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Supporting Mitt Romney

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Salty, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. Voting for Obama

    2 vote(s)
  2. Voting for Romney with little or no reservation

    3 vote(s)
  3. Voting for Romney while holding my nose

    6 vote(s)
  4. Will vote for a 3rd party - even if it means Romney loosing

    4 vote(s)
  5. Other answer

    4 vote(s)
  6. I cannot vote as I am not a US Citizen, (just want to see the results)

    0 vote(s)
  1. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    I had started a thread about if the Rep Nomination was in effect over due to Romney's win in Ill.

    The thread was hijacked by several posters into a Romney bashing thread. I can deal with a bashing thread on anyone - if that is the subject. But we do need to stay on the thread title. IMHO Romney will be the Rep nominee - though I in principal support another candidate (can only do in theory, as I cannot vote in the NY primary)

    My good friend Saturneptune posted that he apologized for hijacking - which I do appreciate. He want on to state he cannot understand why a Christian would support Romney.
    He felt he should leave the discussion.
    I disagree.

    So it appears the election will come down to three things:

    a) Obama
    b) Romney
    c) a conservative leaning 3rd Party

    Romney alone has a chance of beating Obama
    A Cons 3rd party would cause Romney to loose

    NOTE: This is assuming Romney wins the Rep nomination, which mathematically not guarantee yet


    (PS bashing Romney or Obama is permitted in this thread !
    #1 Salty, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
  2. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    I believe I can look past Romney's

    1) Momonism - He's not going to be the Pastor-In-Chief, only God knows His heart, etc...
    2) Flip-Flop - He is presently adamant about being Pro-life claiming he "matured" into a pro-life position.

    But as of yet, I haven't decided. I'm doing some candidate flip-floping myself (for a "write in" which would ultimately benefit Obama).
    Maybe the Lord will come before November.

  3. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I have to admit to being a self confessed liar. Thanks Salty, putting this thread in front of my nose is like dangling a bottle of whiskey in front of an alcoholic. I cannot stand not participating. I will try and be more civil. As I said, I do not know why Mitt Romney sends me into the Twilight Zone.

    I think we can agree that we all want what is best for this nation, believe in some degree of Christian morality within a society, and generally believe in conservative and Constitutional principles. The problem comes down how to achieve that. The source of debate and arguing is over the state of the Republican Party. There is no disagreement about not voting for Obama.

    We have seen a constant eroding of the Republican nominee since 1988. John McCain was the last straw for me. We have lost several elections and just barely won others since the downslide started. Abortion continues, gay rights continue to advance, government debt explodes, and basically, the only difference with the Democrats is the rate of destruction. Now, we are faced with a nominee that, depending on how you view it, is just as bad if not worse than the President.

    In realtiy, the only argument those have who disagaree with me is that voting for a conservative helps reelect Obama. They have nothing to discuss to show Romney can turn this nation around. For those that think he is as bad as Obama, like me, it becomes a mute point

    It is obvious the man is not to be trusted. His actions on gay rights, abortion, gun control, health care and other issues are in direct opposition to what he says now that he is running for President. How can a person who created RomneyCare criticize a person who created ObamaCare? I do not know about politics north of here (KY) are, but here, right to life and traditional marriage are taken very seriously. There is no gray area, as you are either a part of the problem or the solution. Using arguments, for those who have actually studied the Romney record, that say he did the best he could with the legislature he had, or he is only partially for abortion or gay rights does not hit the mark.

    On gay rights, he was against gay marriage, but was for civil unions, and benefits for them. Today, Massachussetts allows gay marriage, an outgrowth of Romney policies. On abortion, he signed several bills, including his own Romney Care bill, which funded abortion procedures with state money. Signing the bill and saying you are not really comfortable with the situation misses the mark. It was not just one bill, but several. The same pattern continues on gun control.

    Now, when running for President, he does a 180 turn. He becomes the morality spokesman for America. How could anyone possibly trust this man, even if you are a liberal? It should be apparant that he really does not care about abortion one way or the other, he just takes the position to garner more votes. He panders for votes on the blood of innocent children.

    Several have aruged he would be better on national security. How do you know? His word? He has no record or integrity so what are you basing it on? Did he ever serve one day? No, he has no experience in foreign affairs, war, or defense.

    Now, others argue only he can beat Obama. Guess what, Romney as nominee puts the deep southern states that are normally solid red in play. For example, states like Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, and South Carolina. Lets take Mississippi. Black voters comprise 38% of the total vote. Another 10% or so generally vote for the Democrat. If all people turned out, about 52% would vote for the typical Republican candidate, sometimes it runs higher because conservatives turn out better. Romney lost the Missisisippi primary, because of the issues discussed above, and his being a member of a cult. This is important to some people, like me. All of these factors together put Mississippi in play, and may even favor Obama. White southern voters do NOT like Romeny, nothing about him. Take that with all the other states I mentioned, and you have the makings of a landslide.

