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To Vote, or Not To Vote: That is the Question!

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by righteousdude2, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    I know many of you don't want to vote for Romney because of many reasons, with his Moronism being the more prevalent, and either near, or at the top of your list.

    Because we will end up with one or the other, at the end of November 6, 2012, it is imperative that you not waste your vote by staying home, or picking a third or fourth party candidate [which amounts to PROTEST vote] to make a point.

    IMHO, there has not been a more important election in years, and the only two who have a chance to sit in the WH are Obama and Romney. As a believer, I feel it is our responsibility to be wise and exercise good stewardship with the one vote we've been given by the Constititution of this great nation!

    If you do not like the direction, this nation is heading in, why waste your vote on somebody who will not win [third, fourth or fifth party or long shot write-in] just to make a point???

    Look, I do not like Romney because of his being a Mormon, and my understanding of that cult and its beliefs stand for! However, of the two, he seems to have the best chance at turning this nation around economically speaking [based upon his leadership with the Salt Lake Olympics]. I am concerned about jobs and this economy and many unemployed friends and family members and their friends and family members. I'd love to see them get back to work, and I haven't seen Obama lift his hand to help these folks in his four years as POTUS.

    I can only hope that sound reasoning takes hold of those [believers] who think that by not voting, or voting for a long shot, they are doing the right thing, is not really the right thing when an ailing nation stands before you.

    When there are only two roads in a burning hot desert, it is best to choose the one that you believe will bring you through with as little harm as possible.

    You have a choice. Unfortunately, it is not a good choice, either way, but at least it's a choice, and it is more imperative than ever that you chose one or the other, so PLEASE pray about making your vote count for one or the other of the only two men who have a real chance of winning in the first place!

    Be it Barrack or Mitt; those are the only two real choices we have, and it is crucial we not waste our vote out of anger, frustration, or even because we don't like the religion of either candidate. Besides, with Obama no one really knows where he stands religiously, while with Mitt at least he owns up to to being a Mormon! I look at it this way, at least we won't be guessing if he is something or something else!

    So whatever your choice, please make it in a way that counts in shaping the direction of America!

    We need every vote this year!
  2. preachinjesus

    preachinjesus Well-Known Member
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    Feb 9, 2004
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    The above post misunderstands the process of the electoral college and the nature of a federal constitutional republic.

    We don't vote just for the winner, we vote for the person(s) who best represent our values, beliefs, and vision for the country.

    This nation wasn't created to have a two-party system and a third part option is a very realistic alternative in an election. Neither of the two major parties reflects my views on any number of issues...they don't get my vote automatically.
  3. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    That is where you are wrong, totally. The Constitutiton does not mention parties, and neither does it exclude them. The electoral college has nothing to do with the point the poster is trying to make.

    You said, "we don't vote just for the winner, we vote for the person who best prepresent our values, beliefs,and vision for the country." Since you brought up the electoral college, then you should know that is not true. We vote for electors pledged to a Presidential candidate.

    You described our government as a federal constitutional republic, when in fact, the nature of our government is a democratic republic. We are governed by a Constitution that describes power given to the federal government, the states, and the people.

    The fact that neither major party does not reflect your views is not the problem of the Constitution or the two party system, it is your problem. What have you done to see a decent nominee was chosen by either party besides sit in a chair, watch the TV, and type in forums like this?

    It is your right as an American citizen to vote third party. It is the right of the first poster to use common sense and make his point of voting for the best of the two major parties. There have been two third parties that made a major impact in my life. One was George Wallace in 1968, allowing Richard Nixon to be elected, and Ross Perot in 1992 that may or may not have given the election to Clinton. To a lesser extent, John Anderson and Ralph Nader have had some impact.

