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Only Married in the eyes of God

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by Deacon, Sep 22, 2002.

  1. Farmer's Wife

    Farmer's Wife New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    Brother Glen, that one's easy! [​IMG]

    "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."~ Acts 5:29 (KJB)

  2. Grammy1013

    Grammy1013 <img src =/Kate.gif>

    Aug 30, 2002
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    AMEN!! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    Generally I'd agree but I think in this case the idea was to defraud the state.
  4. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    You know what really chaps my hide... I speak as the father of two handicapped grown children... And we have been through welfare hell trying to get services for our kids in times past.

    The government wants to punish the elderly and the handicapped if they get married. Sounds kind of medevial to me... What are they afraid of they are going to breed and bring more politicians into the world just like them? No they are afraid they are going to bring more retarted, blind, deaf and dumb and you name your disease into the world.

    Yet these same people will give away money that could be used to help the handicapped to some idiot that fried his brain on drugs. I know I met one that used to live above us when we were in apartment many years ago. He didn't have any trouble gettting his Social Security Supplemental Income. He was living off the government not because of a birth defect but because of a moron defect... He was an idiot that fried his brain.

    So where is the fairness if two people whether elderly or handicapped want to get married? I hate to bust everyones bubble but this stinks pardon the expression to high heaven. Why can't the government help the married elderly and handicapped when they squander our money on everything under the sun and every hair brained idea any idiot will come up with. They seem to readily open up the vault for all these committees to study various problem and projects but when it comes to what is really important... Forget You!

    I hear God will provide!... Right off the bat I will tell you I am not blaming God... But I am sure blaming those that could help... I am blaming Gods children that do nothing... I am blaming churches that with the withal that do nothing... I am blaming us who have the power to change these things and do nothing.

    We will bend over backwards to help those over seas but in our backyard we turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. I can't begin to tell you how many homeless people are in the city of San Diego and in your towns and cities you have probably seen your share.

    To you who are doing something to make a difference more of Gods power to you. If Gods laws supersedes the laws of the land how come the laws of the land are winning? If you don't think so look around you!... This article about two handicapped people looking for happiness is just the tip of a gigaintic iceberg. Why can't the mighty omnipotent government help this couple and other like them? They never seem to fall short of helping themselves! :mad: ... Brother Glen

    [ September 28, 2002, 09:09 PM: Message edited by: tyndale1946 ]
  5. hrhema

    hrhema New Member

    Mar 26, 2002
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    The Government seems to want to help those who can help themselves.

    I have relatives that are drawing social security disability but really they are capable of working.
    One of them has narcolepsy but her medication controls it so she could work. My sister also could work but she conned some doctor into saying she cannot work.

    I blame a lot of this on churches. The church I go to wastes so much money. There are four ministers and each have a secretary. Most of the time these secretaries don't even work 20 hours a week but get paid for 40. They go shopping a lot.
    Then you have people on the payroll just because they are too lazy to find a public job and they get paid for doing nothing. Then they pay piano players and organ players a salary. When I was growing up they were voluntary positions. It was an honor to play musical instruments for your church.

    They have a three church janitors on the payroll but they hire an outside company to clean the church. The head janitor mainly stands around and does nothing but gets paid for it.

    This church gives nothing to the poor. If someone comes to the church and asks for help they are escorted out of the building. If someone calls they are treated rudely.

    There has been families who have nearly starved because no one there from the church even tried to help them.

    The pastor makes this huge whopping salary, has his vehicles and home paid for and both him and his wife wear designer clothing while the members needing help or looked at in disgust.

    In our sunday school class there is a woman who has to hold two jobs down, has a teen age daughter at home and her husband cannot work because he has lung and liver cancer. The Sunday school class has taken out of their own pockets to help but the church fund has given them nothing including groceries, etc.

