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Will the Board Bushies ever admit Iraq is a mess?

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by LadyEagle, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    So, Rooster, are you suggesting that by being in Iraq, the world is a "safer" place to live?

    That would include the Israeli people going to work every day on the bus and eating at ice cream parlors and pizza parlors, right?

    That means, of course, we will have no more terrorist attacks in America because we life in a safer world?

    Well, duh! Wish I'd thought of that.

    Naturally, North Korea will want to get along with us because we went to war in Iraq.

    And of course, Iran will, too. [​IMG]

    Syria and Lebanon are glad we are in Iraq freeing the people there from Saddam. Not to mention Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and all the other Muslim nations. They are all overjoyed and will shut down the madrassahs that preach and teach kill the infidels, Christians, and Jews. Yes, we have a safer world at last because we went to Iraq.

    I'm sure God directed President Bush to have our military take out Saddam and invade Iraq. Next, He might direct the President to invade Iran. Or maybe Syria. Or maybe North Korea. I've no doubt that whatever President Bush does, it is from God's direction. After all, he is a "born-again Christian." And he is trying to protect the American people. And everyone knows, Americans are the world's policemen and peacekeepers. After all, we ARE the only Super Power. It's our responsibility to keep the world safe. [​IMG]
  2. Rooster

    Rooster New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    :rolleyes: WHATEVER [​IMG] You make me laugh [​IMG] Consider this, when Russia rolled over, and gave in to terrorist threat, what happend? Terrorist found them to be weak so they continue to take schools hostage, and people die, when terrorist attacked the United State we responded, and took out the leaders of such terroist groups, if what you are saying, (and belive me I don't want to put words in your mouth, but this is what I'm hearing) that the Muslim nation is made up from terrorist, and there is no winning the war on terrorism because all muslims are terrorist, and we would have to fight all muslims to win, then you need to take a reality check, perhaps write to some of the American soldiers fighting in the war, and hear there opinions, since they are the ones on the front line, and quit trusting everything you read in the news paper, and see on t.v., because most of it is not the whole truth.
  3. Pennsylvania Jim

    Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    Helen, I would challenge you to make asessments based on a higher standard that "What would Kerry do?".
  4. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    The Peroutkistas will never admit that they have made a baseless charge that the war in Iraq is illegal. Instead they have taken to complaining about Bush for a full-time job. I would like to ask the fat cats that make up the Constitution Party why it is that 99.9% of the American people reject their Party. Could it be the smell of the rotten platform that critizes the President of the United States for an illegal war just as Annan and the other CP?

    Or is it the smell of the threatened abandonment of friends and allies and the poorest of the poor?

    Or is it just that the Peroutkistas only ask question--never answer them--just like CBS.
  5. Bro. Curtis

    Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Physician, heal thyself......
  6. Pennsylvania Jim

    Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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  7. Pennsylvania Jim

    Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    Bro. Curtis,

    Have I excused present policy by comparing it to what someone else might or might not have done wrong?

    Or was that just a clever one-liner that popped into your head?

    Shouldn't we examine policies and events in light of what we know to be right and proper, rather than wondering if someone else could have done worse?
  8. Bro. Curtis

    Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    It wasn't that clever. It was a reference to how many threads you have turned into a Bush hate fest. To see you chastise someone else about it really makes me chuckle. No offense.
  9. Pennsylvania Jim

    Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    I don't hate Bush. I'm just trying to point out that he is doing very serious damage to the things that we treasure. As long as so many refuse to see, I will continue to attempt to point it out.

    And you're right, now that I think about it...it wasn't very clever. :D ;)
  10. Bro. Curtis

    Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Back to Iraq. Bush's hesitating in key cities, against his ground genreals' wishes, has cost us American lives. He blew it big time. I'm willing to bet, after Kofi Annan's words, it won't happen again. Since force is the only language that seems to work, force is what should be applied. Kofi pretty much assured me that Bush is on his own.

    One thing the invasion has done, is give us a front. As long as insurgents pour into Iraq, we can fight them there.

    I say that getting rid of Sadaam will cost thousands of lives. Leaving him in will kill hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions.
  11. Rooster

    Rooster New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    AMEN!! Brother Curtis, unfortunatly, that is the truth, nobody wants war (well mabe the terrorist do) but if we don't fight it, think of the genocide that would happen to the innocent Iraqi citizens.
  12. Pennsylvania Jim

    Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    So, is "insurgents pouring into Iraq" part of the freedom and democracy package that we are giving the Iraqi people?
  13. The Galatian

    The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    No, it's not part of the plan at all. Bush and his advisors are completely surprised that it's happening.

    Who would have thought that terrorists might exploit a power vacuum? :eek:

    They no doubt even now are producing scores of position papers to prove that it can't be happening.
  14. Pennsylvania Jim

    Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    Did Bush say it's happening? If HE doesn't say that it's happening, I won't believe it. [​IMG]
  15. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    "So, is "insurgents pouring into Iraq" part of the freedom and democracy package that we are giving the Iraqi People?"

