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Law Enforcement Calls Obama Felon

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by pinoybaptist, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    For the record, I am not absolutely convinced the current tenant at the White House forged his birth certificate the reason being that is just as mind-blowing as the theory that government staged(?) the 9/11 attacks.
    However, IF what the birthers say is true, I will ask the same questions I asked a poster here:

    what now ? what next ? just talk about it ?

  2. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Yeah man it's like totally unreal dude. The government and media would like never lie to us just to benefit themselves and their international banking partners and corporate friends. Anyone who believes different is like far out man and probably a threat to national security too. Thank goodness we have a government in this country wise enough to pass legislation that allows it to stifle dissent and spy on and imprison or kill it's citizens that disagree with it's policies without all the costly hassles of taking them to court and such.

    Everything is just groovy and as it should be man what's with all the worry?
    #2 poncho, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
  3. Robert Snow

    Robert Snow New Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  4. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    What's up with you, dude ? you high or something ?

    All I'm saying is if they got Obama pinned down for fraud, then why don't they go ahead and do what they gotta do, what they oughta do. Crucify the fraud, send him to jail, expose him for what he is, anything but get the fraud out of there.

    What do they hope to accomplish with all these press cons and video uploads? NOTHING.
    Obama is sitting up there in the White House laughing his Oreo you-know-what silly at them.

    Just as he's doing that after all those election fraud allegations, just as he's doing after Benghazi, just as he will be doing if all THEY do is talk about it among themselves.

    What good will that do ?
  5. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    What is this "Oreo" reference?

    I know what it sounds like, but I want to give you a chance to clarify because something may have happened with auto-correct or I'm jumping to a conclusion.
  6. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    check out the Oreo biscuits. black on the outside, white in the inside. It's a name some African-Americans gave Obummer in reference to his not really being "pure" black so they say he doesn't really have their backs.
    Picked it up when I wandered into twitterverse.
  7. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    That's what I thought. I really detest that type of racism (yes, I realize it originated from African-Americans). I have some nephews whose father is black and mother white and they deal with slurs like that from both blacks and whites (more often blacks) and it is hurtful to them.

    May I encourage you to reconsider using that expression? I'm sure you didn't mean any harm by it, but I know it is unnecessarily hurtful to some people.

    Thanks for the explanation.
  8. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Yeah, I guess you're right.
    I had doubts about it being a racist slur, but now that you pointed it out, I think you're right.
    My sincerest apologies to you and others here whom I might have unknowingly offended.
    Won't use that term any more.
  9. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Nothing would happen.

    If the House impeached him the Senate would end it.

    If the Supreme Court were involved, as I suspect it would, and it invalidated the last two elections what would happen?
    Put Biden in charge? Nothing would change.
    Invalidate all Obama's executive orders and any law he signed? OK. There's no way to undo the damage.

    There would be riots in the streets.
  10. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Best scenario if he doesn't have immunity from prosecution while sitting president: prison.
    2nd best: suing the pants outta him for defrauding the country by receiving pay and benefits as president.

    but really, all the above and all this fake birth certificate thing is ridiculous.
    that, my friend, is worst case scenario. from a fraudulent president, to a jesting one.

    ouch !! frustrating, isn't it ?

    Like I said, the guy's got this country by its cro##ch, and he knows it, too.
    Yep, he put one over the American people.
  11. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Yes, he may be personally held accountable and that is good. My concern was mainly with what it would mean for the rest of us.

    We are in a lose-lose situation.

    Of course, all that is assuming:
    1. It can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he is a fraud
    2. Enough people care enough to force action

    And I doubt both would happen.
  12. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    ain' we, ever.

