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What nationality are you?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Dale-c, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. Dale-c

    Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I am curious to know what nationality those on the BB are.

    Personally, I am a non-japanese.

    I would assume that a vast majority of you on here are also just like me, non-japanese.

    So what does that tell you? Not really much at all.

    The same with the "Non-Cal" distinction which tells us nothing.

    For some I think anti-calvinists would be a better term.

    But my point is that we need to give a defense of our own faith by what we proclaim. We are so offended by labels that we often merely attack other systems of theology while never giving a clear presentation of what we believe.

    So, please, next time you are tempted to use the term "non-cal" please remember the list of people that fall into that category:

    Free will Baptists

    The list could go on an on.
    This term tells us nothing about what you actually DO believe, only what you DON'T believe.

    Perhaps I am being picky here but I think we need to be able to explain what we do believe about something if we are going to stand against something.
  2. Tom Butler

    Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    I occasionally describe myself as a right-wing, redneck, deep-water Southern Baptist. I obviously do it with a grin, but it does tell something about me.

    Seriously, though, I started using the term "non-Cal" as a general description of those who were not Calvinists, simply because most non-Cal Baptists get bent out of shape if you call them Arminian. They'll also get testy if you try to call them Pelagian or Semi-Pelagian.

    And I wish we Calvinists could come up with a better, one-word term for what we believe. "Doctrines of Grace" is nice, but even non-Cals can use that term. Some want to use "Biblicist," but everybody appeals to the Bible, and it really doesn't tell us much either.
  3. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I am English Canadian. That doesn't means I am a just a Canadian who speaks English. cos I also speak French. I am a citizen of both England and Canada.

    Oh you really meant to talk about theology. Then, I am Reformed in theology. All others are non-Reformed in theology. Or, you might consider a realized millennialist. To be a realized Millennialist virtually requires one to be Reformed in theology. Then, Reformed doesn't quite fit either cos I don't accept Covenant theology per se.........

    Titles!!! Nothing but trouble. Just call me Jim. Labels work great on the shirts I wear and my drug bottles.

    Let's just get on with it and stop calling people names.


  4. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    My Reply isn't to offend but to make a statement yet somehow I just know it will offend someone.

    I can't say I'm a non cal to my brother non cal's if I believe anything identical to what Calvinist believe. We do have some beliefs in common. we both believe the gospel in that we both believe that Christ is the Son of God and that He died for our sins and has risen from the grave appeared to several hundred witnesses and has ascended to the Father. You would think if we could agree on this, all else would seem to be miniscule semantics. After all this is the heart of the entire message of the gospel. What happens after this is what separates us.

    Maybe just maybe this was intentional from the beginning. Even Christ admitted that he brought division not unity. Just like most Jewish sects we do not agree on the semantics of the doctrine. I wonder if there disagreeable means of getting through there day has a message for us all.
    I accept all as Christian who actually believes the gospel. I love all Calvinist as brothers and sisters in Christ.

    If your dislike of those who do not hold to the same semantics of your faith, is really your problem. If you truly love and obey God because of that love, you will find away to love us too. Remember Iron sharpens Iron. I have been sharpened by the Iron in Calvinist. In other words I thank you one and all for keeping me on my toes in defense of my semantics no matter how pitiful you may think they are..

    In my defense I have learned more than I could have ever hoped to learn from any school or church and all of it I feel has been by the direction of the Holy Spirit which lives with in me. It actually has made me more tolerant of other Christian who believe the gospel but not in the same semantics.

    I realize that if you end up in the same place I will then you couldn't have been all that bad. Besides be of good cheer we only want to convert you to our semantics because we love you and worry that since your semantics are so messed up you maybe confused.:laugh:
  5. John Toppass

    John Toppass Active Member
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    Aug 12, 2008
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    Well, sometimes it is hard to figure who is who and definitions vary depending on the user. I do know that God's Word did not nor did it need to be reformed. It is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Mormons felt the need to add to the Bible so I guess others can reform what they believe the bible says in order to fit their world. As for me I consider myself a scriptualist. There is a lot I do not know but so far the Holy Spirit has not let me down when I ask for guidance.

    My prayers are for you.
  6. Marcia

    Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Are you trying to associate the above things with someone who says they are non-Calvinist? I am none of the above nor am I a Calvinist.

    And I will call myself a non-Calvinist as often and as long as I wish to.

    I am wondering about the directive to love other believers.
  7. sag38

    sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    I am a non-cal. I am a non-cal. I am a non-cal. I am a non-cal. I am a non-cal. I am a non-cal. Sorry if it offends you Dale but I do not hold to reformed theology. But, more than anything I am a Chrisitan.
  8. Marcia

    Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Amen! :applause: :thumbs:
  9. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    It was decided before the foundation of the world that I would NOT be a Calvinist.

