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One-Percent Jokes and Plutocrats in Drag

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    What I Saw When I Crashed a Wall Street Secret Society

    Recently, our nation’s financial chieftains have been feeling a little unloved. Venture capitalists are comparing the persecution of the rich to the plight of Jews at Kristallnacht, Wall Street titans are saying that they’re sick of being beaten up, and this week, a billionaire investor, Wilbur Ross, proclaimed that “the 1 percent is being picked on for political reasons.”

    Ross's statement seemed particularly odd, because two years ago, I met Ross at an event that might single-handedly explain why the rest of the country still hates financial tycoons – the annual black-tie induction ceremony of a secret Wall Street fraternity called Kappa Beta Phi.

    “Good evening, Exalted High Council, former Grand Swipes, Grand Swipes-in-waiting, fellow Wall Street Kappas, Kappas from the Spring Street and Montgomery Street chapters, and worthless neophytes!”

    It was January 2012, and Ross, wearing a tuxedo and purple velvet moccasins embroidered with the fraternity’s Greek letters, was standing at the dais of the St. Regis Hotel ballroom, welcoming a crowd of two hundred wealthy and famous Wall Street figures to the Kappa Beta Phi dinner. Ross, the leader (or “Grand Swipe”) of the fraternity, was preparing to invite 21 new members — “neophytes,” as the group called them — to join its exclusive ranks.

    < snip >

    After cocktail hour, the new inductees – all of whom were required to dress in leotards and gold-sequined skirts, with costume wigs – began their variety-show acts. Among the night’s lowlights:

    • Paul Queally, a private-equity executive with Welsh, Carson, Anderson, & Stowe, told off-color jokes to Ted Virtue, another private-equity bigwig with MidOcean Partners. The jokes ranged from unfunny and sexist (you'll have to read the article to see these jokes)

    • Bill Mulrow, a top executive at the Blackstone Group (who was later appointed chairman of the New York State Housing Finance Agency), and Emil Henry, a hedge fund manager with Tiger Infrastructure Partners and former assistant secretary of the Treasury, performed a bizarre two-man comedy skit. Mulrow was dressed in raggedy, tie-dye clothes to play the part of a liberal radical, and Henry was playing the part of a wealthy baron. They exchanged lines as if staging a debate between the 99 percent and the 1 percent. (“Bill, look at you! You’re pathetic, you liberal! You need a bath!” Henry shouted. “My God, you callow, insensitive Republican! Don’t you know what we need to do? We need to create jobs,” Mulrow shot back.)

    • David Moore, Marc Lasry, and Keith Meister — respectively, a holding company CEO, a billionaire hedge-fund manager, and an activist investor — sang a few seconds of a finance-themed parody of “YMCA” before getting the hook.

    • Warren Stephens, an investment banking CEO, took the stage in a Confederate flag hat and sang a song about the financial crisis, set to the tune of “Dixie.” (“In Wall Street land we’ll take our stand, said Morgan and Goldman. But first we better get some loans, so quick, get to the Fed, man.”)

  2. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Doncha just love being the butt of these jokers jokes?
  3. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 5, 2010
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    No .... but most of these NY 'Gall' Street Bozo's are liberals themselves...... They all sponsored BO over Romney.
  4. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Does it always have to be framed the left vs the right? Why can't it just be right vs wrong?

    According to opensecrets.org that keeps track of political campaign contributions Romney was the most preferred candidate among the bankers and Wall Street traders.

    Top Contributors

    Barack Obama (D)
    1 University of California $1,212,245
    2 Microsoft Corp $814,645
    3 Google Inc $801,770
    4 US Government $728,647
    5 Harvard University $668,368

    Mitt Romney (R)
    1 Goldman Sachs $1,033,204
    2 Bank of America $1,013,402
    3 Morgan Stanley $911,305
    4 JPMorgan Chase & Co $834,096
    5 Wells Fargo $677,076

    Top Industries

    Barack Obama (D)
    Retired $54,522,578
    Lawyers/Law Firms $27,533,147
    Education $21,615,820
    Health Professionals $10,456,340
    Business Services $8,646,106

    Mitt Romney (R)
    Retired $64,727,865
    Securities & Investment $21,525,657
    Real Estate $14,895,300
    Lawyers/Law Firms $14,285,200
    Health Professionals $12,598,997

    #4 poncho, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
  5. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Look over your shoulder, banker man

    “seventh banker to die recently under mysterious circumstances…”

    look over your shoulder, banker man

    they’re coming

    what do you know, banker man,

    about a missing trillion dollars

    flown away

    about Libor

    about the other set of books

    about big-time politicians who are in on it

    look over your shoulder

    you could take a walk from your house and never come back

    you could jump from the roof of your bank

    you could become “undisclosed circumstances”

    you could be “waiting for the toxicology report”

    you could be “shot yourself eight times with a nail gun”

    you could be “died on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La Hotel”

    look over your shoulder

    better release a statement:

    #5 poncho, Feb 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2014