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Remarriage after Annulment

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by FR7 Baptist, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. John Toppass

    John Toppass Active Member
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    Aug 12, 2008
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    There is no such thing as annulment in the scriptures that I am aware of. If I am wrong please direct me to the scripture/s I have overlooked.
  2. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    I make them aware of my past failures, and current success. I am ashamed of the failures, but, candid enough to use it to help others. This is why I wrote a very candid book (Prodigal Daze) and give it to the couples to read.

    It may surprise many, but, I've found that through my personal experiences, many couples have found the power to heal their marriages.

    I know God was not happy with my failures, but, I also know that He gave me that 'nod' to candidly share my life experiences with couples, churches, groups, etc. And the book just flowed, or, should I say 'gushed' forth from my heart and mind to the pages now in print.

    Finally, my past failures have given me a tremendous ability to discern what is going on within a couple who come to me for help. Very few are going to get one by me.

    Truly, God has restored that which evil destroyed. And, He is now using my experience and insight to help others to avoid the same path as mine.

    Thanks for asking.

    Pastor Paul :type:
  3. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    Genesis 29:25
    And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was Leah:laugh:

    So, no annulment for Jacob, eh?
  4. Peggy

    Peggy New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    @ Righteous (Pastor Paul)
    I sure do agree that having been there, done that gives you greater insight and empathy for hurting people. Your people are lucky to have you to counsel with.

    Maybe you misunderstood me.. I am currently divorced and definitely gun-shy! :)
    However, due to the fact that I have terminal cancer I am not in a position to look for a new mate.

    Divorce and annulment are certainly hot-button issues these days. I think the key is to have both a loving and a Biblical response. Each situation is different.
  5. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    I Am So Sorry...

    Peggy, I was not aware of your health situation. You are a very strong person, and I can tell from your posts and earlier comments that you are doing a tremendous job in fighting the cancer.

    I will probably get in serious trouble for doing this, but, I would love to send you a book I wrote on living with the 'thorns' we have received in life.

    If you would PM me your address, I will get a book off to you right away. I do believe that the contents of the book will serve to further strengthen your resolve, and help you to remain in full control of your life as you travel a path on one else can travel with you.

    Please take a look at a page from the book on my web site at: www.removethehaze.com

    Go to the third page, titled 'Thorn Daze' and you can read a short portion of one of the pages out of the book.

    Let me know if you like a copy of the book. OK ???

    If you don't want the book, that's fine, but, know that you will be on my personal prayer list, and I'll be one of many, who are standing along side of you as you fight this disease.

    You have served to confirm what I always say, when my physical pain grows worse. " Every day I run into someone in this life who has a burden much larger and heavier than mine. God will be with you, of course, you already know this :thumbs:

    Peace and Grace be Yours at ALL Times,

    Pastor Paul :praying: