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Abortion or Water Boarding, Which is Satanic?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by OldRegular, May 24, 2009.

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  1. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I will throw spears at anyone I consider a threat to this country. Unfortunately we don't always get to choose those we must defend against the greater evil. A perfect example is the last election. though i respect John McCain for his courage and service in Viet Nam he was not my choice to be the Republican candidate. However, compared to what we got he is an "angel of light."

    By the way, i think third parties generally screw up the situation, consider the election of Clinton.
  2. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    That's only because people still believe the illusion of a two party system OR. The corporations that sponsor this theater have a system that uses both sides to achieve it's goals. No one gets to sit in the oval office without first passing the loyalty tests of these powerful corporate sponsors.

    If the corporations wish to expand their foreign holdings they bring in a republican. If they wish to expand their power over the American people themselves they bring in a democrat. Generally speaking. Obama is just doing his job to make sure what Bush started keeps moving forward just the way Bush made sure what Clinton started kept moving foward and always in the direction that serves the purposes and meets the goals of the same corporate sponsors. (see this) Just keep sticking with the right arm of the NWO...you'll sure show those who are sticking with it's left arm a thing or two won't ya?

    How can you protect your country if you side with those who would destroy it?
    #102 poncho, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
  3. windcatcher

    windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    Personally, I believe that those who are leading us into the NWO... are very please with their success:

    They have succeeded in taking something.... like this current distraction of ours... and while having a moral implication.... is in actually very limited in its scope of influence except for its usefullness as propaganda.... and its usefulness to divide us over things which we have no power to control..... therefore our opinion is merely jaw flapping for what purpose?

    What? To divide us more and have us accuse each other and judge each other.... based on what? Not what we have done. I've yet to see any member of the BB forum step up and admit taking part in any of these allegations... and as for each and all of us who post.... Our knowledge is only as correct as the information which we have received and depends on how thourough and truthful it is.... as well as our comprehension.

    We may or may not agree as to what constitutes torture.... but even among those who might think there could be situations which might permit enhanced interogation techniques.... I've yet to see anyone advocating pulling fingernails, cutting off fingers or toes, burning or branding, cutting, electric shock, chemical inducement of psychotic states or 'truth serum', or destroying knee caps..... etc. so in other words.... there is no one on this board who advocates or would justify torture.... so that much is a moot point. There is some difference in opinion in what constitutes torture. As 'waterboarding' is not as cut and dried as some other forms of 'enhanced techniques' but has a variety of forms which range from mild discomfort to those techniques with potential for drowning.... creates a gap for discussion, clarification..... and in the confusion..... division. It's kind of like 'tasers' in the LEO use. While tasers may lessen the use of deadly force and the physical altercations and injuries sustainted by both sides.... tasers are not entirely without risk..... Taser can be tools of abuse when used.... because of the assumption of low risk and immediate subjection of subjects.... their safety is assummed..... therefore the conditions regarding why a subject is behaving irrationally is not a priority of law enforcement assessment until they feel safe in their control of subject.... so essentially necessary information such as a person having a heart attack, or an epileptic seizure, or low or high sugar, or in a state of dementia.... or psychotic episode, or having a stroke, or possessing some disability such as a foreign language... or hearing deficit..... Yet, people have died who would not been expected to die..... if not subjected to a tasor. Yet, many on this forum would generally agreed that tasors have the potential to save lives... particularly those of LEO when facing potential dangers and resistance in doing their duty.

    To capsulate..... under the NWO, it is important to keep peoples ties to each other as loose as possible and to maintain divisions. Where people have a particular influence... such as that of common faith which would unite them.... it serves the purpose of the NWO to create divisions and the easier it is to do over relatively insignificant reasons.... the easier it is to sustain or enlarge the gulf between their divisions.

    I don't doubt that the day will come..... where one will count how they voted for a President, or whether they were conservative or liberal, or what party they support..... as more important than their identification with Jesus Christ and the company of believers. While they may profess loyalty to Jesus Christ and the church.... they will see themselves superior in judgement of the brethren.... and will be traitors to those who truely are believers.... and easily offended by them.... will turn them in as criminals of the state. I suspect there are many who cruise and post to this board who will yield their members to such use and abuse by the enemy, should God allow the current progression of rule and corruption to proceed unchecked.
  4. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Folks we are a long way from water boarding but I believe Lady Eagle is going to close this thread.
  5. Robert Snow

    Robert Snow New Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    You just love to put words in other people's mouths. How about watching what comes out of yours instead?
  6. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    You are the one who said: "Thank God for President Obama!" I didn't.

    You should be watching what comes out of your mouth!
  7. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Excellent post. Thank you. :applause:
  8. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Thread closed as per previous warning.

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