    No, but it sure does help if your trying to make a case to invade and "liberate" Iran and Syria.

    We'll have to go after "rebel" strongholds in those two countries to stop the flow of terrorists across the borders of Iraq. The media is already begining to play that song now.

    On to Uzbekistan, at all costs.

    If we can believe the government's own documents.
  16. Rooster

    Rooster New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Ask yourself this question... If the United States was to "give up" like you hippies would like us to do, and drop everything and bring the troops back home, what would happen to the non- terrorist citizens that are depending on us, and do you actually think the terrorist would just let us back out and not retalieate?&lt;===misspelled word but you know what it says. Nope, we would have an even bigger problem on our hands, and wheather or not we went over there to fight this war , or not, this same problem would still exsist, only the terrorist would have wepons of mass destruction to fight back with, with us going in now , we nip it in the bud.
  17. Rooster

    Rooster New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Subject: John 16:3
    The Lord has a way of revealing those of us who really know him, and
    those that don't! Think about it! Kerry gave a big speech last week
    about how his faith is so "important" to him. In this attempt to
    convince the American people that we should consider him for president,
    he announced that his favorite Bible verse is John 16:3. Of course the
    speech writer meant John 3:16, but nobody in the Kerry camp was familiar
    enough with scripture to catch the error. And do you know what John 16:3
    John 16:3 says; "They will do such things because they have not known
    the Father or me."
    The Spirit works in strange ways.
    Pass it on VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!
  18. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest


    Al Gore Has an Embarrassing Mix-up While Trying to Quote His Favorite Bible Verse-Fiction!

    Summary of eRumor:
    This email alleges that during a presidential campaign speech, Al Gore told a crowd that his faith was very important to him and that his favorite Bible verse was John 16:3. It was obviously a reference to the well known passage in John 3:16 which says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (NIV) John 16:3, however, says, "They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me." (NIV)

    The Truth:
    There is no evidence this ever happened to Al Gore. None of the reports talks about a verifiable date, place, and time of this statement. No documented occasions have been found. At the very least, this is an unsubstantiated story. Christian author Cal Thomas, however, says he was present at a convention in Washington, D.C. when that slip of the lip did occur...but to then President George Bush, not Al Gore.

    This story first circulated during the 2000 presidential campaign and was said to have happened to Al Gore, not George W. Bush.
    The first time we saw it referencing George W. Bush was during the 2004 presidential campaign.
    Christian author Cal Thomas says he was present at a convention in Washington, D.C. several years earlier when this slip of the lip did occur...but to then President George H. Bush.
    We've not been able to substantiate that, but none of the stories about Al Gore or George W. Bush is true.

    Last updated 7/24/04
    The Truth
    This is one of those eRumors that gets circulated every election year...with the name of your least favorite candidate inserted.
    It's a hoax and never happened to John Kerry.

    The story has also been spread using the names of Al Gore and George W. Bush.

    A real example of the story as it has been circulated:

    The Lord has a way of revealing those of us who really know Him, and those who don’t! Think about this:

    Al Gore gave a big speech this week about how his faith is so important" to him. In this attempt to convince the American people that we should consider him for president, he announced that his favorite Bible verse is John 16:3."

    Of course the speech writer meant John 3:16, but nobody in the Gore camp was familiar enough with scripture to catch the error. And do you know what John 16:3 says?

    "And they will do this because they have not known the Father nor Me." John 16:3 The Holy Spirit works in strange ways!!!

    Pass it on.

    The founder and operator of TruthOrFiction.com is Rich Buhler, a broadcaster, speaker, author, and producer who has researched and written about rumors and urban legends for more than 30 years.
    Rich is the president of Branches Communications in California, a Radio-Television-Film production company. He is also an ordained minister, the author of several best-selling books, and a voice for those who have experienced what he terms "emotional injury" from abuse.

  19. Rooster

    Rooster New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    hmmm , thanks for the insight, i didn't know. but it still sounds like a Kerry mistake that he "would" make , even though he didn't [​IMG]
  20. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    By non-terrorist citizens do you mean those we routinely blow up and gun down in the street and in their homes? Why do you think there is more "terrorists" in Iraq now than when we first got there 10+ years ago.

    How about the ones that we tortured? Do you think we made many friends of the non-terrorist citizens by acting like a more brutal regime than Saddam?

    We didn't seem to be to worried about weapons of mass destruction in the hands of "dangerous regimes" in the past when we gladly gave them dual use technology that could be used to build these weapons. The very same weapons that we are still hunting for.

    We should have "niped it in the bud" and not armed them to begin with. C'mon read the documents, read the books that these people have written telling how America needs to take control of the whole planet.

    Get over this double speak stuff we hear our great leaders telling us. They are just a cabal of globalists that want to detroy America and are doing a good job at it while we all sit around and rationalize this or that in minute detail.

    Go ahead and laugh, call me names, give me meaningless labels to make yourself feel patriotic, but read their documents, and read their books they have written.

    You can write, so I know you can read, your posting on the web so I know you have a computer. Look it up for yourself. If you dare.