    Like the suspect in the interrogation room says in them tv shows: ya ain' got nuthin'. ef ya did, ya'd a put me in jail already.

    hey, I got somebody on the same page as mine, whaddya know. lol.
    what I mean when I ask questions like: what now ? what next ? so ?
  13. mont974x4

    mont974x4 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    The difference is, in this case, the suspect owns the court.
  14. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Ann Coulter Hits The Nail Again (hopefully).

    deleted. wrong thread.
  15. Oldtimer

    Oldtimer New Member

    Dec 6, 2011
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    It would not surprise me to find out that what the birthers say is true. If the document presented in this link is the actual one presented to the American people as proof, then the birthers are correct.

    While I'm not an expert on the software being discussed, do know enough about it to recognize why the emphasis on layers and imports are valid concerns. Same with typewriter spacing, differences in the appearance of letters mentioned, and more.

    "just talk about it ?" No. Because the media will not bring it to center stage for open public discussion. Would this type of presentation have stayed on the fringes, especially with The Sheriff" participating, if this had come to light with Regan, Bush 1 or Bush 2? No, it would be headline news, over and over, and over again. Just as it was when Nixon was forced out of office in the wake of Watergate.

    "what now ? what next ?"

    IMO, nothing.

    The die was cast, our fate was sealed in November 2008. Reconfirmed in November 2012. In the study of history, every fallen nation, has reached a point of no return in their plunge into disaster. Biblical history is filled with examples. Secular history is filled with examples. Unless God intervenes, IMO, we have already passed the point of no return.

    The only question remaining, IMO, is whether God will give, this country -- this world -- another opportunity to rise from the ashes of destruction before He calls an end to all of it for eternity.
  16. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I just find it far out that you'd expect a cabal of criminals to investigate and prosecute one of their own man. That's all. No disrespect intended.

    Look, I'm fed up. The level of criminality in our government is off the chart! And what do we do? We take sides with the criminals of our choice and defend them and their criminality or say "oh well there's nothing we can do".

    If you question Bush and his criminal behavior you're a Bush hater.

    If you question Obama and his criminal behavior you're a racist.

    Bush and the neocons were allowed to get away with what they got away with because the righties sided with them instead of the constitution, the rule of law and our founding principles.

    Obama and his comrades are allowed to get with what they are getting away because the lefties side with them instead of the constitution, the rule of law and our founding principles.

    But that's not the worst of it. The worst of it is both these men work for the same people!!! The international banksters and transnational corporitios.

    The banksters and corporitos keep everyone in their corner by controlling the left and the right and through their total control of the information centers aka the mainstream corporate media they control the debate. But does anyone want to give up their precious political bias and loathing for "the other side" long enough to do something besides yakkity yak yakking?

    No. So what's the point of complaining about it? Evidently the majority of lefties and righties want to live under despotism. The only difference I've been able to see between the two "sides" is they each prefer to live under a despot that's on their team.

    What do they care about? Winning scam elections so they can rub it into the other side. "Ha Ha Ha we won this time around so eat our despotism and like it beotch!"

    It's sickening.

    So long as the crook is one of "us" anything goes. We have to get beyond the phoney left vs right paradigm and act like Americans instead of opposing sides fighting over the scraps the banksters and corporitos toss us once in awhile or it's over man and that ain't groovey at all.
    #16 poncho, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2013
  17. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    okay, Poncho.
    I'm still trying to understand if you are toeing a Marxist line. No disrespect intended.
    I taught and said the same thing back in the day, in the jungles, in urban safe houses, in farms, in front of a gathering of peasants,workers,students, intelligentsia.

    That government will not investigate its crimes against them, the people, because government is for the elite, in that case then, the ruling class controlled and supported by the multinational banks, corporations, and the US.
    So in a sense, I can understand what you're saying.
    But the bottom line one comes down to when one kicks that can down the road, is that the people must rise up to overthrow the tyrannical system.
    It is the ONLY logical conclusion, because when we say what you just said, then the peaceful political process is out.
    We need to realize that.