    Third parties are not pure. The Libertarian candidate advocates legalizing drugs and prostitution. I was an elected delegate to the National Convention of the Constitution Party. The rest of the state delegation did not even bother to show up. Those that did were interested in a party instead of poltical ideals. They nominated a candidate that is only on 25 of 50 ballots and puts one to sleep when he speaks. A total waste of time, effort and money. Third party movement to effect change take dedication, hard work, and a clear vision. It takes more than flapping jaws every four years. So by what basis does your experience bring you to vote for a third party? I can hardly wait for that answer.

    As the first poster pointed out in a very excellent manner, both major party candidates are very flawed. They are but a reflection of us, and this country. So what are you going to do, allow the worst of the two to be reelected, or are you going to try and get in the one that will do the less damage? That is not where it stops. NOW is the time to get off our dead behinds and work towards a set of decent nominees in 2016, not in the spring of that year, by repeating the cycle and starting up the BB threads again after four years of doing nothing. You were around in 2008, and with McCain and Obama, you had plenty of time and warning to know what was coming. The same could be said for every election since Reagan left office.

    If Romney wins (quite unpredictable at this point in time) and goes back to his liberal tendencies after receiving our trust, then he will pay dearly. That would be enough to lose the nomination in 2016. If he loses, well, even more reason to start getting active now.
  4. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    God places people in authority. In the US he does this through votes. My job is not to be concerned about winning, but voting in such a manner that honors God and does not damage my conscience.

    I know many people see that as a wasted vote. That's OK. You are entitled to your opinion. It matters very little to me.
  5. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The reason I respect your opinion is that it is coming from an honest heart. I fully understand the problem voting for Romney. I also understand that how I feel would matter very little to you. My post was certainly not directed at you. There is a big difference between voting one's conscience, and someone who pretends to be sticking up for the Scripture, being against the Mormon Church, all for the purpose of promoting the Obama agenda. If one is for Obama, then they should state that fact and give their reasoning.

    In all of your posts, the thought has never crossed my mind that your thoughts were anything but honorable.
  6. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Thank you for such a kind post. I didn't intend for my post to seem directed at you personally. It was more of an open letter type of comment because of all the arguments and comments I have gotten over the years on this. I apologize for not being more clear.

    Most people aren't willing to notice that there really is not a lot of difference between the two parties we are told we have to choose between. The talk is different but the results are the same. For example, Bush II was driving down the road to economic collapse and socialization. Obama is driving the same bus, just much much faster.

    As long as people believe that no third party candidate it is viable there won't be one. It ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    So, I suggest we all vote our conscience and let God handle the results. He will anyways so the real difference is in how well we sleep at night.
  7. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    I don't blame people for staying home and not voting. Although I wish they would vote even if it means writing someone in, I do understand why some will not.

    If someone chooses to vote third party, it's not a wasted vote as they are voting for the candidate they want out of what is available.

    Every election we say the same thing. And every election we put up the same group of folks who are beholden to the international bankers. And yes, there is always a connection that can be made right back to the same folks. Yet we expect different results when we pt forth the same thing.

    Because it shows the folks who thought they could just serve up anything and you'd accept it, that they sadly mistaken. And if that means losing an election, so be it.

    For me personally, turning the nation around economically is waaaaaaaay down the list of reasons to vote for a candidate.

    The nation is not ailing because of economics. That's just a symptom of the real problem.

    Or you can forge a new road.

    Not voting for either is a choice too.

    Those are the two the masses want us to settle for. They aren't the ONLY choices. I hope hundreds of thousands would be conservative voters choose to write someone in or just stay at home.

    They don't have to be bullied or pressured into voting for that which they are against for Biblically moral reasons.

    The nation is going in the direction that it is because we keep trying to convince folks to do that which is against God for the sake of shaping the direction of America. What direction is the country prone to go in when Christians collectively decide that their saving the country economically and shaping the direction they want it to go...that pinching their nose and voting for a man who is against Christ...is somehow gonna take the country in the right direction?

    That's kinda like saying we want to replace a molesting Catholic priest with Bishop Eddie Long.
  8. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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  9. Arbo

    Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    To Vote, or Not To Vote: That is the Question!

