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Osteen Family Leaves Plane After Dispute

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by PastorSBC1303, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Osteen family leaves plane after dispute
    FBI agent says the pastor's wife didn't follow a flight attendant's instructions

    Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

    A dispute involving the wife of Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen delayed holiday travel plans for a planeload of passengers, but few details were released Tuesday.

    At least some people aboard the Continental Airlines flight were less than pleased after waiting about two hours at Bush Intercontinental Airport while the Osteens left the plane and their luggage was removed, said a woman who witnessed the incident.

    "She was just abusive," said Sheila Steele, who said she was sitting behind Victoria Osteen. "She was just like one of those divas."

    A church spokesman said the couple and their children left the plane voluntarily after the incident Monday and took another flight to Vail, Colo.

    However, FBI Special Agent Luz Garcia said the Osteens were asked to leave the jetliner after an "altercation." She said Victoria Osteen "failed to comply" with instructions from the flight attendant. She added that no one was detained.

    The incident occurred in the first class section on Flight 1602. Continental spokeswoman Julie King declined to give details.

    The Osteens could not be reached for comment, and the Chronicle was unable to contact other passengers to corroborate Steele's version of events. However, the Vail Daily newspaper reported similar accounts of the incident from other first-class passengers.

    Passenger Barbara Griffith told the Colorado paper that Joel Osteen was "very calm, very professional."

    Lakewood Church spokesman Donald Iloff said Victoria Osteen contacted a flight attendant after noticing that a liquid had been spilled on her seat. The spill apparently was not cleaned up to her satisfaction, Iloff said. The family left the plane voluntarily and took another flight, Iloff said.

    The airline issued a statement saying corporate policy forbids identifying passengers.

    "There have been various accounts regarding events that occurred on one of our flights," the statement added. "We can confirm that there are no remaining issues between (Continental Airlines) and those passengers, and therefore, both parties feel no further comment is necessary."

    Steele said Victoria Osteen was upset about liquid on her pull-down tray and asked a flight attendant to have it cleaned. When the attendant, who was carrying paperwork to the cockpit, told her she couldn't do it immediately, Osteen replied, "Fine, get me a stewardess who can," Steele said.

    She said Victoria Osteen pushed a flight attendant and tried to get into the cockpit. Passengers quoted in the Colorado paper did not address those details.

    Soon after, authorities were called to the plane, she said, although it was not clear Tuesday whether they were airline officials.

    Garcia said Continental officials contacted the FBI about the incident. The agency decided not to investigate.

    "It was quickly resolved between the airline and the Osteens," Garcia said.

    Steele said she and other passengers were upset that they had to wait about two hours while the Osteens' baggage was removed from the plane.

    Joel Osteen is a nationally known author of self-help books.

    He became pastor of Lakewood Church in October 1999, building it into what some observers say is the largest church in the U.S.

    Victoria Osteen also preaches and plays a significant role at the church.

    The congregation in July moved into the 16,000-seat Compaq Center.
  2. jstrickland1989

    jstrickland1989 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    AMEN! What a great testimony! [​IMG]

  3. MatthewHenry

    MatthewHenry New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Typical. Joel is an apostate anyhow. Larry King Proved that.
  4. guitarpreacher

    guitarpreacher New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    He's still moving, kick'em again.
  5. Psalm 100

    Psalm 100 New Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    In the spirit of the season, I think I'll skip the criticism and just pray for them.
  6. I'm4Given

    I'm4Given New Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    The truth allways comes out.
  7. guitarpreacher

    guitarpreacher New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    And that truth would be.....
  8. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Someone ain't telling everything. On the surface, it seems to be to be a problem with the airline not accommodating a passenger, regardless of who the passenger is.
  9. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Who of us have perfect control over our tongue? Somebody is always looking for some juicy gossip to report.

    James 3:8, "But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison."
  10. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    This is the kind of "news" that really gets on my nerves. We have unconfirmed "accounts" of what happened. So we don't really know what happened. Number one. Number two I am sure we ALL have our bad days. If, and I stress IF, things happened like it is stated in the article then I agree it is bad. However let's keep in mind that we all have bad days. I am sure most people on this board have been rude at times. I am sure I have been rude on occasion (1Jn 1:6-10). The difference between the Osteens and us is most people don't know who we are. So I am not about to be a hypocrite and throw stones at the Osteens over this. I will, however, strongly disagree with his brand of easy believism.

  11. hillclimber

    hillclimber New Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    In my view if the Osteen's were out of line, the airline would have had the police there in a heartbeat and the newsies would have portrayed them as typical pompas Christians.
  12. just-want-peace

    just-want-peace Well-Known Member
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    Feb 3, 2002
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    OOOOHHHH, the Christian spirit is just overflowing as we get near Christmas!

    I think I saw a little twitch still; somebody better hop to it while he's still down. Don't give any unnecessary advantage! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  13. James Flagg

    James Flagg Member
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    Oct 17, 2005
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    That's a nice sentiment to hear, but it simply isn't true.
  14. Psalm 100

    Psalm 100 New Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    Just kind of a throw-out....

