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Featured Evolution: Did God use it? Did God directly create every single species?

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by evangelist6589, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    I believe that God created the world and all that is in it from the mountains to the animals as I believe in a Literal Genesis 1-5 and not allegorical as some of the false teachers believe. The false teachers when teaching their allegory view of Genesis read into the scripture using their Hermeneutical dances and may be persuasive, but they do not take the Bible seriously. Anyways thats another topic. Well for my question I have always wondered did God create every single species of wolves, cats, birds, and the like, or did he create the hybrids and after they mixed they became other species? For example perhaps God created 2 Lions, and 2 Tigers, and overtime they mixed and became Mountain Lions, house cats, BobCats, Cheetah's and the like. Is this possible? or what of the millions of insects? What use will there be for the Bed-Bug in the millennial kingdom? Did all the insect species go on the ark? This page claims 900,000 insect species, however that is of ones that have been discovered as there are probably double that, that have not been discovered in South America.

    Henry Morris has some great works, but unfortunately I do not own a copy of the Genesis Flood which may explain these questions. Sometimes unbelievers have these questions and this is where Apologetics is nice, and necessary rather than using the LAW all the time. But in this case these questions are my own.

    #1 evangelist6589, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  2. Jon-Marc

    Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    In the Genesis account of the creation, God SPEAKS everything into existence, with the exception Adam and Eve who were created by His own hand, with God breathing the breath of life into them.

    Evolution is generally one species changing into a new species. There is also the false belief that God created the world and life and then left it all to "evolve" on it's own--known as "theistic evolution". That belief is just as wrong as saying that everything evolved from a lower life form into a more complicated one. Evolution has NOTHING whatsoever to do with God creating everything. Those who believe that lie of the devil believe in a limited God Who couldn't create everything Himself, if they even believe that He exists.

    There is such a thing as "adapting" to the environment, but that is a far cry from evolution.
  3. Sapper Woody

    Sapper Woody Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    "Evolution" is often confused with the "Theory of Evolution". Evolution is a proven fact. The most obvious example of evolution is the fact that all humans came from one common ancestor, yet we don't all have the same skin color. Evolution is occurring even today, with new breeds of plants, dogs, cats, etc coming out all the time.

    However, the Theory of Evolution takes this process too far and decides that we all originated that way, and that through constant change one species eventually becomes so different from a parent species that it can be classified as different. This never happens. You can take two different breeds of dog and make a new breed. But the new breed will still be a dog.

    I personally believe that God used evolution after the flood to generate all the different species of animals we have today. Not that God needs help, but it makes the "great deluge" seem much more plausible if Noah only had to worry about a male and female wolf instead of a male and female timber wolf, male and female grey wolf, male and female German Shepherd, male and female Collie; I think you get my point.

    In short, I believe in a literal six day creation. Then I believe God used evolution to allow different breeds to develop within species. But never to create a new species.
  4. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    So yo think that 1 million insect species fit on the ark? You think that every type of cat also fit on the ark? I am not calling it "evolution" and God did create every insect and animal, but perhaps not a direct create as he created the hybrids and they adapted. I am not sure on this one..
  5. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    That is microevolution and I agree with you that God created the base and then created the rest through variations in genes (OP - God created EVERYTHING - even those breeds that came later like the Laberdoodle :) ). But it is macroevolution (fish turning into land creatures) that I disagree with.
  6. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    I believe God directly created everything. Period. But I think that He created cats all those years ago and since then has created the different breed of cats through genetic mutation, direct change and that sort of thing. It is called "microevolution" as I said in the last post and that is even observable in our day today.
  7. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    God rested from all His creating on the Seventh Day.

    In respect of men, all who walk the earth today, and who will walk, were created in Adam.

    I don't mean by that, that Adam was created merely with the potential to have children and that you are merely the next random combination of genetic traits. I mean YOU were, with all your specific traits, specifically and individually created in Adam on purpose.

    So the fact that men are being born and will be born till the end, does not mean that God is actively engaged in an ongoing process of creation. That work is done.

    So the question about whether or not every species and variation was actively created is yes, but is it being actively created? No.
  8. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    I don't know that anyone "confuses" evolution with the theory of evolution. To just use the term evolution is a common term used to reference macro evolution and it is not really necessary to make such distinctions. Everyone understand that evolution means the process of all living beings beginning from a once cell amoeba and then moves forward from there. It is not necessary to bring up micro evolution every time the subject of evolution comes up.
  9. Archie the Preacher

    Jan 8, 2005
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    A couple of thoughts about God

    First Thought:
    I keep wondering, how quickly does God 'speak'? As a human, I normally assume He speaks at a rate comparable to what I and other humans speak. But is that justifiable, or simply an unwarranted assumption at best and a limiting of God at worst?