    On another track, personally, I couldn't care less if Obama was black, white, brown, red, Democrat, Republican, or whatever.
    Before Benghazi, I didn't care who sat as president, whether he be a Mormon, a Muslim, or a Christian, an economist, or a cellist.
    But seeing how Obama looked at grieving parents straight in the eye and took their hands and probably said, "I'm so sorry for your loss", and knowing from facts at hand that he could have prevented those deaths kinda set me off.

    But, yeah, he's there now, whether I like it or not, he's the "declared" president of the US of A, and we all gotta live with that for the next four years, but personally, I'll join every effort, peacefully, to make those four years miserable for him, and have BENGHAZI always staring him in the face.
  18. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Do you think I'm toeing a Marxist line because I'm against the merger of corporate and state power? That would make me an anti corporatist instead of a Marxist wouldn't it?

    Look dude. I have no problem with capitalism okay. If a man uses his money to make more money that's fine. Here's the problem. What you may see as capitalism today isn't really capitalism at all.

    It's corporatism. The merger of corporate and state power. Or as I call it "financial cannibalism". The international financiers have hijacked our government and our economy and are using them to eat us alive. But it's not just a local thing meaning it's not just the American government and economy they've hijacked but all the western governments and the global economy.

    These cannibals are devouring the substance of the whole world right before our eyes.

    When the plate starts to get empty in one part of the world they move to fill it up in another part of the world using the "meat" they have stolen from their previous victims. Today they are using the "meat" they have stolen from us to devour the Middle East and North Africa. And they'll keep doing it until we are stripped clean to the bone. And we ain't got far to go now. Do you think the "interantional community" aka international banksters and transnational corporitos bombed Libya to smithereens because Gaddafi was a bad guy?

    No man. It was about three things. Gold, oil and keeping Africans from forming a United States of Africa. Our oligarchical world rulers don't care how many Arabs and Africans kill each other. To them the more the better and if they can facilitate it by using one side to kill the other then it's party on dude! The one thing they will not tolerate is any threat to their global financial and corporate empire.

    Gaddafi was that kind of threat. He wanted the gold dinar to be the currency of Africa and he threatened the PTB by working to form a union between the African states.

    That couldn't be tolerated. It would empower the Africans by robbing power from the NWO, or international community, or banksters and corporitos or what ever you choose to call the global financial oligarchy that now control the western governments and the mass media.

    I'm not a Marxist. I just don't like the idea of being ruled and devoured by an un elected, un accountable global financial oligarchy. It just ruffles my feathers.

    Armed revolution would be useless because all the guns would be pointed at the wrong people. Government's don't rule the world anymore. The banks and corporations do and they will continue to do so until we lefties and righties can quit arguing amongst ourselves about stupid useless things and put the blame where it belongs. We haven't got the time to keep fighting amongst ourselves, before we know it the "beast" will have devoured us all while we go down blaming each other.

    It's just ridiculous.

    Look dude the game they play is called divide and conquer. And they do it in every country they have control over or want control over. We as a people as a species have to stop falling for it.

    We have to realize that both sides are being manipulated for a reason. And that reason is to sap all our energy and waste all our time fighting each other instead of them.

    If we keep spending all our time and energy hating each other and fighting amongst ourselves they've already won.

    Look at Libya and Syria. What's the game? Divide and conquer! Look at Iraq. What's the game? Divide and conquer! Look at Europe. What's the game? Divide and conquer! Look at Iran. What's the game? Divide and conquer!

    Look at the USA. What's the game? DIVIDE AND CONQUER!!!

    How do we win the game? UNITE AND OVERCOME!!!
    #18 poncho, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2013
  19. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    No problem.

    I know you are a person of integrity and you have never come across as a racist.

    Thank you for your humility and receiving my concerns in the spirit in which they were intended.
  20. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    In my time, we called it "cronyism".

    I get really uneasy when I hear talk like that because of the guy I buried in the waters of baptism a long time ago.
    That corpse sometimes feels like it wants to resurrect, you know what I mean?
    Let's lay it to rest, man.