    If you've ever had to suffer going through Bush Int'l Airport (and I'm sure it's worse at this time of year), then I can understand short tempers and general unhappiness.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    If you travel first class your expectations should be higher...you are paying very big bucks.
    Ms. Osteen was correct to get her first class leather seat cleaned up. The flight attendant should have either dropped her excuse or delegated it to get it cleaned.

    If there is more to the story like Ms. Osteen pushing and shoving then it changes but good customer service could have resolved this and especially for a first class passenger...like I said they pay very high dollars to fly in the leather and have more room.

    Sounds as if it escalated because of two strong
    willed women and once Ms. Osteen made the off hand remark as to call for a stewardess (which is a no-no )it then escalated into pushing and shoving and getting to the captains cockpit
    the captain will only side with the flight attendant.

    but Ms. Osteen isn't exactly the woman who would wash the feet of Jesus with her hair...she sounds as if she wanted good service and did not
    get it.

    I once flew with Richard Roberts on a flight in first class he was not exactly studying his bible
    the whole time or even have one ..when will we learn that these people are fakes.
  16. Ben W

    Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    Here is Victoria Osteen's response from her website

    - Wednesday, December 21, 2005

    I know that many of you have seen the recent news report on our trip to Colorado. Let me begin by saying that I have received so many of your emails and notes encouraging me and expressing your love and support. Each one of you means so much to me and I love you all dearly.

    Regardless of how some have portrayed the situation, please know that it was truly a minor misunderstanding and did not escalate into what you saw or read in the news. Contrary to those reports it was my choice to remove myself from the situation. Nonetheless, it was a most unfortunate event and I truly regret that it happened.

    The last thing I would ever want to do is let any of you down. And I promise you that I did not act in any way that would cast a bad light on you, my family, Lakewood Church or our Lord Jesus Christ. I value the position that God has placed me in and I can assure you that I will always walk in love and integrity. While I am not perfect, I will always seek to be a peacemaker and seek the high road.

    As many of you have told me, I know that God has me in the palm of His hand. My confidence in God is stronger than ever—and I know that He is faithful to His promises.

    Thank you for standing with me and, in spite of what you’ve heard, thank you for believing the best in me. I know that God causes all things to work together for our good— and I truly believe that when faced with adversities we all emerge better and stronger than when we were before.

    During this season, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, Joel and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. May peace and happiness embrace all of us and may 2006 be your best year ever.

  17. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    We're all one way or another fakes and untrue. Only Jesus Christ is truth.

    Besides, Mrs. Osteen is simply in the shadow of her husband Joel, she is known because her husband is known, so if it were Mr. Osteen who threw the tantrums that would have been totally different. But one account says he was very calm and professional (I hope he kicked his wife's butt afterwards).

    A spill on a pull-down tray is no big deal, for crying out loud !

    It's not like she was gonna sit down on it, and even if it were a spill on her seat, the tactful way would simply be to find something to wipe it off herself and another to cover it while she sat on it until it dried up.

    Paying big bucks ain't no excuse to be arrogant, and we can't always throw the mud on the customer service side.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I disagree when you pay for a service and at a high price your expectations should be higher and most airlines know this and a high percentage of the time first class is in top notch shape.

    Who ever cleaned the first class cabin should be
    re-trained and coached on the importance of first class seating to be very clean.

    If any passenger in first class takes the attitude "oh I will clean it up" fine but report
    it so it is corrected in the system and that service standards return to what first class passengers expect.

    In customer service it is better to be pro-active
    and get to yes on behalf of the first class passenger...quick response...delegate quickly...no excuses...deliver what you promise or have promised...to be defensive or allow something to escalate is to have failed in customer service...yes their are difficult passengers...but that is not the point...the point is to be business like and professional and
    deliver for the first class passenger in what they have paid for.

    It is sooooooooo easy to say

    "I apologize Ms. Osteen I will clean that up please allow me 30 seconds to return with help...
    you can document this if you would like and it will only make our airline better."

    I would never ever put off a first class passenger on the clock in a business environment.

    Majority of the time if Ms. Osteen did not write it up the flight attendant will...it is unacceptable if first class is truly not first class.

    Once the cleanliness issue was resolved to Ms. Osteens satisfaction then it would be best to reassure her throughout the flight that what happened was an anomaly and ask her if she needs
    anything or her family...a good customer service
    attendant would diminish the damage or impression of the liquid on the tray and on the leather seats.

  19. atestring

    atestring New Member

    May 3, 2001
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    It is hard to be in the limelight. I wonder how most of us would respond to a situation.
    IMO the press is desperate for news.
    I would love to see the Osteens get a private jet so they could go places without all of the hastle.
  20. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I am quite sure the rest of the passengers who had to wait 2 hours for them to get their junk off the plane would love to see them get their own jet too so they didn't have to put up with their elitist, snobbish attitudes.

    Joseph Botwinick