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What is God doing in your life RIGHT NOW??!

Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by MRCoon, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Maybe this belongs somewhere else but I didn't want all the extra fluff in this thread just something to share with our funn-de-mental-ist brethren (and sisteren?!).
    What is God currently doing in your life right now....Praise, Prayer, Testimony, whatever you want to call it but what is God doing RIGHT NOW in your life?

    For me it is: I will be leaving the military soon (Dec 2007) after serving over the last 14 yrs and it is a challenge for me and my family. While we are excited about how God has been leading and bringing my wife and I to the decision to surrender without any cajoling from one or the other...we are also very scared because as the saying goes "being in the military sure beats working for a living"...I know that sometimes we may put our life on the line but we do get good medical, dental, & housing benefits and I have seen the pay increase to such a point it is on par with our peer marketplace. To leave this security 6 yrs shy of my retirement is kind of scary to but I spent many years in the military using it to run from God and for me to stay a day past what I have already committed myself to would be dishonoring to God. I'm not saying being in the military is dishonoring nor is retiring but for me I feel the Lord leading me out of the service out of my Egypt (if you'll let me say) and into God's service. As a young teenager I went forward in a Youth Rally (Johnny Pope preached!) and felt God was calling me to preach but I allowed pride, self-righteousness, and rebellion to creep in and ended up running away from God for many years. But God is good and God is looooong-suffering and God had a plan...I just needed to get out of the way and pay attention. So now at the age of 35 (and 3/4'ths :cool: ) I'm excited about what and where God wants me to go. I'm happily and busily serving Him here where I'm at (Bloom where you are planted [​IMG] !!) but I know He has so much more for us and as we prepare ourselves we are envious of your prayers on our behalf in seeking God's open doors!

    Now it's your turn to share....... [​IMG]

    edited only to correct typo in title

    [ March 19, 2006, 06:16 AM: Message edited by: C4K ]
  2. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Just keep yourself attuned to what God is saying....even if you are not sure of what that is...just keep listening.

    Just one word of advice....don't be a "door watcher", be a "God watcher". Just because you see an "open door" doesn't mean that you are supposed to go through it. God may be holding it open for someone else. I have made that mistake and I have seen others do the same.

    I'm glad that you are excited about what God is up to in your life. We should all be where you are in that aspect.

    Lots of people in the bible had a "word" from God and then didn't get the "rest of the story" for decades, but they kept on listening and trusting....Abraham comes to mind.

    What is God doing in my life?

    Well, He is teaching some very valuable lessons about trust and obedience.

    I just retired last August 8 years before I thought I would.

    I retired from public school with 22 years, but my intent was to go to 30. I'm telling you, brother, I had my life ALL mapped out and had a rigid time-line of events going on in my head.

    And I REALLY thought that God had put his stamp of approval on my plan. I was content, happy, serving Him daily in my job, and seeing positive results of my service.

    And when God called me to retire last August...I was really SHOCKED!! :eek:

    So shocked that I wasn't even certain that it was His voice calling me to do so....but I can tell you after several months of hindsight, it was definitely His voice.

    I was very scared. My house wasn't quite paid off and I had absolutely no idea where I was going to get any money to "pad" the retirement check. My income has dropped dramatically as you can probably guess.

    But, the money came (that's a whole 'nother miracle story in itself) and I finished paying my house off last fall and I am "making it" just fine month to month. It's not what I am used to, but God is providing more than I could have ever imagined in my state of early retirement.

    I have a part-time job helping out at a christian school and God is showing me that His plan for me is His plan and not my plan.

    God called me into teaching. And he called me into the public school system. I simply thought that I would stay there for 30 years and planned very meticulously to do so.

    I am taking the year "off", with the exception of helping out at the christian school and next year, God will have me doing something else....I just don't know what that is yet. But right now, he is blessing me continually. I praise His Name for it!

    Pray that I LISTEN to Him. I want at this point to do what HE wants me to and not what I want me to.

    And I struggle with that.

    Scarlett O.
  3. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    I'll be praying for you and for God's wisdom to identify His leading!! [​IMG]
  4. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I'm just keeping on keeping on. God pointed me in the right direction when He called me to be a missionary 34 years ago. He hasn't changed His call, so I haven't changed my activities! :cool:

    Brother Pope is a good man. His church supports us. I flew down to his missionary conference about a year ago and was wonderfully blessed. They have a fabulous new building bought from an SBC church--now they just have to fill it! [​IMG]
  5. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I am in a transition phase in my life. My two boys (ages 22 and 19) are pretty much self sufficient, and my husband and I are transitioning from being hands-on parents, to hands-off parents. [​IMG] It's a big change!

    I am now able to be involved in Women's Ministry instead of children's/teen's ministry. I am really enjoying it immensely! I am a part of a group on Thursday mornings that is really wonderful. Makes it easy to lead a group when they do their lessons every week and are happy to participate.

    We are also talking about moving from a rather large house in a small town, to a smaller house in a smaller town.

    My son just told us this Christmas that he will be proposing to his girlfriend sometime this month.

