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South Korea Missions Trip

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by jeronimo, May 26, 2001.

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  1. jeronimo

    jeronimo New Member

    Mar 8, 2001
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    There are 17 people from my home church that are going to South Korea. I just wish that many of you will pray for us as we are preparing to go down there. We would also appreciate it if you would especially pray for us on July 23-August 16. This is when we will be in Korea. Please pray that we will be able to communicate somehow, and that many kids will recieve God as their personal Savior. Thanx!!! :D Also, if you want to know more about the Korea trip and things you can go to www.korean2001trip.20m.com/ This probably will be updated during the missions trip.

    [ May 26, 2001: Message edited by: jeronimo ]
  2. Natan'el Bar Tholmai

    Jul 30, 2000
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    Jer - Noticed you were from Wyoming. Two questions if I might:

    (1) Are you related to our infamous "Dr. Griffin" that floats around here a lot?

    (2) Can we send HIM with you to Korea?

    I think I speak for all that many of us would gladly give to sending him to Asia for a year or two!! ;)

    Seriously, we will be in prayer. Many of our college young people are out on teams and trips just like yours this summer, and they all need God's watchcare over them.
  3. Barnabas H.

    Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Dr. Griffin may go to Korea, provided he brings along a laptop - for I do not think that Bbc can do without him for any length of time. But this is only my personal, and very humble, opinion. :D
  4. jeronimo

    jeronimo New Member

    Mar 8, 2001
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    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Natan'el Bar Tholmai:
    Jer - Noticed you were from Wyoming. Two questions if I might:

    (1) Are you related to our infamous "Dr. Griffin" that floats around here a lot?

    (2) Can we send HIM with you to Korea?

    Answer to the first question. Dr. Griffin isn't related to me, but he does go to my church.

    Answer to the second question. Dr. Griffin won't be going with us to Korea. He was going to, but there was a change of plans and ended up preaching for the services while were gone.

    Thanks for praying!!! :D

    [ May 28, 2001: Message edited by: jeronimo ]
  5. bb_baptist

    bb_baptist New Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    Keep us posted on how the trip went.

    We'll be praying for your team!
  6. amblivion

    amblivion New Member

    May 26, 2001
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    My brother said I could update you on this Korean missions trip. We really need lots of prayer. We are all stressed out, and we still have two more weeks to go. Also pray that the children will understand us. The kids already don't understand us that well. At least God knows what He is doing and we have to depend upon him to Speak through us and help us. Some of us aren't getting along to well either, and the kids will just see right through that. Pray that we will have peace and harmony in this group. Right now I'm really tired because it is 2:19A.M. in Korea. Please pray for us.

  7. SaggyWoman

    SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    The times I have gone on mission trips to different language groups, we have hired interpreters. Is that a possibility for you?
  8. amblivion

    amblivion New Member

    May 26, 2001
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    We can't hire intepreters, but for our testimonies a lady volunteered to interpret it into Korean for the the kids. The school doesn't want us to have interpreters anymore because the kids parents are sending them her to learn English and we speak English and no Korean. We are getting along better but we still have that tension in between us. Thanks for the advice though.

  9. jeronimo

    jeronimo New Member

    Mar 8, 2001
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    Well, VBS has started, and it's turning out to be better and better each day. I am so glad that GOd is helping us out through this. If we tried this on our own we would be in so much trouble. I just hope that you will keep praying for us here in Korea.
  10. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    I will pray as I help "hold down the fort" here in Casper and do all the preaching and pastoral ministry in their absence.

    Others on the BB might uphold these youth - they are enduring terribly hot weather and humidity (Wyoming has 4%) that is 95% each day and saps the strength.

    Pastor Bruce Sell
    Devon Sell (his wife)
    Intern Pastor Seth Uptain
    Mrs. Gail Uptain (his mom)
    Autumn Verwey
    Jeremy Verwey
    Amber Verwey
    Nathan Long
    Shelly Taylor
    Rose Uptain
    Gloria Uptain
    Seth Tubbs
    Tasia Sell
    Amy Cooper
    Hannah Cooper
    Teri McVey

    These kids are learning the cost of serving God, as they raised all the money to go and are reaching out cross-culterually to a needy people.

