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FEMA Recruiting Pastors To Prepare For Martial Law

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, May 24, 2006.

  1. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    A Pastor has come forward to blow the whistle on a nationwide FEMA program which is training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to "obey the government" in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.

    In March of this year the Pastor, who we shall refer to as Pastor Revere, was invited to attend a meeting of his local FEMA chapter which circulated around preparedness for a potential bio-terrorist attack, any natural disaster or a nationally declared emergency.

    The FEMA directors told the Pastors that attended that it was their job to help implement FEMA and Homeland Security directives in anticipation of any of these eventualities. The first directive was for Pastors to preach to their congregations Romans 13, the often taken out of context bible passage that was used by Hitler to hoodwink Christians into supporting him, in order to teach them to "obey the government" when martial law is declared.

    FEMA training document for pastors (PDF) 33 pages.

    It was related to the Pastors that quarantines, martial law and forced relocation were a problem for state authorities when enforcing federal mandates due to the "cowboy mentality" of citizens standing up for their property and second amendment rights as well as farmers defending their crops and livestock from seizure. It was stressed that the Pastors needed to preach subservience to the authorities ahead of time in preparation for the round-ups and to make it clear to the congregation that "this is for their own good."

    We have received confirmation from other preachers and Pastors that this program is a nationwide initiative and a literal Soviet model whereby the churches are being systematically infiltrated by government volunteers and used as conduits for martial law training and conditioning. The Pastor was told that over 13,000 counties were already on board.

    It falls under the umbrella of the NVOAD program which is training volunteers in a "Peer to Peer" program in a neighborhood setting.

    Pastors were told that the would be backed up by law enforcement in controlling uncooperative individuals and that they would even lead SWAT teams in attempting to quell resistance.

    Click Here To Listen to Interview.



    About three months ago, I was invited to become a part of a group implementing federal FEMA/Homeland Security directives in our county. I couldn't pass that up!

    Lots of interesting and bothersome info being discussed at these meetings...

    * Local FEMA's ('across the US' according to a spokesman at our local meeting) are gathering Ministers (Pastors) to help in the event of a "declaration of Martial Law or like police action following a declared emergency or quarantine due to an act of bioterrorism". The discussion centered around the need of 'locals' to "quell the cowboy mentality" of farmers who may have their stock or crops confiscated and subsequently destroyed.
    * FEMA and other Disaster Agencies (NVOAD in particular: www.nvoad.org) are training volunteers in a "Peer to Peer" program. That program trains people to assist FEMA in a neighborhood setting--teams reach out to neighbors in a declared emergency and "get their neighbors to obey authorities". According to our spokesman, Ministers will be especially helpful because "you guys and gals can use Romans 13".

    These are but two highlights and I would like to share more with you should you find this helpful.

    Plum Island is a CDC/USDA effort to stop "Foreign Born Diseases" from coming into the US. They also test domestic diseases. Since the island sits in International waters, our spokesman said "anything sent to them can be declared 'foreign born' and could initiate a quarantine by the fed's". He added, "that would help us all".

    By the way, I am a Pastor. You all know one of our congregation******** a blessing to our church and my family.

    The next meeting (FEMA) is set for May. I will attend as they will be giving out printed material on this plan. Want a copy?

    Name deleted to protect the Pastor by Webmaster

  2. Phillip

    Phillip <b>Moderator</b>

    Jun 29, 2001
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    From the first link you provided it sounds like they are training pastors to be counselors in case there is a flu epidemic in the particular county.
  3. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Click on the second link.

    I figure this only the begining of this story more info will surface in time. It always does. Not on Fox or CNN of course. They're more in the business of entertainment and misdirection than revealing important information and stories to the public. ;)
  4. James_Newman

    James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    The interview with the pastor is interesting.
  5. James_Newman

    James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Ah, sweet double post.
  6. James_Newman

    James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    I imagine that soon, churches and pastors are going to start to realize what is going on and may begin to dissent. Then they will find out what that 501(c)(3) is really for. Just like IBT was, churches that will not go along with the govt will find themselves stripped of their assets.
  7. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 18, 2006
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    conspiracy propaganda
  8. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    In other "news", Jesus and the Apostle Paul were also recruited by the Roman Government to prepare Christians to be submissive to the NWO.


    Joseph Botwinick
  9. thjplgvp

    thjplgvp Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I can't remember exactly but the first few pages of the FEMA training document remind me of a hospital training course I went through for ministers a few years ago that dealt with how to handle tragedy in the lives of the citizens.

    I will have to go back and see if I still have the paperwork.
  10. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Not really but what they said is often taken out of context to reinforce the idea that we should always obey our civil servants no matter how far they go beyond their constitutional and therefore legal authority delegated to them by the people in good faith. Even the ones in uncontitutional agencies like FEMA that have no real power under the constitution and operate only by the color of law and intimidation. ;)

    If they are operating outside the legal authority which they agreed to live by they are no longer doing God's will but their own or the will of a foreign power, like the CFR, Trilaterals and the United Nations.
  11. Rufus_1611

    Rufus_1611 New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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  12. happywarrior

    happywarrior New Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    This subject is being used by ahteists etc.

    Hi ya'll, I'm trying to find more information about the FEMA pastors. I've emailed the reporter at KLAS, Jeff Farrell. The name of the pastor that broke the story back in 2006

    Yesterday I received an e-mail from Jeff and the first part goes like this.

    "From: Grace Shepherd Church [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:31 AM
    To: All KSLA News12
    Subject: Clergy Response Teams

    I saw the video story on Clergy Teams--thanks for your story! I am a Pastor who attended training for these teams and made this information public in March of 2006. Please read on."

    Now the part that bothers me most is that there are no names of the FEMA officers who were giving this pilot program a go.

    I would like to hear if anyone else has been propositioned by FEMA to the extent that Pator Walt Mansfield has been and what documentation they might have recieved.

    As I said in the subject, this news has been picked up by the radical socialist to put a wedge between pastors their congregations and the community. This is an important issue that needs to dealt with quickly. If it is true then it needs to be exposed if it is just a crank then it also needs to be debunked.
  13. betterthanideserve

    betterthanideserve New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Hello Brother!

    I refuse:repeat after me .......... ephesians 5:11
    ephesians 5:11
    ephesians 5:11
    ephesians 5:11

    ( I'm standing on the rock of ages)

    Do you think that the scales will ever come off of the eyes of the sleeping church?

    My prayer ,open our ears that we may hear,open our eyes that we may see!