    My father was diagnosed with leukemia this Christmas, and my husband's father diagnosed with liver cancer last May.

    So, as you can see, big changes are ahead for me and my hubby! I am looking forward to where God will lead us next and what new challenges lie ahead. The biggest challenge for me and what I am learning about God is to fully trust Him. (Been learning that a long time!) The verse that keeps coming back to me over and over is "Be still, and know that I am God."
  6. Don

    Don Well-Known Member
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    Oct 7, 2000
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    Also in the military (Air Force), moving to a new location. Buying a house for the first time; God has definitely been in it. For example, the first house we put a bid on, the inspector came back and made a comment about the foundation. Asked for His guidance in wording a response to the seller. My realtor called me two days later and said, "I know God is working with you guys, because you nailed it with your response." Second house is going really smooth, closing this Monday.
  7. Alcott

    Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    Nothing that is apparent to me.
  8. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    look harder, Alcott

  9. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Ive been having to learn to be content in the stage of ministry that Im in. Right now Im being used in alot of kid's ministries, and sometimes its overwhelming just being around little people constantly. But I need to remember, if the Lord tarries, I'll have plenty of years ahead of me to be involved in adult ministries.
  10. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Amen, keep on keeping on, bapmom. I'm praying for you and your husband about that meeting this month. [​IMG]
  11. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Thank you! We appreciate that very much! [​IMG]
  12. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    I too will be praying for you and your current ministry and for God's timing to "move you on" to a different ministry.
  13. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    My husband and I and another man at our church started a new kids ministry at our church for kids in 8th grade on down last September. It is kind of a Christian boy scout/girl scout type of club. The boys learn hands on skills like knot tying, carving, camping,leadership etc and the girls learn practical home-making skills such as embroidery, sewing, cooking/baking etc. They are also required to do daily Bible reading, Bible memory, keep a prayer journal, be involved in church ministries (nursery work, cleaning, greeting people) etc... and a huge list of other things. It is going really well and the kids (as well as us adults) all love it.

    Anyway, since begining this ministry it seems like Satan has been sitting on top of our house and the home of our other leader. Lately we have all been having huge financial troubles. My husband and the other guy are both self-employed and work has been going well enough for several years. We have managed to squeak by on one income so I can be home with and homeschool our kids. It is so important for our family to have me home with the kids that we would choose to go without electricity rather than have me not be at home with them. We go without a lot in order for me to do that. Almost all our furniture has been given to us. Our house is very old and we are slowly fixing it up as we can afford it with my husband doing all the work. I do a lot of sewing. Everything I cook and bake is from scratch-from bread down to noodles. No convenience foods. We raise our own meat and eggs and a big garden that the girls and I can a lot of produce from every year. I never use my dryer---clothes are hung to dry. We do our best with what we have.

    Anyway, for the last 3 months my husband's work has been almost non-existant--that has never happened before. We are going without many, many things just to squeak by. We couldn't even pay all our bills this month. If things don't get better the internet will be the first thing to go. My husband uses it some for his business and my kids use it for homeschool. We live out in the boonies and I don't want to drive into town to the library all the time. Anyway, I don't understand what God is doing but I know He is aware of our situation. I did not sleep for several nights because of worrying.

    My husband could get a job somewhere else, but he likes being self-employed because of family and church. He is a deacon and he is also the all around take care of everything at church guy. If something breaks or isn't working he is the one that our pastor calls to take care of it. He is often there on Saturdays and is also the music director, SS teacher substitute. Because he is self-employed he can drop everything if he needs to and take care of the problem at church. He considers it to be a ministry and accepts no pay. He had a small job to do today but put it off until next week so he could help our neighbors move from their small cabin into their new house. These neighbors are unsaved but the lady has visited our church a few times and I have had several opportunities to share Christ with her and I believe in time she will come to know the Lord. We felt that it was more important (for eternities sake) that husband help them today rather than working for money that we need so desperatly right now.

    I say all of that to try to help you understand why we have such a very limited income anyway. It is not from foolish spending. It is a choice for the benefit of church and family. Please understand.

    I know God can provide all our needs, but what are our needs really? He can bring in work-He always has before. We have had some dry periods before but never a drought like this. But how do I know it is NOT His will for us to lose everything? Maybe that is His will. Is this from God or is Satan unhappy with what we are doing with the kids in our church. We have seen a lot of spiritual growth in our church kids because of this ministry.

    I am somewhat confused, yet at the same time I feel peace in my heart. I don't know if anyone will understand what I am trying to say but I did have several days where I felt so anxious over it all but I spent much time one night alone with my Bible and on my knees and reading a John R. Rice book--"God's Cure for Anxious Care" and I find myself not worrying so much now. Then I turn around and feel guilty because it seems like I SHOULD be worrying. Grrrr!! It isn't that I don't trust the Lord--I just don't know what He wants. Or maybe my faith is weak or it wouldn't matter to me what God was trying to do--I wouldn't even give it a thought. Am I making any sense?

    How do you know if something hard in your life is from God or an attack from Satan?