    Our church services have a big "hole" in them with all these fine teens missing.
  11. auverwey

    auverwey New Member

    Mar 8, 2001
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    This is another update on how the trip is going. I'm here with my brother and sister.

    First, we would like to thank all of you for your prayers. They have been much needed, and will continue to be needed.

    Second, VBS is finally over. We had a lot of work to do with VBS. Fortunately, Mike and Ashley, our tour guides and missionaries over here, have taken us out each night after VBS.

    I'm not sure how many, but some kids were saved. I also know that some of the kids who attended already know Jesus as their personal Saviour.

    It was great being able to teach them, and see their smiling faces. They are really cute and sweet. We will all miss them.

    Now we are getting ready for Subject Days, which is where a few of us teach English classes. The ones that aren't teaching are helping. That should prove to be interesting, since we will only be seeing each child only once. We will be teaching English through art, science, drama, and music.

    So please continue to pray for us, as it is hot, and we also don't know much of their language. Thanks!

    Autumn Verwey :cool:

    [ August 04, 2001: Message edited by: auverwey ]
  12. amblivion

    amblivion New Member

    May 26, 2001
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    We really need prayer right now. There are some inside problems going on that can not be metioned. Please pray for us. Thank you for your prayers so far and continue to pray please.
  13. auverwey

    auverwey New Member

    Mar 8, 2001
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    Things are going much better. I think everybody is excited because we get to go home tonite. Today will be a long day however since it will last for about 42 hrs. That is one long day.

    Subject Days went well. I don't think that anyone had any troubles with their classes. Every once in a while it was hard to get the kids under control, but then they could barely understand us. I would have probably done the same thing if a Korean teacher walked into our classroom, and was speaking to me in Korean when I couldn't understand that much.

    We thank you for all you prayers during this missions trip. Now if you all will pray that we have a safe trip home. Thanks and God bless.

    Autumn :cool: :D

    [ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: auverwey ]
  14. Natan'el Bar Tholmai

    Jul 30, 2000
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    You and the safety of your group will top my prayer list during this special day-long flight back home.

    God teaches us through the "difficult" times as well as the "smooth". Learn the lessons (if you don't, you will have to "repeat" the test again and again!)
  15. jeronimo

    jeronimo New Member

    Mar 8, 2001
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    We made it back okay. I also want to thank all of you for your prayers. I am pretty sure that all of us are thankful. Everything is starting to get back to normal. I would still appreciate it if you would still pray for Mrs. Uptain and Mrs. Sell. They are still in Korea waiting for Ashley to have her baby. Mrs. Uptain is a midwife, so she stayed another week, and Mrs. Sell is Ashley's mother. Just pray that they will be safe, and that the baby will arrive safely. Thanks. I really appreciate your prayers.
  16. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    A close friend of mine DID go on a privately financed & corporate trip to S. Korea almost a year ago. My friend is a pastor of a good Bible-believing church, but his trip wasn't a "Mission Trip," as such. He did say that S. Korea is rapidly expanding in almost every segment compared to what it was some 70 or so years ago when it was still recovering from Japan's occupying it during the WW2 era. He did say that "Christianity" seemed to be flourishing in that Asiatic nation, but how much of the so-called "Korean Christianity" was strictly a true Bible-Centered movement was somewhat in question, probably because the native S. Korean people as a whole don't seem to want to reveal what they consider as a deeply personal issue. I do know there have been reports of a so-called "Pentecostal-type" "Revival" in S. Korea, but actual stats on what we would term "Genuine & Truthful Bible-based Christianity" don't appear to be forthcoming in our current era. Perhaps the Barna folks may have some stats available on this, but so far I haven't read any on this by them.
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