    I find it difficult to respect the so-called moral authority of folks who lecture about casting a righteous vote, yet plan to abstain for righteousness' sake.
  10. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I would suspect the real reason is they see no reason to vote and are not voting because they feel helpless and see voting as a waste of time.

    Personally, I am voting. I just refuse to vote for the people I am told to vote for. I would suspect that is where the "righteous" may be coming into play. The idea here is that many of us are tired of being told we have to choose between two evils. Many of us do not see that big of a difference the recent candidates...mainly in the results of their policies.
    #10 mont974x4, Oct 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2012
  11. Arbo

    Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    Mont97- Please don't misunderstand me. I have absolutely no issue with third-party or write-in voters. The problem I have is with people who, while riding their high horse of righteousness, lecture others while refusing to cast a ballot themselves. To put it another way, people who refuse to cast a vote have no moral authority to lecture others about theirs.
  12. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    I suspect you are absolutely correct here. People are fed up with being told time and time again this is your only choice. And no matter how loudly conservatives and evangelicals were saying "don't put us in this position where we have to choose between Barack Obama's craziness and a Mormon", the powers that be kept pushing the nominee they wanted.

    And now the consequences of that just may be a lot of folks choosing to not vote or choosing to write someone in.
  13. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I understand what you're saying. However, I would say that I would rather someone make an informed non-vote according to their honest and informed convictions than a vote based purely on soundbites, party lines, or tradition. In this case the non-vote is much more responsible, IMO, and is not wasted. The intellectually dishonest vote is the wasted vote.

    I admit they may be in the minority, but some people claiming it is better to not vote based on the principal they see in the below verse have a point. I disagree with their conclusion while understanding and respecting it.

    2Ti 2:4 No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. (NASB)

    So, I am not willing to make the blanket statement that all non-voters are wasting their vote, or that they have no right to comment on the state of the country, or the character and policies of those running it all.
  14. Arbo

    Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    I can respect your well-reasoned opinion.
  15. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Moral authority not withstanding, you do recognize Arbo that the person not casting a vote is doing 2 things:

    1. Broadcasting that neither candidate is sufficient

    2. By not voting they are in fact voting for the status quo.

    Unfortunately our youth today views the selection of candidates as inapropriate to run for office & there is certain aingst & distain. They view neither candidate as representing any values & morals. BO is of particular disgust because he lied to them.....& Romney represents the ever present white bread establishment that behind closed doors categorizes people as the feckless, useless 47 %--- IE...another Jagoff windbag. So the path of least resistance is to not vote. Of course, as you pointed out, if you dont have any skin in the game, you got no where to go & no voice on the direction the government will take. Lets see how this next debate goes. I believe this is really Romney's last opportunity to change the course of history by exposing bold plans to turn the economy around, get people working again ...ie, inspire some of the hope & change characteristics that that liar BO used as a tactic to get elected the 1st time. Or he can once & for all prove himself the big stiff block of wood he probably really is & then loose allot of potential voters to his cause...balls in Romney's court. But let me tell you this, nobody likes a block of wood.....especially one with a hidden agenda.
  16. Priscilla Ann

    Priscilla Ann Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    Voting for either Romney or Obama will violate my conscience. I have been struggling with this for months and have come to the conclusion that I can not and will not vote for either of these two men.
  17. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I understand. I am in that boat too. In fact, I was in that boat the last 2 presidential elections.
  18. Priscilla Ann

    Priscilla Ann Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    It's so frustrating, isn't it? Are these two men really the best America has to offer? This says a lot about the sad state of our country. I voted for the first time in 1976, and I have never been so disillusioned as I am this year. Are there no decent, honest people who will run for office -- people who have a sense of right and wrong?
  19. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Me too. Ended up writing Huckabee in for the last one. :thumbsup:
  20. Bro. Curtis

    Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    The CATHOLIC ?!!??!?!??

    Doesn't he play the dubbul's rock & roll music ?