    I am clinging to Philippians 4:6-7; "Be careful (anxious) for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace which passeth understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

    I do have much to be thankful for and the Lord is very good. I am just having a hard time wondering where this trial is coming from. Is it from God, Satan, or is it just life or is it us? We both feel strongly that I should not seek employment (for our family's sake) and that my husband should stay self-employed (for the work he is always doing at church). If he were to get a regular job he would have to drop our kids club and many other things that he does at church throughout the week.

    So, this is what God is doing or allowing in my life. Gwen, I can identify with the "learning to trust God no matter what" part. If it were not for times like this we would have no reason to ever trust God--we would be self-sufficient. It is a good time for my kids to see what God is going to do and like myself, learning to trust Him no matter what.

    I am so glad that my God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (as well as the 12 goats in our pasture) [​IMG]
  14. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I keep going right past this thread, because I know God is working -- oh to count the ways -- but I also know that I've got a stirring right now that I haven't been able to pin down. So my prayer is that God would show me what He's put in my heart -- that this bit of unrest would be known.
  15. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    I've added you to my prayer list! The Lord caused unrest in a boy named Samuel a few times until Samuel was able to recognize and hear God speaking. It is so exciting to know the Lord is working and to try and be in the best position to hear and serve!

    May God Bless and again I'll be praying!
  16. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    I think I'm familiar with the program that you use and we use the same for our homeschool "group" from Church. It allows us to meet together on Friday Evenings and fellowship but also nuture our children not just in spiritual things but in practical things as well.

    I can respect this and we find it an important aspect for our family as well. My wife stays home and works full-time as a Mother, Mentor and Teacher. So I commend you and your sacrifices and the Lord will bless a family united such as this. I thnk you have also saved your family from many heartaches that other Christian families have faced because they are allowing the world to influence and break apart their families.

    Send me a PM if there is something I can do to help financially or otherwise. The Lord has blessed me and if I can be a blessing to your family then I would like to.

    I know these feelings exactly but remember that worry is a common habit of the Devil to distract us from God's work and God's Word. When I begin to get wrapped in worry I try to remember that God began a purpose in me and he promises to complete it. I also quote the Centurion that claimed faith and then asked Jesus to help his unbelief.

    This is often a tough question for us Believers because we want to do right but also know how the Devil can corrupt things and make them seem like something else. I would say that you have to look at what you are doing and stay focused at that...the other things will work themselves out. But if something is distracting you from doing what God has already directed you to do then just focus on what you know God has already directed and then the other things will sperate themselves like 'the wheat and the chaff'

    This may be the most practical lesson you teach your kids. I grew up in Pastor's home and heard my parents talk of God's blessings and even read stories from the Bible and from Church history about God's blessings but I never saw it in our family though know I relize that it was not becasue it was not there it was more because I was never aware of what to look for nor did my parents show us specific things that would encourage our faith and build confidence in our trust. So use this time to share with your children specific things that you are praying for and when they are answered they will see that is was a result of prayer and God's working.

    I have also added you to my prayer list and may God Bless you as you endeavor in the things he wants you to do. I'm jealous for you and how exciting it is to see the Lord working (though it may not feel that way now ;) )!!
  17. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    MrCoon---Thank you so much for your reply. You encouraged my heart so much. Thank you for your comments on sharing this situation with my kids. I have never tried to shield my kids from hard times. When I was a child, I too was completely oblivious to any hard situations my folks may have been going through. In a way, I think that is cheating children. My kids are praying for this situation too--daily. It is exciting for them when a small job does come in, or when like the other day a family at church gave us a package of toilet paper that they didn't like. We were down to our last roll. This family had no idea we needed it so much--it was all of the Lord. I have not shared this situation with any one else. We could share with church folks and they would help out I know, but we really want the Lord to see us through. He knows our need--no one else needs to. But thank you for your generous offer. Your prayers mean the most. It is so nice to be able to share with fellow believers who are strangers! I may pm you later and exlain in a little more detail about the other man who is helping with our kids club. His hard time is much worse than ours.

    Oh! You have no idea how much you have encouraged me!

    Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
  18. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Samarelda, someone once said to my grandfather, "Brother Rice, Satan never bothers me like you say he bothers you." His answer was, "If you pulled his tail like I do he would notice you!"

    Keep on pulling the devil's tail! [​IMG]
  19. mima

    mima New Member

    Jan 14, 2006
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    samarelda; I feel led of the Holy Spirit to make the following petition on your behalf. Dear precious heavenly Father this petition is being made of you under the righteousness of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ your son and our Savior. Knowing full well that you know samarelda and her family, and the difficulties she is encountering at this time, we ask you to stretch forth your hand on the behalf of this family and effectively change the circumstances. Believing that this petition is not against your will we boldly ask you to grant it. This prayer has been asked of you Father in the name of your son Jesus. Please acccept it accordingly.AMEN
  20. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    MRCoon, John of Japan, and mima,

    Thank you all for your posts and prayers this day. You have greatly encouraged me and I feel such joy tonight. Your Christian love to me, a sister in Christ, yet a stranger, is felt very deeply. I guess there are no strangers in Christ. Lord bless and much love to you all!
    Thank you with all of my heart!