    Now, notice something in the primaries of Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois. Romney won only because he outspent Santorum ten to one. In Ohio and Michigan, he barely won, even with all the money spent. The counties he did carry, now pay attention to me, Obama is going to carry anyhow. Again, we have the makings of an Obama landslide because Romney is the nominee, as evidence shows. That is in direct contridiction to those who support Romney, the ONLY argument they have. What makes anyone think Romney can beat Obama?

    If one uses common sense, it is apparant Romney is neither liked nor trusted especially in the South. Here is a man who is on the wrong side of every issue, whether it be morality, health care, or honesty. He has no experience in foreign affairs or national security.

    For years, we have had our heads in the sand, and now, payday is here. You cannot contiune to say Im ok, your ok, smile and go on. One has to stand up for what they think is right.

    For me, the differnces are so close to Obama, and chances of Romney winning are so low, I am not going to sell my soul for a person who believes Jesus Christ is not God, or the Savior. I am not going to vote for a pro aboritonist, or pro gay rights person. What are you going to do?
    #3 saturneptune, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
  4. ChristianLady1978

    ChristianLady1978 New Member

    Mar 17, 2012
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    I didn't vote for Obama the first time around and I have no plans to vote for him the second time around. I plan to vote for whoever gets the Republican nomination, because that person has a better chance of beating Obama than a 3rd party candidate. If that person happens to be Mitt Romney, then do be it. I'll vote for Mitt Romney.
  5. Arbo

    Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    Pretty much what ChristianLady said.
  6. steaver

    steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    AMEN! :applause: :applause: :applause:

    Do you mind if I right your name in this November? :thumbsup:
  7. steaver

    steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Can someone tell me why it is ok for a Christian to support an enemy of God? Some scripture provided with your answer would be most helpful. I pray we Christians are making our decisions upon counsel from God's Word.
  8. steaver

    steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian

    Understanding the foreknowledge of God...

    God has already determined the USA's President Elect for 2012 ? T or F
  9. steaver

    steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    It is refreshing to see a Christian in touch with the heart of the matter.

    What does this "lesser of two evils" approach to a Christian's decision making say about said Christians?

    Would Jesus counsel us to choose between two evils??
  10. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    I'm checking to see if my Etch-A-Sketch still works! :thumbsup:
  11. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    This is a blatant misrepresentation of just about everyone's position that has commented on the Romney threads.

    Romney has a track record of job creation, sound economic policies, and management of Bain Capital and the Olympics. He was a governor.

    Gay rights? Romney has always been opposed to same-sex marriage.

    Romney does it by saying any health care reform should be on a state-by-state basis and there should be no national health care laws.

    Well, it doesn't hit the mark with you. But if you were a governor of a state that had a legislature composed of 78% of the opposition party, it certainly does hit the mark.

    No, same-sex marriage was ruled legal by the Mass. Supreme Court about 10 months after Romney became governor. He had nothing to do with it. In 2004 he reluctantly backed a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages but allowing civil unions but in 2005 he disavowed this amendment and instead backed a petition that would have banned same-sex marriages and civil unions. He has supported the Federal Marriage Amendment which would define marriage as between one man and one woman.

    Citation for this?

    Romney did veto a bill providing for the morning after pill but of course the legislature overrode his veto.

    The Senate voted, 37 to 0, to reject Romney's veto, and the House followed suit with a 139-to-16 tally. Supporters needed a two-thirds majority in each chamber to overrule the governor.


    So, you see the veto-proof opposition majority argument does hold water.

    Show us. Give us links.

    Romney says he had a eureka moment on abortion when he studied the stem-cell research issue, causing him to change his mind on the issue.

    Did Clinton? Did Obama? Did Palin? Did Cain? Did Bachmann? Did <insert your favorite third party candidate> ?

    I think your numbers and your logic are suspect. Here are the McCain victory margins over Obama in 2008

    MS McCain 56.1% Obama 43%
    LA McCain 58.5% Obama 39.9%
    AL McCain 60.3% Obama 38.7%
    GA McCain 52.2% Obama 47%

    That Democrats are going to carry Michigan and Illinois (Obama's home state) is not newsworthy. Both have gone Democratic in the last 5 Presidential elections. Obama took Ohio with 51.5% of the vote in 2008. No candidate has lost in Ohio and become President since Kennedy in 1960.

    Hold my nose and vote for Romney in order to expel Obama. BTW, Reagan was pro-choice and he changed his mind. As governor in 1967 he signed the Therapeutic Abortion Bill.
  12. ChristianLady1978

    ChristianLady1978 New Member

    Mar 17, 2012
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    Who's voting for an enemy of God? Personally, I believe the American people are going to be stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the election this November. In my opinion, I am choosing the lesser of two evils. God has nothing to do with my vote. Both candidates are Christians. Obama claims to be a Christian. Romney claims to be a Mormon (which are also Christians).

