of authority."

    Our History – Bryan Station Baptist Church

    We have organized 38+ other Missionary Baptist churches, along with a robust publications ministry, etc., etc., and currently support 23 missionary on the field, around the world, full time.

    Churches Organized – Bryan Station Baptist Church

    As Independent Missionary Baptists we base our heritage on 90%* thoughtful prayerful acquiescence to the Eternal Word of God and The Lordship of Jesus and 10%** on ancient and overwhelming historical evidence of 'like faith and order' congregations existing throughout the world, since the time of Christ.

    In spite of them being outside of the Roman Catholic and Protestant (often political) hierarchies, and hounded and persecuted, WITHOUT RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, thereby leaving much of their historic trail in blood.

    *I will make a post on Baptist-like Perpetuity from the scriptures.

    **The 10% is not advisedly contended for an historical 'Pedigree', which is indefensible, since Baptists want to and need to see the church business 'minutes' recorded, "by what churches authority was a certain member voted on to advise and organize the new starting congregation?" (just like in the Bible).

    Where are those detailed records, from the first century through to the 21st? Right.

    Although, we do believe in a chain-link succession, it is by faith in God's Promises in the Bible, 90%, and 10%, by faith, observing what history records that God has Permitted to be preserved.

    Jesus Founded His kind of church assembly and Promised to be with her. Satan has changed the definition of a Biblical 'church' assembly, in the world's perspective, however, Jesus Commissioned her to make disciples, get folks saved by preaching the Gospel, baptize them into a congregating assembly for membership and then teach them all things Jesus Commanded'.

    When you find a church assembly organized and doing all those very things, you have a Supernatural Organization/ Organism doing the business of God.

    Just like when you see the Bible describing man as putrefying and a Totally Depraved wretched worm and you then figure man would probably not have written that about themselves, when you see a local church body preaching that truth, salvation by Grace, Believer's baptism, Closed Communion, church discipline, etc., etc., why else wouldn't you consider them to have a Supernatural, Divine, origin?

    If it is not Historical Baptist-like assemblies, who is it?

    That teaches 'all things whatsoever I have Commanded you', about the Doctrines mentioned?

    And not forty ways of 'salvation', excepting any heretic's 'baptism', when we don't know if they were saved and we definitely know we don't except and want to act like we agree with their other Doctrines, or that they can be shown to have their origin in a man and/ or the synagogue of Satan, mother of harlots and abominations?

    Feel me?

    If a member is not under church discipline they are to judge their own heart and members, who we have watch care over, for whether the member is in good standing, are the only one eligible to observe the Lord's Supper, for that reason, correct.

    These details are up to the democratic vote of each individual local body of believers.

    This is odd sounding, isn't, of some church actually discussed this(?)

    Good enough, if they are physically fit enough, otherwise, that local church is the voting authority on administering the Ordinances and, therefore, who they choose to do the dipping.

    It is up to their vote, as a Congregation. No 'Book' on that one that I know of, unless folks want to play O.T. priest, with their more stringent criteria, etc.

    Only saved couples or lost couples, up to the preacher. No 'mixed', one saved and one lost, or that preacher is not being faithful and prudent. What concord has Christ with Balial?

    The government issues licences for marriage, so marriage is not under the authority of a local church, to make marriage valid and legal.

    Calvin didn't like the name Calvinism for the same reason Elvis didn't like being called 'king'. Both out of respect for God.

    I see the Doctrines of Grace as Eternal!

    The Doctrines of Grace are Eternal.

    We'd be glad to show you all you want of them from The Pentateuch, or Job, etc., or anywhere else in the Bible.

    There are some here, right down the road, that were established in the 1700s. One by a former slave.

    What little I know about them is they usually have you stand up and introduce yourself as a visitor. After whatever else, I always say, "you all remind me of the ones in the Bible that says, these are they "of whom the world is not worthy."

    They like that.

    And I do to.

    The most I have ever given a black church and their preacher as an offering is $1,000.

    My wife and I have supported up to 4 black children at a time, in Haiti, for their clothes, cleanliness, medical, schooling, and to learn about Jesus, etc.

    The internet will still gladly call me prejudice, of course.

    That's one reason we don't go there for our doctrine!


    "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
    #3 Alan Gross, Mar 7, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023