    And that I have German/Irish blood...
  10. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    If we are posting in this forum is there any question that we are Baptists? And if we refuse the terrible false doctrine that God created some men for the sole purpose of damning them then we are non-cal Baptists. Most likely we also reject covenant replacement theology and a few others. But in the end it doesn't take a lot of explaining.

    And it is true we are neither arminians, or pelagian or Semi-Pelagian. Because we do not follow after men nor will we name our position after men but only scripture.
  11. Thermodynamics

    Jan 10, 2009
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    I am half German and half English.

    Where my faith is concerned I don't like to apply titles to myself, especially when that title has someone's name in it. To me that suggests that I am following that person AND Christ. In fact, although I am a Baptist I don't really care for that title, I follow Jesus not John the Baptist. So while I agree in many ways with John Calvin, I am not a Calvinist. I am just a Christian!
  12. SBCPreacher

    SBCPreacher Active Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Amen! And I'm a 'Merican! And I speak "Merican!
  13. Mexdeaf

    Mexdeaf New Member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    I'm a "lo-cal".

    That's where I be and what I eat.

  14. Tom Butler

    Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    My mother's ancestors were from Scotland and my father's from England.

    I wish Christian was enough to describe us all who follow Christ. But we have problems. Some who call themselves Christians teach baptismal regeneration; others baptize infants; others call May the co-mediatrix; others say taking communion helps save you.

    So we have labels to identify those folks by which set of doctrines or practices they espouse. If I say I'm a Historical Premillenialst, you'll know what I generally believe about the end times; And you'll know generally what a Dispensational Premillenialist believes.

    I mentioned the use of the term Biblicist in an earlier post. Let's be careful about that. First of all, it comes across as a little smug, and second, it doesn't clear up anything. We all appeal to the Bible for our positions.

    I don't mind being labeled as long as the label is accurate. For instance, Calvinism is not Fatalism. To equate the two insults the Calvinist and reveals ignorance on the part of the insulter. And one risks acquiring the label of ISI--Ignorant Smug Insulter.
  15. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I like to say that I am a Cajun from south Louiisiana-------and that I am

    I do NOT study Calvin-----have never read the first paragraph of any thing that Calvin wrote

    But yet I have studied and do study and will study the doctrines of grace

    I do have friends who are calvinist-------but yet I do not hold that against them-----neither do they hold it against me that I am not a calvinist---------and I believe that anyone who holds it against someone either way--------is a big doctrinal crybaby
  16. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    If you are a Christian it was decided before the foundation of the world that you were elected to salvation by God. In time God the Holy Spirit applied the Cross Work of God the Son to you, making alive that which was spiritually dead in trespass and sin and gave you the Gift of Faith through which the Gospel Call would become, for you, the Effectual Call. Through the exercise of that God Given Faith you are justified by the righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to you.

    This is a fact whether you or any other Christian believes it or not.

    The above could be expanded upon at length but it probably would not make any difference to those who are convinced that God needed a helping hand in saving them.
  17. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    O.R.. I hope you didn't miss my joke in my post...

    LOL... I grew up Calvinist.. actually.

    I can, and do appreciate both sides equally... that is why I never get into a debate over it.. I can't make up my mind... ROFL.

    And I end up arguing with myself... YOU SHOULD HEAR THAT CONVERSATION!!!
  18. D28guy

    D28guy New Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    What nationality am I?

    I am a citizen of the the Kingdom of Heaven.

    I have been since February of 1982.

    I am a stranger, ambassedor and pilgrim here on earth.
  19. Dale-c

    Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    For the record, I am not at all offended by the term "non-cal" more annoyed by its use at times.

    Of course it is a valid term to generalize those who are simply non calvinists but it is a lousy term for an individual and that was my point.

    The term biblicist however is a somewhat offensive term depending on how it is used.
    WHen people say they are "Biblicists" and imply that anyone who uses a term to sum up their particular doctrinal position is NOT a "biblicist" that is arrogant.

    All baptists should believe themselves to be biblicists.

    I will need to look into this more but I believe the historical terms for baptists were particular baptists and general baptists.
  20. Dale-c

    Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I might add that the term "General Baptist" as I understand it is a belief in the general atonement of Christ.
    That Christ atoned for sin in a general manner so that each and every sinner would have the ability to be saved but only if they responded to the gospel.

    Particular Baptist is the belief that Christ atoned for a particular people.
    Namely, the elect.
    The elect still must believe to be saved but it is God who works faith in them.

    The great thing about these terms is that they are purely descriptive and have no mans name attached to them.

    If I have not represented these historical terms correctly, please someone set me straight here but I do believe that is correct.