    Scripture Reference: Mark 16:16 says "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." Mormons believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior (just like we Baptists do) and they believe in baptism by full immersion (just like we Baptists do). They're Christians.
  13. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Everyone of your facts about Romney's record as governor are incorrect. He supported, not only went along with, civil unions. He put his signature to legislation that funded abortion. Your figures from the South are meaningless from 2008. You need to look at the primary results within the Republican Party from this year. It is funny to me that everyone who has opposed my ideas is from a northern state that Obama carried in 2008. The fact is you obviously have no idea how the culture works in the south, or the voting patterns.

    Your final conclusion, that you are holding your nose and voting for Romney, really speaks highly of your standards, along with your facts being totally wrong.
  14. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    No, Mormons are not Christians, but a cult. They believe Jesus Christ is not God, they believe Christ is a created being, and they believe Christ is a brother of Lucifer. There is no way Mormons can be classified as Christian. There is nothing there but a cult. How can you say that an organization is Christian that does not believe the Bible is the only inspired word of God. In fact, they believe the Bible is in error when it contradicts the Book of Mormon. How can a cult that believes the God the Father has created suceeding pertetuals gods from eternity past be Christian?
  15. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    Prove it. Show us.

    Mississippi has not voted for a Democrat since 1976 (Carter).

    Louisiana went for Clinton twice but otherwise is usually Republican.

    Alabama went for Wallace and Carter (once) but otherwise has been Republican since 1964.

    Georgia went for Wallace and Carter twice (his home state) but otherwise is usually Republican.

    It would seem the only time these states don't go Republican is when there is a favorite son running. Yet you think these states will go for Obama over Romney?

    Show me where I'm wrong. Show me where Romney signed "several bills" favoring abortion, gay rights, and gun control. Show me where I'm wrong in my analysis of the vote in the south.
  16. ChristianLady1978

    ChristianLady1978 New Member

    Mar 17, 2012
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    I was baptized into the LDS church when I was 18. I am fully aware of their theology. Some of it I find to be very flawed with no Biblical basis to back it up, which was part of why I chose to stop attending church there. But their basic beliefs in Jesus Christ as the Savior and baptism are the SAME as other Christians. They may have a strange way of looking at things, but they are most definitely Christians. I certainly still considered myself to be a Christian while I was a member of their church. They're not a cult. Yes, they are secretive about their temple ceremonies, but they believe in the same God and the same Jesus that we do.

    Anyway, we are getting off topic. We're not here to debate the Christianity of the LDS church, but to discuss whether or not each of us would support Mitt Romney. Should a thread be created to debate whether Mormons are Christians or not, I'd gladly participate. But this thread isn't the place for that.
    #16 ChristianLady1978, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
  17. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I cannot vote for Romney. My conscience will not allow it. The problem with supporting moderates/liberals of any party is that it undermines conservatives in congress.

    When our last Repub President esssentially turned much of the domestic agenda over to Dem liberals, conservatives in congress (especially in the house) were put in the position of opposing the leader of their own party on very important issues like controlling the size and power of the federal government. They were repeatedly portrayed as extremist and still are today, and the government has continued to expand dramtically both in size and influence in our lives.

    Frankly, I'd rather have a divided government, with conservatives controlling the house and standing on principal, than to have moderate repubs in the Senate and Executive branch undermining conservatives in the house.

    peace to you:praying:
    #17 canadyjd, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
  18. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I refuse to choose between two evils. I will vote my conscience and let God handle the outcome.
  19. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    There are plenty of links posted in other threads ad nauseum. Why do you keep using past years as a basis for election results. Did Jimmy Carter winning in 1976 and the voting pattern in 1980 have anything in common.

    Since you were too lazy to look them up yourself, here is a summary of the many links that have been posted from reputable sources. If I was you after reading these, I would hang my head in shame. Another piece of advice, don't quit your day job and go to work for a polling organization. You would starve.



    Great judgement on your part. Smooth move.
  20. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    Didn't see anything in there about Romney signing pro-abortion legislation. Nothing about him signing gay rights legislation. And nothing about him signing gun control legislation.

    I think you should not have stated, "On abortion, he signed several bills, including his own Romney Care bill, which funded abortion procedures with state money."

    Ladies and gentlemen, the entire damning evidence at this link is reproduced below (a quote from 1994, before Romney reversed his stance on abortion):

    8. Gov. Mitt Romney (Mass.)
    Has said, “I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country.” Supports civil unions and stringent gun laws. After visiting Houston, he criticized the city’s aesthetics, saying, “This is what happens when you don’t have zoning.”

    So, no information on the "several pro-abortion, gay rights, and gun control bills he signed."

    Back at ya...