    How long has God 'lived' (that word 'lived' really doesn't apply, does it? But I can't think of a better word.) He was always in existence, and therefore had a good while prior to the events outlined in Genesis 1:1. So I really wonder if God is limited by human patterns of speech?

    Second Thought:
    When God created the Universe, He not only created all physical things, but He also created all the 'rules' of the Universe. So He created all the laws of physics - electro-magnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces and gravity - as well as how arithmetic works, calculus and why drinking too fast gives one the hiccups.

    Therefore, if any 'law of nature' is discovered, God created it al principio. This includes plate tectonics and the coefficient of friction. This also includes the laws of heredity and how plants and animals develop, change or expire over time.

    Third thought:
    Why did the Biblical based teaching and doctrines regarding the Earth being the center of the Universe change?

    These are matters that require self-examination. Not for salvation, understand. Despite the more legalistic teaching extant, Salvation is dependent on a relationship with Jesus Christ and a full reliance on His Grace, not on observance of man-made traditions. In fact, one does not even have to understand anything more of the Bible than Jesus.

    However, these questions can reveal much about the nature of God and how He works. They also reveal much about how a human sinner thinks about God.
  10. thisnumbersdisconnected

    Apr 11, 2013
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    The Bible says nothing about insects being on the Ark, and I doubt they were. The pupae, chrysalises, cocoons, etc. would have survived the flood, either floating on tree branches or nestled under the soil.

    The Bible says Noah and his family took on every "kind" of animal, not every "type." Darwin, for example, pointed to his pigeons as examples of evolution, but that wasn't "evolution," it was artificial selective breeding. Within two generations of Darwin's death, his family taking over care of the pigeons, the offspring -- no longer selectively bred because the nieces and nephews didn't know how to do that -- all returned to the same variety of pigeon.

    No. As Jon-Marc stated early on, God spoke everything into being, except Adam and Eve, whom He hand-crafted. There was no "evolution" or "selective breeding" involved.

    Good. At least you haven't been lost to the dark side yet. :laugh:
  11. preachinjesus

    preachinjesus Well-Known Member
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    Feb 9, 2004
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    Evolution is a proven fact. Doubt it? Go over to Greece, Rome, Israel, etc and walk into a 1,000 year old stone house without ducking.

    Now, humanistic Darwinian macro-evolution is worth doubting. The wild claims made by its supporters are almost as bad the claims made by too many YECs.

    Genetic diversification is one way to see evolution at work in our present day.

    Besides, all Calvinists are evolutionists. ;)
  12. prophet

    prophet Active Member
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    May 8, 2010
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    After you visit Greece, proceed to Canaan, and lay down on Og's 13' bed. Try out a Gathian armour suit or sword...you may not even be able to lift the spear.
    Then look at the archiological history of North América. See Aztecs and Mayans come up to the shoulders of Chickasaw and Cherokee.

    And then realize that the post prior was anecdotal non evidence.
  13. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Answers in Genesis explained it once as I saw Ken Ham in person at a church but I can't remember what he said and how he explained it about how it works. But he did agree that God did not allow every single cat species on the ark in the entire world as well with all the different birds, and other animals.
  14. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    So the ark was big enough for all the different types of cats, dogs, birds, and insects? Speaking of insects there are over a million different types of them and that is only a estimate. How did they all fit on the ark? I believe that God held the animals back so that they did not hurt Noah, so it was possible to hold a Cobra, Viper, Brazilian wandering spider, and the like without harm.
    #14 evangelist6589, Jan 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2014
  15. evangelist6589

    evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Then you explain it. Ken Ham did in a video, but I can't remember what he said and where the video is. Explain all the different types of cats, and dogs. Did God directly create the Tiger and Lion, and then after a period of time Mountain Lions and Bobcats showed up?
  16. HungryInherit

    HungryInherit New Member

    Feb 10, 2013
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    There are some great threads on this forum in the evolution & creation archives
  17. thisnumbersdisconnected

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Why post to a thread if you're not going to read the comments of other posters? This question was answered. Either you didn't read it, or you just ignored it because it doesn't fit what you want to believe. Don't know which, but either way, that's not being very responsible in participating in the discussion.
  18. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Doctor Henry M. Morris has something to say about this issue in his work entitled The Genesis Record (pp. 185 - 186).

    The work to which I refer is [c] 1976 by Baker Books, 2000 printing. IBSN = 0-8010-6004-4;
  19. Judith

    Judith Well-Known Member
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    May 22, 2012
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    Without getting into the different types of evolution I will answer your question. This is your question;
    "did God create every single species of wolves, cats, birds, and the like, or did he create the hybrids and after they mixed they became other species?"

    In Creation God created one man and one woman and he has never created any others. Yet we have black people, white people, pigmies, people with slanted eyes and people with round eyes. So the question where did they come from. They all came from the first two created beings. In the creation the first two people had to have all the genes to make up all the differences we have in the human race today yet they all remained human and never crossed into another species. The same would be with every other species.