    Government is one thing but when churches have the wealth and the resources to help but don't so the staff can live in $350,000 homes and drive $45,000 cars and wear $600 suits then that is a big problem with me.
  6. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    Hrhema finally there is something you and I agree on!... Brother Glen [​IMG]
  7. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    Matthew 25: 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

    35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

    36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

    37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

    38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

    39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

    40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

    41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

    42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

    43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

    44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

    45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

    46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal... Brother Glen [​IMG]
  8. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    I respect your opinions here, but let me ask this:
    if a couple is married only by a justice of the peace or somebody authorized by government to perform marriages other than a priest, pastor, or preacher, then are they also married in the eyes of God ?
    I mean, here we are saying that government has no business to declare who is married and who is not and that God is the one who instituted marriages and so on, so, at the risk of my question being redundant, doesn't it follow that if one is not married by a preacher in church, then one is in fornication ?
    Taking it a step further, we are all giving these thoughts on God instituting marriage as Christians and half the world is not Christian, so Muslims and Buddhists and Taoists and the like are in fornication. Is that right ?
  9. Bartimaeus

    Bartimaeus New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    I agree with you. Here's a big one:
    Let's build a big family life center so all our jocks can play ball and worship sports at church and the widow sits idle starving giving her mite so the preacher can show off his legs and his $175,000 pagan temple. Does Christ have the preiminence here?
    For where your treasure is there also is your heart.

    Is a person is married with the state being a party to their marriage, are they married? Yes.
    God did institute marriage. God's way is coverture marriage. Cain had a wife, but not a church wedding, God still said he was married.
    In essence Cain was a heathen. God said he was married. He was not a fornicator.
  10. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Shall we take this one step future?

    What does it mean to be married in the eyes of God? In other words, at what point are two people marrie din the eyes of God?

  11. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    Now you’re really opening up a can of worms! I didn’t think about that in this context.

    In the past I have felt that if a man has lived with another woman, he would be considered to have been married “in the eyes of God”, this would therefore disqualifying him from being an elder/Pastor if he married someone else later. But I have never really studied this through.
  12. Mrs KJV

    Mrs KJV <img src =/MrsKJV.gif>

    Mar 7, 2002
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    The bible says we are to follow the laws of the land. I'm pretty sure this topic is a law. [​IMG]
  13. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    This is a reply to Hrhema.

    Sounds as if you need to find another church. You cannot be of service to the Lord in a church where you find so much fault with it.

    Yes, usually, there are a few things that may bother someone about their church, but you seem to be bothered about a lot of things. How did this get into this subject?
  14. Grammy1013

    Grammy1013 <img src =/Kate.gif>

    Aug 30, 2002
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    To my knowledge, there is no law that says a woman and man who live together MUST be married by the state. The state won't recognize your marriage if it's just performed in a church, but it's not a LAW that the state MUST marry them.
  15. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    I've done a lot of thinking, and this is something that I've always wondered about, but just never really found a good place to ask!

    Thank you for giving me a place to ask! [​IMG]

  16. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Wouldn't it depend on when the man got saved?
  17. LAWC

    LAWC New Member

    May 7, 2002
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    In response to BaptistForever--
    I had a teacher in a conservative Christian school say that when you were intimate with another--this was the formation of marriage in the eyes of God. As a young teenager, this perhaps was a scare tactic for purity, but it stuck with me all these years and presented a quite a bit of confusion. Today, I reject that idea.
    What do y'all think? Honestly, I have not researched Scripture thoroughly as I should on this issue.
  18. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    Reasons against performing the wedding:
    1. Against government rules.
    2. Its purpose would be to defraud.
    3. If a couple can’t support themselves perhaps they shouldn’t be married.

    1. Marriage is not a domain for government; it is an institution started by God.
    2. The local church should support and provide for one another (we are all part of a body).

    My view: God instituted marriage and the government is merely performing the role that God ordained. Even sinners were considered “married in the eyes of God” in Noah’s time.
    My view: Marriage was instituted by God and is recognized by Him however it is performed.
    But a marriage vow between two individuals is not always honored before God. Joshua 23:11-13
    These people were “married in the eyes of God” but there were still consequences… BIG consequences!

    Perhaps all children should be counseled early in their lives that marriage might not be God’s will for them. They may have a desire to marry but not the ability to properly care for a marriage. This certainly would cut the divorce rates. Lets not be so quick to enter a vow. All those who are married can attest that marriage is work. It’s not always fun and games (I had to look over my shoulder before I wrote that).

    Bartimaeus stated
    I know we are commanded to help widows and orphans but are we commanded to help disabled individuals who still have capable parents?

    I don’t disagree. But it sort of reminds me of the parable in Matthew 20:1-16.
    It may not be fair but 'thems the rules'. They are written up front. We can try to change them if we think they are wrong.
  19. Bartimaeus

    Bartimaeus New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    You may notice sir,(respectfully to you) "if needed".
    I agree, your position "widows and orphans"
  20. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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